Page 2-B I'm Thankful For Christmas And Friends Xmas means so much to me Cause Jesus was homed that special day It won’t be for me, what it used to be For my mama is twenty miles away But God will be very close to me And I will not be all alone I’m living now for Jesus you see , Cause He blessed me to have a home. There’s so many people that I thank so much So many of them I care for a lot They warmed my soul with their touch And restored true love back into my heart When I felt my life was a drag Important folks stepped in and said Essie, don’t feel lost and look so sad God is here, you should be glad. Now I’m learning day by day That there’s people who really cares That there’s sure to be another way Os getting by and paying fares. To these people I ask one thing Practice what you preach and preach what you practice For a better day the holy bell will ring Since I learned this, I am happy. To the EIC, the Sheriff Office, Extension Office and Dr. Slades’ Office. By Essie Lee Pullman m (oreat fiyntns Or Jr toid and father or mankind Dear Lord and Father of mankind, Forgive our foolish wags; Reclothe us in our rightful mind. In purer lives Thg service find. In deeper reverence, praise. '-.U .. , f if\ [gA Our own John G. Whittier gave us this g gracious hvmn. He grew up on a New ,V\l England farm, where hard work left y Jjj M j little time for study or writing. His llfamily were Quakers; he learned to f& a I |Vj£® live simply, as Jesus did, and to love all v \ mankind. He fought ardently against A ' TsjSf- Slavery. "Love God and serve your fel low-men" was his ideal, which he lived and expressed in his quiet but force- Williford~Barham Funeral Home PROPERTY MUST BE LISTED IN JANUARY 1976 TAX USTINGS JANUARY Sri • FEBRUARY 3rd Notice Is Hereby Given TTiat the List Takers for Chowan County will sit at the following places at tne times named, at which places and in which month all property own ers and taxpayers are required to return to the List Takers for taxation for the year 1976 all Real Estate, Personal Property, etc., which each one shall own on the Ist day of January, 1977, or shall be required to give in. All property must be listed by the owner unless he is mentally or physic ally incapable of dc:ng so; All property must be listed in the township in which it is located. FIRST TOWNSHIP 1977 TAX LISTING JANUARY 3rd TO FEBRUARY 3rd First Township .. Arrowhead Beach Chowan Beach Cape Colony LISTERS: Pattie S. Byrum, Myftle W. Hare, Gail M. Forehand, Jean B. Perry, Sadie H. Hoskins Monday through Friday 8 to 5 o’clock Saturday 8 to 12 o'clock Every day first floor County Office Building SECOND TOWNSHIP a LISTER: Wayne Bunch ?■* Monday and Thursday nights from 6 to 9 o’clock E Smith’s Store January 4—B A. M. to 5 P. M & R Service Center January 11—8 A. M. to SP. M ’ Archie Nixonf’s Store January 18—8 A. M. to SP. M Mi (c R Service Center January 25—8 A. M. to 5 P. M A. T. Whiteman’s Store February 3—B A. M. to 5 P. M JW. E. Smith’s Store THIRD TOWNSHIP v LISTER: T. D. Berryman January 6—B A. M. to SP. M..„_ __j£!!...Ryland Store January B—B A. M. to 5 P. M -XgC. Briggs’ Store January 13—8 A. M. to SP. M By rumor Service Center January 15—8 A. M. to 5 P. M oPC. Briggs’ Store January 20—8 A. M. to SP. M.__ _/ jp Ttylafad Store January 22—8 A. M. to 5 P. M C. Briggs’ Store January 27—8 A. M. to .5 P. M Etyrum’s Service Center January 29—8 A. M. to 5 P. M C. Briggs’ Store February 3—B A. M. to 5 P. M At Home FOURTH TOWNSHIP LISTER: Ward Hoskins January 4—B A. M. to SP. 11. Brabble’s Store January B—B A. M. to 5 P. M Brabble’s Store January 11—8 A. M. to 5 P. M Brabble’s Store January 15—8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Brabble’s Store January 18—8 A. M. to 5 P. M. c Brabble’s Store January 22—8 A. M. to 5 P. M .Brabble’s Store January 25—8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Brabble’s Store January 29—8 A. M. td SP. M. r .Brabble’s Store February 3—B A. M. to 5 P. M - Brabble’s Store * Every Tuesday and Saturday Beginning January 3rd Through February 3rd, With out Panalty. After February 3rd a 10% Penalty For Fail* ureto List. CHOWAN COUNTY TAX OFFICE - . i nrniiii fitmiATftiiA r linn I CHnflHr B /§ JV I r - ' ■B' Ar • Mstomed, Jm 1 :r - ‘ ’ 4 