The Roundup ; By WILBORNE HARRELL Turn backward, turn back ward, O' Time in thy flight And make me a boy. just for tonight! I have forgotten who au thored these lines, and since I have a deadline to make, I don’t have the time to search it out. But just who wrote them is not per tinent to this squib. I East Carolina « Students Cited GREENVILLE Nearly one in six East Carolina University students last fall made high enough grades to earn places on the of ficial honor lists of the university. That 16 per cent of the students—a total of 1,432 got official commendation from the university as three honors lists were an nounced. Those listed from Cho wan County included: * Linda P. Forehand, Rt. 1, Eden ton (All A’s); Bren da Kay Bunch, Rt. 1, Edenton; Vivian F. White man, 801 E. King Street (Dean’s List); Joseph Earl Harrell, 18 Albania Street; Linda A. Hollowell, Rt. 2, Edenton; Sylvia L. Jordan, Rt. 2, Edenton; Larry Cal vin Parks, 817 Cabarrus Street; Harriet Bond Small, 26 Westover Heights; Er ma Phelps Spruill, Rt. 2, Edenton (Honor Roll). Tyner Charles M. As bell, Rt. 1, Mary F. Pri vott, Rt. 3 (Honor Roll). f Why not get the best... COLOR TV'S LARGEST PICTURE SLIMMED INTO BEAUTIFULLY n'TZf] COMPACT CABINETRY... *“*j NEW 1968 jhj Charming Early American styled W »/ compact console in grained Maple v M color. 5” x 3” Twin-cone V tpeakefc New Zenith VHF and UHF Concentric Tuning Control*.. mmmmmm—mmmmmammmmmm—mmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmam THE MOST EXCITING NEW FEATURE IN COLOR TV Zuith Aatraatic FiM-tiiia| Cattrel Zenith’s AFC tunes color television picture-perfect at the flick of a finger. Just flip the switch once and forget it—because it not only tunes the color picture—but keeps it tuned as you change from channel to channel. And it even perfects your ine-tuning on UHF channels—automatically. • Zenith High Performance Handcrafted Color TV Chassis a hutwve Zenith Super Cold Video Guard Tuning System a Zenith Sunshine* Color TV Picture Tube The quality goes in before t.u nu...; err* * 1 AM CLOCK RADIO n r.vck 'a Seaem CaMruf • Clack Oiaf Ugkt • trim Alarm The ENVOY • Medal Xl7*. New, “mod em decor" styling. Sleep switch lets radio play up to 60 minutas.before turning off automatically. Cabinet in choice of: Beige and White. Charcoal Zenith - The quality goes in before the name goes on Jackson’s Radio & TV Service W. Mm atrtft Pta» 482-3519 wholly disagree with the author. I, positively do not want to return to boyhood. Those “dear, dear days be yond recall” do not call me. Without question, with the exception of childhood’s turmoil that all kids have, I had a happy childhood. The point is, today is too interesting and challenging for me to turn my feet backward even for a day. I want to see what’s over tomorrow’s hill, what lies around tomorrow’s bend in the road. Go back and miss the show? no, not for me. At no period of history has mankind achieved so .much, and at no period of history has the future promised so much. Last Saturday I had a birthday; old Father Time chalked up one more year for me, one more year of miracles and wonders. Os course, this is also a time of trials and tribulations, of fire and brimstone; but trials stiffen one’s resolves and fire hardens. I am looking forward to another year of revelations and a garnering of a little more knowledge and wisdom. When one retires, if and when I do, one must retire into something, not from something. When I retire, I wish to retire into the world of tomorrow. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1968. we care \ OUR RISE AS A MANUFACTURER BEGAN WITH... BAKING POWDER! How come? Young George Hartford thought the price of baking powder was too high. So he hired a chemist, made his own... the very best... and sold it at an unheard of low price. That was in the 1880’s. That was the first step in developing what today is a long and respected line of manufactured products. And every one is produced with just one thought. To give you the very best for the least amount of money. Can you be sure they’re the very best? We guarantee it.. .without question. Are A&P Brands a good reason for shopping A&P? They’re one of many. \ COPYRIGHT® 1966,THE GREAT ATLANTIC 4 PACIFIC TEA CO., INC. / # OtMESare y OYNAMITB during A 1 Ps iO SAIE ie Bakorn Crisp - Can. Fillers, V 2 ox. 5 8 1 Corn • J Corn Muffin B'/2 • Garner Texas Pef Hos Sauce, 3 oz. ts Four Season's Salt, 1 lb. 10 ox. • Ann Page ! • Bush Blackeye Peas, 15 ox. • Bush Great Northern Beans, 15 oz. Navy October • Gordon's Potato Sticks, 2 oz. can • A&P SPECIALLY PRICED! INSTANT RICE s 35° " 59° • A&P "THE REAL THING" FROM FLORIDA—CHILLED -ORANGE JUICE QUART 1/2-GAL. GLASS GLASS M BOTTLE BOTTLE ■ M hw # yl WONDERFOIL ALUMINUM FOIL WRAP 2 45c S— DELICIOUS FLAVORS TO CHOOSE FROM—MARVEL ICE CREAM 53 c A&pc’~ d GRAPE JUICE 186@a)9a97. 2 “49c GOLDEN CORN 3-. 50c 49c “SUPER-RIGHT” QUALITY HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF STEAKS BONELESS BONELESS IIAc BOTTOM M■ ■ TOP ROUND M ROUND M • lb. | ★ LB. Jg "SUPER-RIGHT' HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY CORN-FED BEEF CUBED—STEAK - 95 c CHOPPED SIRLOIN > 89c VIRGINIA FARM DRY CURED—PEPPER COATED HAMS?# • "SUPER-RIGHT" END CUT PORK CHOPS Lb. 49c "SUPER-RIGHT" FRESH PORK LOIN PORK ROAST 45C PORK CHOPS • "SUPER-RIGHT LOIN THIRD ''J PORK ROAST 49C Center p Center MM . "SUPER-RIGHT" QUARTER LOIN \ Cut 1% . Cut UN. SLICED CHOPS u, 55c .5, 0d C tlb 0u c J CELLO WRAPPED, FROZEN FILLET OF S S CAP'N JOHN'S FROZEN, BREADED OCEAN PERCH FISH STICKS ee 29c «$135 °s 33c t 49c Sr s s "SUPER-RIGHT" FRESH PORK BUTT ROAST ’ 8 . t A 9 39c "SUPER-RIGHT" FRESH PORK PICNICS . sl a 9 35c "SUPER-RIGHT" MEATY PORK SPARE RIBS u, 45c "SUPER-RIGHT" PURE PORK SAUSAGE m,^t or 'ill 35c TJUgg ALLGOOD BACON s 49° “• 97° "SUPER-RIGHT" FAMOUS QUALITY SLICED BACON ' s ks9 c t sll7 • U. S. NO. ONE ALL PURPOSE WHITE POTATOES 10 - 35 RED DELICIOUS APPLES ««.= 19c SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER 39 c STAYMAN WINESAP APPLES 3 .»■=« 39c SWEET POTATOES 2 25c PEANUTS 2 u> =« 79c JANE PARKER READY TO SERVE BLUEBERRY PIES 49c / JANE PARKER READY TO SERVE CHERRY PIES & 53c JANE PARKER GOLBEN L °" CAKE 49c 49 81,451 s :—b PAGE THREE