i : 4 i ft f i I r ' ' - . 1 Cherokee Scout HEXONET Zl TOWNS, Props. DOLLAR A YEAR Murphy, N. C. EVERY FRIDAY GREENFIELD'S 40 MILE VIEW New Tower Is Erected In Connecticut by Town anetthe Local Board of Trade. ureenneia, conn. rne uiobe pre sents herewith a picture of the new tower just completed on Poets Seat, Greenfield. It is built of local sand- Btone and commands a beautiful view! iup and down the Connecticut Valley of the Shelburne Hills on the west and other ranges of hills to the east On a clear day a view of 40 miles eaji be obtained. The cost of the tower Is something more than $2,000. Of this the town appropriated f 1,500; , several hundred dollars was 'secured by the Board of Trade of Greenfield. ; The Diana were drawn bv Jerome - n...... .Jailer a- native, of Greenfield but now 11 " n New Poet's Seat Tower at Greenfield. a New York architect, and were giv en to the town by Mr. Allen without financial compensation. The builder was Peter Barber. The tower is 41 feet and 3 inches high from grade to the top platform, ivith a stone parapet four feet high and corner pinnacles eight feet high. The walls are 18 inches tihek, with .a slight better about half the height of the- tower, thus increasing the thiVVneoo nf trifi walla nt tha rw-irtnm. There are three reinforced concrete Blatforms. The stairs from the ground to the second platform are made of reinforced ' concrete witn landings at each turn. The upper flight to the top, or observation piat- form, is a circular iron staircase place in a conier.cr give tle jf xiBTam puj trift-fl lnK " forma; All stairs are about three feet wide All railings are four feet high. Those in the triple arches on the second platform are of stone, while those in the other openings are of Iron. The stair railings are also of iron. JAKES NAP IN WRONG HOUSE Bewildered Intruder Is Arrested After Alarming Occupants of Building in Cincinnati. ' OlnHnnnti Ohio. It was fiix o'clock In the morning, when Police Operator Abel received a telephone call from a woman living In the flat building at the northeast corner of York and Freeman avenues. She was very much excited and declared that- a burglar was in the place. One minute after Lieutenant Couver mtt-h Matrix Bttir. .ii ""'I'l'. v..x- " " 1 house keeper to the place, and three minutes tnereaiter tne cause oi ue i - . - . . m t troiih1 was In the hands of the oolice. The alarm resulted when Sam Bea- bout, fifty-four years old, who says his home is at the Kings Mills hotel at Kings Mills, Ohio, wandered into the place some time in the' night, There is a heating stove in the hall and Sam curled up behind the stove and took a nap. The place looked Just like his home, he said. When he woke up he was bewil dered and in order to get his bearings lie rapped on the various doors he encountered. When the occupants of tb.- rooms peeped through a crack in the door and saw the invader they were frightened. The next step was J to cau ior tne police. . Sam son Ma ttilnil la a hlanlr a a fr I hlsf Invnhmrjirv visit. - j v . WOLVES EAT FOUR PERSONS r " . "- il Packs of Famished Animals, Driven From Mountains by Snows, Ter- -rorlze Low Country. ' Lisbon, Portugal. Famished wolves devoured four persons in the neigh borhood of a village ln the Province of Beira. Large packs' of the starving ani mals have come down from the gor ges Of the Sierra da Esttrella, whence they have been driven owing to' the deep snows, and they are terrorizing the low country. They attack lonely farms at night, and persons traveling alone along the roads are in constant danger. A great hunt was organized by the country inhabitants in the Province of Beira. More than 200 men par ticipated, and they succeeded In rounding ' up and killing over 100 wolves. Eight of the hunters were badly . blten-: -" .. ; l. ' . ' Fireman Killed In an Explosion. ' - New York. WiUlam HammiL a fireman was hurled fifty feet and. in v fetantly killed the other day when an explosion wrecked a forty thousand tW ci ,ta at th Kicp County Cap Plant la Greenpolnt. Jhree other xaen were mjareu. iuv Titiiaa wera