- ■TI f ■ KkjE ZttS, J1 vB ■ fl . 1» . /UP - \.; ißßlik,„ ■tK; : * %>MHn If if;' I i "■' •\ * ' n||f |^ I v Mrs- /. Z>. Elliott inks resolution . . . Mrs. Lloyd Griffin pours British tea for the ladies MK JK '** JdP& - -twaf*^ f \ *«^, i- J^f p%> jy / ii ~ I jy |iM rliiß^Vl . £ », ‘^p* L?,»s%s - ■■■ - Mr«. Ifoorf Privott awaits cue to begin re-enactment #4 * -v 11, ; T - ■. ' i • ,\ . tgi jgWjßf Wj *».,» £4 ”nP i,, _"1 JfIPP. T 'Tm*-* t^&a. ’ft 4 5 llfljp (J# T ' fSPLj4fe>* ;i v. ' <£V lip t, -r» -’ Mtoteau i ,jMi ■ram H, ■ M T- **&■»' .asM ’’i ^ 1 ' 5,'W- * *■«» - -„ i *J-., '-aW|-,' y Sf J ' ' : - # • ,_ ■ vV\ %» _ Histone Tea Party re-enacted, TV camera records events cj H 1 I U| ■ Rr is IiBBBSb mm Km pR •."alwff: • *S3nT» f j Htßli & fste V :. .. * «HhlM> iBBKk'7 : « *IPIBf I^V iSTyaKaRLS 1 w ' * -* t - f : *iWf B m mJ; &s£!xi&sim : l&tk I f *. 'loSafe * «o| l.\ >, ,? ®r IBf W BS i,:- : Ks mm- " ; Tea cm/js, resolution don't bother Susan Inglis, Luke Amburn and Becky Warren Volume XXXIV. —Xo. 1 Tea Party Event Is Big Success 580 Witness Re-enactment At Barker House ‘"You gotta have heart,” sa-id the lyricist. "Lots and lots of heart.” And it was for the sake of the heart that Monday brought, on revival of an al- I most forgotten piece of | Americana: the Edenton Tea Party of 1774. Lots and lots of “hearts” | worked on the successful re i enactment of the New Year’s program to launch the 1967 N. C. Heart Association edu jj cational campaign. |j In ceremonies duplicating t. the original Tea Parly, the ‘ women of Edenton this time ended their 192-year feud ; with the British over the | drinking and purchase of English tea, and advocated a "declaration of independence from heart disease.” Mrs. Emily S. Badham and Mrs, Wood Privott led the si.,,'.ers oi the resolution and Mayor John A. Milchener, Jr., asked that it be deliver ed to President Lyndon B. Johnson by representatives of t the town. There was more than ade ! quate armament here to de fend Edenton’s quiet water front and reinforcements came from Chcrryville and Camp Lejeune. The booming of cannon fire, thundering blasts from flintlock rifles, and a salute of the modern Marine weapon kept the chilled audience of seme 500 in place. Mrs. Privott, general chair man of tne event co-sponsor ed by Edenton Tea Party Chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, and the N. C. Heart Association, read the resolution in the restored Continued on Page 6 £7th ? THE CHOWAN HERALD Kdenton. Chowan County.. North Carolina 279.32 Thursday, January 5. 1967. ■ ' f * C. * EDENTON FIRE STATION Little remains to be done on the new Edenton Fire Station, located on North Broad Street at Park Avenue. Chief VV. J. \ates moved his forces into the spacious headquarters last week. The building, containing some 7,000 square feet of space, was built at a cost of approximately 890,000. Mayor John A. Mitchcner Jr., hailed the completion of the building as the final phase of a five-year project to modernize the town’s physical facilities. THE Pubic Parade SHOOTING Till: WORKS —-They called it an almost forgotten piece of Ameri cana: thi: Edenton Tea Party of 1774. And it took 192 years and the public rela tions genius of the North Carolina Heart Association to put the pieces together. Regardless of the label : used, the time spread or the orchids distributed, those who meander along The Pub lic Parade can be prouder of their heritage because of Monday’s program. The women of “this quaint little Colonial town” may have ended their long-stand ing feud with the: British over the drinking and pur chase of .English tea. The Heart Association may have : “used” us to focus attention on the greatest killer of all time heart disease. The •Daughters of the American Revolution may have gotten clippings for their scrap book. And Mrs. Wood Priv ott and her able assistants ■may have had some sleep less nights. Nevertheless, the re-enact ment of the Edenton Tea Par ty was something for the tourist committee of the chamber of commerce to put their teeth into. Bill Scarborough of Cha pel Hill and the heart asso ciation. worked on the pro ject with every ounce es ability he could muster. His research and planning—with the help of the weatherman —brought realism to what we all walk around every day. The success of the re enactment proves we are perched atop an untapped resource. People are interested in things of historic Signific ance and are willing to pay a fair price to see sights such as are found here. The Eden ten Tea Party might be the launching for greater things in the near future. But, it was not a complete ly Edenton Party. The Ma rines came to shoot the cannons guarding the water front. However, it was a chanter and his five rifle- t'non from » .’herryv illo Who made »h< : ; :*>st !