PAGE SIX .—A THE Roundup Wilbome Harrell This old cowhand tried to rope a few words, Like a puncher ropes cattle and brands his herds. But they all galloped off with their tails in the air, And just left me helpless a-standing there. Thrown by a bucking bug, sick and weak— But if all goes well, I’ll ride next week. News From Chowan County By Mr*. Roland Etui Sympathy goes out to the Qobb family at Merry Hill, the Solomon Miller family, Lenora Privott relatives. and the family of Mrs. Ruebina Stallings. Mrs. Pat Jordan" recently underwent surgery. W. Jim Daniels is sched uled to have surgery this week. Mrs. Lula White is re ported to be improving. Mrs. Kate Bufflap is a patient in Albemarle Hos pital, Elizabeth City, where she underwent surgery. Mrs. Marvin Shaw’s grandfather passed away. Mrs. Vivian Wheeler, Mrs. Nell Byrum and Mrs. Cora Evans have been on the sick list. Revival services will be held at Edenton Baptist Church March 24-31. Dr. Leo Green will be the speaker. The First Assembly of God Church in Edenton had special guests Sun m FUNERAL home I === edenton, n. c. Je == Because of H ° f r 'li*iou s belie fs Tf y I = doctrines it ? ts and p sumptuous'for anv f Pre ~ I || director to attmp^™*” 1 |f ai l o^these^^ut 6 any ° r ■ B ls Cer tain -‘the f ° ne thin g I M and does rei n? eral Can I If even origin,... einf °rce or I W belief i n 6 a P er son's I death. S “ rVivU after ■ I Res Pectfuliy t | tl.t vAtrOJbm A John Deere Tractor puts man and machine at their working best It’s a great combination you as operator, ™ implement, and a John Deere 70 h.p. “3020” or 94 h.p. "4020” Tractor. Tractor hydraulic power takes over the heavy work steering, braking, shifting, equipment control, PTO control, engaging the differ ential lock. This, along with maximum riding comfort and operating convenience, helps keep you fresh at the wheel. John Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. EDENTON, N. C “You, John Deere Dealer” GUY C. HOBBS, Mgr. day, January 21. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Daniels of Wan chese, known for out standing music ministry in the area, were guests at the 1 A. M. worship ser vice. During the evening evangelistic hour the guest speaker was Mrs. Pauline Mastries of Missouri, re cently appointed home missionary for work with with the American Indian Bible Institute in North Carolina. Congratulations to Wal lace Evans on being awarded the DSA award. Mrs. Louise Pratt will represent Chowan County in the 1968 Mother of the State of North Carolina contest. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Perry of Suffolk visited Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ev ans and Mrs. Edith Perry on Sunday. Bill Kinnaman is on leave in Edenton with his wife, Mrs. Carrie Kinna- Deere Tractors help implements work bet ter, too. There’s power and speed for drawn implements, an independent PTO for power-driven machines, Load-and- Depth Control for hitch-mounted equip ment. Ask us for a demonstration of how a John Deere Tractor can help you farm easier and better. Convenient Credit Plan terms will help make ownership easier. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, IMS. TELLS ALL ABOUT FAMOUS PEOPLE No one keeps secrets from the revealing feature every week in Parade Magazine. It’s called Per sonality Parade, and every week it springs startling facts about people you thought you knew well. Don’t miss it part of the great reading in THE BALTIMORE HEWS AMERICAN ON SALE AT TOUB LOCAL NEWSDEALER Pride is increased by ig norance; they assume the most who know the least. —Gay. man. The local Rescue Squad still needs donations. This is March of Dimes month. The Hospital Auxiliary Ball tickets are now on sale. Mrs. Jesse Harrell is ticket chairman. Clean Cities Are Selection RALEIGH—The cities of Winston - Salem, Durham, Asheville, Waynesville and Vass were named winners of North Carolina’s Clean est Cities awards for 1967, which is sponsored by the North Carolina Association of Launderers and Clean ers, Inc. Gov. Dan Moore pre sented trophies to repre sentatives from the five communities during a press conference at his office this afternoon. Vass was the winner in the population catagory of less than 5,000; Waynes ville from 5,000 - 10,000; Asheville 25,000 - 75,000; Durham 75,000-100,000 and Winston - Salem over 100,- 000. The winners were select ed from over 50 cities and towns which submitted monthly reports and other i supplementary information I through special committees organized by the Leupder ers- and Cleaned? thisse communities. “The committees in these five cities literally bom barded us with supplemen tary material in addition to their monthly reports. Naturally, the laision es tablished by these five committees, was a strong factor in determining the winners,’’ stated the judges. “Our final evaluation shows that these five communities have estab lished programs function ing in a highly proficient manner—coupled with lots of community action.” Youth is a blunder; man hood a struggle; old age a regret. —Benjamin Disraeli. Let's Go To Church Sunday SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON THE SAVIOUR AND THE LOST International Sunday School Lesson for Jan. 28 Memory Selection: “(They) said unto the woman, Now we ibelieve, not because of thy saying; for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world."