tinder the tank when Ha ex;losloa oc curred. ' 38 DYI11ITEAS ARE HERMAN G. SEIFFERT OF MIL WAUKEE AND DANIEL BUCK. LEY 6F IOWA ACQUITTED. PRISONERS MARCHED TO JAIL Sobs of Wive of the Convicted Men Fill Court Room at' Verdict. Appeal Will Be Taken. Indianapolis, Indu Thirty-eighto of the forty union labor official accused of conspiracy in the transportation of dynamite were found guilty by the verdict of the jury returned before I Judge Anderson in the Federal court here. Two of the accused men were acquitted. They . were -Herman G. Seiffert of Milwaukee- and Daniel Buckley of Davenport, Iowa. The sound of a pin drop could have been heard when Judge Anderson ask .ed the jury: - -uentiemen, nave you . reached a verdict??.; ry .-. '.'"-V- The an swer came i- "-- - : I Txr o its . ' - - - - The report of the jury as read in X. - . the court room followsV "We hereby find the defendants (then followed 38 names, Frank Ryan leading, Hockin and Chancy follow ing) guilty as charged in the indict ment. . 'And the defendants, Buckley and Seiffert, not guilty. Seiffert and Buckley were discharg- ed at once, and the rest told to keep their seats, and were taken in charge by United States deputy marshals and plain clothes men 4 Tne sobs of the wome nm the court room, in addition to the screamjmg of me cnna in tne outer lobby, height- ened the awrulness of the scene. The defendants were singled out An. AM A M J 4-1. uuo ujr uiic, aim iucjr were uut in charge of detectives. Forming a procession one city block J ' 1 An mI. I. n 1 3 TT 1 1 , 1 CONVICTED in icugi.il, iicaueu ujr uuucu oiaies i -uo taumci., wuue neany nan tne I low-townsman. n,iceyi mr au lnior' Marshal Schmidt and Superintendent I members of the Portuguese parlia- mal visit a year ago, Mr. Wilson Tiad of Police Hyland, the ' 38 , prisoners were marched safely to the Marion county jail. There was no demonstra- tion, despite the fact that the entire! distance of five blocks was lined with crowds. Each defendant was hand- cuffed to the guard walking at his side. As the procession left the court building, the agony of the wives and cmiureu oi me prisoners were nean - rending. Tears came to the eyes of many women ana men, out or sympa- thy for them. . No break was made, and the pris- ( oners laugnea ana maae remarKS to "lcuuo "8 w Ma" - v-i I "J -""""I lormea aioug me xme oi marcn. : TAFT RETURNS FROM CANAL - v t ' ' 1 Voyage From Colon to Key West WJ Rough Man Fell Overboard. Key West, Fla. President and Mrs' Taft, Col. George W. Goethals and Mrs. Goethals and a number of their friends arrived off Key West on the United Stahtes battleships Arkansas and Delaware, after a quick trip from Colon and the Panama canal zone. ashore by the government tug Peoria The presidential 'party was brought and started north by special train. The voyage from Colon to Key West, more than 1,100 miles, was made in a little more than sixty bours, over waters troubled only by a heavy swell and roUgnened by brisk trade winds. A spectacular res- cue of a coal-passer on the Delaware who fell overboard at 7 in the morn- ins was missed by Dracticallv everv momhpr tho nnrtv When the man fell overboard thelshal and blew out the front pi the i bisr hattleshin turned a comDlete cir- " - - . - 1 cle, put off a boat, picked up the coal i n u A j l . a i yasser sua resumeu ucr vuurse m i less than fifteen minutes. Grat Sdv ConsDiracv Detected. I London. A Berlindispatch to the Exchanee TelegraDh comDanv renorts the discovery of the greatest espion- consoiracv known for veara Thir- ty men and women, including Germans and Russians, have been arrested, charged with spying in behalf of Rus- R?a Th a fjprman anthoritiea dPrlinA in o-lvA nut anv nartioiilara I 10.000 In Loot Taken. . New York. An eDidemic of bold I robberies and safe crackings in the I Bronx borough, apparently the-work ftf R oreanized hand of criminals . .. . . . , .. . I wrirt nr AQTimaiea to nave reauzea ... ...... . - i nmnATnina' iikh iiuu.uuu in 1001 irom tr,Ain npratinna'. has bepr, ended, the Relieve, bv the arrest of five men and two