Page 9-A lag auL . , ymrSrO I ADVERTISE... Mb Ckawait Herald haa §1 MMh far all ■•MUM M 4 Lagal jniwa. m- B^jgyyy^wwict Biy** * **«nr Leu CMC*. MM M- C> —*" Cwmfy, North ‘initni. Bwbff.'Ssa tmssn.ri'! K n ear 0 awSmTm. ■ nmth%om 1 rttss: A MWVL»OM« if MK4n.a«M I TOOL [AUCTION I WHERE? ■ IMmil Gurti Jramj I IMMSbnt EMMC I WHEN? Taofcy, Sept. If M 7:30 P. M. THIS IS THE LARGEST SALE Os THIS KINO EVER TO BE HELD IN THIS AREA! ** «t Your Pricu Tht Auction Why VtaCanyMgheetQuaM y NrtonaMy Advertised Rama Brandt! »l HAW THE UUtOCtT aCUCDON or AU. HAMO TOOL* ano accessories on wheels This Sale Is Not To Be Missed tCb faction Col. bJT - -A NCSA Ml MkHOdMa. r O Drawer 1. V \XS SeetorgXC. NCSL Nr. 17 • **ww 775-7tia A Wood Products Company located in Edenton, N. G. (with modem manufacturing facilities) specializing in the manufature of cedar lumber and fence products requires the following personnel: 1 Giaaal Mechanic otth strong hydrauNc trauMa-shooting background. I Prater IndMdual who con waM. Good wopo aid bonoWo. lAA Contact: James Mizell JkJk KX« ATLANTIC FOREST PRODUCTS. INC. MXtk 1 MacMillan Bloedel Fence and Allied Products NX Box 60S. Edenton, N. C. 27932 (919) 482-7451 \ EQUAL OffOtmjMTY EMPLOYER M/F loans Up To S3OOO Y a f lonUCrMtCorporoUon A ***** BenMneree Company 207 Vxrth Broad Street PHoJe 482-4481 ' EDENTON NORTH CAROLIA 1 I Ks. ' 1 •"SFi T MrarioMaladraMMdlaOda n»n*BMer la «*M la tin hM Mr Headag Aat «f INI which mahac 0 Qtagd la advartlaa "any preference, IHnHatieu, ar dteertNlaatiM haaad oa rata, catar, raMglen. mk ar aaHaaal ertgta. at met MaaOaa la auka aay each preference, HagHaUae ar dfeCrtflMMllißr'* This aawgpapw will aat knowingly accept tap ad vartWag tar raalaatata which U la vMattan at On law. Oar raadara are lataind that al dwaMap advertised la Ode aawtaepih are araOaUt aa aa equal eppartuahy bade. axacvraanwwnca Havlaa aaWM at taacalar 0 *w «ww 0 w. j. p. awneerdt ww 0 cwwi ctufty, wane Camma. ten w tommy egptrww ctoinu sgetost tac tala to 0 tetogecaeaeg W pryeent them w •W iinatrilinM t* tr before aw are aay 0 February, INI. tr WM •McawM aa »Wa«M la Car 0 any recevary Burma. an rttatat at. «■*we ta taw www me rwtt wah* Immegtoto payment raw iwa aay 0 AuputL w*. Meat Butty gaunter 0 Ttwatwwo W. j. r. Bernhardt jr. taarfUld Earnhardt a Butty, a.A. r. o. eta 40 ■dtnttn. NC INN Tttofhtne: <»W) OX4OII Awe.iua.tto.Ai t.chg NOTKBOP AONUNMTBATION May In* taw ant awawwa m Admimtirairbi 0 nw (tWW 0 Baymtng Harrell LayWn. tr.. lata 0 Catwm Caunty. Marta Carolina, at w notify Oil ptraana. Ilrmt, or carporotloiw haloing clolmo tptintt aw nwtt 0 tow aocooMa WoNtia aww to ibo uiwonwnoa oa or aofort iw aa toy 0 nary try. INI. tr law nottco nM to owoooa W tor 0 any recovery. AA poraono. or coraorollono mettled fa aw nan wih pwaaa fooutiip sottiomonl Tnw aw »w toy or Awtutt. teas lointO. LayWn AdmMWtaaMr 0 Tht etWla 0 Raymond Htrrtfl Loytarw tr. at. >. aat wi Eden ton, NCI7TSI Prtttnott. Cooao A Suren. Atfornoya wmetar, nc 2was Awa.N.topto,n.Noa. r . ' r< 0 ,-w NEW LISTING: PIMMI* Wfa century Mary coustry horn* on tpprox. m aaro alto with beautiful tree*. garage, aod RETIREMENT NOME; Comfortable email houoo oa lovely woofed M oaar tha roe SALE OVKRUMNUMi BAY: Saparter homo M enviable lacatiao oo Our .borne Groan wMh view aI. Bdntan Bay Rwa. oaaa an two OP roRTVNITY”; Small bourn wUh aMhoiteng M town. IUN •iOTi Oo caaai wMh haRDaoB, eppr*»a4 aaptk tank. «Ww as end aoeoao to Sound mo It. to tho Sartk 117.000 roe rent Mr. H betel! yrtmogruud floor NELSON T. OEMS aura - i daNWaNN^i SWerußtoCtor* Manew'N SALS NORTH CAROLINA OtONAM COUNTY m Tha laetNr et Tat rwacwawa KAMOTadBaaM ar Mrhi .ware* aawa JaW t, mg racaraa* in aoN Nh paaa ws caawaa Cowatr Baawwy, ar Man a. way, Tytowa. Part want w aw aawar 0 aaN eanwwoa n a aaaa 0 aaN wm« ar Ptarar j. Anwtw aa Jana V WN a Mat t. Bwaty. TywoWw tatwaw ki aw tffwa 0 aw aoawwr 0 Oaaaa far Ottawa cwmw * >■* Nt 0 aaaa npi actaat. aawtna aaaa taaat la laa paynwat 0 aw aaW tag w ctnv oMaaco wIN aw Wraw tag cow NfWat ktaWNwg at taw gMg 0 ►utL tap etawac novlag aota moot aa aw »iwt manta Tnatto ay aw ntwtr 0 aw naw awraiv wcurtg w IWUINt tog ttcwMty, "to unotfilantg «M ONr for ttW n ww nwamawawfor caoa. 01 aw Clwwoa Ctwaty CaanhtaM Poor la mo Town 0 a eon too, aorta Comma oa tapwmaor ia MN ot n-.m rewen notw aw toaowwa tot crWot Mt tr aarco 0 Wag hr*W tag atlaa la PtvtM Tnw try. caawaa Caunty, Norm Comma mart particularly aster woe 00 anna: ANoLoWMong|lnaw.Nlo Capo Colony "lurftMt toe non r. acctmna w ttw pwt 0 Clwrloo M. watw Jr.. Oottg topWaWN A IN* tag Outy rtctrPog M Plat Bata A papa M, 0 aw' Ctwuwa County PwtUc Noprtry. too alto aaN n, popoOi bona. poet zrti OfW BON MA popo m. tuajßCT M rut IT tenant ana NtonwnW 00 farm la (hot cortaM Doc loro Hon 0 NotiricnaN Pufy rtctraoa m OpoJ Bon ». papa SM. as Pw Ottawa County RaeWWv. Tnw taw will to "toßa •übioct ta an tuttionoina aa yalorom Wxto ana ancunWrancN 0 roc ON mat nova priority orw mo autltct goN 0 aval ana mo Mghtot OWdtr Win bo rtaulrod W mat • ton IW) par coat ONttll 0 ttw aw wtm tna Court. Down ana PNIM tnw orn Ny 0 AueuoL IN*. Mail Butty Mi Watt Boon straw f.O la 4M t Otn Wn. NwaiCtretMaimi Ttltphont (ttt) 010441 Sopt Lll.lAaoh*. CLASSIFIED AO FOR RENT Westover Height*. 3 RR brick home. >255. Waterfront Lot At Country Chib Baautiful watgog Ml on prnwfa mag Meat ad on (OH toirwoy tag sound, walk to tonms courts and swimming cool. 616-889-3405 Doc H. lie ROOM *1 THE TOP Owe to the proialloat io Edenton, three •feahp exist new for in the Incol branch es n large organisation, if aeiected. yen wiß he given two weeks of classroom training hi Raleigh at oar expense. We provide complete compony benefits, major medtcoi, profit sharing, optional pnaniaa ptaa second to ae*M. Year sUrtiag hmoomwf hetWMWO par wk. depending npon ability and gnaliflcatlena. All pramottaas are haaod on merit. not aenisrtty. To ho ircsgtid, yon ssnoMty. ho omhEtono and eager to gat ahead, have pads IS or hsMsr and ho free to otart wash tanmsdtotsfy. Wo ore psrtfcnlsrly in terested In tease with loodsrshlp ohMty who ora loohiog for a