THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, Merry Jpll News By Mr, Ethel Wtnborae Hftr. and Mrs. Leslie Willi ford of Newport News wei4 the Thursday guests of Me. and'Mrs. Joe White. « and Mrs. Miles White, were the Sunday night gposts of Mr. and Mrs. Iw W¥te. Ua'b Mr. and Mrs. Miles White wdre the Sunday night guests of Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr, ? iMr. and Mrs. Tom BissetteM and daughter of Wilson spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smithwick. •' | Mrs. Rufus Baker his beat a patient in the Memorial Hf*p ital at Windsor for the j past week. Billy White, who has been attending State College Raleigh since Christmas spenft the weekend at home with- f parents, Mr. and Mrs. White. / W. White entered Bertie ital at’ Windsor niOfriing following a |jßrs. C. W. Davenport a 'patient in the Bertie M<£>J rnorial Hospital at Windsor sd&ral days last week, re tiMned home Saturday. Keeter of Hampton, •,Vj| spent Saturday at his hflpe here. . »rs. Virgie Baker and mSL E. J. Pruden, Sr., and S. B. Adams accompan ied!! Mrs. Odell White . of Windsor to visit Mr. and Mrs. Graham Pearce of Cole rain Wednesday afternoon. Marvin Cobb of Camp Le jeune was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Georgia Cobb for- the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Pierce of Portsmouth were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Pierce for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White and daughter Lisa pf Newport News spent the weekend with their parents, 1 flubltr Karaite Continued from Page One light among people to whom if must eventually turn for support. Within the next few years a vast amount of money must be spent at Chapel Hill an d other state-supported ihmpuses if the state is to meet the''- higher education, ctDpllenge,, , r . _ o npis will almost certainly involve a bond.issue -running into the millions of dollafa Tfe. put across such an issue with the people of North Ca rolina is very difficult under f thp most favorable conditions; %ex-Gov. Terry Sanford 1 overed to his dismay, ut to put a higher edu cation bond issite-across-ae-jf time when developnicnti at Chapel Hill were creating a "Berkley image’’ in the minds of the people would be nex.t, to impossiblfc. North Carolinians are basi cally conservative. The/ fear, rightly or wrongly, the cros sion of liberty and the en croachment of communism. They love the University of North Carolina; but they do ndt want to see it become a propaganda haven for the . forces we are fighting in , ! Viet Nam and elsewhere around the world. ’ They will buy freedom 4>n inquiry and freedom to ex change ideas with visiting ex ■perts so long as they serve to advance valid educational purposes; but they are not about to provide public plat forms to speakers sponsored groups with nothing bet- I ter in mind than to involve i.jgg h university in strife and I turmoil and pointless contro versy. ..iThat is where the line must be drawn—and it must miiM&wTiTTiM I Mode} KH-16C $ 'l l Jt’i jtut like having a supermarket in your own if,r home. Eliminates needless "second’’ trips to the grocery and enablee your .family to eat what they ' , want, when they want it. Has convenient counter ’ balanced lid, faat-freeze compartment and key lock. J/estern & Fuel Oil S*vicß gpr, and Mrs. J. W. Whitt and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dayton. * Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bak er of Norfolk spent the weekend with his father, Ru ftis Baker and visited his mother, Mrs. Bessie Baker, V patient in the Bertie Hos pital at Windsor. Those visiting Mrs. Kate Johnson and Mrs. C. T. Bak er Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sitterson of St. Petersburg, Fla., and Mrs. S. D. Ward of Orlando, Fla. &eir Sunday 'guests were: m Johnson and boys of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker of Capcharts community and Mrs. S. B. Adams of Riverside. { Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pru den, Jr., and children Ellen, JEJdmund and Marie and Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., visited Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Holloman