women. A chance nirk- men and two women. A chance pick up by a ponceman oi a suspicious character who gave his name as Har ry Gillar and upon whom were found skeleton keys, sage drills, led to a raid on an apartment and arrests. Automobile Kills and Maims." Los , Angeles, Cal. Hal Shain, a well known automobile racer, receiv ed Injurled that caused death in half an hour, three others were seriously hurt and a number slightly cut and bruised, when Shain's machine shot suit nt 'the nin-shanad trarVk nn the conce88lon pier at Venice and plung ed Into the crowd. Shain had been one v of the chief attractions at Yen Ice, because of the small size of the track, on which he rode, and the great speed at which he traveled. . Indians Lead Wretched Lives. . Washington. -Most of full-blood In- rlans among' the five civilized tribes of Oklahoma "live In the most primi tive condition, poorly clad and still more poorly fed, and it Is the excep tion rather - than the rule that their Children go to school at all," says Dana a Kelsey, United States Indian superintendent ' in . Oklahoma, in . an annual report to the secretary vof the interior; made public.. He adds that mcst of thea have no knowlscge whatever of ctsiaefi .. trail! ac wens. SULTAN OF PERAK - J 1 ' a' I HZ-r- t-7- f , -" . The sultan of Perak has tak tha lead in the offer . of the Federated Malay states of a first-class armored ship for the British navy, which has been accepted by the government. REVOLUTION is THREATENED P"-1" AVAIUABLE "ROOPS AND PQ- LICE ARE CALLED OUT BY THE GOVERNMENT. I cavalry Charges Made When .Riot I Ensues Soldiers Constantly ' Under Arms. Lisbon, Portugal The polit'jal I JaaJIaaI. . .1 . 1 ucauiwn oi iue vonservauve ana Democratls is developing rapidly. The Conservative element predominates in I f v. A .' n n V. ( - t.Jl , - . ment are DemQcrats. Both parties are endeavoring to organize a coup d'etat. . - The Conservative chief Doctor Al- meida, was hastily summoned back from Switzerland, and his arrival here I was made the occasion of a monster I demonstration on the part of the Con-1 servatives. The Democrats replied 1 wun an equally imposing counter-1 I demonstration. The government, alarmed at the oossibllltv of trouble, tnmert n,,t u available police and troops. As soor as the steamer aboard which Almeida was a passenger was aocicea, mere was irejienaous uproar w cneers ana biu, auu me irenwcrais maae a i aetermmea jusn, wun tl?e object of i.iiuiii5 me , ieauer me nyai paTty. . . A riqt ensued. Doctor Almeida was ATtriratPil frnm Ma nprMnno TBHri A T 'T'ithiiMr I X. - ' vf by cavalry, which charged through the mob, and he was sent to his home in an automobile under mili tary escort. The baffled Democrats paraded the streets for many hours. The troops are kept under arms con stantly, as , important happenings are I linery at any moment. - - I GEORGIA TOWN DYNAMITED I Three Buildings In Fairburn Blown Up by Unknowns. I Fairburn, Ga. The dynamiting of I 3 buildings by unknown persons not I Jult ureaieu khuui uauugc, uui caused the citizens of the town to nend a Christmas that was far from peaceful. Explosions that wrecked tne town calaboose, shattered the front of the home of the town mar- I . . . ..... office of. Attorney Oscar Parker have . ,1 i J.l.4. I creawa a iceung ol iciror mat nnr rtA mi i iiii iiv i lit. mi miihv miiii il i - i oirucK oy rain ana rvm-u ... t ; i : 1 1 a -i Dalton, Ga. Unconscious IOr mree Dalton, Ga. Unconscious for three clays as a result of having sustained a fractured skuii irom Deingr sitock by a Western and. Atlantic passenger I train while going through the tunnel I near Tunnel Hill, a few miles north of here.George S. Landers, secretary of the Rocky Face Slilica Sand com- nany. is dead without having regain- ed his Senses. I Fattened for Feast oy canniDais. i San Francisco, jai. uuy ue vuie-i pion, a former teacher at a local acad- emy, who arrived here from the West! Coast of south America, toia a taie t.-t vAon tattortaA tnr a f ah at I ui uanut ucu. ""v . rZ-r " hiST tZZfna !' w' y , f rs. ung, roiiow- v.