PAGE TWO A BROAD STREET § BULLETIN ' Kate It doesn’t cost a single cent To give a friendly greeting And vet a cheery smile that’s sent Wil brighten up the meeting Os those you see along the way, So, SMILE and bid the time oi day. I’m at last getting out a bit and really am enjoying it. God's world is a won derful place to be—especi ally outdoors, with friends to greet you along the way. I went grocery shopping Saturday with my son Martin and Buff and then Saturday afternoon, believe it or not, we went fish ing. No fish, of course, but it was fun holding the lishing pole once again. Don't forget the tea which will be given in honor of Dr. Isa Grant, our district health officer, who, I’m sorry to say, will be leaving us soon. The tea will be held at the First Methodist Church, corner of Church and Road Streets in Elizabeth City. The date (mark it on your calendar) is Sunday, March 24. The time: 2:30 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. All of you are invitel to attend to honor our very efficient and gracious Dr. Isa Grant. Since I’m in the recuper ation stage myself, I am more conscious than ever of exactly how much it means to receive notes and cards from friends. So from now on I’m going to try to give you, in this column, a “Sick List.” So if you want to send a card, I know it will mean a lot to each of the sick folks. And, by the way, if any of you have a name to add to my list, please let me know about it. Here are some of the sick folks: Geddes Potter at Norfolk General Hospi- hHBBH -j anti* gasoline PURE FIREBIRD. CUTS ENGINE WEAR TO KEEP POWER UP Get better mileage, lower repair bills, a better-running car! Only Firebird containsTri-tane additives, proved to cut engine wear. FIRE UP WITH FIREUIRO*t^g^A Winslow Oi Company A jjjpT Hertford, N. C. vH| BE SURE WITH PURE f I tal; Mrs. Cecil Byrum and her brother, Cliff Satter field, at Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill; Mrs. L. E. Francis, Route 3, Edenton; George Hoskfis, Chowan Hospital; Miss Sue Powell, U. S. Fish Hatchery, Eden ton. I am continuing asking for recipes. All of my own would be repeats, so please help me out, won’t you? Here are just a few household hints: A few cloves scattered in the corners of your kit chen shelves will discour age ants. To keep bacon ends from curling, when frying, just sprinkle the ends with salt. When tying a package, put one or two drops of clear nail polish on the knots of the cord. This will keep them from open ing. Dry cleaner plastic bags make good cushion stuffers. Cream cheese may be used instead of butter or margarine in making a confectioners’ sugar frost ing. Sincerely—KATE. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., entertained about 12 chil dren at a birthday party at her home at Merry Hill Fiiday afternoon, March 15 in honor of her daughter Marie’s eighth birthday. The children played games and were served cate and ice cream. Marie received many use ful eifts. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH tl, 1968. Chatham Jubilee whole I 1b hih cut up Choice Western- Armour’s Star Boneless Round Boneless 1"B 5 djC MWMM mm mmm or Cube Chuck m Round M J mWI o'o B f B yWBil SLICED BEEF lb. | 1 H§ Hickory Smoked Whole *SB« PORK CA { ST; HAMS 1 PORKUMNROASTS 85";...*57* AM *! TP Jg lb. g DODit narußmif 55 ( 77» •••••* • ••«• Young Tender Chicken Gwaltney’s Signal ROOSTERS BpSMffa™ lb. 55« B TAII RR M IIPII Gwaltney’s Strictly Fresh t ■ ■■ NIAIvH MARcK pork ■■ in X B mm GAME... INeckbones ID* IJ C vrnw at dpnt Camellia Pure Gt. 6-oz. Jar ■ ■■ ■ nV” pfS AI P&Q! TMCTAMT __ ■ mm T 0 BUY coffee jar /# c DOUBLE STAMPS , rs EVERY TUESDAY cyriTiuri v-lIfW taiw! wat t*c t I I DETERGENT dZ*