Page 4-B »£i_ Washington ■MibN Report HmalO By Congressman Walter B. Jones ?oth Houses of Congress I 'ru this week to iron H ~.l oo u| legislation before the H i#W fiscal year begins on ■ H ~;.Jseuse passed the Armed I - forces Pay Act by a vote of I % to 1 This bill provides ■co aejfo a 14 -3-per cent pay hike Kfrii-.'< members of the Armed B v ‘r- rr<§ftF ces - There has been H f,j 0 much support for such a increase as many have noted the in ■ rising number of skilled W. who leave the ■ iV>J r-iWlitary because of I :*isv^€ ativel y low pay I jiniiaov^* Bo passed this week in I£3 House was the FY 1961 ■ Construction ■ Bill. This bill K> j)4wds the Department of ■ for various con- It ( ,:/6tpiction projects in the Ky of $6.89-billion. I insistent with President desire to increase ■ %“ritAsfcnse spending, this bill ■v! : ~-,r p f£>vides about sl‘2-billion ■ dfft? re for construction ■a o 1 oPfjejeets than did the 1981 1., - iiiiSpnstruction budget. i , iß( s pf course, many North jpgjrolinians this week ■ patched with special in ■ v vo ;4grest the actions of the I i^f<§¥P a te in considering the I- io Bill. Os particular was the Senate I Aev-jjjftion on proposals to or eliminate ■ ■■-in^ J r? acco P rice support I a r :j programs. As of the time I > column is being written, ■ 1? . 34 ip encouraging to note that I the tobacco program has I survived two challenges. An I, amendment offered by I MoJV'S&ator Thomas Eagleton (D.Mo.) would have Iv- .Jj-,weakened the program by I :* * 1 Altering the price support I. formula. This amendment I, ‘ 'was tabled by the Senate by I af'lote of 48 to 45. Another I ' Iffiendment, offered by ''-‘ ! Biiiator Mark Hatfield I 1 s Tft.Ore.) would have I ■ the price support I ’pKjgram entirely. This I r ’ ’’'‘tifkstic amendment was I; %bled by a vote of 53 to 42. I ? ’Although both of these I,' 4 have ef >,;< been killed, I r>: ' r 'another Eagleton amend- I . ,ment will be offered later to I; ,r the present allot- I |/^ ,aL ment system. I z™, Earlier in the week the I. program did suffer I : ’ 3 ‘ ; ‘Some in the Senate, although I/, ffife damage was not as great 1 *ife ! it could have been. An I uiihendment offered by I j /'" B Stator Mack Mattingly (R. I .' • ) who substituted for a I „ ' sfs mtlch more drastic I ' w -“' dfeendment offered by I Rfehard Lugar (R.lnd.). I ''■*' VWfile the Lugar amend- would have quickly . ■ ->J! ji>flAsed out the program, the a ;,: amendment 1 v ' # market quota /. !> under which only Kfftners with quotas can ain quota level supports ,' -wQudl only quota peanuts can the domestic food The Mattingly " :0 SfflrHendment does, however, Wminate acreage allot •'■zr. r»7gj n t s f or peanuts. It 9f tt»mains to be seen exactly r ’ ! ;' ,, ’ n Wtfat effect a provision such : •'■stsgf. y, e Mattingly amend n9ffent will have on peanut t }&t§ f i er on ly eight plays, ’b*. , ef jEitfield was leading 7-0. scored again in I first half on a four yard *>: Wt after moving the ball 55 „,j|ja*ds down Held in only ’ p ,fl y s o iTW>' Lawrence sewed with 20 seconds remaining in the ‘naif as Chris Davidson A' , a poised to Tony Dail from the Lawrence 35. Tony took s nVv«i eKw ball at mid-field and i 90 y ards for a touch- Van Johnson's at- lo extra point kick • >. T..W- sed bn3 The second half was jjri with the final remaining 14-6, En s-h iwnt an AMERICAN //•WWJIWfy Each ol these advertised items is required to be readily available lor > W '® j wW LJ M.JS I ■ ItlgßSjP sale or below the advertised price in each A&P Store, except as 1•" ~ «R 'WP r i*' - PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT. SEPT. 26 AT A&P IN EDENTON itEHS OFFERED FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO WW \y O^RRETAILDEALERSORWHOLESA^R^^^^ |^(iii^^^ prices Meat Specials REGULAR OR LIGHT r P Monte SpecialsL Green Beans 2ss 89® DEL MONTE CREAM STYLE • WHOLE KERNEL Golden Corn 2 cans }9 C 1 GORTON'S (FANTAIL SHRIMP 8 OZ. 2.69) Ofl HILLSHIRE FARM (BEEF LB 2 39) Sweet Peas '* 2 89® Fish Sticks 2&. 2" Smoked Sausage «> 2 29 DEL MONTE LITE SLICED YELLOW CLING PEACHES OR ** Lite Fruit Cocktail r 65® '“ EF . L Mf . _ . oscar maver(beef,2 o2,s9 902 ,09, Fruit Cocktail - 65® Ball Park Franks b 1 Meat B Ologna(*sr*)!S 99 c DEL MONTE yellow cling peaches OR EXTRA LEAN SPECIAL TRIM COUNTRY FARM A&p QUALITY HOT OR MILD Pear Halves t.“ 65* pork steak 1 39 Pork Sausage is 1 08 DEL MONTE Stewed Tomatoes 65* XTRA LEAN SPECIAL TRIM COUNTRY FARM FROZEN bt Log Cabin Syrup 2 »' 1 59 tIOBSt “SS" | LIVCT lb . WW Pancake 1 19 •C Frozen P Weekly Features^— p Dairy Specials [JlllljfUjljß |ij[l[J»li]ilimß BvIHUtIMIIIJ LAGO SLICED A SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES KRAFT SEALTEST __ Strawberries 2^°. z I°° Eight O’clock K 1 89 Macaroni & Cheese 3l 09 Cottage Cheese 79 e ANN PAGE HEARTY & VIGOROUS ROYAL PINK Handi Whip Topping bowi 59* Our Own Tea Bags I*B* 1 39 Pink Salmon 15 £T 1 99 /c„ EESE a^q S a suceoflifesN ANN PAGE MILD SALISBURY STEAK-MEAT LOAF CHICKEN. TURKEY DUNCAN HINES BRAN DINTY MOORE Phorlrlor PhoOCD 959 Ann Page Dinners 69* Muffin Mix «"• 99* Beef Stew 1 59 h!!?" E * B p * c Cheddar Cheese » 2 79 TATER BOY BETTY CROCKER—ALL VARIETIES _ PH.LSBURY • BANANA AKIN PAGE French Fries 5 & 1 69 Hamburger Helper 89* Bread Mix 1 29 Extra Sharp Cheddar *. 2" AMERICAN • SHARP • PIMENTO • SWISS - Ched-O-Bit Slices 99* Shredded Mozzarella P k o g z 1 29 Mozzarella Balls ’X 2 M ANN PAGE GRATED OR ROMANO mnn HVi]i][sT!illK9 Parmesan Cheese 1 99 . W A i v\ • , \ ' yy *■ - ir-- *'• '.*3*' i.. *./ *, ■' ■' . . *.- ■-.'v- * r, ' fy '/ •• ; ■'-* v ' I 701 Worth Broad Street - Eden ton, N.C. I THE CHOWAN HERALD Thursday, September 24, 19S t