-.. n,.i.' wfifla'-'r' ottAmnttna- tnlMvHnH-'-n Mia aVra AAt . There waumuaio - . . o i cross from Cludad to -Buenos Ayres. t "There were a strange people." he i mere were a bsuso uvi said, 'and appeared to be half, man and half ape. I have no doubt that they meant to eat me. I was mysti- fled by all their kindness until I saw that It was all directed to the one I end of getting me fat" , y I U. S. Clashes With corporations . I Washington. A corporation tax is-1 sue involving the right of the Federal I A gaylng tols JaSeph Howell, aged Conroy, eight years old got up Christ government, to collect hundreds 6f . . iin- "Indian and mas morning he found that letter he thousands of dollars In taxes from thousands of corporations which have leased their property will be argued in the United States . Supreme court in January. The case, according to an announcement by Solicitor General Bullitt Is that of the Minhall and Schuylkill Haven railroad company, which sued the collector of Internal revenue at Philadelphia for $5,000 col lected by the government. Clearing House, for Insane People. New York. A .sum of $200,000has been provided for the establishment of America's first clearing house for mentally defective, persons and for the scientific study of the causes of mental deficiency, according, to an nouncement The idea of such a clearing house was discussed serious ly for the 'first time directly after the shooting of Colonel Roosevelt by John Schrank. It is announced that sev eral . philanthropists have guaranteed the 'sum named, and that this , new ulaa trill -ts carried " cut" ' IV00DB017 WILSOIL WELCOMED H ! STAUNTON, VAJEXTENDS GREAT WELCOME TO HER NATIVE - - . . i . ... SON UPON JpiS RETURN PEOPLE GLAD TO SEE HIM President-Elect RtfSEnes . Little Par sonage Where He Was Born 56 Years; Ago. Staunton, Va.- .Tfrginia welcomed home Gov. Woodrow Wilson," - the! eighth of her native sons to be chosen presfdent of the TJited States. . From the moptfnt v.the president elect crossed the state line at Alex andria, after "he hCK ten minutes' glimpse of the n'&tfonal capital until he reached the little parsonage here, where he was born Cfty-six years ago. the reception givesf him was one of great enthusiasm, oisy demonstra tion and spectaculaa- display: Escort' A1 hv fmnna nt nt.lrv. militia rnm. panies and a tofchlf procession, in which practically, til iwhole town par- tIclPatetbe gove 1 and Mrs. Wil son motored throu&ir Ihe streets of Stauntdn to the hoJtgr of the Rev. Dr. A. N. Fraser; pastoWof the Presbyte terlan church, when! Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, father of the president-elect, lived in 1836. J, With Mrs. WilsoqT the : president elect paused for a.Jwinute on the U luminated "portico Tthe house and greeted Doctor F - S The band struck up "Dixie," le'governor turn- ed and waved his hat to the crowd and a spontaneous shout of welcone echoed in the winJter air. "It's fine to be baSfe-agam,' exclaim- ed the president-elect as he stepped indoors. Outside ' the crowds surged the streets, which were "Trtive with color I . I I L , 1 I ana nags ana eiecirraj aispiays. r rom I far and wide, native children of Staunton had come lo greet their fel- Ir A . J , not been here since he was three years old. Stauntpn was not alone in celebrat- ing the arrival in Virginia of the dis- tlnguished visitor. Bonfires blazed the way, fireworks thot across the I skies and red lights threw a festive glare at all stations along the route, I though the train glided by most of mem wunout stopping liirnii sat rnur rcc CO RlllDnrrD uuiir w-i-g munutii First Attempt to GeWRid of Husband by Poisoning Whiskey Failure. Macon, Ga. A complete confession of now 8he nad forced Nick Wilburn to murder her husbaffif; Jim King, in COId blood m order J that she might collect t2,000 insurfej on his life wa8 toid to IDeS-r . :wirl 17 -' a" " . 