o#*®***®®***#® 111 == f r -jp) Dep». Store Rf | 302 S. Broad St. 4822428 | f A “Fashion Center for the Ladies” ggjfg 5 IyA ipS: '• Sizes 2-20 /Q^4n I ; 24* - 59“ • m The Betty Shoppe _ .. _ . _ Girls Dresses Mens Suits 300 S. BROAD STREET « " „ edenton, n. c. 27932 Sizes 3 Mos. to Size 14 Sizes 36 - 52 Phone: B*.lß® 65“-99® (919) 482-2428 Ladies Hats 14 00 - 32 00 New Raves A®, s«* e Ladies Dresses 20 95 .3995 &&&&&*&£>&&&I Stos-2«V4 V ~ 5 OAftK Ar EDENTON FURNITURE CO. ENTIRE STOCK PICTURE ■ Thi* I* Ibo lorgnl picture tala pvpr huld In Ednnton In addition to tho largo •loch that wo normally carry, wo have jutt rocaivod over 100 now picture* from tho Janurary showing in High Point. ChooM from juct about ovary liao ond typo tcene you on imoginol YOU* CHOICE FROM EVERY PICTURE IN OUR STORE! QUALITY PICTURES ... RIO SAVINGS)