PAGE FOUR —SECTION TfIREK SifflllTY Georg* Dietrich, FMd Rtpruniillr* of ih# Social Security Administration is in Sdnalon. Thursday and is located In tho old Municipal BfiSldtti* (This is anottitK' tn * series o! , articles by ThdntSs ?. Wyatt, social seevrity district maaager 1 in Greenville, on how medicare ; v» ill work when it begins in July. The information is based on ‘•Your Medicare Handbook/* the guide that will be issued to all medicare beneficiaries during ( June. You may want to clip and discuss this article, so as to be J fully informed about medicare. The people in the social security office are ready to answer any , Questions you may have). Inpatient Hospital Service Hospital insurance will help to pay your care in a hospital for up to 90 days during each spell of illness. Dollars and Cents Each spell of illness pro vides for 90 days of benefit services. For the first 60 , days, tne insurance pays for all but S4O for the covered services you receive. From the 61st to the 90th day you would be responsible for the first $lO each day for cov ered services. What Hospital Insurance Will Cover —Room and board in a semi-private room (2 to 4 beds in a room). —Nursing services ordin ary furnished to the hospi , tal’s patients. —Supplies, appliances and equipment ordinarily fur nished to the hospital’s pati ents, such as sprints, casts, wheelchairs, crutches, etc. —Blood transfusions, ex cept lor the cost of the first three pints of blood in one i spell of illness. —Medical services ordin arily furnished by the hos pital. —Therapeutic services or- ■ g§ BANG UP VALUES Mf* BLAST /tI7J BUY WHERE THE SAVINGS ARE GREATER! 100 COUNT GILLETTE ZIPPO 1 PORTABLE Soft Dinner Size RIGHT GUARD iirurcD mci Bar-B-Que Grill NAPKINS DEODORANT ck 'Jsff " ” - JsK%,l u lw 26 y«" High - 18" Bowl 4 m $1.49 7 OZ. NEW B,G 10 OZ ' Bra * s Folding Legs 3 Ft. x 5 Ft. 50 Star U.S. Flag penny pinchin 8-transistor BE PROUD YOU'RE AN AMERICAN PICNIC VALUES RADIO FLY YOUR FLAG WITH PRIDE 'f ' .SHIRT FOCKEI_s^6 STEEL POLE & %J\J Full Size Round Chnire B Earphones MOUNTING BRACKET +T M* * PAPER PL ATES GUARANTEED BOXED FOR 'July 4th M 48 Count Cold <8 t * $J QO EASY STORAGE Blast SET Drink 7 oz. CUP 4,00 SUPER SPECIAL LADIES’ PANTIES 20 GALLON sizes 5, .and 1 mil galvanized 13c ca. - 2 for 23c Hi tIL Foam Cooler Chest 1 SSiii i t V 1® QT. ECONOMY SIZE ■■ V M gmm t Handy AH Purpose^^^^^ . « J mMr 6 Pae ! c Now Only $1.96 / /t'S2IT [M j - - • _ . Froxwn Pood jMo . Wlm jMA 3-RING T„fl„i n Ll n r. SWIM POOL PICNIC JUG 1 GUARANTEED TO KEEP Size 66 x 14 hot or cold for 9 hrs. floating or sunning -ONLY— —Only- QA $598 99c sZzZt,, GENEsI G ENESS&IO IgENES T alueß » Savings J South Broad street M \ alue.s -f Savings WMMMMKmmMmMO EDENTON, N. C. - - - - i. .Aai dinarily furnished to the hos pital’s patients, such as X ray or radium treatments. —Operating room costs. •—Drugs and biologicals or dinarily furnished to the hospital’s patients. —Diagnostic services or dinarily furnished by the hospital to its patients. For example, blood tests, electro cardiograms, etc. —Services of hospital resi dents and interns who are in training programs. What Hospital Insurance Will Not Cover —Private room, unless it is medically necessary ordin arily only when the patient’s condition requires him to be isolated (otherwise you pay the difference). —Private duty nurses. —Cost of first three pints of blood (hospitals will not charge for pints replaced by dopors). —Physicians’ and surgeons' services. (Medical insurance helps pav doctor bills). —Personal comfort items, such as radio and telephone charges, TV rental, etc. —Hospital services after 90 days in a spell of illness. Interest rates on U. S. Sav ings Bonds have been in creased four times since the first Series E Bond was sold on May 1. 