PAGE TWO-A flap: WM Have you noticed the beautiful afterglow At the close of a dear, cool day? Just after the golden sun goes down Across the tranquil Bay. I’ve watched it many evenings, Wishing for time to stand still Marveling at the shades of night : Painted by the Master’s skill. So, please take just a few exta minutes At the end of your busy day, Go where you can watch the sunset Across the peaceful Bay. : Truly, the gorgeous sun sets across Edenton Bay will make you almost hold your breath at their beau ty. How lucky te be able to see these paintings by God. Several weeks ago we saw the beautiful colors of autumn in the mountains. This past weekend we went to Wilmington and there, too, all along the highways, especially as far as New Bern, we saw the fiery red of the dogwood trees, the yellow maple and the russet leaves of many other trees and bushes, all together making just as lovely a scene as those in the hills. : , By the way, don’t for : get that once again it’s time to get your bird feed :• ing stations in order and '•filled with wild bird seed, suet, peanut butter, etc. You’ll be rewarded with daily visits from many different kinds of birds from sparrows to orioles. Right now the birds are migrating south, so you can expect a varied assort ment of beautiful birds visiting your feeding sta tions. Let me give you this wonderful tip, as to where you can get delicious rhome baked pies, cakes, cookies and bread, not to mention other home cooked tbddi’ which' will help you %i your busy days ahead. -The ladies of the Edenton Chapter of the Eastern Star will have a small curb market each week on Friday or Saturday, in the vacant building next to the Western Auto Store. Cakes NOT MADE WITH MIXES, but made the old fashioned way from “scratch” will be featured, .'as well as other home made goodies. This week the market will be held on Friday and each week hereafter I will give the :day of the sale for that week. Once you get a sample of this home cook ed food, I’m sure you’ll be 'back for more. This week we say good bye to our faithful librar ian, Mrs. Marion Robert son. Mrs, Robertson, who has been our librarian for eight years, has retired >nd will return to her home in East Aurora, N. Y. I’m sure that many of us will miss her, as her friendly smile and willing ness to help made one feel a special welcome at the library. I’ve just read an article Notice To Administrators, Executors and Guardians! The law requires an ANNUAL ACCOUNT to be made each year and an INVENTORY to be filed within 90 days after quali fying. If your Annual Account, Inventory or Final Account are past due, we respectfully urge that you file same at once, as we are required to report all such cases to the Grand Jury, which will convene at the De cember term of Chowan County Superior Court, November 27th. YOUR COOPERATION WILI oE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED! LENA M. LEARY Clerk of Superior Court BROAD STREET BULLETIN -by- Kate on hints for the well dressed man—so will pass some along to any of you men who just might read this column. Since it is “right” in France for a man to tuck his napkin under his chin, but frown ed upon here you still might come out better—at least you’ll have the clean est tie in town. Your feet will stay warmer if you will put light weight in nersoles in your shoes, as insulation against cold pavements. Knitted sport shirts are in high style, but certain obese men would look better in the cut-and-sewn kind. Men swear by knee - length socks. They give more support, warmth and better appearance. Mrs. Jackie Nixon of Route 3 recently sent me a bulletin issued by Mrs. John D. Robinson, na tional Democratic Commit teewoman. This bulletin contains recipes for birth day cakes used by many famous ladies. Since Mrs. Lyndon Johnson is now our “First Lady,” I will give you her favorite recipe for Lemon Cake: IV* cups sugar. % cup butter. 8 egg yolks. IVi cups sifted cake flour. 3 tsp. baking powder. V* tsp. salt. % cup milk. 1 tsp. vanilla. 1 tsp. lemon juice. 1 tsp. grated lemon rind. Sift sugar. Beat butter until soft, and add sugar gradually and blend until creamy. Beat egg yolks separately until light and lemon colored, then add to butter mixture. Sift flour, baking powder and salt, three times, then add to butter mixture, alternately with \ cup milk. Add and beat for two minutes, vanilla, lemon juice and rind. Bake in nine-inon greased layer pan in 375 degree oven for 20 min utes. Spread with follow ing icing: Blend 2 cups confectioners’ sugar, V* cup soft butter. Beat ii* grated rind and juice of one lem on and one or more tsps. cream. (Thanks, heaps, Mrs. Nixon). Sign in Health Club: We make young Colts out of old 45’s. A Helpful Hint Bread and wine baskets will last longer and be come less brittle if you give them regular wet tings under the faucet. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER », 19«7. ■■ : - —— - I OF COURSE WE GIVE Off ■■fa, deSici miiii iii i— lll ii' i green I % i m C _ | stamps H * LOOK! Ulh a VJi GREEN STAMPS | Hundreds of Winners - Weekly! AND LOW LOW PRICES FreeMoneyi— r _ jac j"TICTACTOE win 100-00 | I BACON rIU - Blade SWtFTS Ib - IBEEF ROAST BONELESS CHUCK ROAST . lL55c ; 59c 99' GROUND STEAKS B E C F Chuck Blade LB. Shoulder ■ CHATHAM PORK BC ■■ ■■ Bi bMISACE - 35. |L Ac, 55c—63c I GWALTNEY’S SMALL LEAN Butt or „ , IKJa ■■i aJL COUNTRY Stank Half or Whole T —MHMMMMMM wumni Portion 10. 79c ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ BONELESS CHUCK CUBED LB.— I m _ _ _ _ Fresh Lean Govt. Inspected _ HAMS lb. 69t l i4 T,fesis9 t JIFFY STEAKS 85< 6’s Pillsbury Buttermilk Quarters - Quality BISCUITS® 12 cans 89c |b.l9c NlS* a I Complete DISCOUNT PRICE! IVA 1/TVll IrTs \ I IYI l/7l M 'IT V DISCOUNT FRUIT * THF DAIRY CA<\F P Remington Shot Gun Shells 1 „Tf L i .«&, Camel ia » I ■ DISCOUNT PRICES! II ■'“&s«> *• ■■■ cSSS- ~ a ™ e . U ' a M. 9M, I MAGNUM I SUR-SHOT I EXPRESS II RULBS! Prices' BERKV SALAD I Lbt - «.zo I ust - ».»5 I usi - sin If . m W _ I *>-$3.991 $2.791»»53.391| fL 5 29# M I Permanent Type A N L \ W V “^“ A E ant™ sho™ng ilGCSfggggf Dish Cloths gai. $|.45;; 69c|35c n /q I Discount Fnc . w /7fupoown Men’s Socks, from 5 prs. SI.OO I Iwl J vL&k/luii save pkjh#' fADDArd I,elaware INO ' l - bancy White \WW /%:- CABBAGE POTATOES I 52.98 Jt 10 lb. bag 39t IC E half qaUMttH . ■ ORAN GE S Im ILK 39c I V' Jj*■ ■ HcKuKSs] I ""■■■ ■■■" ——mi i|y||i lyi H| ■All Varieties Morton’s Frozen N® ll ■ I iLKtAm Just Slice and Serve dEl&uj ■ ■■ jfk I 1 IC I am I mm ■ y Omm^% mm * s mt B Jr m I |»L H