Sactambar n. hwb Vocal Schools Seek Parent Volunteers 9vmm ar Is ovsr; tht <WMm arc back 1* school: Mil. MUtog «bw. to ***» and hopefully than an parooto sad cittern who w<B .top forward and offer dtofr tordcot of timt and »'W° rt atudsnta, l todchara and to education aa scfcool volunteers. School volunteers and parental involvement increasingly ptoy • role in the academic achievement of atudents. An adive volunteer recruit m4»t is now underway in Edsnton-Chowan Schools. During ito peak last year, the School Volunteer Pn>r«m. noted Mary Rhea fGdrdner, community Alstars Set First Game The Eastern North Carolina Allstars football leam opens the home season at Hicks Field, hosting Southern Pines. The game begins at 1:30 P M. The local team played UNC-Wilmington away last I Sunday and brought home aa 22-16 victory. T. J. Little is head coach. Assistants are: H. L. Alexander, J. Bond, W Leary, and L. Bond. D. Holley is manager. The remainder of the season includes: September 21, Marines in Edentcn at 1:30 P M. September 28, N. C. State I away, 1 P M. gTill 11*1 PI ~-ri9 . NOW $10.98 Fits Your Body Like a Bucket Seat. Director or Identifier body-hugging styles in your choice of top • grain leathers. Gift boxed too. W»niiWrtniTT - iimuted leUiL Mitcheners Pharmacy SWEEPSTAKES AD I fivcnpttcns J Trust Us With Prescriptions Our Promm To You • Prescriptions At Competitive Prices With Quality And Ssrace. Also, Wi WM Gladly Complete Your Insurance Forms For You Absolutely Free Os Charge! HOLLOWELL-BLOUNT REXALL DRUGS ■ ■ryrjlAi M education director, boasted TO lay pirsana, mm and women, who save at laaat onebour of time each weak to a school of their choice. Theta public epirited dtisena perfermad si sorts of duties and services In the classroom which relieved the regular teacher and allowed more time for In dividualized student in struction. There are no special qualification for being a school volunteer, other than a sincere interest in children, a desire to help, and a little free time. Volunteers can serve as resource people who have October 4. Richmond Cavaliers in Edenton at S PM. October it, Richmond Bruins away, S P M. October 18, Charlotte Police in Edenton at 1:30 PM. Occtober 26. Richmond Bruins in Edenton, at !:30 PM. November 2, Robbina away at 2 P M. November 9, High Point away at 1 P.M. November 15 and 16, Richmond Cavaliers away at 1 P.M. Rev. M. W. Shaw Rev. M.W. Shaw Revival Speaker Rev M. W <Dub> Shaw, pastor of Hopkins Chapel Baptist Church in the Tar River Association, will be guest evangelist at a series of revival services at Rocky Hock Baptist Church. The services will begin at the ll A M. worship hour Sunday and continue at 7:30 P M. Services Monday through Friday will be at 8 P M. Special music, congregational singing and gospel preaching will be featured Nursery facilities are vailabie. The public is invited to join the congregation in this special series of services. •facial intersot or knowlodp to * firm aim, such as plant rowing, art, or ztltchary, whs art wiling to riiar*. Vohmtoars land individual attention to studsats by serving aa math or reading teachars or simply listening to childrsn read. Grading papers, supervising lunchroom or play ground activities and performing clerical ac tivities art other broad general areas In which volunteers serve. They are an extra