7 I ing her arrest at The home of her sister at Round Oak, and confinement in the Jones county jail at Gray. The story of the deliberate plot to remove the husband Is one of the most graphic ' that . has ever been re- veaiei. The woman leaves nothing UT,told The confession of "Mrs. King coin' cides exactly with that made by Wll- burn himself, though it is much fuller and goes into detail. The woman tells of the first at- tempt on the life of her husband, when he was given strychnine in a uuu& ui wuia&.cjr ujr uum u, ouu when he came home complaining of being sick that her love for him re- turned for the : mordent; and she at once gave him something to .make him vomit and saved his life. The . . . . very next twy, however, sne ana vvn- burn had begun their plotting again, j ana me murucr a iiuaiijr mil nv vi iifmiii wuut rniE vv afl uuu t. - - , . ing in me wooas near ui uome. 71,719.&8 For Convict bOTIon. Jackson, Miss.--A cheque for $71,- 719.58,- proceeas or tne saie oi coi- ton and cotton seed irom the big con- vlct farm In Sunflower county, was received by the state treasurer. The sum of S69,8b5.73 represented tne saie of 956 bales of cotton , by a Mempnis firm at 14.57 and :14.25 cents per pound. c- wants u. s. to tise Own Sugar. wasnmgton. wu the declaration that the United Si tes should raise all of its own sugaj the department 0f agriculture isfue in appeal to the Ams4non fai-mcf . go ' In - for the amCnvou , (u Bv - i m... . vi i are '2.000,000 short ona of beets now f Imported annuallyays,, the depart- unponea auiiuiuijf . r-pa; o, ,me uctm- ment, which shoulcQie raised at home, "The average Amelican consumes iz l pounds of sugar eak year." says the report, "and only tn pounds of that i8 produced-in, this feountry. Tne larm- er should keep that money . 12-Year-Oid Boyi khis erotner. vrew nrleans. "Youre hot dead : aV-V. f V aU 4S'- I . viQO - .u 1 picked up shotgrand shot aTd LifJ J? h,t,A. HAnrv k in the front yard of t'nelr residence; 3011 AnnunclaUon street. Neighbors hur- cap, iW -, -rylng up found Joseph sobbing: "I of blocks and some candy, and fruit killed my brother and I want to be President-elect Wilson was so Un punished for it Call a policeman." Ped that he had one f JJ..ten. An officer took temporary charge of Mm hur nn arrest , was made. - II ft Plana Swan W th Cuba. w. r ---- A- . Havaaa. Cuba Arthur M. Beaupre. - fn TTnited states minister, and Man- uel Sangulliy the Cuban secretary of state, signed a treaty providing ior the addition by lease of a considers . S , ' I' ..f:-.t.tt. a fiiiori f ; r nrrin' Tha iani r supply. In return for It the 'United States Kovernment surrenders us tlalm to a site for a naval station at Bahia. Honda, 'on th' rorth.-cast cf Cuba, SS nil;3 t. .iLn rl-t COL GEORGE W. G0ETHALS I 1 ' s ' I : I A Il 0 ; As reward for his services' as. chief of the Isthmian canal, Colonel Goethals will be mde a major general, if the bill introduced by Senator Sanders, creating an additional major general ship, becomes 'a law. President Taft prabably ; will offer the post of gov ernor of the canal zone to Colonel Goethals. CASUALTIES OF CHRISTMAS GRIM TRAGEDY STALKS WAKE X)F CHRIST MAS 'y IN Two Killinas Usher in rjav in n.,h I J www.. Carolina Other Fatalities Reported. Columbia, S. C Two Christmas eve killings have been reported in South Carolina. Both were tradge jj . i i . . , aies involving wnite men or some prominence vin their respective com munities. ' in mmon, iawrence Wiggins, a young man was; shot and killed by Walter Turneralso a mere youth. Wiggins and Turner had words in a store on the main street of the town and Turner followed Wiggins out on the street, " the shooting following. " ' DUUV Turner was locea up in mcuee, a Auman -canaie Dauie, began In a spirit of f un, resulting fatally for J. P. Wallace who was shot and killed by Dr. Clyde McMa- nus, after a struggle for the poses- slon of a pistol which Wallace drew on MeManus Savannah," Ga. K. B. Gasklns v of i Nashville. Ga a'' member of, one of t. . 