HmUmt. Octebf ,QJB> Bandon Notebook: Moral Values Decline m, £S2Z\".;t y* * tee atoy «f God's faon dhNriL Us sis so fMtsaste •• bs hvtog to America ston wo are si liberty to ssras onr to any subject without fear and in ton worshipGodatthechurch of ear choice, wo don't have to *> “ontotgrtamd" ♦ tost is, right now' wo donT Bat, what to happening to us? We - •“ Ik. --» »—1 trerargotKing me principles wmcn tnis country was founded and wo are forgetting our Creator. The ttodtotag every day in every way - no one seems to trust ear politicians anymore; instead ot loosing torwara to marriage, many men and women today are just miian tkan i wncxi incy tiro of that relationship, they move on to other partners; initiative and self-reliance seem to be a thing of the past in many places - they behove the world earns them a living; the homosexuals seem to be coming out of the woodwork claiming equal rights - they see nothing wrong with their mode of life. Everyone seems to be looking for a "hand-out” from the government - but - they haven’t stopped to think that whenever they let the government do something for them that they could do for themselves, they lose a portion of their liberty. I could go on and on but the point I want to make is that it is up to us - each of us - to do all we can to get back on the right path. How? Through prayer. God tells us in Ws Word that if His people get together and come to Him in prayer He will "heal their nation”. Our nation needs to be healed! Sunday morning as I was fatting ready for Sunday School, I was listening to Jerry PahoeU. He requested that everyone set aside from Sundown Saturday, Oct. Elect lugß J.D. WL Elliott rtMl V>< lit HHHI November 6th "Your Vote And Support Will Be Greatly Appreciated” Dependable heat for your home—with fuel savings to wann your heart! j/kmm THERMOSTATICALLY CONTROLLED WOODBURNING HEATERS 'h N> worries about fuel shortages when you heat with inexpensive, readily available firewood. And Ashley Circulators heat up to 6 rooms for IS hours and more on a single foaling! No fuss, no fumes, no smoke. Ashleys require ash removal, on the average,only three times monthly...maintain the heat level you select by setting a dial. Choose from 4 fuel savinm modeb now! Mm iiyy A— ofbknton. mc. oS praying for our country wad it’s leaden. 1 think ifs a good idea -a little fasting wont hurt any of us and whan God's people pray together, miracles -do happen. As each of us go about our “to every life you touch today leave your H£* still taming; There may be darkness to that Ms, than may he secret yearatog AaiwdferreSi«>v«n^ttoyMmMofth>lairof^ So toad your light and kaop it Mtf* amid He's casstant churning; to every Hfo you touch today, leave your Ho* sUB homing!" On this glorious Lord's Dty, there was a refreshing “nip" in the air that caused one to hold the head high and breathe in the cool, dean air and thank God for the privilege of gathering together in His House for a spiritual refueling. Sunday School Supt. B. Kent Rowley enthusiastically welcomed those asssembled at Bandon Chapel, especially our dear friepds, Polly and Stevie Long. He announced that Prayer Meeting will be Tuesday at 7 P.M. in Fellowship Hall, followed by Choir Practice at 8 P.M. The ladies of the Bandon Chapel Women’s Guild have voted to continue the 10 A.M. starting time for their meetings on Thursday. October birthdays will be celebrated on Oct 18th. The Silent Auction will also be held on that date. Book Mobile will be at Bandon on Thursday. Bring your favorite project, lunch and join in this day of fellowship and fun, which is open to all ladies in the area. “O Prayer List: In my opinion, prayer is toe most powerful force in this world today. Nothing is impossible with God. Please add our friends to your prayer list Alyseand "Sparky” Moyers were en route to Arrowhead Beach when they were in volved in a head-on collision. "Sparky" is doing fine but Alyse has internal injuries and is suffering with her back and neck. Pray for her complete recovery; Carol Fanjoy had dally routines, let us remember that we are tecmtoct with, one way of toe other. I pray that it will bo for our Lord. a beautttoT’pMm entitled "Leave • Light Burning”. Share it with me: surgery two weeks ago, came home and infection set in so she is hack in the Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Ward ISC, Bedroom 4, Portsmouth, Va.; Doris fiQflfl (IBS DCvfl fWSfMmH¥"n at Chowan Hospital since last Wednesday but is hoping to go home Monday evening or Tuesday. Her home address is: Rt. l - Box 69C, Merry HUI, 17857, phone 481-8007; Delores Nixon is back in Chowan Hospital and neetfe your fervent prayers; Please remember Arthur Kay who is undergoing treatments for cancer of toe bladder; Sam Wright; Esther Pobton, Herman Smith; Mis. Russell Houck; Annie Cooke; Vernon Conner; Jessie Jordan; Elton Bunch; Margaret Ahhted; Len Koraska; Sylvia Johnson; our mbskunsries Nita Pride, David k Linda Smith, Robin Carson and Mary Catherine Moshos; the leaders of our country and our nation as a whole; and our beloved pastor, Dr. Bill and his Sarah. “Christ Gives Meaning TO Life”, Phil. 1-18-30, was the topic for our adults taught by Margaret Bun ting. Aim was that adults say with conviction: “Tome to live b Christ”, and to realise that Christ gives meaning to all of life’s ex periences - service, fellowship, suffering, even deato. “Happy Birthday” was sung by all in honor of Clara Chappel as she placed her contribution in our Birthday Bank. Several people needed for telephone work or light delivery work. Must have your own trans portation for deliveries. $5.00 per hour possible. Apply at Coach House Inn, Room 23, Thursday, October 11, lO a.m. - 6 p.m. Special Announcement Estate-Type Jewelry Sale Ross-Riddick Jewelers has for a limited time only, a fine selection of very exceptional rings. These collectors pieces consist of genuine rabies, sapphires, and diamonds. * Many of these rings are offered at a fraction of manufacturers cost. Sale Ends October 22nd, as this merchandise mast be retained to owner. Sincerely, Benßiddick Ross-Riddick Jewelers THE CHOWAN HERALD Stan Turhyflil reported thrt the Youth Car Wash was a big success. The nally worked and he was thankful to report that in spite of the hard work, they were back to Sunday School on Sunday. Ho expressed appreciation to all that came out and to aO the On tbs World Wide Day of Communion, Dr. W J. B. Livingston’s inspiring communion meditation was “Will God Help You?”, S Kings 18:1-7. Look at King Hexekiah. “He trusted very strongly in the Lord God of Israel. In fact, none of the kings before or after him were as dose to God as he was. He followed the Lord in everything, and carefully obeyed all of God’s com mands to Moses. So the Lord was with tom and prospered, everything he did.” He will hdp you if you will do as he commands. 1) Trust the Lord. Believe He b really there and mindful of you and that Hb strong arm will be thaw to help in any situation; 2) Follow the Lord. You can do what Jesus would have you to do. In every circumstance go to God for guidance; S) Obey God’s commandants - love God with all thy heart and soul and love thy neighbor as thyself. As we come to this communion table, this is the time to resolve to trust, follow and obey and He will bless you id everything that you do. Our dear friend, Jeannie Church, was able to be with us Sunday. Monday was her birthday so the whole congregation sang "Happy Birthday" in honor of Jeannie. —O— There will be a meeting of all Sunday School officials on Friday night at 7:30 P.M. at the home of Butch and Rose Smith. The Children’s Halloween Party, sponsored jointly by the POA and Bandon Chapel has been set for October 21st from7to9P.M. Makeanote of the date and bring all the drttoen evening of The POA~Board Meeting win be Saturday at 1P JL in the Arrowhead Beach Clubhouse. All property owners are invited to attend to discover first hand the progress your Board has made so far. Any ideas for the betterment of our community will be ap preciatod. Our deepest sympathy b extended to the family and friends of Mrs. "Midge” Gumm of Akron, Ohio, sister of Mrs. Kay Christ, who graduated from this earthly plane Monday. We mourn for our loved one because we will mbs her. But, rejoice - death b not the end, it b just the beginning of a new life where her spirit b face to face with our Savior, Jesus Christ, and there is no pain or suffering there. Arrowhead had a winner again this year at the Chowan County Fair! Deacon Clarence S. Barnes won 9 Blue Ribbons, 8 Red - and 1 White. Congratulations. District Court News For the second con