PAGE TWO ►—C jk "% • _ U |K;’. . : ?;!r; iff ■ f I4K ,C\ II Bk ' % VI 4r? .yjrrt v -g-»&. , - WINNINGEST COACH AND FRIENDS BiU Bill burs, right, of Middletown, Del., and former coach of the Eden ton Aces, returned to the area Monday to speak at the Elizabeth City Rotary Clnb. He renewed ac quaintances later in the day with Edentonians and discussed prior football campaigns with former players at John A. Holmes High School. Getting a bang out of a BilUngsism are Haughton Ehringhaus, left, and Claude Griffin. Billings, in six years at Middletown, became one of the nation’s winningest coaches as his teams won S 3 straight ball games without a defeat. His Middletown team this year finished the season 8-2, dropping the final two games to schools much larger than Middletown. Happenings At C.H.S. By CHARLOTTE NIXON A constitution for the Student Council was pre sented to grades 7-12 at an assembly program last Fri day. This constitution was drawn up by the represen tatives. All of the articles of the constitution were read. Questions were asked by members of the student body and answered by the individual representatives regarding the constitution. Persons participating in the assembly program were Emily Peele, Nancy Chap pell, Rhonda Bunch, Tom my Bass, Lynette Boyce, Vickie Blanchard, Patricia Tynch, Susan Jordan, Lou ette Monds and David Spruill. Sharole Goble, president of the Pep Club, gave an encouraging talk with an attempt to persuade the students to accept the pre sented constitution. lets Corner EDITOR’S NOTE: Below ara authoritative answer* by the Veteran* Administration to ■one of the many current question* from former service men and their families. Further information on veteran*' bene fit* may be obtained at any VA office. Q. Is a veteran given . preference in obtaining pri vate employment? A A veteran is aided in obtaining private employ ment by the Veterans Em ployment Service of the U. S. Department of La bor. This work is carried on through the local state employment offices in each of the 50 states. A veter an also has some re-em ployment rights for the job he held prior to going into service. Full details may be obtained at the nearest state employment office. —anti' gasoline NK nUIIRO. CRTS ENGINE WEM TO KEEP POWEB Ur Got boner mileage, lower repair bUls, a better-running car! Only FiribM containsTri -tone additives, proved to cut engine wear. rim* mp wrm rfecfmo*/^^ Winslow Oil Company jflf Hertford, N. C. “ w “ " ,OTro “ K Voting for the approval of the constitution will take place tomorrow. Grades 7-12 are eligible voters if they have regis tered. Registration days were Monday and Tuesday of this week. Chowan’s Glee Club presented its annual Christ mas cantata Sunday after noon at 4o’clock in the high school auditorium. “Bom a King” was the given cantata. It was taped by Tommy Privott and will be played on WCDJ Christmas Day at 2 P. M. The Bulldogs were once again defeated on Friday night by the Camden Reb els. Final score for the girls was 31-24 and 61-35 was the boys’ final score. Mrs. Marvis Hendrix won a turkey given away by the senior class. It was given away at half time of the boys’ game Friday night. Jerry Cale Ward won the cake which was also given away at half time. Chowan Bulldogs ventur ed to Camden to once again meet the Rebels Tuesday night but scores were not available at press time. The first conference bas ketball game of the season will be played tomorrow night when the Bulldogs meet the Cape Hatteras Blue Devils at Hatteras. Christmas will soon be here and as a result, the Christmas edition of the “Chowanian” has been pub lished. The paper staff is sued this paper to the stu dent body today. School lets out tomor row for a two week Christ mas vacation for the Cho wan students. Students will return to their studies Tuesday, Janaury 2. the'CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, IM7. FOR SALE Six-room brick home with one full-tiled bath and one one-half bath, carport and storage room LOCATED IN HOBBS ACRES IN EDENTON FHA loan terms 30 years with low down payment of $450 VA financng, no down payment CALL COLLECT: 688-6374 Berens Companies Durham, N. C. Ask For E. T. Newton IVEVfR Fur Her... Perfume, Cologne, Dusting Powder [ And Soap in the following: ■ Lanvin—Arpege, My Sin, Cresendo, Scandal, etc. I Dorothy Gray K Yardley—Bond Street, Lavender, April Violets, | Red Roses [ Chanel No. 5 | Tossy—Midnight | Jean Nate r Rain Goddess | Billfolds | Hair Brushes | Nylon and Natural Bristle | Other Items on Display | For Him... f Shaving Lotions and Sets f Karate Studd f Yardley 007 f Old Spice Jade East | Carrier and lyes Golden Sovereign | That Man Jean Nate I Royal Stag Kings Men I Dante and many others f | Pipes by Coumoy, Kaywoodie, Yellow | Bowl, Medico, Pipe Racks, Lighters, \ | Utility Kits, Billfolds I For The Family... Camera Sets by Eastman I Scales [ Timex Watches Clocks \ Whitman’s Candy HollowelVs Rexall Drug Store FREE GIFT WRAPPING Telephone 482-2127 - Free Delivery PATRONIZE FOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER For Quick Results, Try A Hernia Classtjy! FOB A MEM CHRISTMAS. mmmmmm'i mmmmmmmm ••• mmmmmmm I- - - GIVE THE FAMILY A-- - j SYLVANIA TV or STEREO ALL REDUCED FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING j Black & While TV priced from $99.95 to $209.95 I Color TV priced from $379.95 to $579.95 i j Stereos priced from $64.95 to $349.95 ; Radios priced from $8.95 to $74.95 : ' II *JM Plf j Hr VT 1 *" fu| \k**! Jm* k j <& Wmk ; ■< ■ .' > JIIBk „ . 1 i Ranges - Gas and Electric priced from $138.95 up Automatic Washers priced from $169.95 up Semi-Automatic Washers priced from $109.95 up ANNOUNCING association of AL vrrt, T\fYWr\r WILLIAMS as service manager. He lNv/ LIU Wlt f has over 28 years experience in the O A \nVTK7IVnn | repair all makes and models LAI Itlxjln X small appliances, major appliances, air 11/TTH TP AUP hHHBBHHf VhH conditioners, heaters, etc. Come by ttIaXI A IvAl/u - A^|=L ; « First Payment Feb. Ist Wesfem unto m family store I WALTER ij t i, ve*» tsim aN ' j Phone 482-3214 ’ EDENTON ! .. Re&r of store