11,.. ... .. B"Uin ueorgia-s WTOimiest amiHW, committed suicide today by shooting himself twice through the head. : Gas- kins'' death is the climax of a series of sensations in which he has figured recently. The state court of appeals confirm ed a sentence of six years imposed by Judge W. E. Thomas upon Gasklns for firing several shots from his auto mobile at Judge Buie, of the city court of Nashville. . When Gasklns was told of the decision he declared he would never serve the sentence. Died in Want With $5,604. St. Louis. -Examination of the body of Mrs. "Sarah Johnson, who died with her sister, Miss -Mary Scott, died of pneumonia, apparently In direst want, revealed that a bag around her waist contained $5,604 . in cash and three gold watches. In Miss Scott's effects' were found deeds and papers showing bank4 deposits. Little is known of the sisters. They arrived at the 'address where death occurred. both suffering colds which developed into pneumonia. v - 65 Persons Are Rescued. New York. The 57 passengers and 18 . of the crew of the- United - Fruit company steamship, Turrialba, ashore at. Brlgantine shoals, nine miles north of Atlantic City, N. J., arrived here on board the United States revenue cutter Seneca. ' Ex Congressman : Robertson Dead. ' . IBaton Rouge, La. Samuel Mat thews Robertson, 60, for twenty, years a member of congress from the Sixth Louisiana . district, is dead at his home here. v Mr. Robertson had been ill for a long Ume,; never, uaving re- . . i- .. . - ... . covered Trpm an operauon penormca two years MMMt several ; " js7 J, ... tii months he had been confined to his -'" I 1 wuV gresa aV the end of FIfty-elght session he was " the ' ranking i member of the: ways and means committee of the house.:" -ryo.-SC"' . V - "Wilson Plays Santa Claus ' East Orange, N. J. When ,. Uhariie . ; m sent to -santa. uiaus, siate nouse, Trenton." had been answered by Gov ernor Wilson. Charlie, asked for a Bweatea pair of glove s, a nktle, a ogrepners seua v,nu u mms he assea ior, wnen rxnuw , -. : - .. J V I J( xors. rr . uutis u' "gone fifteen surgical operations dur- Mag the past eighteen years in vain J attempts to nav r u.. rvLuru, and after, naving nu oi discourage . ; a - I Aalat . a-.. times, Esther Perler made a fifth at &er at -,.-r-uv- been V successful.' Esther, sent her third sister to a drug store with a rrescrtption for poison,' which - she cUalied and drank. - ;, ufe ill mmvED Hospitality and Luxury in a Turk ish Home. Women Spend Their Time x Playing Cards, Listening to Professional . 'story-Tellers and Eating Perfume Baths Taken. . Constantinople Hospitality among the -Turks is- carried to a fine art. .A short time ago it was my privilege, writes a correspondent, to spend some weeks in. the harem of the son-in-law of one of Turkey's greatest generals, whose leg, shot off in the battle of Plevna, was buried in a cemetery side by side with the body of his" grand child. My hostess .knew nothing hut Turkish. : She was young, beautiful. and happy, Sixty slaves were always ready to do her bidding not slaves in our sense of the: word, but more. like adopted children. " The square, spacious house stood ln- a lovely garden, and was divided Into two portions, one-half (the haremilk) occupied by women and the other half (th$ salamlik) by men. The "sofas and chairs In the drawineirooni were, covered' With :-- redanff Wlo w silk, and here? ladles and slaves; all .wearing loose .garments like dressing gowns, sat for hours chatting or play ing cards or backgammon, or listen ing to the tales of the miradjus, the professional women story-tellers. They have no regular hours for meals, snacks of food being brought to them at all hours. They did not sit at table in the dining-room, where the host en tertained his friends and where for eign ladles were admitted. Visits to a harem are looked upon as. an indefinite .thing. -Some of the ladies staying in the house had ar rived with a small bundle of clothes for a few days and had stayed on more than a year. On an embroider ed carpet in one corner of the room a large tray-on short legs held all courses of each meal, placed there be fore the repast began. Women, old and young, in picturesque, flowing garments and Bwathed heads, handed delicious stews, one or ' two meats, and vegetables and rice in every form. The windows opened from the in side, behind "wooden, immovable lat tices. ..Flower baths were a great In stitution. .There were baths of rose leaves and baths of heliotrope rose petals were rubbed in the hair and ' ? -y ? 