Thursday, December 16,19761 Parents Initiate STEP Parents and grantfcwraits alike often refer to ‘the good old days” when life seemed more simple and everyone’s, role was more deariy defined . . . there was an atmosphere of peace and order in the era of “Father knows best” and “Do what your mother says”. But times have changed, and' people have changed, affecting changes in relationships between people.. Concerned atod sometimes bewildered hy the effects which times and social changes have had on family relationships, today’s parents are showing an increasing interest in finding more effective ways of relating to their children. Thirty-seven mothers and fathers at White Oak School have recently organized into a new parent group called' STEP, a program of Systematic Training for Effective Parenting. The CARD OF THANKS To all my friends and Brethern of Bandon Chapel, and Arrowhead Beach, please except my humble thanks for your concern shown myself and family during these many dark hours. Your expresssions of sympathy and prayers were needed and appreciated. God Bless You All R.E. (Bob) Harvey NOTICE! 2% interest on 1976 ad valorem taxes will begin January 3rd, 1977. Pay your taxes early to avoid paying interest. O tse b jqou JO, GARDNER jidJtnjJ j| ’.r »»■»»r.f»o-inl < Town Administrator / {Season Greetings! I FROM | | the Hg)g!mr©[N HAI> I&ISieMRBS g 111(1711 ASHLET iagStiNßfif LOIS BRABBLE 1 W&M *\ JOAN RUDD I SHARUE SPRUILL 1 I mmmmu.mmu | L.—„ —— J V N I CLIP AND SAVE ■ I IMPORTANT NOTICE I I HOLIDAY TRASH COLLECTION SCHEDULE! ■ - Monday Tuesday Wednesday Hiursday Friday H II December 20 December 21 December 22 December 23 December 24 « ■~Eost | West j East • I West ■ Side | Side j Si JTanuar^jT^ East \ West I East I West H | Holld ° y l *»J ** 1 I** | l W. B. GARDNER, Administrator l prpgram, which Is designed l to help parents relate to! their children more ef fectively, is a training course for those who want; their relationship with! children to be more satisfying. Beginning January 10, 1977, the course at White: Oak will run for nine weeks. Because of the parented response to the organization of STEP, three one-hour sessions will be held weekly -two oh Monday nights and one on Thursday mornings. Using parent handbooks and correlated audio-visual materials put out by the American Guidance Ser vice, Inc., parents will read, discuss, and share their child rearing experiences with each other. Ginny Summers, ESAA guidance counselor at White Oak, originated the idea for this parent effectiveness training program and will lead the sessions. She stated that “coming to STEP meetings does not suggest, inadequacy as parents, but indicates a desire to grow. She added, “People are recognizing the importance of learning new procedures for raising children in order to have more satisfying relationships." Christmas is reaching the stage where it’s an ordeal to practically everyone but the children, yet we enjoy the TH»qHOWANHgBAU> k ggljnjjHK- I I "iTrtJDBNTTO RECEIVE AWARD—Terry M. Williams, Sr, left, local representative for Woodmen of the World Insurance Company is shown presenting a trophy to Harold Nichols, guidance counselor at Holmes High School, that will be given to an oustanding student in American History. The presentation will be made during Awards Day. A similar award will be given to a student at Chowan High School, reported Williams. Two Men To Face Felony Charges Probable cause was found In Chowan County