Page 8-A Recreation Notes Teenage Duce There will be a Teenage Dance Friday, May 14 from 8:00 until 11:00 P.M. in the National Guard Armory. The dance is being spon sored by the Edenton Parks & Recreation Department. Admission charges will be $1.50 for singles ands2.oo per couples. The dance is open to Jr. and Sr. High students, only. Aerobic Dance Janercise Class A second session of Aerobic Dance began May 5. Registration is still open to anyooe interested in taking lessons. Classes are held Monday and Wednesday nights with a drop-in class on Saturday mornings. For more information call the Recreation Department at 482-8595. Men’s Softball Standings Ryland 2-0 PicWic 2-0 Texaco 1-1 Millers 1-1 A’s 1-1 Exxon 1-1 Natural 1-1 P.D. 2-0 Bears 1-1 Tyner JCs 0-2 Cotton Mill 1-1 Perry Holland 0-2 At. Forest 0-2 Women’s Softball Standings Ryland 2-0 Nixon’s 2-0 Supers tarletts 1-1 Chowan Beavers 0-2 Blue Jays 0-] Charlies Angles 0-1 Little League Baseball Schedule May 10—6:30 National Guard - Texaco; 7:45 JCs - Fisher Nut. May 11—6:30 TG&Y - Hardees; 7:45 Am. Legion - Rotary. May 12—6:30 JCs - Texaco; 7:45 Fisher Nut - Rotary. May 13—6:30 Am. Legion - Hardees; 7:45 National Guard - TG&Y. May 17—6:30 TG&Y - Texaco; 7:45 JCs - Rotary; May 18—6:30 Fisher Nut - Hardees; 7:45 Nat. Guard - Am. Legion. May 19—6:30 Rotary - Hardees; 7:45 JCs - TG&Y. May 20—6:30 Am. Legion - Texaco; 7:45 Fisher Nut - Nat. Guard. Children Os Divorce Children whose parents have been divorced aren’t any more likely to have emotional problems than those who haven’t had this experience. But there are cir cumstances connected with a divorce that might cause potential problems if not handled properly. So keep in mind that children need to know what’s going on - in language they can un derstand. In addition, parents need to listen and accept their children’s real feelings. This will be hard, for youngsters will probably be angry at parents and at the world. But they need to be able to vent these feelings. It’s also inapporpriate for parents to expect children to meet their emotional needs. Youngsters just aren’t capable of providing professional counsel. How can you help children cope with divorce? One way is to make an effort to spend time alone with each child each day. ! * —“I Hie Chowan Herald has set 4 P.M. Mondays as the final deadline for ac ceptance of all Classified and Legal Notices, thank yon for your cooperation. ■- . 1 nonet] SapqrMr Court Division in Tho Oonoral Court Os Justice Executor's Notice Having quellfled’es Executrix of the estate of Willard H. kino, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, .shh is to notify all persons holding <Sal ms against the estate of said lisrsaitrt to present them to the undersigned on or before the. rth day of November, HOI, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereon. All persons In debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This l*th day of April. 1102. Barbara K. Holler Executrix of The Estate of Willard H. King DKimd. MayS.l3.2o,77chgs BUY. StU.TRADt Oft BENT THROUGH THi & W: I d a I -U* Superior Court Division in The general Court Os Justice Administrator's Notice qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of toon J. Roberts, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them. to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of November, 1982, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons Indebted to said'estate will please make immediate payment. This 29th day of April, 1982. Leon l. Roberts Administrator of The Estate of Leon J. Roberts Deceased. May 4,13,20,27 • chg.r. Superior Court Division In TM General Court Os Justice Executor's Notice Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of John K. France' late of Chowan County, North Carolina: this Is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate' of said, deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of November. 1982, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereon. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28 dat of April. 1982. Dorothy France Executrix of The Estate of John K. France Deceased. May4,13,20,27.pd. Superior Court Division In Tho General Court Os Justice Executor's Notice Having qualified as Co - Executors of the estate of Margaret W. White, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to th* undersigned on or before the 7th day of November, 19(2, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereon. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30th day of April, 1982. Louis H. White, Jr. Gloria W. Cole Co - Executors of The Estate of Margaret W. White Deceased. Mayt.13.20,27ehg.p. File No: 82 - CvD - 39 In The General Court Cd Justice District Court Division NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY Richard 'Clayton Osburn and Agnus E. Osburn, Plaintiffs vs James David Noell,’ Defendant -To: James David Nowell TAKE NOTICE that p pleading seeking relief agglnst you has been filed in the above -. entitled civil action. The nature of the relief being sought Is as follows: to recover money due for breach of agreement and - or to declare a resulting trust. You are required to make defense to such oleadino nohlater than June 15. 1982. which da,e is forty (40) days 'from tpe date of the first publication of this Notice, and upon your failure to do so, the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 28 day of April, 1982. C/Chrlstopher Bean Attorney for Plaintiffs 431 S. Broad St. P. O. Box 74 Edenton, N.C. 27932 May6,13,20,chg.1. FHe No: 82 - - 40 " In The General Court Os Justice District Court Division NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY Richard Clayton Osburn and Agnes E. Osburn, Plaintiffs vs Jamah David Noell‘and Rita A. Saberon Noell, Defendants To: James Oqvid Noell Notice Os Service Os Process By Publication TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above - entitled civil action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: to recover money due under ttie terms of a promissory note. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than June 15. 1982. which date is forty (40) days from the date of the first publication of this Notice, and upon your failure to do so, the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 28tn day of April, 1982. C. Christopher Bean Attorney for Plaintiffs 431 ST Broad St. P. O. Box 74 Edenton, N.C. 27932 Mays,l3,2o,chgm. seeerter Ceert Dtvlsiea ■a The general Ceert es Justice C&6XBCVMr'I N#HC9 Having qualified ae Coexecutors of the estate of C. R. Satterfield, lets of Chowan County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons heMlng claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the un dersigned on or before the isth day of Oc lobar. 1982, or this notice will be pleaded m her of any recovery thereon. All parsons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This Bth day of April, 1982. WILLIAM T. Satterfield Mildred M. Satterfield Co-executors of The Estate of C. R. Satterfield OiciiMd. Earnhardt Is Busby, P. A. E. Quaan Strstt Edanton, MC 27992 Tsiaphana (fit) 412-4441 taasral Caart §4 Jaitlcs JEfETIir tWTT DIVlBlOfl FhONe. SS-SP-7 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY Preston Daft (Widower), Petitioner vs. King a serge Byrum and wife, tfaaei T Evrum; Carlton E. Asbell and who! Blanche M. Ash ell; Jennie H. Asbell and huthewd, C B. AseeMj William T. Man sfield and wNe. Patricia P. Mansfield; Chowan Callege and the State of North Carolina, Te Whom n May Concern: TAKE NOTICE that Pres tea Dali (Widower) hao mode petition In the above captioned Seeclsf WgggpdNg raqowtins that certain real saints he brought under me operation es Land Raglseretian pur. seanftgChdpNrdldfEte general Statutes es North caroHna, and that foe simple imp thereto he regNSerad tg hbn accordingly. The nemae of all persona named m said Patman appear hi the peeve caption. The real estate which Is the subiect « said Petition Is that certain tract or parcel of land located In Third Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at on Iron pipe located N 47 degrees Or 44" B 142747 foot from the Intersection of the con torllne of North Caroline Highway No. 1309 with the centerline of North Carolina Highway No. 120), and running thence from said beginning point N li desreea 50* W . 100.01 foot to a point; Thence N 42 degrees 54' W 141.10 feet to a point; thence N 35 degrees lr W 171.19 feet to a point; thence N 24 degrees 32- w 94.97 feet toe point; thence N * 25 degrees OS' W 99.49 feet to e point; ttience N 22 doorooo 04' W 41.01 feet t e point; thence N 31 degrees OS' W 194.72 foot to e point; thence N u degrees 32- W 130.3) feet to an Iron pipe; thence N 27 degrees or W 112.97 feet to center Os 15 Inrh culvert: thence N 24 degrees 0T w 252.03 teat to an iron pipe set In run of branch 9.5 feet _ west of 14 . Inch gum; thence 553 degrees lr 24" E along marked end pointed trees, the K G. Byrum line 1197.12 feet to a set Iron pipe; thence S 00 degrees 27' E 122.03 feet to a chopped and painted ptne; thence 5 9 degrees 04' E 174.90 feet to e pointed pine; thence 5 11 degrees 50' E 171.07 feet to e chopped end painted pme; thence 5 2 degrees 3r W 254.35 feet to e chopped sassafras, thence 5 14 degrees 04' W 114.35 feet to an Iron pipe set at comer; running thence along a painted line 5 41 degrees 34’ w 73.54 feet, 3 72 degrees 2T W 249.80 feet, end 5 70 degrees 5T W 210.51 feet to an Iron pipe, the point and place of beginning, containing 19.52 acres according to plat of survey dated August 11, 1901 by Jasper W. Hassell, Rag. Land No. L-1065. The return date of the summons herein It May IS, 1952. This the lath day of March, 1902. Lena M. Leery Chowan County Clerk Superior Court Mar.2s, Apr. 14,15,22.29,Mery ,4,13,chg.k. Superior Court Division In The General Court Os Justice Executor's Notice Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Annie Nora M. Forehand, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of October, 1982, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19 day of April, 1982. Roy F. Forehand Executor of The Estate of Annie Nora M. Forehand Deceased. Apr. 22,29, ’ May4,l3pd. In The General Court Os Justice District Court Division NORTH CAROLINA CHOWAN COUNTY File No. 82-CVD-81 Notice of Service of Process By Publication SHARLEEN E. WILKERSON, Plaintiff vs. CECIL C. WILKERSON, Defendant TO: Cecil C. Wilkerson Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled civil action. The nature of the religf beigg sought Is as follows: Absolute divorce based on one year's con tinuous separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than June 22, 1982, which date is forty (40) days from the date of the first publication of this Notice, and upon your failure to do so, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the sth day of May, 1982. W. T. Culpepper, 111 Attorney for Plaintiff 108 East King Street - P. O. Box 344 Edenton, N.C. 27932 May13,20,27.chg.0. Hill HELP WAnTEDI HOMEWORKERS Production Wirecratt. We train house dwellers. No investment, sales or gimmicks