PAGE FOUR t—SECTION TWO Cajfories Topic At Chowan Hopie Demonstration Meetings Calories* couhU in weight control. T£ue or false? This was one of a series of ques tions on. i Food Facts and False asked by agri cultural home economics agents at February meetings of Chowan Home Demon stration 3tjlubs.* The state ment is true. Calories do count. person consumes more cagjjjjies than he uses, the excess is stored in body fat. A logiiHj question asked by manj»;'«lub members was, “How mjjjjy calories should I eat ” '©ut this is a ques tion with almost as many answers m questioners. The number Os catorjtes used daily depends upon a person’s sex. age, weighW and physical activities.' To maintain his present weight a man 35-5 S years old. of average height, weighing around 155 pounds moderately active, will use about 2,600 calories a day A younger man would use more, an older man less. A LISTINGS NEEDED {(lift ■ HOUSE: dining room; located one mile from city limits on US 17 south. With apartment be hind home. A real buy! DUPLEX: 3 bedrooms in each. On LTS 17 north. 2 ACRE LOT: wooded; located on US 17 north. 3-BEDROOM HOME: located East Eden Street. We. have a list of prospects in hand but more property listings are needed immediately. 1 f you want to sell your property, list it right away with TOM CROSS 482-3159 Associated With HAYWOOD JONES PHONE 482-2314 AUTOMATIC I DELIVERY I now have a tank! Texaco Chief" ■ You’ll never run lowwhen you I deal with us. Our degree-day I deliveries assure you of an I abundant supply of the finest I heating oil money can buy— ■ ■H|H| automatically. Texaco Fuel I Chief—the heating oil that H burns so cleanly, so com-1 pletely, you get full value ■ from every drop. Give us a I ÜBIHmm call—then relax and enjoy I a warm, comfortable home ■ this winter. ■ Hmm^m — m J.H. Conger tSongSaiS] Pha^SZ-aeUOT^^a-Bdenton more active man more, a less active man, fewer calories. An average height, moder ately active woman that age who weighs around 125 pounds would use approxi mately 2,000 calories a day. To lose weight, a person should eat fewer calories than he is using. In this case the body will use stored fat, resulting in a weight loss. However, before join ing “the Lunch Bunch” or starting any drastic diet, a medical check-up is in order. These crash diets do not supply the food nutrients needed to maintain good health over an extended oeriod of time. They should be followed only as recom mended by a physician. For those with a minor weight problem, C. W. Over man suggested a pushing ex ercise, that is, push away from the table before eating hat extra helping. March 2-12 is National Peanut Week. This notice may not v' seem' related to talks On calorie counting, but weight watchers now can nibble on peanuts from which molt than half the calories have been removed. .The first low-calorie pea nuts are being introduced in stores followihg the adop tion of a process that “squeezes” the peanuts, then restores th.em to normal size and shape. In this process, the calorie content of peanuts is reduc ed by placing shelled pea nuts in a , hydraulic press and squeezing Out much of the peanut’s natural oH, which contains most of the calories. The peanuts retain their original 'flavor and high-protein content, accord ing to the T7SDA. Thgt have a lighter color than conventional peanuts, are slightly less salty and have a distinct crunchy texture. Incidentally, our Edenton peanut facilities are among those working on this pro cess. Op<2nJj2tt#i4 from T. B. WILLIFORD Dear friends. It has been our . privilege to serve of nearly I* all religions. Some i require specific rit uals as part of the service. We ark well aware of those requirements and meticulously ful fill them. We are also most willing to comply with personal varia tions in the conduct of the funeral service. Respectfully. WILLIFORD FUNERAL HOME ; EDENTON, N.C. — - - —‘ Being courteous may re quire a little extra time but, in the long run, it often saves time. TOE CROW AN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MARCH Ift, 1966. CROSSWORD ACROSS * 1. Kitchen i implements 5. Caresses lightly 9. Example 10. Run' away to- Gretna Green 12. Straighten (var.) 13. Asian goat antelope 14. Having the flavor of peppermint 15. Hospital division IC. Like 17. Health resort 20. Selenium (sym.) 21. Transport 24. Long, loose overcoat 27. Rattle snake 29. Short sock 31. Antarctic explorer 34. Exist 35. Affirma tive votes 37. Hawaiian bird 38. Alpha, 41. Lift 44. Turkish city 46. More strange 47. Fling 48. Culture media Otherwise 50. Uttte Theresa DOWN 1. Gloss • 2. Norse god 3. Canvas , shelter 4. Weaver's reeds 5. Pin 6. Below (naut.) 7. Law Os Moses (var.) 8. Meager 9. Mothers 11. Senior '■ 18. Doughy cement r TfTTI H —l s " P|l = 1 = “IPP w\ \\wv\ rw SENATOR SAM ERVIN * SAYS ☆ WASHINGTON Consti tutional problems seldom 1 make the headlines, but they do determine how well we are governed. Tne elec toral system of choosing a i President and Vice Presi- 1 dent has been with us since I 1787. In the years since then, it has proved a source 1 of controversy, and has trig- : gered about as many de oates as any other sustained issue before the Congress. Basically, the system was founded on a false premise ; that a few men called “elec tors” would choose our chief , executive officers. The sys-II lem has never worked as' planned. After Washing ton’s administration, poli tical parties arose, and out moded the plan. Custom has altered some of the