pair of helping hands to schooto, students and taachar*. They are needed!! All parents with children in school have been sent, by their chihksn, forma to complete indicating their interest in volunteering. Parents are requested to complete these forms in dicating area of interest, school and time to volunteer as soon as possible and return them to their child's school. Community citizens willing to volunteer are also urged to contact Mrs. Gardner at 482-4436 to ex press their interest. Volunteer training sessions have been planned for September 17 - 18. Although all schools appreciate, need and welcome volunteers, Chowan Junior High School is beginning a new program this year, the success of which will greatly depend on community resource people. A new enrichment period has been designed and initiated into the school’s curriculum, which will daily offer a variety of special interest activities to seventh and eighth grade students. Students will participate in an "interest group" of their choice for a three week period, before changing to another "in'erest group" each three weeks following. During the first three weeks, furniture refinish ing. self-defense, games, table tennis, cosmetics, babysitting, T.V. analysis, plant growing and cake decorating will be offered. Other “interest groups”, being taught, all of which resulted from students selection, are horseshoes, balance beam, cross-stitch, archery, quilting and hair styling. Anyone who is proficient in and enjoys any oi these areas and is willing to help a teacher instruct students is also requested to contact WANTED! GOLD COINS *l°° . Paying *7s°° &Up s 2'° Paying *loo°° & Up *3°° Paying '350 00 &Up '4 00 Paying’ '2.000 00 &Up 'S 00 Paying ’l7s°°&Up UO 00 Paying *2so°° & Up '20 00 Paying 'SO0 00 &Up *so°° Paying '5.000 00 &Up CALL z;v; hank quinn • Edenton (tOLO a silver DEALER Hmm lowmking to buy or salt? Ona M V pbona col to 19 9 Ik* dialing g* G our anMrt drcuielion.. .panon-to- parkonl stow yuur Won! Ad today! jVWtoChowan HerajdgJ TBLiCHQWAH BBBALP Mrs. Gardner at 462-4436 or Mary Nixon at 211-41X1. Thaaa volunteer* would 86FVO 88 resource psopia to the reguler classroom teacher. Legal Notices r>*N*i n*vo-ai I ■ The #ehsr9 CwrtWinSM DHlrtcl CNrl Otvtstea Novica oe aaiALB north Carolina CHOWAN COUNTY CAS* Colory Association. Inc. PMlntNf v». FrM Ingram, Defendant Under and by virtu* of an ardor of r* MM or th# oiftrlct Court 9 Chowan County, North Caroline modo in tho above ontittod action, tho undersign** Commissioner will st noon, on Friday. SodWmbor It, iota, at lh* COurthouo* door In Chowan County, f don ton. North Cardin*, otfor tor oat* *0 m# mg has* biodor lor cosh that cor to n tract oo land oituat* In Fourth Townohi*. Chowan County, North Carolina and moro particularly described os follows, aoinp all or Lot 1 in Block m 01 Cop# Colony, "Surfslda Sac non V according ip tho I cortatn plat rtcordod in tho Chowan County Public Registry in Flat took 4. pots 9 SUBJCCT to mo restrictions end MMmontt M' term in mot certain Ddcisra'lon or ■ ottrlctiono duly rocordtO In Dead kook 70. po«o 49 ol mo Chowan County Registry The Opening aid on mis tract or land will be PTC 9. This tola will bo modo oubloct to 109 Chaven Canity ad valorem '•«** end mo highest bidder thou bo requires to mono a ton (101 par cant deposit or the bid wim mo