District Court December 7, in Cases where Howard McKinley Hayes and Tommie Alexander Whitehurst each, are charged with three counts of breaking and I entering and larceny. The charges grew out of an investigation by Edenton Police Department into thefts from a construction site of Cape Colony Haven, Inc., off Paradise Road on September 10, Judge John T. Chaffin presided at the weekly session and Asst. Dist. Atty. Keith Teague prosecuted the docket. Other action taken in cluded: Lilliam Credle Ivory, speeding, (10 fine and costs. Notice of appeal entered. Wilburn Leslie Miller, drunk driving and tran sporting alcoholic beverage, 90 days, suspended upon of $l5O fine and ’’cSsdr**’ Angelo Burke, speeding, $lO fine and costs. I Adolph McKinley Boyce, improper muffler, $lO fine and costs. Roger Cullen Bunch, speeding, $lO fine and costs. Roy William Leaven . worth, drunk driving, 90 days, suspended upon payment of $125 fine and costs. Charles Heber Small, 111, reckless driving, 30 days, , suspended upon payment of SSO fine and. costs and not drive for 90 days., John Elbert Layton, v drunk driving, 90, days, suspended upon payment of SIOO fine and costs. Beverly Dianne Twine, traffic violation, $lO fine and costs. James Stallings Wiggins, speeding, $lO fine and costs. Lynn D. Stone, no liability insurance and registration violation, 90 days, suspended upon payment of $175 fine and costs. Margurite Delores Ross, speeding, 10 days, suspended upon payment of $25 fine and costs. Notice of appeal entered. John David Etheridge, speeding, $lO fine and costs. Christmas Program Set Church School classes of Providence Baptist will observe their, annual Christmas program on Sunday, December 19th at 9:30 A. M. The superin tendent invites everyone to attend as the toddlers and young adults render this program. The morning worship service will begin at 11 A. M. with the Senior Choir ser ving. Dr. J. L. Fenner, Sr., will be in charge of morning worship service. The Young Men’s Brotherhood will sponsor a Christmas Basket Drive. They solicit the support of Providence members in order to successfully bring joy to the under-priviledged. Any contributions will be most highly appreciated. The calendar for ensuing week: Monday—7:3o P. M.— Young Men’s Brotherhood Meeting— Charlton Build ing. Wednesday—7 P.M.—Mid week Prayer Service— Charlton Building. The pastor, officers and members of Providence invite you to attend all services. MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT NOW AVAILABLE Helps Pay What Medkare Doesn't Pay BENEFITS FOR HOSPITAL • DOCTOR SURGEON • NURSE NURSING HOME Cwwh l«|h« m EH*ctiv« Date al PaHcy No Wafting Periods Bar Ml lafarmatioa, FHt Out Caupoit aad Mail ta Soil 6. Morrell GENERAL AGENT EDEN TON, N. C .. Am «aa oom*. car Page 5-A Donnie Ray Webb, speeding, 30 days, suspended upon payment of $75 fine and costs. Herman Felton, public drunkenness, five months; malicious damage to real property, five months. Samuel Tarkington, Jr., improper equipment and reckless driving, 60 days, suspended upon payment of SIOO fine and costs. James Ernest White, speeding, $25 fine and costs. The following were called and failed to appear: Larry Wayne Lyle, speeding; Claude Maurice Hunt, speeding; William Carroll Harrell, speeding; Lewis Eason, improper passing; McKenely Commander, maliciofts damage to real property and assault and battery; and Stanley Lee Jones, inspection violation. ChnitMi It Seturdet, tut yT Independently Owned Mutual Metubet fhe«necy SMI Me. A 6~d Setoctton Ot Hum Te Meet* Anyene On Yeu. C hrwHmm Uet - And At ttxn We Guutuntee WiM Lee*e Yeu With A Wunn Mefcdey aenunm ee ; GREAT SOUND? OREAT VALUE! S j : VOUVE GOT IT With New# san vo yrfbgk MR.C®FFEEI r-t=. Vtr *»“!