PAGE TWELVE-A * »• V fl ■* J M?’ k Vv^^sp^^Ewl I I ■faEt| g ■,- V $ ,:^ K ?■ ' ■ ‘ slsttL 1 / f nTfIL, ■ mV y / jX^at •5:5 CATCH FASHION-SAFETY E’RRORS? Model above has made some tuMn :£ choices that can impair her ability to drive safely, others that can help her avoid •f traffic accidents. Arrows indicate choices in question. If you fuemed Floret, 5 hair, cape and bracelets as potential dangers, you’re right, according to safety £ experts at Aetna Life and Casualty. THE CHOWAN HERALD LEGAL ADVERTISING £ NOTICE OF RE-SALE ; sln the General Court of Justice tperior Court Division Before the Clerk te of North Carolina, County of Chowan. :* By virtue of an upset bid and an order of the Superior Court of Chowan (bounty, North Carolina, in NOTICE! No buildlingr, sign, 9r other structure shall be erected, moved, extended or enlarged, or structural ly altered, nor shall any excavation or filling of any lot for the construction of any building be com menced until the Building Inspector issues a build ing peftnit for such work in accordance with the i requirements of the Zoning and Building Code [ Ordinance. s*» pe * In applying for a permit the following infor mation must he furnished: The size and location of the lot The size of the: building to be erected The location o f the building on the lot The location of existing structures on lot if any The purpose i’or which structure will be used The approximate set back lines of buildings on adjoining lots, and any other information as may h»e essential for determining wheth er the provisions of the Building Code and Ordinance are being complied with. It will also l>e necessary to obtain a permit for f<*any Electrical and Plumbing Construction or ; For Inf orma tion Call 482-2155 or 482-2156 Town Os Edenton I SAM IX>NG, Inspector a Special Pnaceedings en titled, “Everett F. Small and. wife, Mary B. Small, et als. Petitioners vs. Ma mie; C. Small, widow, et als, Respondents,” I will on May 30, 1969, at 12 o’-clock noo n at the Court H ouse doo r in Edenton, North Carolina, re-sell at public auct ion to the high « «*—»■ gmiJL MHMg, twwi CAMRAJU *»»— M>t * 1 ||iT XL IML est bidder for cash, the tal lowing lands in First Town ship, Chowan County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: That certain tract or parcel of land, with all buildings and improve ments located thereon and beginning at a sweet SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR THIS WEEK .'tt- .* jr Continued team Nj» » torical background? We need, fleet, to he aw*ra rs the fact that when the Northern rinQdrun (fanel) Ml before Assyria, the beet of the people pf Israel were taken into captivity, and thnt in the «wm of time the capturqd Inrealitoe intermarried with the As syrians. We aloe need to know that when the South ern Kingdom (Judah) Ml to the Babyieniane and were taken captive, the Jews from the Southern region kept themselves to themselves, and the blood line was thus •'unadulter ated. - After TO yean, when these Jews returned to their homeland, they made plane for rebuilding the Temple. Some Sam aritans, hearing at the plan, very generously Jour neyed to Jerusalem and of fered their help -in the pro ject, hut were bitterly re pulsed. And «e H was that the Samaritan* aatumed to their end de termined to |pttd their own Temple on Mount Gerizhn- K nowing these back ground facts, the Scrip tures become much dearer to the student, and carry much more weight One realises the portent of Christ’s actions, and is both overwhelmed by its nuances, and is inspired to have courage. For Chris tianity needs that same dogged courage and “frae- gum on th* said Emperor Rond (N. C. Secondary Road No. 1303); thane* North 83 y« deg. West • chains; thence South 38 dag. West 14 chains; thane* South 35 deg. West 8.29 chains; thence North 90 deg. West 14.83 chains; thence North 43 deg. East 28.30 chains to run of swamp; thence the run of the swamp to a cypress standing near the run; thence South ljtt deg. Watt to the first station, containing 49 acres, more or less, and being the identical real property conveyed to the