of Williamston Sunday. * Miss Beckie O’Neal of Cho wan College, _ Murfreesboro, Spent the weekend with Miss May White. *» Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., Mrs. Kate Johnson attended the funeral of Mrs. Sadie Sitter son in Edenton Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William White and Miss Kay White -visited her father. Graham Fairless of Mill Neck Sun day afternoon. Miss Nina Love of Green ville and Jimmy Love of Swansboro were at home for the weekend. Mrs. Milton Robertson and son of Rosemead were the Saturday guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chesley White. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bar field and children Marilyn, Marsha and-Randy spent Sat urday with her parents, Mr. aVid Mrs. Noah Small of La -1 Grange. be drawn by the university administration, with the full support of the board of trus tees, If the administration is unable or unwilling to draw such a line, then it will soon discover that the people have‘granted it still another freedom—the freedom to op erate without funds, which is to say, the freedom to starve. That, too, is one of the original freedoms. Bar Mitzvah Service Held Mr. and Mrs. Bill Herman seleprated the “Bar Mitzvah” /confirmation) services of hheir son Harold Herman at the Agudath Achim Syna gogue in Suffolk, Va., on February 26, 1966. %Tt vw*)e--'dinH£f_ji’a.s served at Simpson's Restau rant. Among the guests were Mr. Mrs. Doctoroff and daughter Elaine from East Meadow, N. Y„ Mrs. N. Goodwin from Miami Beach, Fla., Mrs. L. Reim from Brooklyn, N. Y., Mrs. H. Mor gan from Maysville, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. A. Sadler and children from Baltimore, Md, Also Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Stillman and son, Mrs. E. B. Smith and son .from Edenton. N. C. Also from Suffolk, Va., Rabbi and Mrs. Kantor, Mrs. Mary L. January, Mrs. H. Bernstein, Mrs. M. Gold ner, Mrs. E. Kozak and Mr. and Mrs. N. Kozak, Ports mouth, Va. ’ Visit Parents Fred Britton, Jr., of Fred erick College, Portsmouth, and Miss Joyce Hooper of Norfolk were the weekend guests of ,his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Britton, Sr. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD V STOCK "SUPER RIGHT” FAMOUS QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED a. beef sale ROASTS CHUCK ROASTS ... 65c W ” W "SUPER-RIGHT" CORN-FED BEEF—BONELESS BONE-IN ‘iinui nrr noirr (Hi tmmmljT' .. puiipiy A 10 BRISKET ROASTS .. 65c BE C 'SUPER RIGHT” HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF 0 6th 00 PER U "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY, LEAN, FRESHLY 7ll|T 1 ODHIIIin DCCr per /[tin "SUPER-RIGHT" heavy corn-fed beef "SupeSight" heavy corn-fed sirloin TIP or 9SSPLSUL “ ,0t PORTERHOUSE or qq BONELESS , lft STEW BEEF tt 65c *-“■ “ “» c Rl * STEAK “ ■ "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF CUBED CHUCK STEAKS-- 89c Boneless Top Round Steak _ » 89c ■■SL,PER.R,GHT” HEAVY CORN-FED BEEP "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEP CUBED ROUND STEAKS 99c Boneless Bottom Round Steak 83c "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF BONE-IN "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF SHOULDER ARM STEAKS _ 69c CHUCK STEAKS bone in 55c A&P “OUR FINEST QUALITY” FRUIT mlurwM9 M#l OZ. CANS • PASTEURIZED PROCESSED CHED-O-BIT . PACKER S LABEL BRAND CHEESE SPREAD *K ..2 a. 79c NAVY BEANS. 2 lil 27c VS 27c • "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY • BIG TIME BRANL CHILI WITH BEANS 2'cj™ 1 55 c CHICKEN DOC FOOD 6'&£'B9c' • AB.P "OUR FINEST QUALITY" a an A&P EXCLUSIVE BRAND PINEAPPLE JUICE 'A- 27c SAIL LIQUID DETERGENT £, 53c ICE MILK 2 75c r Sponish Bar J iTru"”.,, 0 „ ao„ T I™™™ A w CAKES ■ otdto Morsels 2 33c L PRESERVES 4 E A&P BRAND FROZEN WESTERN GROWN RED g|#\ I F IL b 00 Green Peas 3 40c 2».'75c fQ b 7 Re 3 Delicious Apples.. 19r | .«. -tl 1 L 3 !l jBE- A Lh TASTY, JONATHAN ■ -l - 3 - apples MB r Lb REGULAR WHITE US HJI 0 POTATOES BAGS ■■ if I op YOUR Mm mmm 5 * POTATOES - CHOICE ■ W mTor .. 19 * W ■ MATCH™ • I a LEMONS X B SALE!