PAGE TWO i-BCTHW ONI g BROAD STREET BULLETIN Kale The windows look dirty and the house seems dull Lifers apt to get drab during this short lull Between; Winter and Spring; But I try to remember Thant's now closer to Spring than it was in September. I sincerely believe that most -of us ; get the izziwigs this time of year, but there’s a few little things we can do to brighten up the house or some fuller person’s house, either way you’ll feel hap pier. For instance, I noticed in one of, the stores last weekend,' an assortment of spring flowers, very inexpen sive.’. For only 39c I have a lovely’.purple hyacinth bloom ing—one favorite flow ers—giving ipe'u’big lift this cold weatKaw. Then later at another store, from the pro duce counter, I purchased a small container of chives, growing so pretty and green. These I r jjfit. .in the window and frnS'ftme to time, snip off the. tops for seasoning and wi@jlitf#s care will have chives, use ’ for many monthsatdf VAu have a friend who i#Tll dr unhappy, in doors you could bright en up ‘ with little effort. Jr- the will ctisappear. It was ’’icfod to learn re cently that it was impossible to buy Wild Bird Feed any where in /io\pn, fluring the snowy, cold weather. Seems like the stores would sell out of bird seed, just as soon as it came in ... so we know, lots of folks were feeding the birds. I saw Mrs. Edna Reaves uptown Toosday with her Home Ecojfoemicj Class visit ing in onthe stores, fea turing clothing and accessor ies for babies and young children. Each year the home economics classes have, as one facet of training, “Child Health and Baby Care”, thus the field trip for learning modern inct-hods in clothing and accessories for infants and toddlers. Look . . . fellows . . . don’t forget it . . . Monday, Feb ruary 14 . . . it’s an import ant day especially to the woman in your life. You won’t have to spend a lot of money, but saying “I love you” in some way, makes a lot of difference in “Her” day. It’ll soon be time to re decorate your home for spring and summer, but many of us; have specific ideas, either iHgrnal or cop ied from magazines on how we want to “re-do” a room or two. There’s no one way to a home, it all depends on the people who live in it. One of the great est pleasures and satisfactions a woman can krttnV is"xreat ing in her house the atmos phere which exactly suits her family. If she tries to copy someone else or listens to too many other her home will not suit 1 her family and no ohe will* feel “at home”. Nothing is worse than forc ing the family to live in a setting of e silks and satins, when they * happen to be a gingham or denim type. A square pfeg lh a round hole so to speak . . . and your family may not stay at home. So when you’re thinking about changing things, keep in mind the needs of your Seagrams I si* - * ICroum T’’"' v-W I j it A i n Seven «„ J V ? A\mucA» i ss mm»wHmn - - mi *4# - -^■-C- J :.J L _ aJ v'l" nMiV Wl|W' WriM ~ • .. family and what kind of a home would make them hap piest. While writing this column this week, my mind' rambles on many different things. ( I keep thinking about this morning for instance, about what an interesting Circle Meeting we had at Pauline Oglesby’s. We are studying the Book of Acts with Mrs. Willie B. Moore as the leader and it has the beginning of quite an interesting study. We get quite a bit ouf of our Circle meetings and lots of the work of the church stems from these meetings. By the way, Mrs. Oglesby served some very delicious cook ies, called Pecan Dainties, and she was kind enough to share her recipe. Here ’tis: 1 egg white, beaten until frothy. Add % cup white sugar or 1 full cup of brown sugar and one cup chopped pecans (or walnuts). Drop by teaspoon on a greased cookie sheet. Bake 15-20 minutes in 150 degree oven. Makes around 20 cookies. The Eastern Star had a “dress up” meeting, too, this week, honoring their Past Matrons and Past Patrons. At the conclusion of the meeting a very pretty pro gram was given. We had delicious refreshments there, too, and, of course, we ate and ate . . . There’s not many weeks that I don’t see or think of someone who is just a par ticularly nice person and one of these is Ethel Haskett (Mrs. Leroy). Ethel is such a pleasant person, very affi uble and quite unassuming, besides, I think she’s pretty! Cuilar Lessens Begin Thursday The response of people in terested in taking guitar les sons has been overwhelming. George Weigand, the teach er, who is a student at East Carolina College and a semi professional guitarist, was de lighted with the response. However, he will be able to teach only half of the group who came—The rest will have an opportunity to take the next six week course. If you came the first night and have not yet been noti fied which class you will be in, please call Mrs. Ross Ing lis at 482-2987. Boy Seoul News The Edcnton Boy Scout Troop No. 156 elected Robert Smith as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader on Monday, February 7, 1966. The Scouts will go to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, February 13, at 10:f5 A. M., for services in honor of Boy Scout Week. A Court of Honor will be held Monday, February 14, at 7:30 P. M., at the Scout Cabin. All parents and friends are invited. TOMMY JACKSON, Publicity Officer I 1..... i Fresh FVoren — t T SI>A In.i—rtrel hr. | I |i| STOCK UP AT THIS GIVE-AWAY PRICE! I BBWB|—ijWL L| USD A Inspected Loin Western Steer Choice 12-oz. Armour’s Star I PORK lb. GROUND lb. SLICED lb. i ROAST 69c BE E F 45c BACON 69d I 1 "^^ mmam %iatKcm AC I snin iiFiEI D WWJ| ALL MEAT I SI HAMS SAUSAGE FRANKS I |whole»9s* _Jb-_d9c^l g(i-oz. Sunshine State Frozen v p l^ Choice Canned 1 lORANGE 6 cans / W\ Biscuits 6 i 53*1 UUICE 89c / u