—John 4:42. Lesson Text: John 4:1-42. The background of our lesson today stresses the universality of Christ as Saviour of the world. For in this lesson we find Him journey ing through Samaria, a land which was hostile to the Jews—as, indeed, the Jews were to the Samaritans. Jesus, therefore, was once more in His life touching upon controversial ground when He and His little band of followers chose this particular route on the road to Jerusalem. But then—as we have seen in past studies— Jesus never permitted public opinion to stay Him from doing anything He felt was needful for the ultimate welfare of mankind. So it is that Jesus—first asking the woman of Samaria for a drink of well water—used this opening to compare the transient slaking of thirst achieved by drinking water with the water of life He offered mankind. “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14. What Jesus was Saying was that in God is our source of life, and the end of our quest for truth. And in answer to the woman’s question as to whether men should worship at Jerusalem or on Mount Gerizim, He made it clear to her that a place of worship could not limit the presence of God. For God was the Creator of the earth, of the seas, the sun, the moon and the stars; He created the birds and the animals; and—above He created man in His own image. God was, therefore, universal; His kingdom awaited men everywhere—the only thing man had to do to avail himself of God’s love and forgiveness of sins was to open his heart and do God’s bidding in furthering the spread of the gospel to those who were still lost. So it was with the woman at the well. Jesus, in revealing Himself as Messiah, planted a seed— a seed that quickly bore fruit. For the woman hurried back to the city, and told of her en counter at the well. And because of the wom an s testimony, and also of the experience of many Samaritans with Jesus, they acknowledged Him as Saviour. Thus it was that Jesus used a simple every 3, °^ erK!e r the d ™ win e of Atafeb'-frotrf tHe v well—tb bfing knowledge of salvation td'dvefy f?* , peopl ®" As H “ disciples, are we (in our time) as alert? Do we take advantage of every opportunity that is presented us, to demonstrate His presence in our personal and social lives’ Do we-by example _ stimulate others to ac- Condudad on Pag# 7 BELK - TYLER’S EDEN TON’S SHOPPING CENTER W. E. Smith GENERAL MERCHANDISE "Rocky Hock” PHONE 221-4031 EDENTON M. G. Brown Co., Inc. Lumber Millwork Building Material Reputation Built on Satisfied Customers PHONE 482-2135 EDENTON This Space By a Friendiif-fie T ’ i-X. i \* * ' i- ' In Chowan .Counter. 5 v ,Y ,\ ■ h i ■' Edenton Tractor & stz> t ,t , ± L + These Religious Messages Are Published In The Chowan Herald and Are Sponsored By the Following Business Establishments: Gene’s 5 & 10 SELF-SERVICE Edenton Savings & Loan Association Where You Save DOES Make a Difference! EDENTON, N. C. Colonial Motor Co., of Edenton BUICK - OLDS - PONTIAC GMC TRUCKS .-3!T7 ~ Hughes - Parker Hardware Co. C ■'SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS PHONE 482-2315 EDENTON i_ifc :,V Edenton Restaurant ’ A T- Good Food Pleasant Surroundings” MRS. W. L. BOSWELL, Prop. Phone 483-3723 Byrum Implement & Truck Co. INCORPORATED International Harvester Dealer PHONE 482-3111 EDENTON. N. C. The Chowan Herald YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Edenton Construction Co., Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 482-3315 N. BROAD ST. Mitchener’s Pharmacy Prescription Pharmacists PHONE 482-3711 EDENTON Edenton Office Supply EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE Phone 482-2627 5Ol S. BROAD ST. Albemarle Motor Company “Your Friendly FORD Dealer” WEST HICKS STREET EDENTON Leary Bros. Storage Company Buyers ot Peanuts, Soybeans and Country Produce Sellers ot Fertilizers and Seeds PHONES: 482-2141 AND 482-2142 Hobbs Implement Co., Inc. “YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER” ©Your Farm Equipment Needs Are a Life ? Time Job With *Us 1 • Quinn Furniture Company J HOME OF FINE FURNITURE THE CHURCH FOR ALL ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the great est factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democ racy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend ser vices regularly and sup port the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children’s sake. (3) For the sake of his community and na tion. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and ma terial support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily.