Thurwtoy, August 27, 1981 ■ ' • »- ' '*>' v . ‘ * V. •® :k ; - irj ft ti , *• ' ' .1 1c ■* * . o. ; I iOI r ■ «i [■'Ykhe cooked up another reason to save at Peoples Bank ;; • ■>.. ■ ■ ■—. ■.. . -J B y B /■ B1 I /■ bt \ 'B I ■/ I ■fm a 1 \ B/B I /i\ ■ \ Ik B I Hfl /$ 1H m ■ I I /£■ b B W. \ _ I B I fl \ - " B ' fl I I Im Pi B \fl \fl |By fl V\ H S HV ■ \ I BM flj H7B \ fll B ||fl| V\ii Vfli yfl flj I \ flLj \ ilfflifik l|l|| s|l| M I |kBK / ■ j IB I I I ■ ■ 8\ I \ Saving at Peoples Bank is no half-baked idea. There are a variety of long and short term accounts where your money can earn the highest interest avail able. And now when you make a deposit of $2500r more in a new or existing Peoples savings account, you can get your choice of beautiful French white fluted Corning Ware flee, or at a greatly reduced price. Check the chart, then start saving at Peoples Bank. Wed love to help with the dishes! Coming Ware $250 4,999 Peoples Prime Certificate or French White Pattern Deposit Deposit Deposit Each Additional SIOO Deposit . 15 oz. Grab it glass Free Free 4.95 & plastic cover ~Wk^A S Both Set of 2 side- ~ QC c ree • - ; fcickdtehe. WS F ” •■' •- SjSSS. jjjpj«? » S M 5 F ” ”” t jS•• ■ -i> • •>» •.» '-> | THE CHOWAN HERALD Page 9-B