PAGE EIGHT *k %, attPQ| Et*~ *^P| /jj \ jk-¥,y* r f ' r JB : * i Ji % ,al- |k® I , I »\ .JIB H ; I *^.IM GOING TO INSTITUTE— 3Wrs. Clara Boswell, faculty nwmfcer at John A. Holmes High School, is shown here with a croup of students who leave Monday to attend an Astronomy Institute at the University of North Ca rolina's Morehead Planetarium at Chapel Hill. Front row, left to right, are: Terry Sartain, Bill Lewis, Mrs. Boswell, Jerry Barringer and Mike Jackson. Second row, Allen Quain, Woodson Furlough and Terry Jordan. The subject matter during the two-day institute, will parallel that riven the U. S. Astronauts on their train ing missions at the Planetarium. Mrs. Boswell and Mrs. Barringer will be dorm supervisors. From The Yellowed Pages 30 TEARS AGO According to a report by H. R. Cole, tonnage of water borne commerce in the Edenton harbor for the year 1936 totaled 47,644 short tons, valued at $6,308,987. John Mitchener. Jr., and Stuart Blow were among 348 students making the ALL NEW FOR 671 Jpi BUfl 12" PERSONAL PORTABLE TV BIG SET PERFORMANCE... YET LESS THAN A FOOT HIGH... : UWH • sy The DISCOVERER % THE COMPANION SERIES ir~~~ An exciting new standard in compact persona! portable TV styling. In Char coal Blue color and Light Blue color. Beige color and Off-White color, Pastel Yellow color and White color, or White color and Beige color. IT ’ S IPfiFt HANDCRAFTED w JL 1 No Printed Circuits... No Production Shortcuts I z *7£NinL 1967 l ■ AM CLOCK RADIO S Tract '• Ssssn Control s Cloth Dial light e (ultra Alarm •Ths ENVOY • Modal XI7I. New, “mod em decor" styling. Sleep switch lets radio play up to 60 minutes before, turning off automatically. Cabinet in choice of: Beige and White. Charcoal Brown and Beige. Zenith - The quality goes in before the name goes on Jackson’s Radio & TV Service W. Eden Street Phone 452-3519 scholastic honor roll for the last quarter at the ' University of North Caro lina. Dr. M. P. Whichard, county health officer, an nounced that 4,652 Chowan County residents had been inoculated against typhoid and diphtheria. Dr. Which ; ard also reported that there THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, I—7. was an increase in the number of contagious dis eases in the county which included 22 cases, with chickenpox in the lead with 11 cases listed. Mrs. A. J>. Ward of Gli den was elected president of the 16th District of Home Demonstration Clubs. Ned White, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank White, narrowly escaped drowning while swimming at Kitty Hawk. The annual swimming and life saving campaign under the auspices of the Chowan Chapter. of the American Red Cross, be gan at the fish hatchery with Melvin Layton in charge. Graduates of the 1937 class of Edenton' and Cho wan High Schools were honor guests at a meeting of the Edenton Rotary Club. West W. Bynfin was se lected as a third member of the Chowan County Welfare Board. Along with W. J. Berryman and W. D. Pruden, this trio planned to meet with the County Commissioners and name a county welfare officer, for which post there were a number of aspirants. While no formal or of ficial word reached Eden ton, it was understood that the State Highway Commission shops were scheduled to be moved .from Edenton. Flood lighting equip ment for Hicks Field was ordered and expected soon for Edenton’s softball league. . Edenton’s Rotary Club endorsed a full time health service, which was also en dorsed previously by the Lions Club. J. H. Conger, temporary president of the newly re organized Chamber of Commerce, called a meet ing of the executive com mittee to .plan for a whirl wind membership drive. .Leon Billington, foreman of The Chowan Herald for three years, severed his connection with the paper, he was replaced by J. A. Craft. 