PAGE SIX Wilborne Harrell THE Roundup Familiarity, it is said, breeds contempt. But to an Edentonian, when he think* erf his town and the ancient landmarks scatter ed throughout, it is a con tempt not unmixed with pride. As a boy I passed the court house every day on my way down town, to Main Street, and to me then the court house was just another old building, to be treated with a sort of fond contempt. Many’s the time I have climbed the steep foliaged slopes that partly surround Pem broke Hall, imagining they were mountains, but the Hall itself was also just another old building that had been standing for a long time. And so it went with St. Paul’s, the Cup ala House and all the other spots around town rich in historical lore. At that time much of that history escaped me, be cause these old structures were too close to me; I saw them every day, and in that manner developed a mild contempt for them. If I remember correctly, my grandmother sent me on errands that took me to the Cupola House. (Edentonians then accent ed the last syllable, which made it come out, cuper- WCDJ “The Voice Os The Albemarle” CARRIES Local, State And Hational News 12,1 s 5 PoM. DAILY 1000 Watts. 1260 Vegetable Growers Finest Seeds Be Sure of f inest Quality By Buying Your Seed In Sealed Bags And 1-Lb. Cans Approved and Tested Varieties BUSH SNAP BEANS PEPPER Black Valentine California Wonder Stringless Keystone Resist Gt Bonntifu l Yolo Wonder-B Contender * " Cayenne (Hot) BUSH LIMA BEANS Chili (Hot) Allgreen Henderson TOMATO Fordhook No. 242 , . _ ... Early Giant Hybrid CANTALOUPES Burpee's Big Boy Hales Best Jumbo Early Valiant Edisto 47 (New) Homestead No. 24 SWEET CORN Gold Rush StowefE* Evergreen GARDEN PEAS WATERMELONS ****** _ Charleston Grey Congo Progrem Shipper (New) Waado The Largest and Most Complete Line Of Seeds In This Area! Hybrid Field Corn - Soybeans - Cotton Seed Cabbage Plants, Onion Sets, Seed Potatoes “QUALITY SEEDS OF KNOWN ORIGIN ” Distributed By E. L. Pearce, Seedsman PHONE 221-4524 - EDENTON, N. C low). Hie towering cup ola atop the building had no awe for me; shucks, it had been there for a long time and I saw it every day! And, I suppose, that is the way it went for most of us, and still does for some of us. But deep down, there isn’t an Eden tonian who isn’t proud of his town, for what it stood for in the past, and the promise of what it will stand for in the future. I try to tell myself I don’t like George Wallace, but in spite of myself I have a sneaking liking for the man. He has a per sonality that I like, and many of his views, as a Southerner, coincide with mine. Much of what he believes in and says makes good sense to me. Reading maketh a full man. But patronize your local public library for a well-balanced diet. Men rarely losei their temper with those to whom they owe nothing. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EPENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, IWI. Kehayes A Minister Scholars Follows Different Paths By JOAN PAGE CHAPEL HILL—A total of 99 high school senior boys, 56 of them Tar Heel residents, received coveted Morehead Awards earlier this month for four years of undergraduate study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Those who accept the awards and enroll in the University next fall will become participants in a 13-year-old program that has produced an impress ive number of military of ficers, teachers, graduate students, businessmen, law yers and doctors. Morehead Awards are worth $7,000 to North Ca rolina residents. Out-of state students receive SB,- 700 to equalize the higher tuition required of non- The merit awards are granted on the basis of scholarship and leadership without consid eration of need. This year’s winners were selected from a record number of 112 nominees. The program was estab lished by the late John Motley Morehead of Rye, N. Y., member of the UNC Class of 1891 and wealthy benefactor of the Univer sity. He wanted to attract to Chapel Hill outstanding students who would distin guish themselves as citizens in later life, thereby en hancing the prestige and public service of his alma mater. The first undergraduate Morehead Awards were presented in 1953. Since the first class of winners was graduated in 1957, a total of 256 Morehead Scholars have receive de grees from UNC. These graduates are al ready distinguishing them selves in a variety of busi nesses and professions. Today, 38 of these 256 scholars are serving in every branch of the mili tary forces. Thirty-two others have completed mili tary service since gradu