Phono Monday In — iSSm TMCBOWAM HERALD 7 c OMpT*A« UrnaMapMmhar sTpamona | I** ANNUAI, BAAAOa I ALB Mr caawaa Batch. Main atag. MAwgay MO. inn. 1 am. m * B. CMWMg. MggMrt, cNNgmA 0N up. Ttym. oatwo. fumnarw WilMtag mattrww. sMur nornt, wM attra, 81000. l«* pop aaNT watTovea mots. - 1 aa artN iwaw mm oving mm inrapMcn. kiicfwn. tcruwwg IMO parN N Mrgo Ms . ON me. Cog jaam am eiww m na or 0* *ooxl*. axacumixNOTica HauMi n«*NMP 00 BnocaWg 0 0a taWW 0 Lot Mr T. Ctpt Wag. MW 0 Ottawa County, Norm Cammwmww M notify all portang •wMMe cMMw am mat "w aoMW 0 10W OtcaatM M praoant Ihtta M nw unotrtlynoo ta ar iwfort "w 14 Pay « P ternary, INI, ar gfW nonce wtn M pwaata in aar 0 any meat cry "arum, an paramo an PNMg M mm nWW win ptaaao nwkt InmwaMW poynwnt. TMt I Pay 0 Auaut*. IN* COMN. Capt Mag e»ocutrtao TtwetWWo LW»trT Copt Mag OOCtOMg. C. carloMpfwr Btaa Attanwy at Law Nl 1. tram it. catntta. N C 27m Aug.IAH.NSaO Achg BXaCUTBIX NOTICa fwvMg outinwd n Eftcuhii 0 nw at it N 0 Medium M. Pnimpi, Sr . MW 0 ctiowm County. North Comma. Mt w *0 notitywii ptrtma Horn mo daunt tat mat nw 04 tow 0 MM OtcaatM W praarnt ttwm w nw urdtrtipnM on or baton mt Bnd day 0 Pttruory. IMI. cr mw notice will bt ptttoto in bar ot ano roemwry Ihortm. All powono Mt dtbWd it mM ttWW will pitott matt ImnwdloW poyr-ml. TMt llth day 0 August, WM. Dorothy S PM lllpt Entcutrli 0 Tht EtWW 0 Maoism M pniiilpo, Sr. OecMieA Aug VIRGINIA PUREBRED SWINE BREEDERS’S ASSN., INC. ALL BREED BOAR AND GILT SALE Three Bred Sows. 15 Open Gilts, 20 Boars, Durocs, Hamps, Landrace, Spotteds, Yorks Mon. Sept 15 BP. M. Southampton Agri-Civic Center, Courtland, Va. PROPERTIES FOR SALE WOOD FRAME House on 2 beautiful acres 3 BR, 2| baths. LR & DR. Two miles from town. $55,000. Also :ts Acres adjoining the above property. 543,500 I Lovely acre lots 3 miles from town. ALBEMARLE SOUND A LUXURY HOME with I every feature. 5 BR. 4 baths, vaulted beam ceiling, 2So| feet dock with boat house. acre, 100 feet bulkheadedl lot with an S'.xoer cent 1 PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE - A dream home! with every convenience in Morgan Park. 3 BR. 2 baths. I LR, DR, and den. Buy now and assume an It 1 , percent! loan. Priced low at $68,500 CRESWELL: LARGE BRICK RANCH With LR. I DR, den, spacious playroom. 3 BR. 2baths, and. kit I cben with everything 2.600 square feet for only $64,000 I YEAR OLD GRAY CEDAR SIDED HOI’SE With 3| >BR, 2 full baths, great room with fireplace, DR. and den I on 'i acre lot in quiet secluded area. $58,500. j MONTPELIER DRIVE Brick home with 31 becYooms, 2 full baths, great room, DR, and kitchen. I Beautiful setting on canal. 152,500. RIVERTON: IMMACULATE AND UKE NEW - 31 BR. 2 full baths, very large kitchen, LR, nice deck on a I iA» acre lot. Priced low at 851,000. 1 [ RIVERTON 3 BR. 2 baths, LR, heetpump. CRESWELL: NICE BRICK RANCH - Countryl setting but leoo than S milee from town. Has 3 BR, Pi] baths, LR, den, large kitchen and spacious deck. M 7,000.1 COUNTRY LIVING ON ALBEMARLE BOUND— One] aero with 100 feet waterfront. Great hunting and fishing Frame dice 1880 home Five miles from Columbia. [B3BJBB. INVESTMENT AND COMMERCIAL j BUILDING FOR LEASE Downtown location with I plenty of parking. I • . JOTS AND LAND DowntnnSOLfr* |Lot Near Uwwao Uvsr fi.aao.oo | Lola In Sang Harbor I Whan you think of Rod Estate think Rich OFFICE 338-2183 Ipl | Jpj V • mights ■ ton Msttsson 452 2491 I BtiabothOly. M.C Member Pate NOW SMI One i NhMrM LOt Koanouw. win pspars. a* sou pot. cat AMMO. law VANOSJW.B—SOO. tit AM «. Sovoral faaiiiMo. rural turn cm mot, ii nm n tutrymma. la Wrote am M Nlgturoy » a Rum goad IMg. | maw from ByMad. POB SAAB WPI Parg EMPLOYMENT OPPONTUNITY Mttdtd campuWr aptrtWr mm tuptrltnct and w tduconm In accounting tag dot# entry NoraHona. Sand row mo M Em. pMymont POB4U MX Com ton. nc m Sopt lt.lLcng YAAO SALE S family mM. LOW 0 glrw clo"wo tliw X A * 1 LOW 0 ceramics ttty and adult things and odN and ends. Mt S. Oahum St Sat. Sopt n. tAM unni. Itehg YARD SALE 4 fomiiios. elomos. dishes, boohs, glosswtro. ate Saturday. Soo. HUM until. 4 milw North « Edm ton gnus II N Itehg A UNANIMITY LSMa NO. f. XP. A A M. WILL HOLD AN BMBROENT COMMUNICATION SEPT. 11. INO AT 7-M PM. rMSALß—LpajSENhMiaggg IWNL PtW I pOMf MNP YacWr. BxcaMoaf coao9Ma. Cut TlgSNg SiBU.TI.NJMg DUN Piaao furnace « Uwwong •TV. AON m mw. COM Ml-4SM OWT4PJM. TRAILIB PM BINT - t bg. i 0t Cage CoMny area. Can 0S NTT onytlrroi SOHXIUhg CHRISTIAN SALES IM PLOYMBNT - Calllae m Chrwnea MmMMg Born OEM . IMN PartHmo. SHAM . SWAN ton-haw. Pw more MPwawlWa a pars anal interview call Bay. "fatali eofwum t AM tag N AAA. Mgg . PH. (no I 7M-4SN. HOUSB PM BENT —1 tWry tram# houaonoorgeM course toeing sound wim swimming prtvlMgw. S ad., CoH MiONt Auglgtfc. housb por rent - sin. mmmiy. a ad., l aatha. L.R and hltcam coma., garaao included) untocnlahog On mo water near Eaonttn. coll IN S2O Yorhtow.. Auglgtfc INSURANCE SALESMAN Mora-t ttw opportunity you've bom waiting lor Nationally known to aurance company offering ultra Ngn commissions, underwriting retirement plant, malar map. neootoiiaiiwv life, special cancer and accident polictos. guaranteed •stot hoopitoiiietim and Ufa tor impaired risk. supplomtnt medicare tor teniw cltliong Nrtdt 1 agents for Edentm and wrrounding area Por coMldontlol itoormaiion wrlto to LOUIS C Floyd 7710 Puritan St. SuiW Ml Gat tonia. N C 2*Sot Aug 2t.lS.Sept.AM.chp FOR SALE Five room home, central air. fully landscaped oa I'x acre plot on Route 17 North. Phone IM2-KSB2 CARPENTRY ft GENERAL I HOME REPAIRS Remodeling, I'oom additions, interior and ex terior carpentry, Irim, hand carved doors, mantels, staircases, custom frailer tops. Reasonable rates. Call 221-8325. Carol Becker, Real Estate ffl 20# East Klag Street, Edeatea Call John or Carol Becker At 482-4873 COMMERCIAL: ■d** l location downtown for office space, restaurant, shop. 85,000 down. Balanced financed at * par cant. 145,000 NEW LISTING IN TOWN* , #k)ry #r .mu, | roam, and kit chan, pantry on first floor, 4 roams an second. Ilk baths. 2 screened porches. Deep let. Groat far duplex or office space near now Court House. 