20 YEARS AGO At a mass meeting held in the Court House the needs of Chowan County were listed with the esti mated cast amounting to the staggering total of over a million dollars. The Court House was filled with both white and col ored people interested prin cipally in adequate facili ties for both races. A mo tion was made end passed that a committee of 20 be appointed to make a sur vey at the county’s needs and to make recommenda tions. Meeting in special ses sion, Town Council con sidered and subsequently adopted an ordinance regu lating activities of persons while on the premises of the Edenton Naval Air Station, which had been leased from the Navy De partment by the Town of Edenton. Another matter given consideration at the meeting was opening the swimming pool at th» Air Station. In an operation at Duke Hospital one of S. W. Tay lor’s legs was amputated. Mayor Leroy Haskett selected Miss Hazel Bos well and Miss Nelle Perry as “Miss Edenton” to par ticipate in the Tobacco Festival at Wilson. A complete change of policy affecting passenger and express services was announced by the Norfolk Southern Railroad for Cho wan County and other com munities served by the company. The company said it would install deisel service in place of the steam trains then in use. Miss Betty Thigpen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thigpen, was Ke*' sented the Brantley .medal at Louisburg College for being the best all around student each year. Lloyd Burton was a pa tient in Norfolk General Hospital and was showing signs of improvement. A great throng of people attended open house held by the Albemarle Motor Company. George T. White was in stalled as sachem of Cho wan Tribe of Red Men. W. Jim Daniels was elected president of the Albemarle Rural Mail Carriers Association. Edenton Lions Club won the attendance prize for clubs having a membership between 30 and 70 at the state Lions convention held at Asheville. Following an editorial in The Chowan Herald rela tive to the county and Edenton school administra tions publishing minutes of their meetings, the Coun ty Commissioners discuss ed the matter and subse quently unanimously pass ed a motion which request ed both units to have their mniutes published regular ly, together with a finan cial statement Dr. John W. Warren, county physician, recom mended to the County Commissioners that a new county home be built but no action was taken. Walter Bond spent three days in Norfolk attending a short course in baking which was sponsored by the Fleischman Yeast Company. - - - Local Students On Honor List WILSON One hundred eighteen Atlantic Christian College students earned places on the Dean’s List far academic achievement during the spring semester of the current academic year, according to Dr. Lew is H. Swindell, Jr., dean of the college. To earn places on the Dean’s List, students must achieve at least a 3.20 (B-plus) grade average for the semester while carrying an average load of 12 semester hours. Students named woe: Lin day Kay Baanight, daghter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Basnight, 101 Jackson Street, Edenton, and Vivian Faye White man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Whiteman, -1 last King Street, Group Elects J. P. Ricks Jr. To Post CHARLOTTE J. P. Ricks, Jr., of Ricks Laun dry and Cleaners in Eden ton, has been named sec retary - treasurer of the N. C. Association of Laund erers and Cleaners, Inc. Town of Edenton, North Carolina Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1,1967, and ending June 30, 1968, as approved by the Town Council of the Town of Edenton in spe cial session Tuesday night, June 15, 1967. Estimated Revenue Property Tax $102,000.00 Street and Sidewalk Paving 500.00 Rent 420.00 Beer and Wine 7,000.00 Electric and Water 105,405.03 Auto/Bicycle Licenses 1,500.00 Officers’ Fees 2,000.00 Parking Meters 8,000.00 Interest Delinquent Taxes 750.00 License Schedule “B” 10,500.00 Intangible and Franchise Tax 10,500.00 Gasoline Refund 1,500.00 Cemetery Revenue 4,000.00 Street Department Revenue 2,000.00 Unexpended Balance Previous Year 17,500.00 Unexpended Balance Powell Bill 100.00 Powell Bill 17,500.00 Chowan Fire Protection 5,000.00 Tax Refund 1,250.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 350.00 Dog Tags 300.00 Dog Pound 75.00 Cost of Advertising 175.00 Fire Department Revenue 100.00 Mosquito Control 3,500.00 Garage 8,000.00 Sale of Fire Station 12,500.00 Ball Park 5,000.00 Electric Revenue 424,105.03 Water Revenue 42,000.00 Sewer Revenue . 40,000.00 Sale of Merchandise 5,000.00 Assessments 1,000.00 Interest 9,000.00 Payment of Chowan County 20,000.00 Total Estimated Revenue $868,230.06 Estimated Disbursements Administrative Department $ 30,510.00 Police Department 71,997.03 Street Department 118,255.00 Fire Department ... 41,047.00 Other 65,516.00 E&W Expenses 540,905.03 Total Estimated Disbursements. .