Court. dated one posted mu 4th dpy or September, logo C Christopher Soon COMMISSIONER 4)1 South Brood Street Edenton. n.c I7TW Sept*. FiioNe: rr-cvom IhTheOenerw Court es Justice District Court Oi vie ion NOTICE OP RESALE NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY Cop* colony Association, inc.. Plaintiff vo. David L Whit* and wife. Rum s Whits Defendants Under end by virtue or on order ot resole ot me Diotric. Court or Chowan County. Norm Caroline, made in ’ho above entitled ec’.on. mo undersigned Commissioner will (I noon, on IS, i*«. at mo courmbuso doe r m‘ ' Edenton. cnowen County, North Carolina, offer tor sole to mo highes' evoder tor cosh mat cor’em tract of lone situate in Fourth Township. Chowan County. North Carolina and mono particularly described as follows All or Lot ). Block )I4 ot Copt Colony SurfS'de Section" according to 'he plot duly rocordoo >n Pin Book S. page 11 at me office or Register ot Oeeds. Chowan County. SUBJECT to me restrictions end easements set form .n mot certain oecioro'ion ot *#•»**•» dirty recerdart A om a MM 41 et At Ctmrm Ceyrrty tag »try. Th# Opening B«d #n tNt set wM A: IM«. Thle «iA wMI b# m#d# audjtcY A \m C*dw#n Ceunfy #rt vyArtfH Am At hlfhttt bidder iAT’* •required A m#fc## An (AI per ctfit MrtKt « A M WIA At CATt. Ot Art end PA Art AA 4A rtty A S#vtom##r. \m. C Chrn*#ph#r Ottfi COMMIMIONCft 41 StvA Irotrt Strttt Srttnttßp N C. tmt PIN Nt.: M-t P-t itTbtOtntrA Ctt«i A JMbct flppefltr Cttrf OlvAArt •Atrt AtCAft NOTicaoptAta NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY Thurmen L Morlng, Admlnfelrttor A At MAA A Aufbwr Ltt Morlng, Pftitlontr vt- HtlHt V MOfiny (widow); fvtlyn Morlng Tyson. Marvin R. Morlng; Lindt A Morlnf; Calvin A. Morinf. Hatfl# Mcrlng Good#; Emma Morlnf •allay; Vtrnt»A Morinf; Marion Morinf; Otity Morinf; Willi# Morinf, Jr , t minor. Chariot Morinf, t minor, Chritfaphar Vaughan, • mmor. Cryff#t Vaughn, t minor. tna Micbttl Vaughn. t minor. RttoondtnN Undtr tnd by vir At A tn Ordtr A Salt A mo Suptrior Court A Cbowtn county. Norm Carotin#, m#dt in m# about tn»i»i#d iptciA proctodlnf. m# und»rgign*d td mirvgtrgfor A m# ttAA A Artfeur Ltt Morinf will it Noon an Friday m# iom day A Octobor. itto. at m# Courmoust door inCbowan County. Edtnton. Norm Carolina. Aftr for %#lt to m# highatt bidder tor ct»t> m#t certain tract A land tituttt m Second Township, Chowan County, Norm Carolina and more par ticulariy described at toiiow* BEGINNING #t a concrete monument in m# Southern margin A State Road No 131* at m# Northeast corner A me J A Robert* M'bte; mence along tha center line A a canal, menca South n deg 34' East. 145 H fee* South 47 deg IV E#*t. 743 teat, soum n deg 31' East. 117 feat, soum A deg 03' East. 144 24 feet. Soum 44 deg 40* East. 44 to feet, soum 47 deg 2? East. 325 22 faet. soum 30 deg 4V East, it# • «e«t *o a pomt, NOr*h end A a culvert, mence Norm 7 deg 27' East, ao feet to a marked gum. mence Norm if deg 7i‘ East. 154 feet * 0 a marked gum. menca Norm 22 oeg 11 East, do tee» »o a set r <>n D'pe. mence NAm 14 deg H East. 300 feet »o a sat ron pipe .n *he Southern margin A S’ate Road no 131*. 'hence Sk;*h 12 deg 3V East a'-ong 'he Southern matQin A S’atf Road no 131*. 