For a permanent, steady program write: Production Wirecraft, P. o. Box 223, Norfolk, Va. 23501. Aug.A.tfc. INVEST—If you are interested in supplementing your present In come, with either part time or full time investment of your time, call 354-2872 after 5 P.M. May!3,2o.pd. HELP WANTED—R.N. Director of Nursing for 94 bed SNF and ICF facility. Total management of nursing services including patient care, personnel, purchasing and implementing all policies and procedures. Supervisory ex perience necessary, good benefits package. Apply in person. Elder Lodge, Paradise Rd., Edenton. Phone 482-7481. May 13,20,27.chg.L. . H^llmucEUAritoufl WANT TO BUY LOT ln Cape , Colony area for Mobile Home. Also n interested in good used 3 bd. mobile ii home. Call 482 - 7119. 4 Apr .22,29, !; May4,l3,chg.d. J FREE KlTTENS—Stripes, calicos, t spots. Call 482 2341 evenings. May 13,20. chg.N. 4 YARD SALE—Sat. May 15, 9 A.M. - until. 405 West Queen St. | Mayl3,chg.l. 1 ROOMATE WANTED Home located 1 mile from Edenton.-S2OO per month. Call 482 : 2728 or 482 - 7341 after 9 P.M. May4,13,20,27chg.e. ” YARD SALE—Sat. May 15, 9 A.M. until. Located on Center Hill Rd, 5 families. Mayl3.chg.A YARD SALE—Sat. May 15,9 A.M.- 1 P.M. 113 Kimberly Drive, Morgan Park. MaylSxhg.b. YARD SALE—FrI. 8, Sat., May 14 fc . 15.9 A.M. until. 414 East Church St. * Mayl3,chg.C ' YARD SALE—Sat. May 15. 10 A.M-4 P.M On the side of Com munity Grocery. Mayl3.chg.d. 3 FAMILY YARD SALE Highway 32, Roadside Market. Friday and Sat. May 14 and IS. 9 A.M until. Mayl3.chg.e. YARD SALE—May 15trOm9 A.M - s 2 P.M Located 208 S. Oakum St. MayUchg.f. THE CHOWAN HERALD R VARD SALE—Sat. May 14, from 9 JJ A.M ,Rntn. clothes, dishes, fur- Z nlture,’ lots of motors. Screen windqj(s. Too much to name. 248 Coral tane. Cape Colony. Mayl3.chg.J. YARD SALE—Saturday May 15th, 9 til 2, 815 Bond Street. Flowers, toys, dothes-all sizes. Rain date later. Mayl3.pd - HSIIFOR REOTj HOUSE FOR RENT Morris Circle, 2 Bd.s, den, study, 1 bath and garage. 8285 per month. Deposit. Call 482-2527. Apr.29.tfn BY week or month. Small furnished apartment located in Edenton. Utilities included. One person only. Call 482-4937. Feb.4,tfc.a. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT—ISO square feet, one room, 2nd floor. Utilities furnished. Bank of North Carolina Building. 482-4431. May13,20,27.chg.M. APARTMENT FOR RENT—Adults only. No children or pets. 482-2435. Mayl3,2o.chg.H. FOR RENT Well insulated clean 2 bd. house. Convenient location on N. Broad St. Call (482-43741 after 4 P.M. Apr.B,tfc.e. |^|HOmEfFORM| FOR SALE - 3bd. house in Morgan Perk. - LR , den, utility, OR , 2 full bathe-ceramic tile. In A no. 1 condition. Call Stan Stroud 442-7313 or 442 4545 Apr.IS,TFC.C. SMALL HISTORIC HOUSE - 8 acres near Albemarle Sound. Gambrel-roofed, 1802, Federal-style house. Near Hertford. Out buildings. Unrastored. 144,000 Brochure. Historic Preservation Fund, Box 27432. Raleigh, NC 27411; 914-432-3452.,chgh HOUSE FOR SALE By owner Rocky Hock section of Edenton. 3 bd., LR., Dining rtoom - kitchen comb., utility room, 1 bath, less than l year old. 83,000 and assume. Call 221 : 4223. May4,l3.chg.n. ’OWNER Transferred Price Reduced Traditional Brick Ranch in Morgan Park. 1800 sq. ft., 3 bd., 2 baths, LR, DR, FR,. utility room, - beautifully landscaped yard with garden. 