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JUG THRIFTY MAID BONELESSBOnOM^ ■ v^l 49 DEPOSIT || lai n iiimi/pp n .. n I I COCONUTS ... 2 po«99c 11 ■ OLD MILWAUKEE BEER J^^^ m "coffi| eiW( 11 GAL s c H T E N R^ BRAND I ■ asmes* T TT red “h« 11 I OF 12 1 |B|f IIV family meals I . S 160 Z. CAN ASTOR FROZEN FLORIDA I B6CLWL BAYBt CHILDRENS W ‘ D BRAND U 5. LSite* ASPIRIN 67c 40-OZ. BTI. WESSON _ Q CARVE m %0 A BOZ. CUP SUPERBRAND n? ’ .. |M COOKING OIL ROAST 111 WHIPPED TOPPING 59c yn n CAPSULES •2 41 H I (WjK&r% OR STEAK II ~ te wr 9 »y° I! II ? f2O.OOOFF Y I WITH THIS SOOOO 3zoz. jar dkp south uJ Se A p 9%) COUPON only TT np SALAD boneless top round ■ ■ II mmw ROAST ISS?oa % v»J V w nt ’mm wmim cm. for m MVi TOP BOUND STEAK lB ♦2 s 9 m 1 pnaTiot nun woni tw «(f pbwui I 160 Z. CANS VAN CAMP'S r ‘ STEAKS PBOPB&Y AO€D <^Wfresh^ CAUWfT TOH 0A1W... COCKTAIL 2 «»Mf PORK N 7 BEAMS 3po.M ® r K x w b 2JUShi2? bwno U 5 cho *4ao« H SALMON steak ia»4 w fU ajgyo. LOG CABIN COUNTRY KITCHEN ffgMSLJOY UQUIO V N.Y. STRIPS $ 39 95 ® SYRUP 99c DETERGENT 99c box of ten wo brand us choice bnls fillets NAlAMAinfuiw AM SHOE. CANS KM. KAN FILET MIGNONS .. *49 9S JpJ fresh ftuet of u |J^| PANCAKE MIX .. STc CAT POOD ... 5™H MB ammZua CHO i4o« M CATFISH u. ‘3>*Ml ■■ANS .i«H NKSMS H*» SHizSS tipbSSt” 5 " 0 " - JERRY BOUCHER NORTHSIDE SHOPPING CENTER 1 MANAGER EDENTON, NX. I THE CHOWAN HERALD Page 7-B Letter To The Editor Dear Editor: As an enthusiastic volunteer in the Treasury’s U.S. Savings Bonds Program, may I be per mitted a small cheer at some recent good news? It concerns the new market - based rate feature which will not only make these Bonds a better buy in today’s competitive market, but also maintain the program’s tradition of fairness to the small saver. Under the new formula, Series EE Bonds held five years or longer will earn at least 85 per cent of the yield Treasury marketable securities. If they are held less than five years, interest will be paid according to a fixed schedule, as before. Where these Bonds differ from marketables is in the fact that their value is guaranteed; they can always be redeemed for their purchase price, plus in terest. Also, there will be an interest “floor” to protect them in case of low market rates. There is, however, no ceiling on the amount they can earn, so their pur chasers have the best of both worlds. It should be emphasized that the new variable rate does not involve a change of product. The same Senes EE Bonds will continue on sale, offering their traditional benefits: safety, convenience, tax ad vantages, and ease of purchase through the Payroll Savings Plan. All that is changed is the method of computing in terest, making it fairer to the saver and more realistic from the government’s standpoint. Series EE ( and the older Series E) Bonds which are already in the hands of the public will continue to earn interest - at least at their present guaranteed rate, and more, if the market - based rate over the next five years or longer proves to be higher. As Non - Daily Newspaper Chairman of the U.S. Savings Bonds Committee of North Carolina, I urge you to use the news release and ad you should receive from Washington shortly. Thank you in advance for your support. Sincerely, Gordon Tomlinson Weekly Newspaper Chairman U.S. Savings Bonds Committee Letter To The Herald Editor Dear Editor: Exciting events are happening at Bethel Baptist Church. The Lord is blessing the church with growth in membership and renovation of the building. The mem-' bership and pastor, Rev. Charles F. Middleton, invite the friends of the church to join with them in dedication of a new pulpit and audio system. This event is scheduled for November 14 at eleven o’clock. The new audio system was given in memory of James H. and Sallie B Long, sister and brother - in - law of Mrs. Mildred Munden Satterfield and Mrs. L.T. (Estell) Granthem. Mrs. Satterfield is from Edenton and Mrs. Granthem now resides in New Bern. The new pulpit has been placed in the fellowship hall and is memory of William A. and Etto C. Munden, mother and father of Mrs. Sat terfield and Miss Granthem. The church also acknowledges the technical assistance of Mr. Jackson of Jackson’s Radio Shop in Edenton. Charles F. Meddleton, Pastor SiSlr \m\