344 SS feet to a set ron pipe in the Norm west comer A ’ho E M Tyson *rac». South 17 deg 14' *est. ;i0 feet to a sat ron ppe. mence Soum 12 deg IV East. 105 feet »o a set ron p»pe. *hence N«m 17 deg 14' East. 210 tee* along a ditch to r/on gtpa in the margin A State Road no 1)!*.- thence along me Southern margin of Sfa r e Road NO 131* Soum 42 deg 43' Eas*. 10* 45 feet soum3ldeg 44' East, i4«1« »ee» *0 an ex>s* ng ron poe a» *h# NOrmeas* corner A me P Long Tract, mence Soum $2 deg 40* West. 100 feet 'o an rusting ,ron 0 pe. mence Soum 3i oej S3’ East XM reef »0 an evsf ng iron 0 oe. mmee No-m 52 deg 40 East. >OO fee* *oa set ron pipe n me 'em margin a state Road no 131*. mence a*ong ’he marg n a state Road no i?’4 Soum 13 d*? 77 East. 141 17 tee*. Soum 01 deg 02' Eas* 2ii 12 tee* *o a pomt n *he cen»er ne A a canal, mence eiong me cen»er ne A said canal South 't deg •' west 157 15 tee» sou»h u drg 51'Wes*. 211 15 fee* South a* deg 02' Wes». S7O 77 tee* SHOP IH.S. At- W.E.S ♦-ROLL PACK WHITE CLOUD BATHROOM TISSUE 89c 24-OZ. HUNTS CATSUP bot. 69c 24-OZ. WESSON OIL bot. $1.19 DEL-AAONTE 303 CANS SUCED PEACHES 2 cans SI.OO 16-OZ. Glass A PHILLIPS PORK & BEANS 4 cans SI.OO MARTHA WHITE FLOUR 5 lb. bag 19c (Wftti Punch#** of 4 Light Bulba At Regular Pr4ea) SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3 lb. can $1.89 COURTLAND FRANKS lb. 89c W# Hav# Frash Local V#gatabl#s and Homamad# Sausaga W.E. Smith's Store ROCKY HOCK SECTION Phone 2214031 • Edenton, N.C. s«y(*» If rtaf. if Watts itf M Htfi %m»m n rta«. sr watt Mf.t* faat; thanca leaving th# cantor line A Mirt canal and fang m# im# A property A ; tha J. A. Robarti estate Nertß 14 deg. «' watt. IN.) foot It » a paMtf thanca South at if •••. IT Watt. 110 J faat ta a paint; thanca Narth a rtag. W latt, M7 faat ta a pomt; ♦banco North 17 dag M' loot, i-4*l f fat*; thanca South S7 at# 44* Boat, mi? ttat to a pomt; thanca Narth u dag. W Catt, M S toot to a concrete monument m tha Southern margin a State Read no. ilia, the point and place of beginning; containing 719 acrat according to mat car fain survey plat anti flag "Property of Authur Lot Morlng Estate" preperad by Jotpor W. HataAl. Registered Surveyor, dated September 2s. if Id Tms seta wilt be made subject ta ifil Chowan County ad valorem ♦am and the highest bidder shall be required t« make a ten (10) per cent deposit A the bid with the Court Dated and posted mis 0»h day A September, iff#. Thurman L MAin§ Administrator A Tha Estate A Arthur Lea Moring c 0 Earnhardt 4 Busby. P A 102 West Eden street P O tOk 44S Edenton. North Carolina 27912 Telephone 919 402 4441 Sept ct 2.chg EMPLOYMENT BE YOUR OWN BO Ml Small initial investmant, good ertdit, willing ta work are me only requirements Own you owr company, sat your own hours Make as much or as tittle as me time you invest. For more in fAmation call collect 704 402 7714 A write P O Box 2492. Shelby. NC 21150 Aug 20. Sept 4.11 JO. chg LEGAL NOTICE Members A m# Edenton Zoning Board A Adjustments and Appeals will meet on Monday. Oct 4. isao. at 100 PM. m the Edenton Municipal Buiidmg »o cons id A and ac» upon me following 1 Request from E TaylA Brown fa variance ♦© permit him to operate a retail antique business <n h»s home at 9* W Eden Street, wh-ch is tonad RlO H.s»Aic 2 Request from Cherie D Martin fA permission to iA#te a 12170" Mobile Home on the DevenpAt property on U S 17 NAm and Davenport's Lane in R 20 zoned diffr-ct Ralph E Parrish Zoning Administrator _ Sept 11 