1 Summer Quarters of a Wealthy Turk- Ish Family. scalp and over the whole body. The ordinary Turkish baths were built away from the house, and seemed to be occupied all day long. Until the age of twelve boys remain . in the harem. At thirteen or fourteen girls don the tcnartchaf or veil and are considered fit' for marriage. There is many a bride of fifteen with a husband of seventeen. ; Mar liages are arranged by the two fami lies; the bridegroom does nbt see the Drioe untu arter tne marriage cere mony, when he raises the veil. If. he omit to do this she remains his offi cial wife only In name. Each Turk is allowed by the Koran to have four legal wives, but most of them now adays are satisfied with one. "FAT JOB" IS DISCOVERED $9,000 - Position in. Missouri Is Re- ' vived After a Lapse of Thir. teen Years. St. Louis. A state appointive office, with fees estimated at $9,000 a year, which x has been overlooked for 13 years, was filled for the first time with the appointment by State Auditor Gor don of Thomas Bond.- a, ydung . attor joey,. -aa the auditor's local counsel in the collection of the collateral lnhei itance tax. How the lucrative position had been overlooked so long, poli ticians are at a loss to understand. TWO BEANS TAKEN FROM MAN Doctor Removes Pellets, One of Which Had Began to Sprout, From . ; v '.- - ;. Ear Tube.' 'y- , Z San Bernardino, CaL-Two beans, one of which had sprouted intp an embryo plant were removed from the head of a Mexican laborer, here by Dr. H. V. Beeson. For months the man. had complained of severe pains. The beans had entered his head through his left ear. : The growing plant was nearly an Inch long, and apparently had flourish ed in the ear tube. Rules Divorcee Is Widow. .. . St Louis. Circuit court ruled that a divorcee is legally a widow and so Mrs. Felicie Badarace, divorcee, gets the $30,000 estate left by her uncle in the event she becomes a widow. ; ! ' ' Long Time Paying. St Paul, Minn. It' took the Cana dian government forty-six years to pay A. P. Cameron for his services in the Yaid on Canada in 1868. - Cam eron got a, check for 1Q0 and a deed to 160 acres of Unl. ' Ja,s.. ifr. j I A 'IrJzf I iff? flirf PARCELS FOOT aATEFIKDER Iadispnabl Inttkntsnaoaa Tells at a glance the parcel-post Tate from your to- ealitr to anr uolnt in the United States. Avoids con fusion arising from "the aone srstenT'of distances. Automatically determines postage required accord ing to weight and sone. Three styles, each Including ananasomes-eoiormap oi tne ucitea Bm,ui Inches, and an aluminum Bate Finder. Prioe:(pos- tage prepaid) plain paper map, su cents; cioin moanv ed map, 76 cents; wall type map, U. Order today. Bemit by postal money order. - PARCELS POST RATE FINDER CO., 188 Liberty St. f . r r ew Xork City WtU ma kwf aa pay am mmr Wrila tor raft r arica llat. SIBIL BOSS. LOCISYILLC, ST. Batten la Van. HMaa Waal, grtsblhaailaf. WANTED AGENTS male or female to sell UieOrem test Family Herb Medicine on Earths Work for ns, we will treat yon rlgbt, and sire jon large commissions. Agents making lots oi money. Aanress nonai ewna rd Mfg:.Co.,706S8t.N.WWasUlneUn.C. auctea tours to ail points, v ery low rates. Travel the McFariana way. WrlttKvpMklet. J.F.cfirbBl.l.lS24.AtljatIaL Send Yoar Hiss To U gSfS BqnaMaealpnna pnees. foil eanis, oo: exiw en- la. raiments, alio, hdop eapacilT. ouu roils aa.ii; .Dcit7. sua rot is aauy. - knaUMrrtoW Send roll for trial. DohIsstii . J. ETWrlteforeatalOKaixl cash conpon systemk not O. K. Write for cat iog ami cash conpon system! BaaUay fcay. TaaCaUaf Ca-aaaj f tktrM 8., aiiaata, fta?; SA1MR of elereSl .dlffe tifla tore ajl?j;to harmless, new aden oid. Tounr. men and women irtuUf ol and ttratctrVo. write todsr. accents wanted. MUrlinCa..Waialatea.n.C. Arents Coin Ins; Money selling our new pat. specialties; catalogue; particulars free; write. Samoa! FortuneOS. K.lltb