ath *his Stat.. W^^SSK^BkjBBsS^S'''' comes up for ^wB to consume much i^8^Mg^gp^|^||3^eryb< -dv that prncH ^V-'"<i. that have SK^^BHEuGK^^MDthcr states have mnflBfip^H^Sjl^Kiros. In a number jHcd it the death penRHKHBR^H^^V-d after short trial leg's1 : thai HBSH|^B?^Vnc chair could not for HBHNHK^^V'imcr of the B^HHhHhI so that it heH^^g|R^Bc-nt that more pcnitenbecome increasingly Hf So P^fflH^HAotrison's Me*?age Morrison's message was H ^BU'si'.n of hills that w ll develop subiects of conversation end His steamship line lull will follow his -message, bills covQ other I^^^HTiyve will go in. the various deEH^Ri/ents of the state will have their ^Hvj presented for the Assembly's fljj^^nd oration through their bills. The v ormi'MZP.iions, associations unci ^^Berations will begin dumping their Bj^Kpslative wants into the two houses ^^Bid the Hou?c and Senate champions Kf a multitude of state-wide ideas ^Bwill begin to stir. HP Firm Loan Commission W Senator D. F. Giles of McDowell, f in his proposal to form a farlh Scan L commission for the purpose of aiding B the small farmer to buy land, is one ^fc-of the most significant pieces of legthe fln. B nounced. The bill provides for loans from state to : r-di farmer? in their ^^^Borfcs to purchase land. The purH , BB^Htrny the loan and the' state wili i improvements compatible k-.dturr.I deve'crn^m. jH^Hj^^Blc on the property. Its ehici KHH^K ! t ? five tenants opporbuy their therby I BV making the rtate one of " many sn|| farms owned by those occupying them. A rhree-milliondollar bo|i issue is proposed to ) finance ioan plan, but Senator Giles belilUs securities on the purchased larU roftld be turned nto I ready ca ^ through the banks and I eliminate '} necessity for the sale ft of bonds by the state. 1 I. Would tlai:e M3l??3U B Senator \. e. Writ'*. of Gr:..-:jn H 5s pro bill to "ms ke pay -who ride." He would make the ^Hliceri se ^Hand put J^ltjrthe Mt tru;'-: v. >uld y>av incren^d ^ taxe^fT- 'tlio purchase of gasolinc, v iul : the farmer who coiuos to town once or twice a week in his flivN ver weald pay only a -mall t?:. through hi-; infrequent purchase? and ^"v?r? W *&**>' * ^ W \ :.VJ< ! r ' - . !" ' 1?Ki v. Dr. Oscar II: ywoml, until York ?!i<irlet. 2?Battleship Imvn, vli < Panama in lebruurv. -Scene in M> Representative 2pH. Introduces Bill ToRspc?.) C-io. A Renewal of \VaterPower Fight of I 921 is F* eared. Ry .Maxwell Gorman Raleigh. Jan. 9.?The Dillard bill to repeal th l'. ? lative charter granttc;! in 1900 to the Ca/ol'na-Tennes:ee Power Coiuoany of Cherokee County is seen us a hit of explosive that will ignite the water power fight for the General Assembly. | As it now stands, the b;U has the as; eel only of a local measure, but with the history of the famous water power fi;;ht of the 1921 s. sion . Vividly before many of the members a revival of Tenne -see and legislative tumult is seen as a possibility : . ?-i. - i.:n i-- ? ? i u::i n;iroiiui L'u ny i :e i ncro1:ercpre -entative. Mr. 1>i 11 rtvd wants the repeal of ino 1000 charter because he considers it sa sweeping in its provisions !that the bcn.-ficravy e.m exercise dol.inion over all the undeveloped water power interests of North Cr.iV)Fra. According to western rcpresen1 tatives, the move for the repeal of the Carolina-Tennessee Power Company charter is but a continuation of the primary fight of Cherokee County. It was one of the contri! buting factors to iuc defeat o? the Republican senator in that erstwhiie Republican stronghold, Mr. Dewar, it is claimed. The people up there are said to 'trcrjjiy the repeal of the law ^granting the charter. What interest Kl legislators here is whether it will go ! through as strictly a local measure j'or whether it will furnish the niaie( rial for another waterpower fight cantered on holdings in western Cur i j> j ohna. . Boone Fork Mfg. Co. I Property Is Sold Vj B - j * V Tuesday at one o'clock the 4argc | bar.d saw mill ^nd timber holdings of ! tbf? RnAnn PnrV Alo?n-To/.fiii.ii?n Caiw pav.v in Munfny and Gherchce, Avery j rr.d Watauga Counties were sold by c-vdur of the federal.court at a com-| blned public and foreclosure sale for 1 a consideration of seven hundred and . vc.ity-five thousand dollars. , At the same time the office equipment ( and chattels of the company and scvc -..i million feet of lo^s in the woods rear here were sold for ? 