Page 6-B Ask Questions Before You Buy Good used cars are hard to find these days, but you’re really better off asking some simple questions before you buy, advises Rod Birmingham, an investigator with Aetna Life & Casualty’s arson fraud unit. That used car may look great, but a second look - and blowing what to look for— can mean the difference between having the car you want and having nothing but an empty wallet. The car could have been stolen, Birmingham warns. Even if you don’t know it’s a stolen car, you can lose both the car, and the money you paid for it. •‘Of course you can always sue the seller if you unknowingly purchased a stolen car,” he adds, “but that’s likely to be a lengthy and expensive process, and it certainly won’t save you any money!” “Auto theft is a big business these days. Whether it’s chopping up stolen cars for body repair parts or placing a stolen car body on a chassis for which there is legitimate title, professional auto thieves are making money,” Bir mingham explains. “And the unwitting used car buyer, on the other hand, could lose money on what at first appears to be a real bargain”. So if you’re in the market for a good used car or expect to be in the future, Bir mingham offers these tips: -Go to a reliable, established dealer when buying a used car. Be especially careful when buying a car from an in dividual without a specific address. Check to see whether the seller can be located should you need to reach him or her after the sale. •Check the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) which is usually embossed on a metal plate over the driver’s dash section and visible from the outside of the bottom of the windshield, for signs of alteration or replacement. The VIN must match the VIN shown on the seller’s certificate of title. -Inquire about past in surance and financing on the car, and then verify this information with the in surance agent, bank or finance company. -Look at the body paint on a new model. A fresh paint job may indicate cover-up work by thieves. -Check the license tag and inspection sticker to be certain that they are current and issued by the same state. -Ask for at least one set of the original manufacturer’s keys rather than a replacement set. Be suspicious if the seller provides you with re-made keys for a late model car. -Review and complete all paperwork at the time of sale. Don’t forget that certificate of titles frequently can be coun terfeited. Check documents carefully for signs of possible alteration. Tornado Awareness Week, March 1-5 Gov. Jim Hunt has proclaimed the week of March 1-5 as “Tornado Awareness Week” in North Carolina. Hunt said, “Tornadoes can be killers and all North Carolinians should be aware of the weather signs that precede a tornado so they can take actions to protect themselves and their loved ones. “I commend the National Weather Service, the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety and the Department of Public Instruction for their cooperative efforts to educate the public to the dangers of tornadoes and tornado safety measures during this week.” “Tornado Awareness Week” is an annual effort of the Division of Emergency Management in Crime Control and Public Safety, the National Weather Service, the Department of Continued On Pop* 7-* It SUm!wS32 \ ■ ’* —OMfllilCQCßllWWUallwin^n AiSm TAVLOR i save so* save so* i A ' CALIFORNIA CELLARS TROPIC AN A r* tiMKK W-O BRAND fjj ZT0.99 P|fpP® P 12-o*. cans llf pmJB&W ***'"* gg J[3 S&SVS&BS 1-m.pms. ■ ormedlum I OLD MILWAUKEE BEER COUPON coop thru SAT- FEB. »th 101I 011MO ” °*"* coupon coop thru SAT- HU. sbth I ctn. -12 $3.69 | •PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., FEI. 20TH .NONE TO DEALERS -WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ©COPYRIGHT I*2, WINN-DIXIE STORES, INC. WMMNGNUMMsf BR CO "“ HAIF FORK lOiwJL M i A lOn Sale During Oates Shown Below. No limit to numboro* | I SCRATCH Off ONLY»PANELS A MATCH NUMBERS ISB I eBCh CoUpon WITH THE WINNINC NUMBERS SHOWN ON EACH TICRETI 1 HLf ■ |SfIVO HIT 9 WINNINO HIT B WINNING HIT 7 WINNINO idircn I*l.oo NUMBERS A YOU NUMBERS A YOU NUMBERS A YOU YnccVT " JL WIN OR SHARE: WIN OR SHARE: WIN OR SHARE: Ami 1 1-LB. FR »>> I Rog. MM ■ $50,000 $40,000 $20,000 Mm ,AC ■ LB - ■ I •**cw 1 OODS Os WINNING kuitm »ca or MORE ECONOMY CUT | *5«99 1 1n 2J42.97S lin 14.187 1 1n 473 S7.SSORIMO"t |£jl% Jgm poRK CHOWtI *1 11 j with coupon (In X store vWti) (in 26 ito*c vbta) (In 2t ftorc «Mb) |h MA - _ W-IIJH Cowed SuMf lin PICK UP YOUR JACKPOT TICKET TODAY! —— mmmmmbm —bm »d| I j a |3l3|| b t k i B 111 L i I B m I 6'>OZ. BOX TENDERLOINS lr>3 98 | | HAMBURGER HELPER 89c fflUnlj COCA-COLA "L. M - U.S. CHOICE 2E5222* 3 ""''''JSsMIA >• JBi flllets^" c AKA BllA OR orange cream bars^ 13001CV7 Mm fl 28 M 1191 I EASTERN RED MMT?mT79V qV delicious apples HwBSASiUSJyKHiiSSiM BHUfikliiliSiSiSiil SOUR CREAM 2 for*l f# J $ NAVEL ORANGES .. 14 for*l»* FAMILY MEALS s l w B-OZ. PRC. SUPER BRA NO ALL VARIETIES Vjjtajf HARVEST FRESH 11-OZ.OJP A