482 - 7128 or 482 - 8003. Apr.22tfc|. FOR SALE 14x70 3 bd. trailer - 8500.00 and take up payments. Also 2.44 acres of land with well and septic tank, 89,500. Call 1-919-438- 4787. Feb.lß,tfr.g. Bulkhead & Pier Construction Free Estimates 426 - 7574 a o %4 Sears CONTINUOUS ALUMINUM GUTTERING Custooi-madß at your home by our factorv-on-wheels dial 482 - 2186- Sears SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO 8:30 TO 5:30 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY NORTHSIDE SHOPPING CENTER ROANOKE REALTY El 25 S. King St. Windsor, N. C. Call: 794-9166 or REAirop* 794-3263 FOR SALE 45 acres more or less, outside Midway on Hwy. 17. Call Roanoke Realty 794-9166 for further information. FOR RENT Small Store Building for Retail or Of fice. 320 South Broad St. Next to Edenton Saving & Loan Assoc. Contact - George A. Byrum Byrum Hardware Co. 482-2131 Home- 221-4410 FOR SALE Tar Heel Sales and Service in Rocky I Hock. 21' x 36' bldg., also includes a2 br trailer. Own a business and a home for 28,500. Some financing. Also a nice 3 br trailer adjoining this property for $25,000. THE RICH COMPANY 338 - 2183 OR NIGHTS 482 - 2491 HOUSE FOR SALE 1 Kocky Hock - 4 bd., L. R., den with fireplace, kit., with appliance*. Utility room --dittoed - in son porch overlooking an in-ground fiberglass and concrete swimafing pool with *U4e, diving board and cement patio with private fencing. Financing pootible at 11 * per cent, with 32 per cent down. ftt.Mi. Call 4U-M37. |&i|| FOR/ALE | FOR SALE —lB ft Buccaneer Sailboat. Call 482 - 7351 after 4. TFNC. FOR SALE l4 foot Glaspar b0at.1978 Evlnrude motor, 55 ho. Call after 5:30 P.M. 221-4951. Apr.2y.Maye,l3.chg.G. for SALE—Lot Cape Colony 130 »*. on canal. Only 83,500. Will flnanca 81,500 with no interest. 1- 804-423-3701. Apr .29,May4,13.chg.H. FOR SALE—I9BO CM 400 T Honda. Extra low mifeage.'llke _ new 41200.00. Call 221-4345 after 4:00 P.M. Mayl3.2o.pd FOR SALE l9BO 14' wide fur nished Oakwood Mobile home with or without lot. Heat pump, new condition. Call 424 • 5051. May4,!3.chg.u. ITll DU/inE/y i I PF’II -/ERVICET I RENT—A—MAID— have your house, office, or apartment professionally cleaned by our qualified maids. Phone 482-3005. _________ Jan.2B,tfc.e FOR YOUR LAWN mowing needs call Ernest's Lawn Mowing Ser vice, 482-2957. Mar.ll.tfc.f. YE OLDE TYME Chimney Sweep, Merry Hill. Call 482-3190. Offer professional flue cleaning services. L Sept.3,tfc. c ■ 8 TROUBLE WITH AUTO STEREO installation: See Griffin Musicenter for expert installation. J (Radios, speaker, booster, l, equalizer). )- May4,13,20,27,chg.a. i. : I, NEEDSTRINGS For your guitar - bass • or banjo? See Qrlffin ’’ Musicenter tor your needs. May4,13,20,27chg.b. GET IT FIXED RIGHTI Modern televisions require modem test equipment. We have It. Harmon TV Service, 314 S. Broad St., same location 28 years. Phone 482-3417. Feb.lß.tfc.c. ANY TYPE —Building, remodeling, repairs. Custom ef ficient money-saving homes. Free estimates. Call 221-4449 after 7 P.M. May13,20,27.chg.K. The I’m Sick Os It YARD SALE Your chance to save. Cheap prices, some items free. y« mile past J. C. Bldg. Sat. May 15, 10:00 - 4:00 P.M. Mayl3.pd. L 4 - • H OWN YOUR OWN JEAN-SPORTSWEAR or INFANT-PRETEEN STORE JEAN PROGRAM Also Shoe, Athletic Shoe Store Offering all Nationally Known Brands such as Jordache, Chic, Lee, Levi, Vanderbilt, Calvin Klein. Wrangler over 100 other brands. >7,000.00 to $19,500.00 includes beginning inventory, airfare for 1 to Fashion Center, training, fixtures, Grand Opening Promotions. Call Mr. Koatecky. (012) 432-0076 Ext. 3 [Carol Becker, \ I Real Estate I 90S East King Street, Edeeto* Call John Or Carol Becker I I A* 482-4873 I I WATER VIEW IN TOWN: wing room wsn fire- |m pi**; pin* panadad dan, kitchen wtfh Gating araa, utility room, bath, lorgo ■ | Bcroonad porch; hart pump; baautiful lot with troon, azaleas. Prim indudts ■ waahor, dryar, refrigerator, ovon, rang*, dishwasher, disposal $59,500 I I MAGNIFICENT LOT ON SOUND: ■ beautiful sandy hooch; no nood for bulkhead. Limited timo only?