ij.chg Pita NO: 79-IP-44 I n The Oener A Court a Justice Super. A court OMsien NOTICE OP SIRVICE OP PROCESS BY PUBLICATION OP AMENDBD PETITION NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY Carenco a Hobbt Plaintiff vs Litdeß Hobbs (Widow), way ‘and HObbS S nglt). oorohy Hobba Rddick (Div Aced). Forest Hobbs (Singi#). Ctorenca Hobbs and w.ta. Marshall HObbt M'l’On HJbba. Jr and wife, Georgia HObba and any other person a persons, known A unknown •nciud ng any heirs, devisees, representative# or assigns A MINNIE WELCH HOBBS, who mey claim an nt#rest in ’he ends which ere me tub iec» of mis Aoceeding, Defendant to L-iiie B Hobbs weviend HObbS. Dorothy hoops Rddck. Forest Hobbs. Clarence hop os. Marsha" Hobbs. M:i'on hoop* jr , GeAg-a Hobbs, m# above named defendants Take notice ’hat a ptoed<ng seek ng ral.A aga-nst you has been filed in me above entitled Land Pert-t on Proceeding The nature A 'herei’A be.ngsough* sasfOiiows to sell a» oubtic se>e me 'ends A Minnie Hobbs, aeceesed. n Second TAunship end -"Off oer* ; cu'ariy pounded end descr.ped es iaiows Beginning at an ron axie .n Ri'ph Gcodw n Rogerson litiai menca along the Re** aesawrftt IMS IsuW 9«H W Weal, itt reel mars m mb 9 Rw Was*sm mar«m m I’s* Rsaa IS* M 9; mens* I.o* me martin s* ('sis Road q*. W« M *#• W I Ml, >9 fast mere sr ’see is m* RSBsrssn tsuß<s*sl esmsri mence Norm 9 dSB IT WMt. If I fs*l ■ pomt; mens* MsfiMSH.irwai. tit fas' It en iron sals. '*• paint in# mace rn baqlnnin* Ms Will »»•* F. csss Ml os m« cnsurin county Clark e« Superior court OHk* vsu are require* 'a make a* 'ansa 'a sue* pieaame net lettr man me Jem day ec Sspit-nbar, IS9. said da's asms so says cram me lirqt pubiice'ien sc mis nonce; ana upon your ipiiurt *0 do to. mp parly taaking tarvica apainsl you will apply *e me court car me relist taufCil Thia m. urn day et Cupusl. ICM Zpmhprd'B Busby. F A. A Homey car Flpm ICC da-snes*. Hsoes By Mae S Busby IM Wes' lean tbeel 10 las eel Edan ion. qermcsroliiM 71 aw (SISICM sac I Aue* In ThaOanarsi Court ac Jasnca Su pa Har Court DlvHlaa BaCaratka Clark FilaNa. MSF-71 NOTICB OF MLB NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY in tha maitar at the lorecotwrs ot t deed of irusl aascuiad by Jimmie Earl Craakmora and wife. Bonnie K Crsskmors. data* Spsismbar 14, ISIS an* records* in Rta Elis's Seek ■77, papa Sl*. Cnawtn County Public Rapitirv by Robert B. Lea. Truetee. under ana By virtu* ot m* order entered In >»e ebove entitled Socciei Procaaa i* on July 11. itae end me power of ie>e con’s me* n e ctr'sin dca* ot trust .atcu's* bv Jimmie Esrl Creskmort sn* w:fs. Bonn.* K Creeen-Or*. ’0 Robert E Lea. Truttaa lor Tameei Bar* A Trutt Co . date* Septemoer le. ittf an* recorded n Real Ee'aia Book 177. oaea Jl*. Cnowan County Public Rrg itry ma undarepnad Truetaa will otter lor «Be *t pubnc auction *o me nipnesi ooae- lor ca»n *• me C our mouse door n Edemon cnowsn County. North Caroline. *i twelve o’clock noon, on me ism day at September. I CM., me land conveyed in >«id deed at trust, 'tie seme tying end oe ng in First Township, Cowan County. Norm Caroline, end mora par I.cuieriy describee as teuowt Tnpi certain lot or parrel nt lane 'oaeinsr win *ii Ou id.nge end improvements merson locs’ed on m# Nor meriy no* ot West Queen S'ree* Ev’ended (US H g- w*y 17) end BEGINNING s' * e’eke n me Northern .age