elec toral system mechanisms, but the antiquated procedure' continues to this day. The problem is a current one. The President has sent a recommendation to Congress for a constitutional amendment to provide that each presidential elector be required te vote for the party candidates proposed by the party which nominated him. Since only eight elec tors have defected in 43 presidential elections, and no defection has ever altered the result, it hardly seems worth the effort to amend the constitution to accom plish so little. What is needed is an over haul of the whole electoral process. This would make the amendatory procedure worthwhile. Last week I joined Senators Sparkman, Saltonstall and Dodd in sponsoring a joint resolu-' tion to abolish the Electoral College and institute a pro portional method of casting electoral votes. Governmental reform has been spurred by recent Su preme Court decisions which have drastically altered rep resentation in state legisla tive bodies. Indeed, the one-man, one-vote decrees of the courts have also reap portioned House seats in Congress. Irrespective of the merits of such court deci sions. attention has been fo cused on the antiquated Sectoral system which many in Congress have long sought to correct.' ! The proposal which I have joined _in sponsoring would accomplish needed changes while avoiding the pitfalls i inherent in each of the other . resolutions that have been introduced. First, it would abolish the unit-rule System by count ing electoral ”otes. The sfs tem, •which* completely dis franchises those who do not » V 1 ’ ■. : IS GILLETTE Cm Foamy 'W SHAVING CREAM If - SUPER- SATURATES fH TOUR HARD I The greatest producer of j real work is necessity. r Aaswcr L— L—i— L-J L— ■ | 19/Entire 22. Vex 23. Chunt 25. Egyp - tain earth- Rod (var.) 26. At tempt 2ft. Bev- I erage 29. Ancient Hebrew i fathers 30. Tease (colloq.) 32. Wanderers 33. Workers 36. Young h«g 39. Terminal appendage 40. Girl's name (poss.) 42. Border 43. Girl's nar (poss.) 45. Era vote for the winner within their state, is indefensible. In lieu of the unit-rule sys tem under which the win ner takes all of a state's electoral vote, the proposed bill would divide the elec toral vote according to each candidate’s percentage of a state’s popular vote. Conse quently, the vote of every voter would receive its pro portionate weight. Second, it proposes that if no candidate receives 40 per cent of the total electoral vote, the election would be |W£ OLD-TIMERS REMEMBER B ■ WHEN THE ONLY FACE OUT I WORRIED PEOPLES In these precarious times, more than ever, expert ad vice is needed to protect your estate for your loved ones. Our experienced trust officers work with your attorney, accountant and life underwriter to provide financial security to your beneficiaries. Investigate our Trust Department now. NEW HIGHER EARNINGS ON SAVINGS 4 % 4%%* Daily Interest ~. m ... . of Compounded Quarterly 6 to 12 Month* Passbook Savings © PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY ■‘ r. > . tjg' , >v * . ' * . - ' < Member F.D.I.a Edepsop, N. C. , * decided by the Congress in joint session, with each Senator and Representative having one vote. This would eliminate the inequity of permitting each state dele gation—no matter how large or small —to cast a single vote in contests which would now be thrown into the House. Third, like the Presi dents recommendation, it would abolish the Electoral College as a useless append age to our governmental structure. Legally, the elec tor must choose the Presi dent and Vice President. Actually, in practice, the elector is morally bound to carry out pro-forma func tions as a party delegate. This produces a strange paradox in a nation govern ed by written law. An amendment should clarify the procedure. The constitutional need is well known. What is im portant is that the system be corrected before it per mits a serious problem to arise in some future elec tion. Taylor Theatre EDENTON, N. C. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 10-11-12 Robert Vaughn Senta Berger and David McCallum in “THE SPY WITH MY FACE” IV* ETBOCOLOB Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, March 13-14-15 Doris Day and Rod Taylor in “DO NOT DISTURB” CINEMA SCOPE AND COLOB Wednesday and Thursday, March 16-17 Sophia Loren in “JUDITH” CINEMASCOPE AND COLOB Starting March 18 Walt Disney’s “THAT DARN CAT’ BIBLE VERSE “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” 1. Who was the author of this advice? 2. To whom was he writ ing at the time? 3. How can one obey the command? 4. —Where may these words be found? Answers To Bible Verse 1. Paul the Apostle. 2. The Cnristians living in Galatia. 3. By being forgiving and helpful to one’s fellowmen. 4. Galatians 6:2. There are three sureties of happiness: good habits, ami ability and forbearance. —Welch Proverb. He was looking over the comic greeting cards at Mitchener’s time passes quickly. You, too, will find wonderful greeting cards at Mitchener’s to read—and to send. 'HAL 482-3711 EDEHTON. N. C MASONS MEET TONIGHT R. T- Pidcter, master of Unanimity Lodge No. 7« -4k F. & A. M., announces! that a stated’ communication df the lodge will be held to night (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. The first degree will be conferred uport a candidate, so that a large at tendance is requested. NO LIONS MEETING Edenton Lions Club . not meet Monday night due to members attending an an niversary meeting in Eliza -f beth City. c