THE CHOWAN HERALD SECTION B ~„-«sMHr^PMiHwmM^MBWBMM—• v , fiP^ l \ IQUE ENTRY One of the most urwjfuw wXjws in ihe recent Chowan County Fair was tius diarama of * war scene. It k the creation of Gtecomo Belercdl and depicts an area when Russian iirfantry troops advanced on dements of the German Mthlntontry Division on December 24, mi (Staff Photo by Lui» Amhura» Cable Repairs Now Complete A deliberate cut in a cable caused temporary damage to telephone service on October 5. "Some subscribers were j| ALL GOOD THINGS ARE CHEAP. Twenty yws >|» mm! ««t less than they do now. But they did tass. We-hadtomcMr “rtibtotics. ww burtmMws. ami *ltoc miracle drugs which can he depended up** to S produce a positive benefit and very »fte« a certain cure. Present prescriptions are cheap' indeed, fur they usually limit sick ness-time to days instead «f weeks and save more lives. Some cost runt*, hut yum benefit more. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE I S when van need a medkint- Pick up your ptmipown R shopptnt ••“by. “ »• •«* dchvec peumpoh uahoat * xtr * c b“fe. A (not many people entrust us .4* (Mr prescriptions. May we compound vnwrC Hollowell- Blount Rexall QOOOfYCAR w» kI HSISSEih* l i hll!nSminss'Pba^J*t' fcul ' I!;• i Z '. VJqX f 3 \ n QIBK ft op spH o*i? ©t yoof s*3f * GOODi mime. ■ ■' aSgt^Koort lUf»'llWlUJl | •• rf^',l#lf ' ~>,, * *■* Goodyear Tire Center 1029 N. Broad St. Phone 402-8488 Next to Barit rilLCii Wortfcsiii Shopping Cotter Edenton, North Carolina, Thursday, October 11, 1979 temporarily without service as a result" acewrdwg to T. F. Darnels. spokesman fur Norfolk Carolina Telephone Company. Service was disrupted as a rest* of the act Repairs were started at once and Daniels said that service was restored as tpriddy as could be under the conditions The company is offering op to Sl.fM reward for in fennatioa lending to die arrest and conviction of wtivtdmts responsible for damage to its facilities The amount of the reward will be determined by the company (dated to the investment and service importance to the public . BINGO EACH THURSDAY 8 P.M AT ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH TWO JACKPOTS s2oo°° Each Forestry Field Day Plans RALEIGH ‘Money DOES Grow On Trees... Plant Some!” This win be the theme of a "Forestry Field Day” to be launched by Gov. Jim Hunt on opening day of the 1979 State Fair. The event wiU be sponsored by the N.C. Forestry Association in cooperation with die N.C. Division of Forestry and die School of Forest Resources at N.C State University. The 2:30 P.M. October 12 ceremonies win take place at the Forest Resources Center an the west side of the fairground.' A feature of the field day festivities will be the governor’s announcement of an upcoming public in formation program aimed at informing landowners of opportunities in growing trees. The field day will also include formal opening of the Forest Resources Center. . .plus demon strations of log chopping, crosscut sawing and axe throwing. Expected to be of special interest is “burling" on a log in the Fairgrounds lake, an event in which two nimble-footed contestants attempt to dump one another into the water. The N.C. Forestry Association says die south is already recognized as the nation’s “Wood Basket”. Moreover, the demand for wood products will double by die year 2.000 and more than half of it will hage to come from North Carolina and from other SECTION B southern states, the “North S Cwolina is Number 1 among the SO states In the incentives it can offer the landowner who is interested in planting trees,” Association President Keith L Lamb explains. Cost sharing benefits were provided by the 1977 General Assembly while attractive tax in centives were added during the 1979 session, be points out. North Carolina is thought to have an ad ditional edge in the fight for future economic growth of forestry because of its 245,000 small woodland owners... a far greater number than can be counted in any other state, i The Forestry Association offers a free information kit for forest landowners. It may be obtained by Box 19104, Raleigh. N.C. 27609. Spread newspapers over the top shelf of your refrig erator while you defrost to save mopping up later. West W. Byrum Agency. Inc. The Independent Insurance Agency That "Insures Everything But Tomorrow" See us For Your Home. Car And Business Requirements Today. You’ll Be Glad You Did. Just Call 4&2-442S 403 S. Broad St. Edenton. NC Say goodbye to high gas, (Ml, «• deccnc butecTd^i: Fisher's new fireplace insert 4 —| •*'■*■ l •■yunimT qi.fiSjjjL ■ y—» *~ n < r.» r r - 1 - ' , * wood-buming stove is an effi- - earn! -..