Page 6-B Bondon Notebook By Maggie B. By MAGGIE B. HOW IS YOUR MEMORY? Sometimes it pays to wipe your mind dear of all things which tend to depress you, make you fed guilty or want to “strike back”. In glancing through my “Leaves of Gold” I came across this anonymous article on “What to Forget”. Share it with me: “If you would increase your happiness and prolong your life, forget your neighbor’s faults. Forget all the slander you have ever heard. Forget the temptations. Forget the fault finding. Forget the j'»culiarities of your friends, and only remember the good points which make you fond of them. Forget all personal quarrels or histories you may have heard by accident - don’t repeat them. Blot out as far as possible all the disagreeables of life; they will come but will only grow larger when you remember them, and the constant thought of the acts of meanness, or, worse still, malice, will only tend to make you more familiar with them. Obliterate everything disagreeable from yesterday: write upon today’s clean sheet those things lovely and loveable. Sunday dawned bright and beautiful. Supt. H.T. Bunting warmly welcomed ail assembled at Bandon Chapel for Sunday School. He announced that a Congregational Meeting will be held on September 6th, the first Tuesday in Sep tember, for the election of officers for the coming year. He stressed the importance of attendance by all members. (This was also announced by Dr. Bill at the Worship Service.) Bible Study will be Wednesday at 7:30 P.M. in Fellowship Hall under the leadership of Dr. Bill and Tom Dilday. Everyone is welcome. Choir practice follows at 8:30 P.M. under direction of Mrs. Bonnie Price. Anyone interested in singiqg with, the choir is invited to attend. The BCWG will meet on Thursday from 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. Bring a sandwich, your favorite project and join in the fun and fellowship. Our kindergarten intermediate Group, taught ■ ACE IMCHEStt L¥9E POUNDS! FAT IS UGLY. LOSE ITI MON AOEX is the most effective weight loss plan sold directly to the pub lic. This tiny tablet helps curb your appetite. Start losing pounds today Change your litt. Lose 10-20-30 pounds or yourmoney wilt be refund ed. MONADEX sells for $3-25 and twice the amount for $5.50. Also try AQUATABS. a “water pill” that works gently to reduce Witcr bloat- $3.00. Both guarante ed and sold by: Mitchener's Pharmacy South Broad Street EDENTON, N. C. IIF IT NEEDS STEAM CLEANING I J» EDENTON STEAM lAiffW CLEAN,NG Ujmmt/ ! we steam clean mm ) J*m BUILDINGS AND I MOBILE HOMES . .. HEAVY MACHINERY... TRUCKS... I motor cleaning ■Also Featuring Steamex Brand Carpet Cleaner I For Prompt, Professional Service Call; I DALTON FURLOUGH „ THOMAS EVANS A mm m-m j I -WB WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY TO BEEVE YOU* by Mrs. Robin Adycock, had as their subject “We Take Care of God’s House”. The children learned that King Jonas helped fix up God’s house by encouraging people to give, so that they would have a feeling of joy as they worshipped at God’s house. Mrs. Adycock was amazed by the amount of biblical knowledge possessed by our children and the many things they thanked God for. Our Juniors, taught by Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Beach, studied “What Difference Has Hie Bible Made?”, I John 2:1-5,12-15; 4:10. Aim was that the student may desire that the Bible be translated into every language and distributed to every people. “Samson: Struggle Against Oppositon”, Judges }3: 1; 16: 23-20, was the subject for our adults, taught by Wm. F. (Butch) Smith. Aim was that adult Christians pray that God will bring judgment on His enemies in the world today and liberate Christians suffering political and economic oppression. Prayer List: Prayer covers everything and everybody, and no matter where, when or how men pray it profoundly affects their lives. As Leo Baeck said “The purpose of prayer is to allow us to be alone with God and apart from other men, to give us seclusion in the midst of the world.” Please add our friends to your prayer list. Roy Housden, although still weak and in pain, was able to get out of the house and ride around for a while with Dr. Bill last week. He seemed to enjoy it very much. Please pray for Roy and his wife, Kitty; Louise Waters is about the same. Pray for her improvement; Helen Ellingwood is home but still suffering after effects of heat exhaustion; Meta and Bob Mason are both home from the hospital but still in need of prayer; Donna Hardison is still confined to Albemarle Hospital suffering from peptic ulcers ; Opal Gregory is improving; also remember “Duck” Reid; George Bunch, Jr., Eleanor Jackson; Blanche Kight; Mona Voliva; Lula Work man; Claudine Bailey; and add A1 Owens of Chowan who is scheduled to enter the hospital on Tuesday. Please remember our missionaries Nita Pride, the David Smith Family and our beloved pastor, Dr. W.J.B. Livingston. We had a real treat Sunday -a mother-daughter team! With Mrs. Bonnie Price at the piano, she and her mother,. Mrs. Doris Squires, their voices blending perfectly, sang a beautiful and inspiring duet entitled “Jesus and Me”. Made everyone wish for more. It has . been said that “preachers who saturate their sermons with the Word of God never wear out”. That’s exactly how we, who have the privilege of hearing our beloved Dr. W.J.B. Livingston, feel when we listen to his in spired messages. His thought-provoking message for our Worship Service this week was “How To Increase Your Faith”, Luke 7: 1-10. “Faith” is putting your trust in something that works. In our scripture we have a perfect example of faith. The Roman Centurion had a servant very dear