“ asassf_» n&SB || I C-60 HOUDAY HOSTESS lf.m t,t* pocket O' pur*e I I • BuOsei-oncea mooel to- - I \ 1 II ■MrTa« l • Ilf lr Rim-eno-thooi piciuie \1 -s-- V V NUT bowls #A- a a \ , ■ End- 77 ;j j *2 ¥ jjA.wM rljt. 5 .co~~,~.Jr >::r.v=r.vr::< • Aulo-uep * up« *V) —— M Irccd nov 11. MR.COFTS ■ '[ibSSi * mui ip*.*..i >«•••• J keep nay aoz i; • aw,i,OP«:iW!W" DDin Hse rlfM *• limit pswsfisses ee eA • THE ” .. |.. I :e. j 'K»3S3I “* 0 j HO spray | limH sex™ I o-w.« 07« I Season, $97 88 ! AJ( \M ! Seasonal 88 r^-::==::- ROBESON ELECTRIC \\ WtterPik : T* r. cwxkMASTfR [AM SLOW COOKIR a JS I w Bop« m crock D'ut low a., around nul ' J 4#i w. -J i <»t im cook.n* ia«ci to E3OPENE* ti iiiMl U0«l NO Itl UTILITY , ••••'» Coo- •«•»«•« and la*. Hand, ynai appl ave - ; epenan, ■ TRAVEL nito at'Sc a"S^LtSl»> *n diool'-atur# o'* bullin’fcoHla jpmser H’Piap * 'jtVr Sr«-Hf "nr - puNcAot to Wow coo* toato a< towar MfntihalOßdpinMliO .UNtoaW KITS CAESAR S 6 K GOURMET "»» 100 meu» Stow coqtony putoa qwck.Mt,cto>vo»i Goto mm* 4'A" w*dr It A. ( want 01 afle«otod »' iPlc «■»»a'» «»e*N«M. -Veto /*||T| CDV CCT ••**> cfcocaKU Prow torn Compute f omoire 4l 999 ••a’.-c nfeiprc u»iph»« t-mn VUILCKT XI rpap* *oo» S tool toneicoed M 0 m*t. lompere 4'yyv . ,- - nckv.R—«l-P»mk A gB OO 1» atoto. AC etoy COtoPAW At ?7 7J ! s™, *7 44 ! ■-- »i« J 21 88 *o« -,»i o«« 1 Savings .. m j■ Se«sor« Nerklarp • -r-* 8 * - ”’ w« -«» j«L N^ k p/i ce “Ta 88 S’ r $029 c - SC44 $ 059 LssMo^..joLf—Tw-..jvw.^ —?-—st ~2 , ——w———Mm-Me————u fciEANsiNGBARS effordotit ri FOAMY K •ri Lotion J W f~l | XLla’ ■■■ LJ "*«««* .saniEO.u-sa.™ »«1' Ajj/VOin 5 i t ow»*n« flUff ■«- .p. coueiiStise (owoutsop ■ @BSB 8% n» ■ 1 B »7‘ '! ’3" Lli£" f“7*s»£ ° llotol *y A K£ IH COMAARf AT IK .. ■■HIM • i?« .smampoo («*«#*• i S 6 - - CtWriMATIIC COMRARIATIRI . toestMSinvt COMRAIf AT 1.59 H ♦« iowwau h !p7-!« > s.~ «- te I Hiil # .. e— 07 —"owi* g >2" 5»1 44 S I ,T a,9BL | MUTUAL—Because Your Family's Good Health Is Our Business We Have Pleaty of CHARLIE Cologne!!!! MITCHENER’S PHARMACyB *“ 3d S. Bread St EdoMoar N. C * Phoao 482-3711 BSj * Swat c lL&... c l£ou* So/ ■" t iim « ffij i / Saturday neon. tlflll f hi STbISS.**" "I" Will, lads Mis/ /r=2sioo«"~'M./ /s. Winner will bn an- •) Q # I nounced an Gtarge Just guess the scare and r a f Chav. Radie Pro- you'll win SSMI and wa'H • f f gram WCDJ. double it if yaw have f bought a car from its dur- I tag W 4. I GEORGE CHEVROLET CO., INC. b SPECIAL PROGRAMS Jf 4k CHRISTMAS DAY ON WCDJ 4® Jr 11:00 a. M. H m "SUITES FOR CHRISTMAS" (Arranged by Shaw-Bennett) J By the Sanctuary Choir of Edenton Baptist Church H Soloists: J. R. Baxley, Dr. Robert E. Gray, Mrs. John Smith \sr\ Director: Mrs. Robert Gray Accompanist: Mrs. Larry Smith \ \ Sponsored By ■- ■■ ■■ /a|. LEARY BROS. STORAGE COMPANY VjF AND W\\ M PARKER-EVANS HARDWARE COMPANY Christmos Concert 4 s Os Edenton Chorol Society Soloists: Sherry Jordan, Elaine Gibson, Evelyn Smith, Russell Baxley, » John Becker, W. J. P. Earnhardt, Jr., Cyndi Phillips Director: Mrs. Otis Strother Nj Accompanist: Mrs. Larry Smith k u| Sponsored By K M EDENTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY M k\r AND ’ Y SWINDELL-BASS FUNERAL HOME