- -$49,500 I I BARGAIN LOT NEAR COUNTRY CLUB:fr., 1 11"* 1 " 1 wator accost. Prim groatly rodumd $13,500 I I BARGAIN FINANCING-BRICK HOUSE I ■ Four bod rooms, 2 full baths, lorgo living room and don with fireplace; ■ jj kitchen, utility room, garage, enclosed backy.rd. 9 Vi% Assumption ... ■ H Excellent terms _ $69,000 ■ I VICTORIAN HOUSE: I I CHARMING 2-BEDROOM I m room with fireplace, bath, eat-in kitchen, screened porch (or 3rd bedroom?) 9 ■ fenced backyard.. - $35,000 ■ | HISTORIC DISTRICT: I I GREAT FOR YOUNG FAMILY: OnsHjtwy; now vinyl siding, I U j ooarootm, living room, s I both, kitchsn/dhdng, outside storage, on Vi acre lot; located 6 milm from [§ I 2 MILES BEAUTIFUL WATERFROIff: c^„“-5 I acres woodtend, 600(pius) acres fishing rights, $70,000 assumption at 7%, f owner financing avadrido _ —5215,000 I WOODED LOT'S N ** r CountT Y ciub on airport road. $3,000 down, ~1 # nvwbu balance owner-financed at 10% SB,OOO f I QUEEN ANNE PLACE: ,°£”£ SXSXZ I ■ room, dan, kitchen with dining area, 1 car garage; workshop... . $49,500 9 s aaaw I C% ASSUMPTION: ■rs?*'" I *.**-* »> 4 I ■BHufillM, w WBnlf Iwylr, living ivvin, OVIHIig ■ rassn, don with fireplace, kitchen, utility room, largo porch; 2-car garage; luxury features throughout; private water and lwat access; on large ■ weeded lot; 9% assumption available-. $115,000 ■ IIN TOWN* 2 * tor Y- 5/4 bedroom, 2 bath, living room, dining room dan, . H UVVni kitchen, utility room; exeollent condition...|46,soo I BRICK E-STORY* -~i iftiw.w*<<rsbg I 1 eat-in Utchast, 1 ehr garage; acre lot (2 911.0 ! as, ■ I head sane. Priced to sell .. MS. sold ar, I bedrooms, 1 bath, deck; on twu rats. I BRICK; WATER ACCESS r I I Moms, 2 baths, utility rA6fh, c*dar titled closets; bsaufiM private beck. 1 i\ $49,500 OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE: Idtdien terrace; 1 I #iLaic«J# — SOLD I I HISTORIC DISTRICT* Completely restored twoetory with living I HlOJUlllll IflOllillfl. roon)/ non,, dtp, all wHh fire ■ places," 4 bsdrooms, 2 baths, study, large country kitchen, uHMty room ■ ■ md fenced back garden with small house $80,500 ■ IN TOWN PRIVACY: I «d h kitchen, garage, storage house— 55V* 4 WATERVIEW ON GOLF COURSE I] hoom with dining sres^ kitchen with dining area, deck screened porch, work. I | chop 25x25, gorago with electric door. Extra lot included; 10% financing, I Qanamin tenna ndhMa ■ I HISTORIC DISTRICT: I fl 2 firing rooms and dhdng room with fkeplama, dan, breakfast room, kJtch- H I on, uNUty room, garage, patio $114,000 I •1 BAI K STRFFT I 2or 4-bedroom, 2-story, living room, family room, I • llU * , a dining room, eat-in kitchen, lVi baths $234)00 I REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! I H room/dining area with fireplace, eat-in kitchen; paneled den, 9% assump- S J Hon aval labia I I HISTORIC DISTRICT: I I room, woodbuming stove included; low hosting costa, studio apaitWisnl and 1 lovely garden.. $60,000 ■ I WATERVIEW AND WATER ACCESS: 1 9 |ater in prime location $114)00 1 I OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE: I |kl-<**»4l«l MmM te »14,000 I WATERFRONT Z-STOR Y: Living room, family room with fire- 1 I baths, eat-in Idtchen, patio, butkheadad, attractive landscaping and H baach— $754)00 % I WATERFRONT: I H haadad. Assumption available at 9% $454)00 1 I Adfeiiing Lot Negotiabie. ® I COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: | I CEDAR SIDED 4-BEDROOM: I j largo dhdng area, 2 baths, fully Insulate* Largs dsck fisrfif 1979 with I I quality : ——s4*4*o I I BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE I I LUXURY COUNTRY NOME I I | * ■J-.7-.vr , , . ■' ,r ■_v. r ;.A. Thursday, May 13, 1982. -• 1 ■ ii T j_

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