to him who was sick and near death. He felt that he wasn’t worthy for Jesus to enter his house so he sent friends to Him and told Him to “just say the word and he knew his servant would be healed.” Jesus marvelled and said “I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel”. The servant was healed. From this Cen turion, we can learn how to increase our faith. Covered Dish Supper enjoyed by all! Such delicious food - just about everything you can imagine! Dave Lapham received compliments from all on his “pot of Navy Beans” - as did Jack Strickland on his most enjoyable “Chicken and Dumplings”. We even had delectable “Won-Tons” made by Connie Pate! There were all kinds of good ole home cooked fresh vegetables and luscious deserts -for sure, we have some of the best codes anywhere! Many thanks to our hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Adycock and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pate. Be sure to mark your calendars now for the 3rd Friday in September (16th). Our hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. Medford Taylor. First timers to Bandon this week were Mrs. Joyce Smith and daughter from Haledon, N.J., guests of Mrs. Taylor. Welcome. We hope you enjoyed our ser vices and will come again . soon. How do doctors remove corns without surgery? Doctors find many corns and calluses can be removed medically without surgery. The same medical ingredient doc tors find so effective is now available without prescription in DERMA-SOFT* Creme. Use only as directed. Show ad to vour druggist. DERMA-SOFT rag CHOWAN HERALD By Nellie M. Seeders DirccwTi rcHigrew Regional Library HOOTS A READING SUMMER Thanks to the generosity of Hardee’s, the number of books read by children this summer is file largest ever recorded in the Pettigrew Region. Long after the free hamburgers are forgotten, the effects of learning to enjoy books will be ap parent. A side-effect of our summer reading program is one that we did not an ticipate. Because each child had to tell a librarian about each book read, the ability to put thoughts into words, to articulate ideas, was greatly enhanced. And the personal attention - one-on one so to speak • created an increased sense of im portance to the child as well as giving the librarians new insight into the Ways a child’s mind works. It would be hard to say who learned the most - the children or the librarians. My own reading this summer included a splendid book with Australia as the setting. THE THORN BIRDS by Colleen Mc- Cullough is an engrossing story of a Catholic family who lived on a vast sheep ranch. The characters were very well drawn and the incidental geography lesson was interesting but I was especially pleased with the frequent mention of the importance to the family of library bodes. The isolation of life in the “Outback” and the absence of other forms of diversion made reading the favorite recreation for this hard-working family. 1 SCREECHES FLAWED FORMS lt was with a huge sigh of relief that I packaged the various parts of my annual report to the State Library this week. The better part of the past six weeks was devoted to compiling the vast amount of information they requested and assembling it on the many forms provided. Since I was on the com mittee that revised the design of some of these forms, it came as a bit of a shock to find that we had not anticipated some of the problems that could arise. Only when one tries to fill out a form does it truly become apparent how ambiguous some of the questions can be. The facts were pretty impressive. We now have 93,861 cataloged books in the region. This amounts to 2.54 bodes per capita since the Pettigrew Regional Library serves a population of 36,959. And that does not include the large collection of uncataloged paperback books. Richardson Ends 35-Year Career With USCG ELIZABETH CITY William F. Richardson, electronics mechanic general foreman at the U.S. Coast Guard Aircraft Repair and Supply Center, retired on July 16 after more than 35 years federal ser vice. Bom in Rhinehart, La., Richardson served in the Army from 1942 to 1946. In July 1946, he was appointed as helper general at the former Naval Air Facility at WeeksviOe. In February, 1949, he transferred to the Coast Guard as a radio mechanic. He was promoted to elec tronics mechanic in 1962, leadingman electronic mechanic in 1962, awA his final rating of general foreman in 1967. Richardson and his wife, AS- - # vsj-i- tills. Edenton. - I downtown edenton * pMOONGj fUTSALEj LOCATED ON PARKING LOT AT REAR OF STORE! THREE DAYS ONLY!! THURSDAY - FRIDAY ■ SATURDAY - AUGUST, 25th - 26th And REDUCTIONS UP TO 70 % OFF ■ REGULAR PRICE ON ALL SUMMER GOODS! I ifu ,ocw ,dY<>a nauii smoe. nJwois nowofin , Ait SUITS - DRESSES-SKIRTS-SLACKS - SPORTSWEAR - AND - MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST { I FREE! FREE! FREE! ICE COLD LEMONADE DURING OUR PARKING LOT SALE! ~M i ' 1 j ; —v, j — v,-/" tv,; v. Puhoting m is- Bkd, whn. M«t's J«am Shower Head Wm. Rogers Portable TV denim and For a massage in Stainless CORDUROY your Shower Service for 12 -iTI- *** r Ji» Sale 7.88 w ».95 11 - #77.00 11 Sale BJM Regular 22.95 S||a 94.88 Regular 119.00 3 DAYS ONLY * PW ’ W 3 DAYS ONLY! * N A S A S > J imm v,/“ "Vw-r \/ mmm v, LADIES' One Oraup Ladles' ladies' Drsst One Group Boys* Slip on Scuffs Assorted Tops ' Dress Shirts XEaST »*7 mSSSdwto Sport ShiE m* in r. is&T’ts, ,r.r r S \ A' "£2l S 2 ASSORTED ENTIRE STOCK s --szJ!r , ' y : 16* * S* sin mT ■ regular price 50c yar* m>wi 70% tff a DAYS OHLYI Me. . , I ' j— “" -- r - ** : '-.Hflfnr v w I -' .* . k_ r._. -k.. '■ -LZJS "JBamfe .. ' 9- ■ wlii -v - -• # / Thuriday, Angmt m. vm