OB 15 -3 RECEIVES HONOR—It will be an especially Merry Christmas for Louise Ervin, who recently received notice that she has been approved for membership in “Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges”. Mrs. Ervin, a second-year Associate Degree Nursing student at College of The Albemarle, was one of nine students who were nominated for the distinguished honor on the basis of their scholastic' and extra-curricular achievements while at tending the college. She is the wife of James G. Ervin, Sr. and resides with her husband at 400 North Broad Street. (COA Photo). Letter To The Herald Editor As I sit on the bank of the Albemarle Sound on today, July 4,1976, the 200th Anniversary of our nation and look across the sound at Edenton, I am inspired by the part she has played in history. In appreciation of the glory of her past and the hope of her future, I write the following poem: Edenton! Fair Edenton! Ancient in Thy regal splendor, Mother city of this land. Gateway to his land of freedom, In the brotherhood of man. Edenton! Fair Edenton, Emerald of .the Albemarle. Facing South upon blue waters, Queen of all which you survey. Elegant in they daylight splendor, Shimmering silver in the night. Edenton! Fair Edenton, Emerald of the Albemarle. Cradle of aborning freedoms Tyrants enemy, Freedom’s friend. Noble in original purpose True and faithful to the end. Edenton! Fair Edenton, Emerald of the Albemarle. Scott Yorke Pharr, Jr. f r t ... t •vy.* ff ’ 'fV- 'lr ,ir fi (Editor’s Note: Mr. Pharr, minister of Plymouth Presbyterian Church, has dedicated the poem to John A. Mitchener, Jr., and his family. “He has done more than any other one man to make Edenton the charming place which it is,” the pastor wrote.) THE CHOWAN HERALD Church Choir To Present Cantata % The combined choirs of Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church will present a candlelight centata, “I Believe He’s The Son of God”, by John F. Wilson, on Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock. The choir will'be under the direction of Mrs. Brenda Winbome and the narration will be done by Kenny Dickerson. Immediately following the service light refreshments will be served. The public is cordially invited to attend. SERVICES AVAILABLE Certified Watchmaker’s - Clock Repairs Jewelry Repairs ’ ’l* Diamond Mounting J Baby Shoes / I Bronzed, Silvered 1 j Razor Service ( Silver Replating I 1 + I I Refinishing I + I J Engraving 1 Wedding Invitations 1 I -t G. T. Davis & j “in oop we mnii” time oat fan GOT) ■M I'l MAKING PLANS ’ /• • I • 0 l# • . . . . / . j V x -fa * Do you like to build things ... a bird house or a skyscraper? If you are such a person, you know that plans are involved, often difficult ones. Usually we use the drawing board before we start building. - Making plans may be called foresight or looking ahead —and we all know that this is necessary whether building an object or building your life. As you make plans for the future, don’t overtook one of the most effective and time-honored aids in building a strong character—your church! Like millions before you, you may find just what you need to make your plans succeed. « Achieve success? This is what we all want and what we plan for. Start your planning now by going to church next. Sunday. ■ >■» ■ - arc- fin • . t l **' , ... 3 i£3xjq£ ~ Copyright 197 S Keister Advertising Servnc. Inc . Strjsburg. Virginia Scriptures Selected By The American Bible Society Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Job Job I Timothy James Hebrews Mark Luke ( ( Tnißrifir) 38:3-7 40:1-5 3:2-5 1:19-21 4:12-16 10:19-22 17:7-10 Sunday School Lesson ATTEMPTING SELF-SUFFICIENCY International Sunday School Lesson Scripture: Genesis 25:29-34 By Mrs. Jesse Waller -Today we begin a unit, and continue the study all through the November lessons, entitled “God’s Will: Our Accept ance of Servanthood.” The implications in the lesspn today are so contemporary that it reads like the front page of our newspaper. The sins which confront so many youth, and adults, are all bound up with selfishness. Our sin nature, and human weakness gives us the false impression that we can go it alone. Some say they don’t need God or anyone else' telling them how to run