secutive County District Court Tuesday was in session less than an hour. Judge J. Richard Parker of EUabeth City presided Action taken included: Clydette Moncrieffe James, speeding, S3O fine and costs. Robert Hedric Woodcock, Jr., improper passing, 20 days, suspended upon payment of S4O fine and costs. Jerry Thomas Dillard, speeding, 30 days, suspended upon payment of $75 fine and costs. Gregory Earl Harrison, two worthless check counts, 30 days, suspended upon payment of S2O fine and costs in each case and make restitution. Robert Wayne Sharpies, t no operator’s license, called \ and failed. j Herbert Wynn, in toxicated and disruptive, 30 I days, suspended upon \ payment of S4O fine and ' costs. I George Adams, trespass, ) 90 days, suspended upon l payment of $25 fine and / costs. ) Stephen Bernard ) Brinkley, drunk driving, ( second offense, six months, ( suspended upon payment of ) S2OO fine and co6ts and ( placed on probation for two ( years. ) CARD OF THANKS ) First of all, I would like to ( thank God for he was right / there to take me through this ) critical time during my stay \ in the Albemarle Hospital, I through my operation and ) the loss of my baby girl, and to all of my relatives and friends for all their kind acts, phone calls and all the wonderful cards; but most of all for their prayers. Again I am grateful to everyone. Genesis 18:14 says, “is anything to hard for the Lord,” I can truly say that there isn’t anything to hard for the Lord. Thank You. Mrs. Barbara Spivey For ALL Your Roofing Needs PERRY ROOFING N Since 1919 482-8579 Edenton, N.C ★ Tar & Gravel it Shingles it Gen. Repairs it Metal The Heraia Legal Notices Continued From Page 6-A This 13th day of September, 1*79. Berate B. Baker, Sr. Collector of the Personal Property of The Estate of Genevieve Piland Baker Deepened. 5ept.20,27,0ct.4,11,chg. EXECUTRIX NOTICE of the estate of Maybew Confletoo, bto of Chowan County, North Carolina, this b to notify all person! hoktng claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned oo or before the sth day of April. 1*79, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. Ail peraent indebted to said estate trill please make immediate payment. This *Rh day of September, 1979. Gladys M. Congleton Executrix of The Estate of Mayhew Congleton Deceased. Earnhardt k Busby, PA. P. O. Box 445 Edenton, North Carolina 27932 ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS Gewtfeeof Chowaa and Peroafotaas Pursuant to Section 143-129 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, sealed proposals are requested for: (1) One H ton pick-Up truck to be finished to toe Counties of Chowan and Perquimans, in the State of North Carolina. Bite will be received by the Office of County Commissioners at Hertford, North Carolina, until 7:30 P.M. October 30th, 1979 immediately after which time they will be publicly opened and reed at the Office of County Com missioners, Hertford, North Carolina. A deposit of cash, certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond in the amouit of 5 per cent of the proposal shall accompany the proposal as required by lew. Details as to complete specifications for the equipment , desired may be obtained from toe District Health Department in Elisabeth City, North Carolina. The Board of Com missioners of Perquimans and Chowan Counties reserve the right to reject any and all bids. For, the Perquimans- Chowan Landfill Lester H. Simpson Chairman Chowan-Perquimans Landfill Oct.4,U,chg. 11l The General Court of Justice Superior Court Division Before the Clerk EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Lennon W. Brickhouse. late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the \ undersigned on or before the 21st day of March, 1980, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All. persons indebted to said estate - will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of September, 1979. Beatrice H. Brickhouse Executrix of The Estate of I Lennon W. Brickhouse | Deceased. | Sept.27,Oct.4,U,lß,chg. In The General Cwartaf Justice Superior Court Division Before The Clerk ' EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix I of the estate of Joseph Ben i jam in Twine, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is | to notify all persons .holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of