Thurmtoy, April 22. 1962 Stamps Featured By Postmaster James M. Bond. ' Wife the issue of a new block 1 of stamps featuring the qfficial bird and flower of enbh of the 50 Uidted Stated; the Postal'Service is higfilightin g s one but lesser known, slices of Americana. new stamps, which come m panes of 50, bear the {lass postage tkmof 20 cents, e issued April 14. p designs are the te first father-and -1 ever to design stamps - Arthur d his son Alan, state legislatures onsiderable effort the appropriate lower to represent e. Some appointed commissions to research the question. Oth&rs left the selection to a voty of school children. Several went to civic -grows, garden chibs or stays Audubon societies. Anq others surveyed all of One adopted its Jujed and flower after recSdng ballots published in syewspaper back in 1894. ESorts taken to select and profcct state birds and floors offer interesting insists into a unique aspect of Anericana. Here are a fewcjpxamples: After a Colorado legl|lature adopted the colftnbine in 1899, the subjpquent assembly of 1925 to protect the flodjfcr from “needless desteuction or waste.” They pladnd bans on lacking and selling columbines. Tm 1918 legislature of was also seri&s about protecting its mayflowers. It not only impqaed a SSO fine for the unlawful uprooting of the plaift it doubled that penny if a person per petrfted such an act “while in cfiguise or secretly at A devastating invasion of cropfiobbling crickets in the late ftß4os apparently -4a—«- n«|edut,h7Soii-/ 5.00 Purchase PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT. APRIL 24 AT ASP IN EDENTON V* * * ITEMS OFFERED FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS I^ Mesa 1 Poultry Special JsltlmllH j bb ■ ft A ft w I ASP QUALITY TALMADGE FARMS FRYER BREAST OR ASP QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED Pork QQO Chicken Frenks dQO Fryor Ley flflo N-Y- Strip Bone Sausage KJwlw Or Bologna 2 pkgs. Quarters »OO Steak ft TRIM COUNTRY FARM «P O R«.FER WEETERK O R*~ FED BEEF Pork Roast «, 1 39 Sliced Bacon & 1 79 London Broil «, 2 59 Whole Sirloin Tip ». 1 89 OTRJLKHSFECULE.-CO.JRTR’F.R. JJFCRMmY HEAV.WEETERR GR«R FED W^E S 0«.» FEDEEEF Pork Steak ». 1 49 Meat Franks ir99* Sirloin Tip Steak » 2 29 Shoulder Roast ». 1 79 FISHER BOY A&P QUALITY REG. OR THICK OSCAR MAYER LINK ASP QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF Fish Sticks X 69* Sliced Bologna K: 1 59 Pork Sausage » 2 M Wholeßib Eyes I ‘ M; T 3" {P J) Weekly Specials) - ; P Frozen Specials/ ■ HRBBHj —xv\E FAR^_, ■ i 1 ■ I ehi'Mii I\§] 1 ■ fCj| ftt] J 111 utlt*W W TATER BOY ©S 2000 Crinkle Cut 5 169 French Fries & I ANN PAGE CHED-O-BIT LARGE RED RIPE LUSCIOUS FLORIDA GROWN , ANN PAGE • PATTY j M Cheese X 1 99 Strawberries 1 Crisp Celery »59* Entrees 1 29 PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON STATE EX. FANCY GOLDEN FRESH SWEET & JUICY ANN PAGE , Cream Cheese Delicious Apples . 49 6 Pineapple ?99* Orange Juice 'L?B9* PILLSBURY CHOC. CHIP • DOUBLE CHOC. CHIP FLORIDA GROWN WHITE SEEDLESS RED RADISHES (6 OZ.) OR ANN PAGE Cookies X 149I 49 Grapefruit 5Z 1” Green Peppers 4& 1" Ice Cream tr 1” ■ KRAFT• PLAIN• SMOKED«HOT HORMEL SAVE ON 20-OFF LABEL ■ J „. Barbecue Sauce Lr 69* Vienna Sausage 2 79* Greer Tomatoes 3££ 1 09 Cold Power X 147l 47 CREAMY VELVET MT.OUVE SWEET VAN CAMP , „ FINAL TOUCH 20* OFF LABEL JFG Mayonnaise vW Salad Cubes \rl9* Pork & Beans 3r. 1 00 Fabric Softener 1 09 1 GREEN GIANT WHOLE KERNEL SAVE ON PAQ BRAND COLA, ORANGE, DIET COLA PAQ BRAND Golden Com 2’is79 e Greer Peaches Soft Drinks ’*•79* Dry Dog Food 25*, 3” rr' ttiWk SUPER SAVER >i Wh WK SUPER SAVER >1 vs D ll SUPER SAVER >1 1k" Jr coupon Jj 1 1 rAw coupon JiiV rAM coupon J i inHlllEHlllsH! j bamKmm \ \ mmmzj {s fa—Elil I 0000 T”" 0SAT - APWL24 *• EDENTON | | 0000 ™ RUSAT ’ APWL24 ■*EDENTON J j CS3B GOOD THRUSAT.,^AP«L24WJDENTON_ ITEMS OFFERED FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS I I . . | 701 North Broad Street, Edenton, N.C. ] THE CHOWAN HERALD Page 9-B