Page 4-B I '\ 7y- 1| B i 'j' ' Jfc ” if ■v %■*•'" T a \ ~\% f'y.'T*'/ I '".’’; "'i '’ _<- ’* :j _ ' ‘*S/ *- .^vV-' */' Vv f.JJ ’ ' ■'■'V? *'■/■/, V’ 1 :. THE ROBIUN THOMPSON BAND played two "hot" seta to a sellout crowd at the l-ighthouse Wednesday night The Richmond. Ya -based band is a local favorite aad their current album Two B $ Please has found its home in many homes along the Public Parade The Sand will be playing *tth lemux at the Premier Theater in Norfolk soon. Staff Photo by Luke Am burn Cystic Fibrosis Campaign To Begin Sept. 21 Mrs Wanda Henson Chairman for the tTvtwar. County Cystic Fihrosts Kiss Your Haby tm paign announced today that the campaign will he con ducted September 2: 27 Eiery mother of a youngster > *pquc-ied t.i k:>> her t«h> -;*\':a! afert.on to the *as:e os the •ci) A major 'tc~. of cystic :.nro>:> ts j high sa.t enter.! t 'he ner>p»rat:or. .he . cal C. rsun -f idca-r,. gr .s uestgr-d to a'.t-n par-rts • the sysr.p : -is y ' • anc Aher lurg da r.g diseases M |^S r ««.vJ m if« \' l’\l*.\ *1 \!H» it t> annual Chouan County Cystic Fibrosis "• - ur.'teraa;. :.-ad -g t*p the effort is. from tne left a- w v - - ■ •'- -•> . Aar a: Hi' -t. chairman and Bruce Wackelm Second 1 '• >*ug r.u* -ales are scheduled September 26 on a '■ r : >v ■ -p •> ,r a on Dehalf of the ;t ' Center Hi Club Hosts Cookout ?f"~f :i .. : \ . r :: t f'»r r n- ' . *. -a. ii.' j‘ \r: +* - i Mr.- it .' ;i ... -•.. r •t jr j* r ’ *»*■ •’ • £J . K.* ' . •*- 2 ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE • v; a' ■>* za • , • r ■ *'■».* - \ .► - - -- - fli ’ • a . 7 . • i • #<:*-, \ .v.i- •9v t _ -•" i .*• . ■" ••♦ r a-.w 1 1 -.a -71* . ■ -jmr * • . I yK||to ■ J we-ct *' * r -^>9kC-V'* awe 'T' . - . •*v to BL Zj* Z7-X.-Z • >«or > -a-V ■ ' Complete Line Os Fisher Stoves \W»FA and Inserts • Many At 1979 Prices! • We Install and Finance on Low Monthly Payments • DVDI IM Hardware DIRUM Company Dial 482-2131 • Downtown Edenton children and to collect funds m support of medical sciamfic programs at the care teaching and research centers ;n the l nited States Many of the lati.OOO North Carolina yc ungstcrs who suffer aith one or more lung diseases are treated at the Ihike and \ C 'lemonal c‘F centers which are supported by funds raised in local ci'mmur.'.tres Those \« tv a:.! be helping the chairman with the campaign are M-s Sally B.oun' Mrs April Lane, .inn Mrs Nar. y Traesdell of all diseases causing iea'h :n .rt.idren lung • deb • -«C ft 7 *>rap \r • i ■ - ■ •• .- .-•- : „r« f ' *; >n • ■ / jr. _ • r a.r ..-rto ri.j'tc rv-r- >. •• ji.-d '• ■ jrat-d to • v 'totof .r> • p :n his illnesses rank second only to cancer Some of the signs of lung-damaging diseases are recurrent wheezing, per sistent coughing, excessive mucus, pneumonia more than once, and clubbing enlargement of the fingertips^ Cystic fibrosis is the most serious lung damaging illness It is the number one inherited killer of children One of every l.fiOO babies horn will nave CF At this date, it is still incurable Symptoms may include persistent bulky diarrhea, nasal polyps, salty skin rtroject Fried thicken a ill !