1941. The rate may not be lowered during the term of a bond. Current rate is 4.159?, when held to maturity. Boy Scout News Edenton Boy Scout Troop 156 left Sunday morning for I a week at Pipsico Scout Res- I ervation on the James River II near Surry, Va. While liv ing in „thfe outdoors these boys cah advahee in ranfc and work on merit badges under the guidance of reg ular Scout counselors and navy personnel. Local boys in this camp are: Arthur Beeler, Joe Beel er, Joe Bunch, David Cope land, Joey Covington, Dillard Dixon, Logan EUiott, Mike Erwin, Tom Gainor, Mike Hall, Bud Holmes, George Holmes, Larry Knox, Tommy Jackson, Jimmy Lambeth, Mike Larum, Jeff Mabe, Tommy Shepard and John Smith. Adult leaders with the Edenton Troop are Paul Twiddy and Lee Nixon. The people are, that part of the state which,- does not know what it wants. —G. W. F. Hegel. Minutes Os Board Os Public Works Edenton. N. C., June 7, 1966. The Town Council and the Board of Public Works met . this day in joint session at the Edenton Municipal Building. Town Council members present were: Mayor John A. Mitchenor, Jr., J. Edwin Bulflap, Luther C. Parks. * T. D. Elliott. Henry G. Quinn, David' G. White .and Leo Katkaveek. Board of Public Works members present: Jesse L. ’ Harrell, chairman, J. H. I Conger. Jr.. Thomas C. By rum, Jr.. J. P. Ricks, Jr., : aiid W. J. P. Earnhardt. Sr. The Mayor read a letter i from the N. C. Attorney Gen eral’s office which advised of ■ • ■ -< ■ ■ THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA,’ TBtJBSDAT,* - JUNE certain obligations of both bodies—one- to the ..other. The Maypb and Council theft advised the Board of Public Works of the intentions of the Town Council in connec tion With these obligations and advised the Board of the nianher Jie wished them to fulfill theirs. After a short discussion of the matter, the Board of Pub lic Works excused them selves and proceeded to at tend to the regular business Os the department. The minutes of the meet ings of May 2, 1966; May 17, 1966, and April, 7, 1966, were read and approved. Motion was made by Thomas C. Byrum, Jr.; sec onded by W. J. P. Earn hardt, Sr., and duly carried approving E. & W. Depart ment. bills in the amount of $58,047,24 for payment as follows: Williamston Office Supply Co., $31.21;' Virginia Elec tric & Power Co., $14,418.00; R. J. Boyce Electrical Co., $51.14; Broad & Church Texaco Station, $1.50; Jordan Company, $53:94; Taylor Piedmont Co., $1,488.35; Charles B. Roth & Associ ates, $9.50; Southern Meter & Supply Co., $29.50; Trans port Clearings of the Caro linas, $15.42; Virginia Elec tric & Power Co., $589.16; East Carolina Supply Co., $541.42; Edenton Office Sup ply, $19.32; Graybar Electric Co., $459.02; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co., $34.49; Good year Service Stores, $17.23; Hobbs Implement Co., $2.50; Lathem Time Recorder Co., -$7.51; Line Materials Indus tries. $255.23; Motorola C. & E. t $61.75; P & Q Super Mar ket, $1.63; Phipps ■& Bird, $100.80; Ricks Laundry & Cleaners, $1.49; Dewey Bros., $178.49; Tidewater Supply Co.. $52.42; Albemarle Motor Co.. $1.74; Ashley WHdinc & Machine Co., $12.50; Mrs. Bertha Bunch, $16.90; Bunch Auto Parts, 19c; Badger Me- i e i^ Co " £ alc £ Tax