their lives. The end result of that kind of attitude is that they end up leaving God out, and letting others set their pattern of behavior. * Jacob and Esau were really doing their thing, without any help from anyone else, in their contriving and selfish ways. When one is physically hungry it would be easy to succomb to a hot bowl of lentil soup. But how could Esau do this, knowing, that he would lose his birthright, which was so im portant in his day? Jacob evidently knew his brother well, and realized that his stomach was his most vuiemable ap * proach. Already there was selfishness and deceit in the family,because Esau was favored by his father, and Jacob was his mother’s favorite twin. Out of this situation jeal ousy pew between the twins, Jacob and Esau. Do you see a resemblance in your family which matches theirs? Self sufficiency is so short sighted. So many are willing to settle for the immediate gratification, which is momentary, and always is followed hy repet. The heart of (his narrative is not Jacob’s clever trading the bowl of soup for Esau’s birthright, it is the blatant in difference of Esau. Then, naturally follows the conse quences of such irresponsibility. Esau disinherited his children, left them wild men of the desert and rocks, in stead of leaving them heirs of the promises that through his life would came the premised Messiah. He was not fit for such a promise. Then we arefamilar with the unfolding of the story of Jacob, who suffered for his deceitfulness. He was, in turn deceived fay his Uncle Lalmn, to whom he had been sent fay his parents to find a wife, tie had no dowry, so had to work seven years for Rachel, whom he loved. Laban tricked him, and gave him Leah, the older daughter, after dark. It was morning before Jacob knew Laban had tan eked him. Then f l , Laban made him work an.additional sever years for Rachel. Self-sufficiency is especially deadly in the. matter of mar- ~ \ r>age. Our customs are different today, and youth is permit ted to find their own mates. Many feel that it is not neces- ' , sary to wait for self gratification marriage-they wreck * several lives in their pursuit of security, and are not willing ' to wait for God’s guidance and sanction. It Was shocking - and most indiscreit, recently, to have toe wife of our Presi dant to express the view that is so popular today, on the CBS-TV “60 mintfte” program. She auggeated that more sex ual freedom wifi* result in leas divorce. On toe other band it has increased divorce an* trial marine, mad wrecked countless liv&. -* Closing thought: Dear Father, all of us need to know what ' you reipiire of us as intovidssfii; Help us, especially, to \ * -4' - <®*®®Pl^sj^d®dßl2s|iSiilond^sM ths*Committee oa the UtofotmSaries and used ’muTKtoy.Pec«nberlf,im ~ These Messages Are PnbUshed Under The Sponsorship Os The Following Business iiin^ttfflißßl|Lmpn' Edeaton Tractor* Equipment Co. Your FORD Tractor Doalar Agonts lor Evinrudo Outboard* USl7South,Edsnton,N.C. Hobbs Implement Co. YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER " O Your Form Equipment • Need* Area Lflo-TJmo Job With U*t GBt&Tykr Your Happy Shopping Comer Albemarle Motor Co. ■■Your Fhemtfy FORD Dodrr" W. Hicks St. - Edenton, N. C. Edenton Office Supply - Every thing For Tho Office 501 S. Broad -Ph. 482-2*27 Quinn Furniture Co. HOME OF FINE FVRSnUgae Edenton, h.C. ** Leary Bros. Storage Co. Buyor* ol Peanut*. Soybean* and Country Product Sellers ol Ferllllior and Son* Edenton Savings & Loan Where You Sam DOES Make A Difference’ Edenton, N. C. Byrum Implement * Truck Co., Inc. I mental nmol Haeveuer Dealer Phone 482-2151, Edenton Western Gas* Fuel Oil Mitchcnwr Village Phone 482-4483 .• ; a«^— W.E. Smith GENERAL MERCHANDISE j "ROCKY HOCK" Phone 221-4031, Edenton \ Montgomery Ward 401 S. Broad St —Telophone 4*l-44*9 Edenton, N.C, { R. O. DIXON, JR. As*m Parker-Evans Hardware Company OLEEM PAINTS i i Phone 482-4401, Edenton > Mitchener’s Pharmacy: ! PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS^ ■ ' - 5 ' _, ;••• I Phone 482-3711, Edenton f ,a ""'KMn Edenton Shdl Service j Sbrvlc* it Our Butkw** * r '’ . • * ■% Phone 482-4770 Edenton, NC. ~•4 . i , : . . /.. . i •" g > . M'* ml: 1 iL Ht !« m .-- _, M' 111 -%• *.aPF dr.