■ • :.* •• . Arrive ;; ::i tic- rain Son day night, th.o Day Shooters had no mere than unloaded the ear 'before they poured black g(:h powder into their flintlocks and started: shoot ing up the place,' It was the first time in history the Shooter;: hud performed outside, their hometown. And they made the best of it. The chant which precedes the. firing of the rifles goes: "Good morning to you. Sir. We wish you a happy New Year, great health, long life, which God may bestow so long as, you stay here below. May Ho , bestow' the house you are in, where you go out and you go m. Time by moments steal away first the hour and then the day. Small the lost days may appeal* but yet they soon amount up a year. This another year is gone and now it is no more or cur own but if it brings our promises good as the year before the flood. But let none of us- forget it has left us much in debt, a favor from the Lord received since which our spirits hath been grieved. Marked by the un erring hand thus in his book our recoid stands. Who can tell the vast amount placed to each our accounts? But while you owe the debt is large you may plead a full discharge. But poor and selfish sinners, say what can you tc justice pay? Tremb ling last for life is past and into prison you may be cast. Happy is the believing soul. Christ for you has paid the whole. We have this New' Year’s morning call(ed) you by your name and disturbed you from your rest. But we hope no harm by the same. As we ask come tel! us your desire and if it be your de sire our guns and pistols they shall fire. Sihce we hear of no defiance you shall hear the art of science. When w'e pull triggers and pow der burns you shall hear the roaring of the guns. Oh, Continued on Three ■■■■■■■■ivf”r~' 'B ~~~wmmmms '"**&*£ l. i > j—■^—■ * ■Kb;: "" ■ 7^ : f ||| pi(* fißPifch_ jlmr -• jfl Blackmer gives autograph, returns pen Mayor Cites Progress Made Here During ‘66 Mayor John A. MMehenci:. Ji., has declared that !!lii‘> was a banner year for the Town of Edenton and ex presses optimi-'m 'for the year ahead. In his annual Suite of the Town report to the citizens, Mayor Milchener pointed to such accomplishments as the completion of a five-year project to modernize tne town’s physical facilities and the landing of The Carter's Ink Company. He said, however, while much has been realized in the past few years in Eden ton, there remains a great challenge for the future and municipal officials would meet this challenge with vigor. “While we tend to boast of our advances, and r'ahtlv sa, we must not lose sight of DSA Banquet Tuesday Bill W. Su'ttic .<>f Tulsa, Ok'la., president. U. S. Jay cees. will be the featured speaker at the 13th annual Distinguished Service Award and Bosses Night banquet of BILL W. SUTTLE I Single Copy 10 Cents the many things which e main to be done.", the njn o.r said, “Edenton has a d ti eat< d. energetic town cou 'll and this body will con! tie to forge ahead on n nv fronts.” Ti e mayor went on to that,although the town’s bud get has continued to incre -e as citizens demanded ae o~ tional. services flu* tax rue has r< coined at $1 per sfoo valuation. "We have b 1 c.ii able to provide the best a municipal services at a mod erate tax rate because v. have enjoyed increased valu ation as well as increased consumption of elect licit; he said. The Town of Edenton operating this fiscal year - a $648,107 budget." T! amount includes the use of Continued on Page 6 Edenton Jaycees next week. Jack Evan-, chairman Os the event, said the event will begin at 7 P. M.. Tuesday at Chowan Golf &- Country Club. This is a Ladies’ Nigh' function of the local Jaycees and is a highlight of the year for the local club. Evans said the club is very proud to have been able to obtain Suttle as keynote speaker for the DSA pro gram during his term as na tional president. Suttle, a native of Marion, is on leave of absence iron N. C. Na tional Bank in Greensboro. Suttle, who has visited in Edenton on many occasions during his active career in the Jaycees, was elected last year to the national post which climaxed a successful 10-vear period in the organi zation of young men. An anxious moment during the banquet will be the pre sentation of the Distinguished Service Award for 1966. This award is given annually by Continued on Page 4