Mrs. Belle Griffin, Mr. Boyd Harless Two prestigious senior citizens have been removed from along the Public Parade within the past two weeks. Mrs. Margaret' Belle Walters Griffin, 107 North Granville Street, died August 3; Mr. Allen Boyd Harless, Sr., 108 Pembroke Circle, died August 15. Mrs. Griffin and Mr. Harless each carved a special place for themselves in their own quiet, unassuming ways. The good they did as mother and father; as teacher and businessman; as leaders of the community they loved, cannot be overstated. When we came to meander along the Public Parade some 16 years ago, the Griffins and Harless’ were neighbors, their residences separated only by West Gale Street. We lived just up the street a couple of blocks and naturally the children wandered. Often times they were found playing or talking with Mrs. Griffin or Mr. Harless. Some adults can be fooled, but it is quite difficult to fool a youngster. They have a special sense for love and they knew Mrs. Griffin and Mr. Harless loved children and it was not limited to their own. Mrs. Griffin was a special lady. She was a former school teacher, was active in Edenton United Methodist Church, Edenton Tea Party Chapter, DAR, Edenton BPW Club, and Delta Kappa Gamma. She was the wife of Lloyd E. Griffin and the mother of three children and the grandmother of 10. What is probably more remarkable than any of the above is the fact that she remained a faithful and devoted wife and mother under difficult cir '*"**ytf CX Mr - Griffin, a man wlfh statewide -connections and prestige, worked in Raleigh for many years and it required a special sacrifice by Mrs. Griffin. Yet she was never heard to, complain. Mr.'Harless retired in -1965 as manager of Albemarle Peanut Company, a leading industry in Northeastern North Carolina. Previously he had been associated with the N. C.' Department of Agriculture. He served on Edenton Town Council and the former Board of Public Works, was very active in the Democratic Party and also was a member of Edenton United Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Harless raised two children and enjoyed five grand children. He was a good husband and father, and a better grand father only because he had more time in retirement to devote to his family. This community is a better place because Mrs. Belle Griffin and Mr. Boyd Harless passed this way.. They wouldn’t have had it any differently. Noted And Passed The Chowan County Democratic Executive Committee will have to take another cut at selecting a nominee to go on the ballot in November as Third Township candidate for county com missioner. The task was not made easier by the decision of Mrs. Anne H. Bunch. Mrs. Bunch resigned Friday for “personal reasons and the re evaluation of my employment schedule.” She was the over whelming choice of the committee to the late Lester Copeland on the ballot as well as to fill?his unexpired term. Chowan County commissioners had 60 days to fill the vacancy. The bond’s failure to act August 4 on th«T party committee’s recom mendation certainly had some bearing on Mrs. Bunch’s decision. Mrs. Bunch resided on Route 1, Tyner. However, she and her hqsband both work in Suffolk, Va. She told this newspaper she didn’t forsee any difficulty between her employment and the office of cdtaty commissioner. Something apparently surfaced to change her mind and she made the right It will probably be more difficult for the executive committee to r% QACAf|# | nkntnn Continued on Pave 4 "X g rasa W, BIESSr- Q -i ~>fwr- m -, mk , xp H Hh v. / 1 ' .1 • V -> Kv I• - ” > . - s > X ”> ~ ’ v --t , * *■ X . J||| jJ| K rL^ - » S’'-’;-.* » WBft i>r ■* ' T'TjW.TS .V.<& „W/ i*»V n|aHR # w«fe ». A' !WWMPSMPare|||. ,«gi f »** ~j£/W, *vWi 3f WkMt A Charlie Cahoon of Hyde County and Glenn Golden. In the other picture, “Parson” Andy Griffith gives the cue to his famous “choir”. Left to right are: State Sen. J. J. (Monk) Harrington, Charlie Winberry and Ed Renfrow. (Staff Photos by Luke Am burn.) B* , 1 ••«• v* PLEASED WITH CONTRIBUTION James C. (Pete) Dail of Edenton, co-chairman in Chowan County for the Jim Hunt Re election Committee, is shown here with the candidate in Manteo. ?SiWHp^' n.-yr: iffijii|W'iMj- \ 4 ? j||| ' Wlll^^P l "x psl I’ * ' ? • mflr m iTBi / -v „ f jig. IMPROMPTU PRESS CONFERENCE Gov. Jim Hunt escaped a crowd at Manteo Saturday afternoon to field questions from the press corps of Northeastern North Carolina. in Suffolk. After the appointment there was some concern expressed about whether or not the nominee could sufficiently carry out the duties as a commissioner while maintaining a full employment schedule in Suffolk. At the time she said she did not expect any difficulty. flfl OS® |sß - : .>mBBP' '• - Mrs. Anne H. Bunch Single Copies 20 Cents. ' 1 nllllHHM