Corp., $16.75; M. G. Brown Co., $16.57; Byrum Hardware Co., $20.72; J. H. Conger & Son, $88.38; Calgon Corp., $272.95; Edenton Auto Parts, $9.46; B. Warner Ev ans, $392.77; Electrical Equip ment Co., $148.93; American Public Power Association, $744.00; Pitney-Bowes, $9.27; David Parks, $26.00; N. C. Municipally Owned Electric System, $53.50; Nor. & Car. Tel, & Tel. Co., $119.24; Yan kee—Dixie Power Associa tion, $100.00; Virginia Elec tric & Power Co., $7.00; Town of Edenton, debt ser vice fund, $37,165.00; Bridge- Turn Servicenter, $34.61; Postmaster, $151.52; Town of Edenton Street Deppartment, $14.24; salaries paid in May, 1966, $4,094.86; total, $62,- 142.10. Received from current, $30,246.37; received from wa ter, $3,170.77; received from sewer, $3,038.11; received from merchandise, $1,203.18; received from water and sewer assessments, $75.00; certificate of deposit cashed, $25,000.00. Receipts in excess of dis bursements, $591.33. Chairman Harrell called attention to a report on the %nrfO. m jjpa ’ hcSß'* flSljizyg SPlSir Hb J jjj inff jpaE: — ~i —♦ tw jPfjr 'PS Hi* tSbPw n£ ||fla| 'r- — I i TOUR BEST . iiiffilS I I BUY BECAUSE, *9 I Jr •Jr oP jKF T.OW With n»or» Cdlemon txdusivet i Ni. with acceptable trade . '*** ™ on *V : 1 A A- tAw low dtiign Tor (pact* I raving installation, i if Full 10-.yaor warranty an 1 Automatic defrosting in refrigerator section: • Big fG9-Tb. ' ; *'i ’ *** •*«»«»•«* zero-degree freezer • Glide-out shelf • Bushel-size ■ « 0 n»roi« for constant, twin crispers • Super-storage door vfjsnnth. FREE ESTIMATE ANfe SPECIAL PRICE DURING JULY AND AUGUST! !!!!*!!::: compare !!!!!!!!!!! , 12.3 cu. ft. refrigerator-freezer , Get many expensive refrigerator features — BA inexpensively! Buy now! 1 RCA V/HIRLPOOL Appliances are Products of Whirlpool Corporation. Benton Harbor. Michigan. I ***• Nopi, | Trademarks M and RCA used by authority of trademark owner. Radio Corporation of America. ag 1 Special Prices On Good Used APPLIANCES! ' 21-in. RCA Victor TV and Stand— ©/V // / I I Summer Sale T $49.95 i 21-in. Motorola Console TV— L Summer Sale $49.95 23-in. RCA Victor Consolefte TV— -1 Summer Sale $74.95 Full Size Hardwick Gas Range— RCA VICTOR ! ' Summer Sale $59.95 \ l 30-IN. RCA WHIRLPOOL W'k*aiww<*i*MjmM.i^>Mw4 Gas Range- v ...$69.95 ■ SPO RTAHRUT . Gas Range - $79.95 Western Gas & Feel Oil Swvke ■ 1 operations and maintenance of the sewage disposal la bilities' recently received from the N. C. State Stream j Sanitation Department in Raleigh. This report was highly complimentary and congratulated the department management and attention to detail in its operaion. Mr. Harrell gave a report on, the APPA convention ini Boston, which was attended by Mr. Ricks, Mr. Earn hardt, Mr. Hines and Mr. Harrell. Mr. Harrell stated that the convention was at- , tended by 1,200 representa tives of municipal electric systems throughout the coun try,. Canada, Mexico, Aus tralia and New Zealand. The seriousness of these delegates was impressive and the conduct and caliber of l the programs proved most j enlightening and helpful. ■ Mr. Harrell called atten tion to the' superintendent’s report on this meeting add asked the other Board, mem bers that attended thte con vention for their comments. I A brief discussion of this matter ensued. .1 There being no further. business, the meeting ad- [ journed. i RICHARD N. HINES, Acting Secretary. | 1000 Watt— l26o W CD J Invites You To Hear "Sermons In Songs" Beginning MONDAY, JULY 4 , At 11:54 A. M. ...with... REV. HUBERT MORRIS !