ation. Thirty-three of those presently in the military service are commissioned officers, including nine doc tors and two dentists. The 4-H Congress Report Is Given Center Hill 4-H Club met Monday night, March 20, with Louette Monds as hostess. The president, Louette Monds, called the meeting to order and welcomed the visitors. There were 19 4-H’ers present, and Joe Roberts was welcomed as a new member. Debbie Hobbs called the roll and read minutes of the last meeting. Mr. Ven ters showed slides of camp life and urged the children to get camp applications in early. Rodney Jordan gave a report on the National 4-H Congress he attended in Chicago, 111. Mrs. Nora Boyce showed slides of her trip to Europe last summer and told of her experiences abroad which was very much enjoyed. During the social period Louette Monds served re freshments and musical games were played. CARD OF THANKS The family of Floyd I. White wishes to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends for their expres sions of sympathy, floral, cards and other tributes. Also, for the many acts of kindness shown during his short illness. Signed: Mrs. Floyd I. White and Family. c THERE’S A DOCTOR IN TOUR HOUSE If you read The Balti more News American, Dr. Joseph G. Molner is at your fingertips with his frank, helpful advice. Read his informative column reg ularly. See his answers to readers’ questions every week in THE BALTIMORE NEWS AMERICAN On Sale At Tour Leeal Newsdealer other five are in officer candidate courses. The program also has turned out an additional 25 doctors and two den tists, 28 lawyers, two min isters, 18 teachers and 37 industrial officials. Many of the Morehead Scholars are continuing their educations. While 38 are enrolled in leading graduate schools across the country, 26 are studying law, 25 are in medicine, 11 in divinity schools and three in dentistry. Two ministers are in cluded in the ranks of Morehead Award winners. Thomas Kehayes of Eden ton is associate rector at St. Anne’s Parrish in Jack sonville, while Ronald Koonts of High Point is a Methodist minister in Candler. Two outstanding Chowan County students are cur C^66fi Spring Values I robin or ETueblrdT" serves color like tea... j, from a cart! mBMI SL 10 without color even th?porSL model M2SBCWD ik Mr. Audubon couldn*t tell! Have you seen G-E Porta-Color? I U □ Matching Roll-a-round Cart included. □ i l-inch overall diagonal tube. □ 19-inch overall diagonal tube. □ Weighs less than 25 lbs. |HII| □ Illuminated channel window. □ Brilliant color and sharp black & white. eOCA AJT II I □ Simplified Color Tuning featuring: "Meter-Guide" Tuning Meter. ffQQQ QJTi □ Color controls that “remember" "Magic-Memory” Color Controls. I \ • Exclusive Mini-Basket® for up to 2 \ / lbs. leftover loads, fragiles. • Big ca \ 11181 / parity regular tub washes up to 16 \ / lbs. mixed, heavy fabrics. • Famous V / Filter-Flo* System ends lint fuzz, \ :Il| / operates with any size \ ;f|| / helps reduce spin-set wrinkles. • Bleach \ lfjj| / Dispenser. • Extra Wash Soak Cycle. $239.95 - goodAear ”| 111 412 S. Broad St rently studying at UNC as Morehead Scholars. Keith Rollins, a graduate of Cho wan High School, is a soph omore; Norfleet Pruden, a freshman, is a graduate of John A. Holmes High School in Edenton. BIG NEWS! FOB Progressive Historic Edenton, N. C. NEW BUSINESS FOR EDENTON AND SURROUNDING AREA . . . . We Build Houses CAROLINA MODEL HOME [TilLu tlUfliff. CORPORATION iHTmPare Build the Best; Cost Less *»•—Satisfaction Guaranteed! If in need of a two, three, or four spuiras bedroom homo with attractive wrought iron railings and col umns on porch, we can do the Job for you with NO DOWN PAYMENT If you have a vacant iot We do all types of Home Improvements. We Install bata rooms, build extra rooms, carports, and repair churches. CONTACT A. V. SLADE 125 W. CARTERET ST. PHONE 482-3052 Good Lock A guy and a girl were sitting on her couch dis cussing intellectual things like mental telepathy. “Would you call It men tal telepathy," the girl asked, “if you were think ing the same thing I am thinking about?” “No," the guy smiled. ‘Td call that just plain good luck.” Many Times Man is like a lamp wick trimmed lots of times before he gets the right flame. —The Mudhook. ATTENTION FARMERS WE HAVE BULK FERTILIZER -AND LIME For Sale. Also facilities for custom spreading and trailer spreaders for rent for your own application. CALL OR SEE US TODAY! Valhalla Produce Co. Phone 482-3426, Edenton Muscles Maybe If exercise eliminates fat, how in the world can a woman have a double chin? —Tribune, Chicago.