Page 2-A mW/} X HOOTS SITTING IN Hk an nouncement I received from the-President of the North Carolina Library Association (NCLA) stated that the Spring Workshop for the organization would be held on April 1 and 2 with committee meetings scheduled for early Saturday morning. I felt like an April fool when I discovered that the first day’s meetings were for officers only. The president, Dr. Annette Phinazee (Dean of the Library School at North Carolina Central University in Durham and a very gracious lady) came to my rescue and invited me to attend the dinner meeting of the Executive Board as her guest. So I sat in on some very interesting discussions and learned, first-hand, how decisions with far-reaching effects are made. Since the organization includes all kinds of librarians and has a membership numbering several thousand professional people, it is divided into sections along lines of specific interests. For example, there are la Mmorhn In loving memory of our mother, Annie Copeland Hollo well, who passed away two years ago April 5, 1975. Death beckonerLher with outstretched nand And whispered softly of “An Unknown Land” But she was not afraid to go For though the path she did not know, She took Death’s hand without a fear, For He who safely brought her here Had told her He would lead the way into - Eternity’s Bright Day And so she did not go alone into the “Valley that’s Unknown” She gently took death by the hand And journeyed to “The Promised Land” And there, with step so light and gay, she polishes the sun by day And lights the stars that shine at night And keeps the Moonbeams Silvery bright And in the Heavenly Home Above She waits to “Welcome” those she loved. Her Children pd. wr 91IV and get this custom-designed DUT home entertainment center \ ( NOW la va * ue ] 1 ~' •Meo^eeturer *u*ge*ted list price TmhmAkpP- -for dear, rich, natural sound! Model IIIMW ' Tine sound Stereo Precision Record wtth no more than 1 % total Changer with Micro-Touch harmonic distortion! The Tone Arm. Shown with Allegro Sertee I amplifier Zenith Allegro 1000 has 2.5 watts min. RMS speakers with tuned port power per channel, into 8 for clear, rich, natural ohms, from 100 Hz to 10 sound. Simulated wood kHz. Also features AM/FM/ cabinet, grained Walnut Stereo FM Tuner with AFC. finish. rib# quality goat In batata lha n«m» go as on MMaMATYScnffM 00mm - - THC By NeMe M. Stator* sections for college and university librarians, for junior college and technical school librarians, for school librarians, and, of course, for public librarians. My activities have been mostly connected with the public library section and thus have afforded me little opportunity to mingle with the “academic types”. The Spring Workshop in Durham was my first real chance to participate with all types of librarians in a small group setting. One of the most interesting items discussed was the Biennial Convention for 1977. Because of the size of the attendance, Winston- Salem’s convention center has been ,the only location available in North Carolina for the last six years. This year’s meeting is scheduled for October 5-8 and the program plans announced at the Executive Board meeting sounded great. But the exciting news was that a new location is now available for the following meeting, originally scheduled for 1979 but possibly changed to 1980. Charlotte has just opened a new Convention Center and hotel complex (The Radisson) which can ac commodate the NCLA convention crowd and their invitation to {day host for the next general meeting was accepted. In addition to the formal meeting, I sat in on an even more interesting informal one. A “bull session” with State Librarian David McKay, a library school dean, three university librarians and several other public librarians was the best part of the two-day meeting. SCREECHES BOWING OUT - The NCLA Bicentennial Com mittee, of which I was Co- Chairman, was the reason for 'my invitation to the Workshop. Our report covered the activities for the past two years and highlighted the successful forum series which was sponsored by the public libraries in 1976. A less successful series was held in the community colleges this spring. The report concluded with the recommendation that our committee be dissolved. We figured the Bicentennial celebration is a thing of the past now so it is time to get on with other things. Needless to say, our recommendation was ac cepted. % lb. mM *“■ 'SI MvSHy i/Jr STEAK WKW steak «..»«- ** *i s n »i»qt COTOP. 47t I I I . m LJ Jff Lufer Jamestown Lut " Jomestown 4 tO 6 IBs. Luter Jamestown Chatham Jubilee Brand Br ° nd FPFQH 'wHOLe" Brand BACON “ HENS'IgT mMS 81 99* ir 79< 89- nfamt>llia)Store\ W* HHCK PUB fgjl J °\, 6/101 DelMoi,,e Del Monte I 24 « Meek Ckmk^M Sw .„, M Camellia POUCH P3=l Elflht Moi«t A Easy p N $ V«hU C4l 11 m TUNA Cake Mix CORN vdll pkg. " can bo JL am 3 I 3 cons I DOX tr 59* 67' T 89* 17* VA Ik. 16oz - 15 oz 12 oz - r J’ /4 °J; 49 oi. SWEETHEART Luck’s Hunts Em P ress riUEmA # ™ ID “ m c sr “ = (frtf kmis Beaches 0 DETERGENT 3Lo»es cm , „ k _ 4bones w. $1«» 4ft If 8? 9ft liSSSSaSSI 50 FREE LARGE ttjßF POT PIES 4 for SI.OO frewfH EGGS .. J!*' *** Stamps LETTUCE hd* 394 Pet-Rite flailMM doz. mm|| - *mi ms «9< 00, SQUASH THE CHOWAN HERALD ’niurnday, April 7,1977