Continued From Page 1 widespread. “The third point is most im portant. It has been the sustained momentum that citizens of the Albemarle Region brought to bear that led to action taken by State Government. You must maintain a strong coalition for clean water and insist that every future ad ministration make the Albemarle a high priority. “The Chowan River and Albemarle Sound are too im portant to ignore, and even when we have no blooms we must continue to work on improving water quality. In my opinion this is the most important economic as well as environmental issue in the Albemarle region.” Guest Editorial One of the challenges that we face here at the beginning of the New Year is how to offset the cutbacks in federal funding of social programs designed to meet the needs of the state’s less for tunate citizens. If we are going to continue to provide services for the needy among us, the private sector, individuals and agencies are going to have to assume more respon sibility. The situation calls for the collective strength, talents, energies and skills found in our volunteers. Volunteers have long been a mainstay of American life. Long before there were government social service agencies, people were helping one another as volunteers. This kind of spirit needs to be rekindled. If the needs of people are real and immediate then what is lost in federal money and programs has to be made up thru the ingenuity and energy of those special people called “volunteers”. Capitol Broadcasting Co. Inc. Fountain Presides Contimied From Page 1 remanded to District Court, where he received 60 days suspended one year, SIOO fine and cost of cotiff, and ordered to surrender his operator’s license. Charlie Walter Paylin, charged with 70 MPH in a 55 MPH zone, reckless driving, and DUI, had his case remanded to District Court where he received six months suspended three years, on un supervised probation, S2OO fine in each case, cost of court, and or dered to surrender his operator’s license. James Linwood Phillips, charged with 101 MPH in a 55 MPH zone, was found guilty and received 60 days suspended sentence, SIOO fine and cost of court, and told to report to the Sheriff of Chowan County Jan. 22 at 5 P.M. and remain confined in Chowan County Jail until 5 P.M. Jan. 24, and ordered to surrender his operator’s license. James Robert Boone, charged with 45 MPH in a 55 MPH zone and no operator’s license, was found guilty and ordered to pay cost of court. David Thomas Nixon, charged with murder, was found not guilty by the jury. Residents Urged Continued From Page 1 nesdhy-Saturaday, or at tne Crossroads Fire Dept, on Mon days and Tuesdays. The deadline for listing in Jan. 30 at 12 noon, with a 10 per cent penalty after that. The Chowan Herald (usps iO6-380> PTO. BOX 207, EDENTON, N.C. 27932 Published every Thursday at Edenton by The Chowan Herald, Inc., L. F. Amburn, Jr., Editor and Publisher, 421-425 South Broad Street, Edenton, North Carolina, 27932. Entered as second-class matter August 30,1934 at the Post Office of Edenton, North Carolina, under Act of Mprch 3,1870. L.F. AMBURN, JR. E. N. MANNING Editor & Publisher General Manager SUSAN BUNCH J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Office Manager Editor Emeritus Subscription Bates , One Year (outside N.C.) ....$11.90 One Year (in N.C.) $19.40 .Six Months (outside N.C.) S7JO Six Months (in N.C.) $7.2g EH#:?*'*,* »i.< Thursday. J- rms package, or by telephoning -800- ,241-3860 toll-free. Also, most t anks and post offices stock a lii lited number of the basic tax fom j, he said. Another option, is the Volu teer Income Tax Assistance (V TA) Program. “Free assistance I > the elderly, handicapped and low income taxpayers may be available from these local g sups of volunteers trained by the kS,” Jones said. The locations and ours of assistance by these groups may be obtained by calling the IRJ toll free number listed in the ocal Phonebook. Jones added that taxpayer will still meet with collection jmd examination personnel by ap pointment at the local offices. : ..