said W. B Small by a certain war* ranty deed, dated January 7, 1838, and now duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds, Chowan County, North Carolina, in Dead Book 2, page 137, end reference is expressly made to said deed for fur ther description and chain of title. There is excepted, however, from this con veyance that portion of said tract, described aa follows: Beginning at aa iron pip* on the West right of aray line of N. C. Secondary Road No. 1381 said point btiag further described as being 868 feet from the intersecting point of the Wait right of way line of sadd Road No 1203 and the North right of way line of N. C. Sec ondary Rood No. 1208 (Emperor Rood); thane* from said beginning point and running in a gsoaral Weatwardly course 180 feet, more or leas, to aa iron pipe; thence running in a general Northwardly course 100 feet, mete or lees, to another iron pipe; thence running hi a gen eral Eaatwardly course 100 feet, mac* or lass, t# an iron pip* set in the Waat right of aray Una at said Road No. 1303; thanes run ning in a geasral South wardly count along said right of way 100 teat, more or lots, t* the paint and place of beginning, aad being the hawse aad lot now occupied aa the rari- Small. and it is under stood that the title to said tract at land ahail auto matically vast in the pur chaser at this Mid tract «f land at th* death at the Thomas A. Small, toai' The puTahapr shall aa **•?£•••** 2** 'Japan. *#ad *• Stoato- thinking" today that it did Sai>laei Fduaatliii and How courts—iib g ————— Christian are TOUT Pweabing (Ibseeaemma—i a— boned When politicians agio* oaaNNtam of the Interns- the angels may rejoice but ****** * M * ly the voters Just wander mm, —pyeigMed »r mo what’i cooking. —4»—» CeaatU at -cum, n Notice Os Sale Os Property For Oefinquent 1968 Taxes B r°vder of the Town Council, the undersigned wfll on Monday, June 8. IMS, at 12 o’clock noon, at the h££L *°!f 1,1 Edwlton ' for sale to the hwnri I bom 2“jP ßp * rt “* whicfa **“ im ***“ The following is a list of all delinquent taxpayers. tech P taxpeyer° ** *° W ’ “* ** tum > cogtM > *F W. B. Gardner, Administrator OOHPOHATKHfg Barr - *• f. * Co., 2.11 acres, 14.70 acres end mill buildings, 9 Me Seer Subdivision and „ Court Street $950.77 Canam—cial Credit Carp, lot and house, N. Oakum St- _ ngj Annie L„ let and store. Broad St 30.87 Hotaaa, W. D. Wholesale Grocery Co., land and buildings 34} |g Skiles & Goodwin, Partnership, lot and'bottuii plant 138.83 Wooten, Mrs- G. H., 4 lots and building. 48. 50. 51. UL 4 lets 83, 54, 55. 58, 4 lots 57, 58, 58, 60 11.80 TFSJjm AsbeU. Mxx. Jessie, heirs at, lot and house, 103 Mosley St 39.35 bAhum. J. I. and wife, let 305 E. King St— 746 Bateman. Pearl T., lot and house, Hicks St. 15.29 Bond, Walter H. and wife, lot end house, 105 S. Broad St- 57J3 Boyce. X. J. Jr., station, residence, house and two apartment buildings 92.05 Davenport, Barbara Ann, lot Jackson St 8.18 Davis, Bernard B , lot and house. 11 Hawthorne 37.49 Dowd, Larry and F. Habit, house on Dowd lot, Johnston St. 9.62 the first $1,000.00 bid, plus 8% of all over $1,000.00. This 14th day of May, 1960. MERRILL EVANS, JR., Poet Office Box 74, Eden ton, North Carolina, Commissioner. May 33 29 Adarisdatrator's Wage# - General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Having qualified aa Ad ministrator of the estate of Lana Estelle Lane, lata at Chowan County, North Ca rolina, this is to notify all parsons holding claims against the estate of acid deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of No vember, 1969, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All person* indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of May, 1968. W. J. P. EARNHARDT, JR. Administrator of the Es tate of Lena Estelle Lane, Deceased. May 32 39 June • 13 ixECUTOWS NOTICE Having qualified aa Exe cutor of the eetete of J. C. Leery, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sona boldine claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the un dersigned on or before the Bth day of November, 1966, or this notice will be