$868,230.06 Administrative Department Salaries $ 22,180.00 Salary of Mayor 1,200.00 Salary of Treasurer 300.00 Salary of Council 1,400.00 Advertising, Stationery, Printing 750.00 Office Supplies 300.00 Telephone 500.00 Audit 350.00 Legal Expense 900.00 Printing Proceedings 180.00 Miscellaneous Expense 650.00 Municipal Building Electricity 1,800.00 $30,510.00 Police Department Salaries -...$ 57,360.00 Gas and Supplies 3,600.00 Police School 400.00 Traffic Signs 400.00 Miscellaneous Expense 200.00 Office Supplies 200.00 Police Supplies ... -. 300.00 Parking Meters 2,487.00 Pistol Range 400.00 Printing 200.00 Uniforms 1,500.00 New Cars '. 2,750.00 Police Communications 1,000.00 Dog Pound 850.00 New Equipment 150.00 Photography 200.00 $ 71,997.03 Street Department Salaries $ 63,165.00 Gas and Supplies 9,000.00 Garagb Account 8,000.00 Operating Supplies 10,000.00 Sidewalk Paving 5,000.00 Street Sweeper, Mower, Tractor 1,500.00 Mosquito Control 100.00 Powell Bill 17,500.00 New Equipment 3,540.00 Electricity ........ 450.00 $118,255.00 Fire Department Salaries ... $ 21,672.00 Salary Relief Man 500.00 Volunteer Firemen t 2,500.00 Uniforms 350.00 Miscellaneous Expense 150.00 Radio Maintenance 250.00 New Equipment 2,500.00 FilCßm Fund •. 100.00 Ricks and other officers were elected June 14 at the 60th anniversary con vention held here. Frank McCaskill of Pine hurst was elected presi dent. Plans were made for continuation of the “Clean est Cities Contest” to be carried on in 1968 follow ing a glowing report on the statewide interest in the current campaign of Volunteer Firemen Insurance 225.00 Equip. Repairs and Maintenance 700.00 Gas, Oil and Lub 300.00 Station House Maintenance 200.00 Station House Supplies 300.00 Fire Fighting Supplies 300.00 Training School Supplies 600.00 Office Supplies 125.00 Fire Truck 7,500.00 Electricity 2,400.00 Telephone 375.0 Q $ 41,047.00 Other Expenses Library Appropriation $ 4,086.00 Street Lighting 7,500.00 Ocean Hiway Dues 350.00 License Tags 400.00 Memberships 750.00 School Appropriation 2,750.00 Discount on Taxes 500.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 2,400.00 National Guard 300.00 Hospital Appropriation 2,400.00 Parks and Playgrounds 500.00 Social Security 7,000.00 Insurance 5,500.00 Municipal Building 1,500.00 Chamber of Commerce 500.00 Town Beautification 1,000.00 Hospitalization 2,500.00 Christmas Bonus 600.00 Sales Tax 500.00 Building Inspector 300.00 Summer Recreation 5,090.00 Off Street Parking 15,000.00 N. C. Dept, of Conservation 4,090.10 $ 65,516.00 Electric & Water Department ELECTRIC Power Purchased ..., . $230,000.00 Line Maintenance ... 18,000.00" Line Extension . 19,000.00 M. G. Brown 5,000.00 Plant Equipment 1,000.00- Plant Maintenance and Operation.... 2,000.00 Meter Equipment 4,000.00 New Services 4,500.00 Street Light Maintenance 3,500.00 Tree Trimming R of W 2,500.00 New Street Lights 3,500.00 Turn On and Turn Off 1,500.00 Sale of Merchandise 3,000.00 Christmas Lights 2,400.00 $299,900.00 WATER Line Maintenance $ 8,500.00 Plant Supply 6,000.00 Plant Maintenance and Operation 8,000.00 Meter Equipment 2,500.00 New Services 2,500.00 Power Purchased 5,500.00 System Imp. & Ext 2,000.00 Sale of Merchandise 1,000.00 $ 36,000.00 SEWER Line Maintenance .$ 6,000.00 New Services 800.00 Maintenance Equipment 500.00 Sewage Disposal Plant 10,000.00 System Imp. & Ext 3,000.00 Power Purchased 4,500.00 Sale of Merchandise 500.00 Debt Service -S. Disposal Payment.. 43,000.00 $ 68,300.00 MISCELLANEOUS Radio Equipment $ 850.00 Ball Park and Playground. 850.00 Maintenance, Car and Trucks. 2,500.00 Fuel, Plant 400.00 Social Security 2,700.00 Board Salary 800.00 Insurance and Taxes 6,000.00 Telephone 1,200.00 Audit 500.00 Postage and Office Supplies 5,000.00 Travel and Subscriptions 1,000.00 Meter Reading 4,000.00 Legal Expense 800.00 Hospitalisation 450.00 Christmas Bonus 400.00 New Thick and Equipment 4,000.00 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 Transfer General Fund 105,405.03 $137,305.03 The revenue derived from property tax is based on an assessed valuation of $10,500,000.00 at SI.OO tax rate per SIOO valuation and an estimate that 97.5 per cent of the tax levy will be collected during the budget year. Town Administrator. “Helping Keep North Ca rolina Clean and Beauti ful.” The 1667 city and town winniira will be announced at a banquet in Raleigh in January, 1968.

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