March, 1980, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All [amiM inrtrhtnd to «oid —ft* will please make immediate payment. This 13th day of September, 1978. Joyces. Twine Executrix of The Estate of Joseph Ben jamin Twine Deceased. Sept.aoX7,Oct.4,H,chg. CO-EXECUTRIX NOTICE ■ Having qualified as co executrix of the estate of Marie Reed Wheeler, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 2lst day of March, 1980, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 10th day of September, 1979. Theresa Reed Ennis Elisabeth Reed Koumas Co-executrix of The Estate of Marie Reed Wheeler Deceased. Student Holiday Schedule During the 1979-80 school year, students will get six holidays, but from 8 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. on these days it will be work, as usual, for teachers. The first two of these student holidays will come in quick succession on October 12 and October 19. Traditionally, there are six grading periods for reporting academic progress of students to parents. On October 12, teachers will be preparing the year’s first report cards for release on October 17 and completing records in preparation for the first Parent-Teacher Conference Day on October 19. Realizing the importance of providing parents with a special time to discuss academic and other con cerns and feeling that the end of the first six weeks is a crucial time for parents to be aware of their child’s progress at school, the Board of Education DINNER GUEST When I awoke this lovely morning, The sun was really shining bright. I paused for a moment and thanked the Lord, For being spared through another autumn night. Soon I heard the phone begin to ring. Yes I picked up, I heard Azalea's clever voice. She gave me an invitation to a big dinner, My day was planned, I must make a choice. True, if there were more people like Azalea. I often think what a grand world this would be. Yes she is kind and has a wonderful personality. And she is certainly one good friend to me. We are both great talkers as you know, I really feel 1 missed a lot by not being there. I can well remember when we were young. And filled with glee, we didn't have a care. My phone rang again near noon hour. Please come and have dinner with us. Yes it was again Azalea's clear voice. My guest are coming in, please come it’s a must. Yes Azalea had a real nice dinner, Baked chicken, country ham, and delicious pie. A number of my lady friends were there. True 1 was not, later I’ll tell you why. My granddaughter, Mary Kay is running for “Fire Queen." I had to take her on a wild goose chase. Listen, she is only twelve years old, I feel it’s my duty to keep her in the race. MARY LIZZIE LANE Tyner, N.C. NOTICE! All unsightly and unseasonable flowers will be removed from Vine Oak Cemetery and Beaver Hill Cemetery on October 29, 1979. Anyone can remove their own flowers prior to that date. ' Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. j. c. PARKS Superintendent Street Department Page 9-A Earnhardt * Bushy, PA. M 3 West Eden Street Edenton, North Carolina 27931 Att. Mr. Max Bushy Sept-20X7,0ct. 4,11,chg Petal Isrths S "*MUraTheCtarfc EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Joseph P. Caffec, late of Chowan County, Norm uirouna, uus is 10 oouty ell persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned en or before the Uth day of April, 1980, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immedfote payment This 4th day of October, 1979. Helenas. Caffoe Executrix of The Estate of Joseph P Cs fiee Deceased. C. Christopher Bean Attorney at Law 431 South Broad Street Edenton, N. C 27932 Oct.lMßXs.Navl.chg. established these dates in the 1979-80 School Calendar. This pattern for students, parents, and teachers will be repeated at the end of the first semester in late January. Other student holiday teacher work days will be announced as they arise. CRCTo Hold Meeting The N.C. Coastal Resources Commission will hold its next meeting on October 11-12 in Pine Knoll Shores. The commission will meet at the Marine Resources Center on Oc tober li and at the nearby Holiday Inn on October 12. Sessions on both days are open to the public and will begin at 9 A.M. The commission's opening session will include a report of research evaluating the CAMA program.