p tee dad to bar of any re covery thereon. All per sons indebted to said ae tata will plaoae make im mediate payment. This tod day of May, 1880. , W. D. WELCH, JIL, Executor es the Ertate «f J. C. Leary, Deceased. May 8 IS 23 38p ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION By Written Consent Os All Shareholder* Os QUEEN ANNE’S REMNANTS, INC. Ibe undersigned Corpor sttflß executes these Articles of Dissolution for the purport of dioootving pursuant to tho written consent of aU of its share- L The name of the Oar. pacatisn is Quean Anna’s torn i f*rimsafaß th* af ficaes aad directors at the Corporation aro: dsnt-Traaourer, ill ISorris Orate Edaoton, N. C. r OorateyQ. Prague, Tio* & P. O. Be. m. Menton. ltete X. fc_ rector, Route 2, P. O. Box 531, Edenton, N. C. Glenn* Q. Parmer, Di rector, 120 Morris Circle, Edenton, N. C. 3. Attached hereto is a written consent to the dis solution of the Corporation signed by all shareholders of the Corporation. IN WITNESS WHERE OF, these Articles are sign ed by the President and Secretary of the Corpora tion, this 23rd day of April, 1989. QUEEN ANNE’S REMNANTS, INC. By Mamie> B. Quinn, President By 'Dorothy G. Deegan, Secretary. State of North Carolina County of Chowan: Mamie B. Quinn and Dorothy G. Deegan, being the President and Secre tary, respectively, of the aforesaid Corporation, each being duly sworn, deposes and says that the facta stated in the foregoing Ar ticles of Dissolution are true and correct. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23rd day of April, 1989. s/Eleanor T. Skiles Notary Public My commission expires: January 9, 1971. WRITTEN CONSENT Os All Shareholder* To DISSOLUTION OF QUEEN ANNE’S REMNANTS, INC. We, the undersigned, be ing all of the shareholders of Queen Ann’s Remnants, Incorporated, do hereby give our written consent to the dissolution of the Cor noration. This 23rd day of April, 1988. s/Mamit B. Quinn s/Dorothy G. Deegan Mayls424BJunß AAwfates tee tor's BaHn* s In the General Court at Justice Superior Court Division Before the Qerk Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of W. E. Molls, late of Chowan County. North Ca rolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said dsesased to prsaant them before the 22ad day of No vember. 1888, or this ao tiae will be pleaded in bar at any recovery fiMreon. acid ’•state will pteeae This 14th day*S"l£. • 1988. BBE mute ► tote es W. te MXte «*- Merrill Brans, Jr. AIMIMJ i P. O. Box H K—nmL V Y * in* ..J Ylflllfltfl Twiflfftv Av# 'Wf North Edenton and rariesa, Graham, lot and house. 804 Bend Bt__ 91.48 Griffin, James SL, lot and house, 201 W. Church 39.12 Griffin, Oncer. J. W. Griffin and Frances Ham mett. lot and house. 109 Morris Circle 4921 Harmon, Jessie T., lot and house, 45 Hawtherne 96.89 Harrell Boy L. and wife, lot end home, 209 8- Onkurn St 75 JS Hobowsky, Annie L., lot and 2 houses, Gran ville St 10.17 Hobowsky, Annie L., lot and house. W. King— 19.71 Hobowsky, Jacob, lot and home. 142 £ Car teret St. 79.17 J—kina, Anne S-, lot and house, 109 W. Men 41J Keater, G. A, Jr., % acre Hartford Highway «ad home 91.44 Lassiter. Beatrice, lot and home. Ml W. Gale 24J5 Lassiter, J. E. (Mm. Maude- heirs of. lot and •tore. Oakum St WE Leery, Leon G., lot and home. 308 Motley 57 62 Miller, Carroll S., storage, room to trailer 6.90 Overton, Eleanor S.. lot and home. W. Jueen 91.41 Parker, Thom— K, Jr . lot end home, 202 E. Eden St 35.32 X. and wife, iota end house, Privott, Thelma and Sally, lot and house. King 72.20 Ricks, John W. and wife, lot and house, Mor gan Park 105.14 Spruill, Frank and Lucy, lot and house, 296 E. Eden St 28.56 Tarkington, Raymond, lot and home, 115 W. Qwen St 55.25 Ward, Albert R, 2 lots 1,2, 8 and home. Dixon Subdivision 55.82 Ward, Percy It, lot end home, 210 S. Oakum 58.24 West Jamas D.. lot and house, Westover 25-28 White, W. J., lot and house, 805 Johnston St— 71.12 Wiggins, Emmett H., lot Pembroke and shed, lot and lighthouse 68.99 Woodle, James S, lot and house. 