520,000. NEW LISTING NEAR COUNTRY CLUB: »Vi par cant assumption I Down payment financing I I story brick, living roam with dining area, dan with fireplace, oat-in kitchen, laundry roam, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, largo loti 5 years old in excellent candittanl 548,400. WATERFRONTi (deal first or second homo. Country living at its bast. 188 foot as waterfront, beautifully wooded lot. 1 story, 3 bedroom, 1 Urge bath; fireplace, central heat, patio and parch, priced to sal 11 1*5,000 WATER ACCESSI Acre of lendl 9 fiwu •♦arter house or vacation homo, wood shingled, 2 bedroom 111 Bk i screened porch that could bo enclosed, wood burning all op pH HI CGI iitcHidtdll 2.2 ACRE HOMESITEICtoee to town. Prh lake an State Road. 525,000 CLASSIC TWG STORY. Vinyl 8l A .IfeUtte*. i ‘wdrooms, 2Vi baths, fireplaces, oat in Utah 3GF *icatedT HISTORIC »IBTRICTi Ca . andmodemisud. circa IBM, 4 bedrooms, m hjiff R A jp«ludad, super law "ST"" SOLD"" - 7 ROOM ROUSE • Great potential tar handrman 2 hatha, in town, raducad 88488. WATERFRONTi Buftheeded M on sound and canal SUN TWO TOWN ROUSBSs AMl w A mionii chan, LR, CHtHraplacas. screen^ PXlO IN EEF ' PLEA MARKET agon tvgry sr’&.raa.’ss oaas ana mm. U*eg tonuturg tatgtf and tttg Loco tad l «w from gganlen an N.C IX Cat NS -4M m lnPNi. Aug NLlooxll.lgchg PM SAL B-MM ft. catamaran, carrtoa main and |W sat. Tregatta htrnaaa tocWdag and Wa nor. Can MS-Nil days, Ntm mptw. AugllJgSao-AtUtg ffOMB aaPAIRS tmoß am targe; toatottoHen twrm Otars and wbi dswt. CaR fWfehur Ooronor tag ONg Mtrg.uc PM SAAB nm Oran Tarbw BUM. Draat mage. Automatic P g. P. a. A.C.. AM-PM NOB eabtt :te. cor ms snx AagNttc. PM SALE - N 74 Suwkl N t"taf 0 dWI Blha. Only 7N mIMa. NS Can NI MH. Auglgtfc FOR NEW HOME Construction or Remodeling and additions w your prtsant home, call John GroH. Buildup Contractor at 402157 S fiN Jmlttvn Stumps Ground COSTON'S STUMP GRINDING SERVICE n Get Rid Os Those Ugly Stumps In Your Beautiful Lawn" C* Today! 026046 Real Estate Property For Sale : NEW LISTING 3 BR. 2-story frame on canal, beautifully landscaped *27,500 SEE THIS—24xS2 Double-wide Like New' 3 BR. 2 baths, garden, fruit trees Furnished with washer and dryer Lovely area. $30,000 HANDYMAN SPEClAL—Excellent starter for country living. SIO,OOO takes this house on acre 3BR DOUBLE WIDE—on half acre comer lot Par tially finished, garden area. Owner will pay part of dosing costs. ASSUME t PER CENT J* down payment. 3 BK, t bath, fireplace jh Earline Rea Realty 482-2698 Rental Property Also Available Tfwnday.SepUmhar 11. Isßt PRaONANTT NBBO MELO7 CaN PawtcM m orn* or Barbara tag SIM BlrNNairn. ■ktorn-RWc. PM BitiT By wPN or m^wT *lll*g. UMINgg MtMgsgOgg peryge arty. 8140. Jufyaxwx PM SAAB l4 ft. wagto Cat NMWt, "oNv Babe |N peg twrgugru. SdHag vary HtUg (Pfymaubx mam Beg tttg Mg 00 eftor l g AuplAWc Redbcgver yaw Bfe. RedtacwYer y ter wflta Cause Sail with at. CaN Byraa Xchsyca 482-8112 Salesman far: MeCatUn Marina Agents Tauter Pacific Seacraß Pacemaker Chris Craß Itehg.