-v ! - --■■*. needs ne ■ side power : There a: v "m fans. mot. >rs . blowe:- IM! \9 '''' Hh- r #1 ' “ * loot'!. Jmt 1 lee'., m ..> vT* - * A■&: — ■ to 26 inches in length, It comes —lisynD v 'w JS;| *w mch a» kmc stamm haa.m i E heavy piate steel, has ttrebnek 11^ to 40 inches in width. Optional _ j, | 11/ J spacers are available for larger K I TTyi^Wßßsafc|LiT openings. ff>[-4 I I 1 f *»* Come in and see for yourself why ' Fisher's fireplace insert stove is ' another idea America is wanning MgggS IHHHHA lt y«f'« looking ante* wood! sWiues. •Bkjuersoptional. W j you're probably finding alk»« o* cvuffiCHiKrt-- mg clam, and wvatUNwn. Let «s __ A "“T hdp make Chungs dor. Ii 'rf3f BiSm ft&SL. • Bc'.cc' i 'y i y.ri ,'»■ I T Ht bHHHHB vCCCorv v - Fite Mnajp Ebv Tens Cotoidrriug the ccst of oil, gas md ekethe hear feese days. fc\ easy k> see why fcumfceds of thousands to wa tom m m to to of hotnevmuers across North America have turned k> II R# RH I I HARDWARE CO, "TsmorcKviuomicaltucantnm ».'vH. *t ' ||% Xj |W| 38* or mote off your bettog btU> > ji ■ ■■■■ • m Wood smeis awl sounds as jood ns f±v± ' hICXq it burns And it's one font of cnerav H- m viam * _ _ ton's still (towin'. ; Xjvfgl >3 'Serving The Albemarle R» Oaer «0 YRvs' But what do you bun «ood pjy^ffc in k> pet toe nmt heat ad of it? Bh»4XMM SmMMMi XOMBM The Washington Report Walterß. Janes You will recan last week that I reported it was a most negative week with the House of Representatives rejecting practically every measure which came up for action. A weekend certainly changes things -for on the contrary, this week the action has been extremely positive beginning with final approval of the Panama Canal implementation treaty which was rejected last week. The Treaties have prompted bitter controversy since they were first signed in 1977, but they ars now binding in ternational agreements between the United States and Panama, and are part of federal law. The Senate ratified the Treaties in early 1978 but it was necessary for both Houses of Congress to pass implementation legislation. The House of Represen tatives’ votes were ex tremely dose, and as I had pledged. I voted against the implementation tail each time it was considered. Under the terms of the Treaties, which went into effect October 1, the United States and Panama will jointly administer the Canal for the next twenty years. Panama will take full control in the year 2000. Each year the United States will pay 610-million to Panama from money derived from canal tolls. Panama will also receive 30 cents per ton in tolls for States haiMh* rgte te to meat of Education, and the was finally aggramd Mr both the House and Some and now goes to the Whtoe House tor tue ntSMMKs signature. This was my high on the President s Ksk of "musts ”. As 1 stated before, I voted for the new Department eat the is far toe important to be immersed to the bureaucratic mare of the present Department of HEW Again I want to assure that there are safeguards which prohibit federal intervention to local; affairs which far exceed the protection now afforded, and places a cap on the number of employees to the Department, and actually provides for a reduction: of approximately 509 key personnel at the present time. After going back and forth between the House and Senate, legislation was Gf&fcTyler Jownamur all thisi... Celebrity 111 n Canister by II Hoover® f I • Air Glide No Wheels / 1 vliH® • Large 12 Qt Bag I a Capacity a 1 • Powerful T.B Peak a 1 Y«d 44 88 Reg 54 96 ’ Available In Poppy With Antique Copper Shadow M Shop Monday Through Thursday 9 30 Until S3® PM. Friday 9 30 AM. Until 9 PM. Saturday 9t 30 AM Until 6 PM. Phone 482-3221 desnedlbafttoastogtodte raced that Ctogms to toraaShaf hafeatemdhuSto Ctetot atoagwdh lawn party. During Mm by Lari Anew, camedton Narvta Hamlisch "The Sting" uJTto* Mhy We W«re")i. These «c --poUitobcal or idrologiriil MMH— _ ii