St.,Biohmond,Va. BsstOonthSyrap. Tsstes Oeed Has I la time.' Sold by Drcmriats. . ' 1 As Usual. "Did she tell her age?" "Partly." Judge. ' - As a summer tonic there is no medicine that quite compares with OXIDINE. It not only builds up- the system, but taken reg ularly, prevents Malaria. Regular or Taste less formula at Druggists. Adv. The easiest thing in' the world to do is . to make up your mind what you would do if you were in some other fellow's place. ' ! ' Shoots First.' "That ' guide shoots nearly every hunter he takes out" "Accidentally?" "No, he always claims he does it in self-defense." DOES YOUR HEAD ACHE? Try Hicks' CAPTJOINE. It's lianld nleaa. ant to takeeffects immediate eood to nrevent l-Stck Headaches and Nervous Headaches also. Your money back if not satisfied. 10c.. 25c and 60c. at medicine stores. Ad. i Its Materials. "I am building a lovely castle in Spain." ' "What of? Gold bricks?" Retrular nracticinir nhvsicians recommend and prescribe OXIDINE for Malaria, be cause it is a proven remedy by years of ex perience. Keep a bottle m the medicine chest and administer at first sign of Chills and Fever. Adv. Surprised. liSi 1 I i 7 1 j n IXS lake 1 L r aat J r," Z . aa that like George Washington he can ' say: 'I cannot tell a lie. - "Why, I thought you were going to bring him up to follow in your foot- ' steps?" '; :y-.-'-': ' 'V :' Silencer. !)k ' Dr. Henry Van. Dyke, " the distin guished clergyman, has a neat way of silencing the censorious. At a luncheon in Princeton a per tain bishop was being discussed, and a visitor said: MI don't like the bishop. He-Is too much a man of the world for me." "Quite so," Dr. Van Dyke retorted quickly;' "but which world, this or the next?" ' Not Ready to Decorate. J. D. Bowersock of Lawrence was explaining to the Kansas editors last week how he feels toward certain edi tors. "F am like the Dutchman." said . he. "The Dutchman came to town on Decoration day: He. saw the flags flying and the people going to. the cemetery with large bunches of flow-v ers. He asked what It meant. "Why this is Decoration day,' said one. 'Don't you know what that is r The Dutchman confessed that he dldn'f. The man, then explained it. 'Isn't there-some one at rest in the ceme tery whose grave you would like to decorate with flowers?' asked the man. The Dutchman shook his head and replied: 'Dose peebles vat graves I like to degorate are not dead yet." Kansas City Star. ' i 8TEADY HAND. . .. - 1 A Surgeon's Hand Should Be the Firm e,st of All. . - "For fifteen years I have suffered from insomnia, indigestion and . ner vousness as a result of coffee drink-lngaaid-- a surgeon the other, day. lTeV is equauy ; lnjurtouafeecause it contains caneine, tne same drug found In coffee). "iS:;:'H s . 'The dyspepsia became so bad that X had to limit myself to one cup at Dreasiast. Even this caused me .to lose my food soon after I ate It . 'All the attendant symptoms of in digestion, such as heart burn, palpita tion, water brash, wakefulness or dis turbed sleep, bad taste in the mouth, nervousness, etc., were present to such a degree as to incapacitate me for my practice as a surgeon.. "The result of "leaving off coffee' and drinking Postam was simply mar velous. The change ' was wrought' forthwith, my hand steadied and my. normal condition of health was re stored." Name given upon request Read the famous ! little book, VThe Road to Wellville;' in pkgs. "There's a reason." ' ";,:, :-i:-::i''-h:-&: '-ryy.-- Postum now comes In concentrated. powder form, called Instant Postum. It is prepared by stirring a level tea- spoonful in a cup of hot water, adding , sugar to taste, and enough cream to bring the color to golden brown. - Instant Postum is convenient; there's no waste; and the fiavoiUs al ways uniform. . Sola bv croner . TiJW, I am gbihg I3ftogyrsd"n-1frsr cup tin 30 cts, ICO-cup tin 50 cts. ...-''"v A 5-cup trial tin mailed for frccer's name and 2 -cent etacp f?r i ;izsa. . Postum Cereal Co Lt3., Lattle Crsek, ' Xllch. ' Air. V 1. V 1 'i . 1 V - t

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