o# me r.gnt ol way ot west Queen S’ree' Ev'enoed (US H<gnwev 17) n me ceniar ot * d'lcn 103 E. KING St* AGENTS SINCE IMS v. giJUBNMbg V. 1 SUMMER SPECIAL—2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, full bath, located in excellent neigh borhood in town. Unbelievable financing. IN TEREST RATE I p«r cent. Payments leas than 2200.00 a month. Call Jim Smith at 482-2162. hDhqjb -kb ■ 112 SEA VIEW ROAD. IVPF COLONY—3 Bvdrooms. living, room, kitchen, full bath, paneling interior, wail tn wall carpet, electric baseboard heat room controlled 788 square feet living space, attic storage 192 xq ft screened in porch, awning on win dows. Priced to sell 624.000 3M E ASTQI EKN STMEr.i—«oedroocna. kitchen. 2 full baths. 1350 sq ft. Pine fioors. lot 66 x 198. tots of extras 542.500. roi'NTRY (LIB DRIAE—Modem com temporary 4 bedroom. 3 full baths, fireplace on Albemarle Sound 2100 sq n THREE I.»TS. B ASK ho All—Excellent building lota in VAintfeor Woods, financing available. ►HA CERTIFIED APPRAISERS. GENERAL CONTRA*'TORS. INSLRANCE AGENTS Page 7-A Which ISdde MM • aqua at trail under sat* street sr klphws Sh< whSsk dMskMn* wsstsm s*ps 9* Mw» MnlMf Riroum Ma term earned by •auMh P. an* W. L. BeewatL tram which tartn RUs let was carved, an* reiMMa Rians* •tatM the tsarttarn •**# « •at* ftfht 9 way lavth 9 dapraa* West tu teat M a •t*kai thane* Narth 9 aa*. west IB fist «• I watt msnes North V *s*. tat 19 Ms* M t stake M the ***** mentioned Mn*i thence 999 me western ed*e at eat* (one an* the canter 9 the ab*v* man fane* ditch an* onMnßMh maraof loutN 9 deb W Baal t 9 teat t# * suet 9 m* Nor mam edge 9 m# right 9 way rare, rad t* abava. Mb pomt 9 Oeqlnmn*. cenlpMM* 15.19 square tep9 9 P 9 p9t 9 W Leslie Merten. Mr. vaysr. data* July 7S. Iff) «uty racordM In Mq ante* 9 *9 Reals tar 9 Oeeds 9 Oman County. Narth C*rWM* M P9t took 1. oaga 77; an* katnq the tame property conveyed 9 jimmia Carl Craakmora an* wtfa. bonnla X Craakmora, by oaaa data* Oacamber 1, I*7* and racarda* in R*9 e«t»ta Book 19. past na 9 me Chowan County Public Regie try Vee alga Beak B. oaa* 4*7 ana Saak is. earn if) Reference 9 mate deads end ptat (| mp*# lor fur mar description tn* ch*M 9 title. The real nkh skate «9cr9*< than be sow subject 9 ah auk fending ad velar am tanaa and epeoel eeaeaamante, N any. The nigh rat bidder at mp sa9 shat) M immediately required 9 mgkd a cash deposit not ta axcea* tan par cent (10) ct me amount 9 me bid u* to and inciua>.it 51.09 9 phie ftve per cent (t) 9 any sac OOP over •1 000 00 This m* list day 9 August. 19* W T. Culpepper, 111 Attorney tar Trusts* IM Eaf kmg Street P O Box 144 Eaen’on. Norm Carolina 77SSI Aug TS.Sept In ThoDsaarM Court 9 Jaakca So pan or Court Oivtslaa Patera the Clark IXOCUTO* I NOTICB Havng guaiifiad at executor 9 me aststa 9 Allan Boyd Hartash V . I*l* 9 cnowan County, North Carolina, tn i* tonoffy all parasm holding Claims egemst m* sskh 9 « a oec eased to pretan 1 mam l# me undersigned an or bstw* th* 5m day 9 March, ISO). « thlt netted will oe Pleaded In bar 9 tny recovery marten. All persona bt aeoNd a said estate will pleas* make mmadia9 payment. This 70m day 9 August. tfW. Allan Boyd Hartaaa. jr. Esecular 9 The Estate 9 Allan Boyd Harless. Se. DartaaM Sept 0t.11.75.chg More I .eßais and (tassifiedi Oa Page s-A

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