PAGE TWO A -" ; - \ GETTING DOLLED UP—Mn. Carolyn Nixon drew the assignment last week when two local "cuties" showed up at Nu Curl Beauty Salon to get dolled up for a Christmas program. Mrs. Nixon combs the pretty locks of David Harrell as George Nixon tries to look his eery best. Harrell and Nixon entertained at the annual Christmas party of employees of Chowan Hos pital. night of our Saviour’s holy birth ... shine always in the hearts of men %KB everywhere. Our sincere wishes for iIX a joyous Christmas to all our friends. T HollowelVs REXALL DRUG STORE A Registered Pharmacist Always on Duty Phone 482-2127 Prompt Delivery! THE CHOWAN HERALD. EPEHTOW, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1999. Waste LB. EFFECTIVE FM., DEC. 27 D ATAIJ AL p £Lf% 1 PflU/H 4■ ' Off I | I ,^-1 6WALTNEYS FRESH LEAN FAMILY PACK | | t , AM 63c Aspirin^:' wIC 1% UlvrJ iiM-lilr AAA C 39c 1$ VanquUh T Tablets .V 31c mi a nTrn B % S‘-05 Excedrin Tablets 85c ijn « TER a S » loin J i r x^srspr. SPBAYS .. a , I mlKr’ CllPCn Ih ! 7c Sudden Beauty .... 65c T®P .-Jfcfafa,.. W oLIIID 98c Suave Spray 69c V . m M 66c Revlon Spray 69c J*j 79c Halo Spray S9c DISCOUNT PERMANENT WAVE CWALTNEY’S AI.I. MEAT I JFEILF.K SLICED *}•*•} Rain Spray $1.09 « , $2.00 Toni Refill $1.69 T 11 Ado« ' *’* 9 ft sssraa, as fEILO bologna “.it n 81.18 CD AUlf C IL 4Or 1B K a¥f SS B-Deod tt o r r d ant £ DISCOUNT EVEREADV LINE I KAIlIl) ID* 4# Cl ■ G “* ** 85c ‘ It 89c Flashlight 65c 5 I ' ', —- I ™ l 1 -- - a—- 79c B B B B SBBBa 39c 29c DISCOUNT LAXATIVES || B V 79c Milk of Magnesia Tablets 65c Hgf j B U tZIiL* MJf ■Lj 4 —■.. BB BBt Wmm IW CANS IOU Salts 59c BB BB Bb BB V FI B Kill CAMELLIA BRAND - DISCOrXTJ’RK’^ B KJ-oz. Sandwich Spread ...... 3.1 c I * iMi - * XK ■m Bi Bi •• •. Hi-oz. Salad Dressing ".". 29c | INSTANT /■' HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO J a | 2 -11,. I‘a.uake Mix ~39c COFFEE \ ..".^J. H , E .^ NNONBATH& jp !- J Assorted Cake Mixes 29c \ KITCHEN YOU WANT | ® ,|C J T^n 7dMiik~"foTsTc I I fioz. Coffee Creamer 39c I B ■ 1 f\f\ 79c Colgate Lime Cream s9c $2.10 Swinger Film $1.99 SaUSage IlflMllll I 1 IHIIJnnTITTB 2) I eUU AlllP aies 1 asastrsi. seasoning j|MßiULLLLjiifiiS3 1 SAVE UP TO 50%