*• < -T.'er Hill s ~pt-c;al*> The js-ual (air (akea taxt-s pies and other j*«-t pavtnes vi.ll be a.ailabie • . ’t-mpt >ou • ■ .1 x KJ^R W taste, and shortness of breath. During the campaign week, area businesses will be visited to help support the fund drive A booth will be located at the Chowan County Fair for information and donations. Doughnuts will be sold door-to-door for $2 per dozen, with delivery on September 26 On Sep tember 26 and 27. booths will be in front of AAP. SAR. and Winn-Dixie grocery stotes Attend The Church Os Your Choice This Sunday fucti •tesj UNJUSTLY IMPRISONED, JOSSM iHßmfl \7’#W 5-OJLD U*.E SlfiN EMSfTTEQBO RWHV X — ls M i TL€ WTH TVisrSEEVED TO gAELQPsIMJ AMQ COJLPhUME SLAMEP M\ # - WPOO 36NOUNONS WUBOAW3 KUUUMm^ j CaUEuTV AND LKJUST 9t€TEM OP IM- #\ 3QSONMBMT N TVOS6 AnOGNT Wn!WßMlgWl»jil .. . •»i VU# >JN6£ONS? 3UTjOSBXi yJkS A MAN IrlllWWlifllflfli. . /t \ V M aucOustedsoos propose, he _ '■ \~J VNASTE TtAAE SEMOANINS WI6 IJIKiI dfl fllrAf A 3eST,NY BUT T3EO IWMBOATELY TO l ff \ 3eTTB3 *SCONOrrOMm§Sis4O« 22.23l_aECiijseoPw«PAnvi Aisoo •BSll M&rjPr 4 Avo SODS POOVMSES MB SOCN BECAME T 0.7 . 1 & SA€ TViiS P 0« NOJR SUNCKY SCHOOL SCRAPBOOK >W «1 to . I.r Ml. Kiln IL« » WW» totoW— ■■■ »■■ HI to*** 1 I. *»'• These Messages Are Publlsh«d Under The Sponsorship Os The Following Business Estabßshments Byrum implement A Bridft-fum Exxon Edenton Tractor A T tr»nr ffmi"T?gnt^ Truck Co. Inc A ServicontEr Ftyiipromt Co. Ck a. . . h r Muw*hW"l (wiOlfmA toton w Friend Caaan PraductsAUM !.■«*'**»* u >»•»» w«w* wwvwzits -«» TbwMMaki us if s«A hMon a c Phone4l2-2141,453-2142 Aibwmorf* Atotar Co MNchonar’s Pharmacy Edenton Savings 4 W. E. Smith Gfkik Tyier maomntm Lo,n «w«At maoiMtm phMHMCMTS w»wr* ro« to»* oo*s - wm moci r w MviaHr«nr»l W. Hkka rift Ilia. Ml C Ph— misnm—an W. C Phana 221A03J. Man*an Montgomery Ward Wastem Gaa 4 HoDb* Implement Co _t;»...--1,-,-. FimIOM llmthmri Company you* k>hn dccre A Edenton B C OUmiWHIS fßfr, ” At ,“ K Friend R O Oman. >. Aganf | Phone4o2-4409 Dm4oS44Ol.Madia i.h-.h,,..,. for cotdributiom. A booth will be located at Earl Smith's Store on Saturday. The Jaycees are planning a Bike-A-Thon for Sep tember 27. to raise funds far CF Dan Jennings. Bruce Wackelin. and Blake Harmon will be coor dinating the event. The campaign committee anticipates a successful drive this year through the support of our community. For more information call 482 2391. [The Washington Report faftw ,trr? P ia tin( kndpt hr BaaM yanr im. Qt caaraa, hetaaalag lavab have Mamf&ymao? com ponaaQon. aa It la daar that Unra wil baa