814 N. Broad 38.67 Yates, J. E. and Dorothy, lot and home, West over 90.16 COLORED Askew, Minnie 8., lot and house, 508 N. Gran ville St 9.96 Askew, Walter, heirs of, lot and home, 214 E. Hicks St 13 22 Austin, Vance, lot and house, 122 X. Carteret 17.81 Bembry, Jerry, heirs of, lot 217 E- Ricks St— 4.73 Bsmbry, John A., lot E. Albemarle St 3.55 Bembijp; Pear lie M. Stallings, lot and home, Bembry, Rosaline and Mary Horton, tot E. Church St 2.93 Blair, O. F. and Essie, 2 lots Ryder* Lane, lot and home, 221 E. Freemason St- 22.55 Blount Alpine I, tot and house, Albenia 12.30 Blount George w, % lot Carteret St 3.91 Blount, James, 500 N. Oakum, lot and house— 17.25 Blount John R- and Mary, heirs of, house and lot, 215 E. Peterson St 20.85 Blount Mary E., tot and house. 202 N. Mosley 15.08 Bond, Mary E. L„ lot and house, 112 E. Free mason St. 21.71 Brinkley. Leroy, lot Mosley, lot and home 129 ! W. Hicks St 16-42 Brinkley, Mrs. W. F. (Mamie) heir* of, tot and house, 120 W. Albemarle St. 15.80 Brooks, Lucy, heirs of, Vt lot M. Pierce home 17.81 Bunch. Hubert and Dorothy, lot and home. 218 W. Gale St. 11.79 Burke, Emma, heirs of, lot and house. 211 E Albemarle St 11.07 Burke, Willie M. and James R.. lot and house. Carteret St —---. 20.08 Carter, Oliver, Jr., 2 tots 236-7 Eden Heights and h™'fv : - 35.69 Chandler, Howard, tot and house, 218 E. Gale 7-72 Cherry, Edward, heirs of, lot Ryders Lane 9.83 Collins, Samuel D. and Cora, tot and house, 206 E. Albemarle St 10.91 Coston, Charlie and wife, lot and house, 405 N. Granville St 28.01 Cox, Emma, heirs of, tot and house. 105 Carteret 5.46 Dicks, Beatrice, heirs of, tot E. Hicks St 2-63 Drew, Herman and Madie S., tot and house, E. Carteret St. '■ 23.22 Edgerston, Geraldine, lot and house, 133 E. Gale 96.26 Edney, J. Carroll. Jr., lot and house. 137 E. Church St. I ——■ —-i——l'——' 22-64 Felton. Sam D., hairs of, 2 tots and house, Albania *— 1X77 Felton, Sammy Lee, tot 194x324, Albenia 7.77 Goodman, Ida C., lot and house. Coke Ave. 11.79 Goodwin, Miles, heirs of, tot and house, 120 E. Freemason St 16.90 Goodwin, Wm., Sr., and wife, lot and home, 110 E Freemason St . 19.09 Gordan, Sara, lot E. Hicks St. -- ------—--- 7.05 Green, Horace, lot and house, 129 E. Gale St 13.85 Gregory, Hillie, lot and house, Albania ... 19.77 Gregory, Robert, heirs of, tot and home. 109 E. Albemarle St 10.24 Griffin, Laura and Elizabeth, lot W. Gale St. 3-08 Grissom, Mary, heirs of. tot, Church St 2.62 Hall, Herman Barber Shop, tot and home, cor ner Badbam and Paradise Roads 68.03 Hall, Herman and Herman Hall. Jr., lot No. 10 Glenwood Subdivision and gas abed 39.34 HalL Herman, Jr., house only on lot No. 10, Glenwood Subdivision 92-75 Marj. heirs of, lot and house. 112 E. Halsey. Percy X, tot""and" house. Rytteis Lane 64.01 Harris, R. Frank, store and house. C> , rte^ t Jenkins, J. 8.. heirs of. lot W. Albemarle St. 4.22 Jernigan, Hunter T., heirs of, lot and house, 410 N- Oakum St *4J»2 Johnson, Etnest and wife Hattie, lot and home. 311 W. Church St „ 17.76 Johnson, Minnie, heirs of, tot and home, 120 E- Gale St - 11*79 Jones, John A.. Jr., and Nancy 8., lot and home. E. Church, tot Oakum St. -------—---- **-*4 Jones, Wm. and Ophelia, lot 414 N. Granville 6.39 Jordan, George C., lot and home 121 W. Peter son St* *7.45 Kelly, Josephine H.. tot Albania -- ----- ---- «-53 LittlejohnTßevenal H. and H. A. Hathaway, lot and home. 205 W. Gale St £•** Lowther. Matthew Frank, shop, Oakus St. —— 24.30 Mizeile, heirs of Percy and wrfe. lot and house. 220 E. Church St ————— 23.T0 Norman, Hattie, tot and house, 203 E- Gale St 11.99 Overton, Linwood Joseph. 1% lots and house, 116 E. Gale St ~ iri *7.80 OverUm, Oacar, heirs of, lot and home, 121 K Church St. ---■ Overton, Penelope, heirs of. lot and Peoptos^CMwmers" Mutual Awociatioiv( and store. Church and Oakum, funeral home, lot. store and building ‘‘ J* Perkins, Claudein. lot Hides St v *•** Pen lot 11.74 Rowson Funeral Home, tot and house, 104 N. ASiia 17g Satterfield. Western, tot Cart«*tSt---- heir, of . lot and house. M* „ „ wife, tot Coke WM HflMf Ul - «4M '' ' ' " " I£7 w iiwi -jv , l- im a (M-—’- 22.87

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