10 000. It is defrrond that a banking r.ynd"-' rate. \'Mc*n i- a large holder of the bonds of the company, was' the successful bidder. It is generally I thought here that the court will not! confirm the sole as the property in ' question is said to be worth tw<> or three . "lion dollars. V x S ? OKE E COUNTY. AND ' THE LE===== MURPHY, NORTH CAROLIN "'J ' j ; !! feS>X \ ?'k\ f v. c x- ^fl onul klnkard of the I\U l\lu\ Klan, who ich w111 lu? used as a target liy the Arae usul, center of <>ii Jields which the Tur Wife of Hotel Proprietor Succumbs to Attack of Pneumcria --n Mouthy Mrs. C. W. Savage Dicr At Regal Hotel?Was Buried Wednesday. ?Trs. Fmma Hincs Sav. rro. wife of C. W. Savayo .suceuioht ii to ar? at Pick of pnoumon!a at her home at the Ke;ral Hotel Monday afternoon after an illne s of only about five .lays. She became ill on Wednesday, January 3rd, and died about one 'oclock Monday, Jan. 8tb. Mrs. Sa\v.<r.' only had pneumonia in #ne h or ht.L after the first two or three day> she became dan.Uv-rou.-ly ill and her I ft? \. a- <! paired of. The funeral services were held in .he lobby of the R al Hotel Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock, the ..iinttei3 of thc. town, Revs. Clogg, Cook. I.'ddel - d lTcf. Ch e. f. O. n ail taking part and making sliovt talks. A great company of friend- or J:o deceased was present-. Aiter the services the body was taken to the city cemetery for bur il. Many beautifui flowers were placed cn the grave indicating the love and respect with which Mrs. Savage was held by the people of the community. Mrs. Savage was the daughter of Robert Modskir? of Dorchester, Virginia, who was, before her second marriage, Mrs. Hines. She .leaves a husband, two sisters, Mrs. M. L. Walsh -of Johnson City, Tenn., and ?!re. Pwirl-lin of Newland. N. C.f Beither of whom were able to he present on account of illness,; two children, George and Burt, smd many sorrowing relatives and friends. Neve.- was there a more d wctec couple than Mr. and Mrs. Savage. They con Id always be found quietly Honvcr-^g together about their home at iiiu awgal Hotel. .1 hey Timph ied for 32 years. Mrs. Savage ' SSBecrs old the 22nd day of last November. She was a kindwoman anil iovtd by ell with whom she come in cor.lac. and she will he sorely mi. ed by her devoted hu-bar.d and host o.' sorrov. ing i eiatives and friends. To Give Lecture P.. \. TJ. M. Martin cf Chattanooga . ill give a stereoptican lecture, cnCikt! 44Maa. God'-. Parkier/* *;t the H. rv:-ton Memorial M. E. Church, M :iday r. v'it, -Jamiaiy 15 th, n:ng at G:30 o'c' jfk. The : . bi:. is coi biavh No adad?sion fee, Prof. Cha'Ies i". Owen and his .coins <-f t?ael'.ers relvrnr "; from the ir :v- t:''.vo homes t\ jysi v.*. ek-en 1 "n Pr to >o r?r.-y fos^ the openr r " . ' . V . )kk ?: TDINC NEWSPAPER IN THIS SEC ===== A, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12.1D23. r w- * iv % B If fWi h ;s - i " m m ?i Bllwi/ m mi i * * ^ Si- IfiE^lSL . - 5.-JSCS ' fpm fill ^ W > \ft plans big Klan campaign in 'in? New |f!'.an lleet iu winter maneuvers near ij Us claim. Bilis ef Interest To This Stciicr: Are Introduced r i Intc The CegClatme Cherokee s Represents- : live and Senator Would j Repeal Charter. | v 'i t inlo I.;\.rMature got organ- h-.rg volume ol* local and public bills -T to be i jurcd into the legisia- , live hopper a? usual. Several bills of state - v. !. inter- rt have already tin:ud the round. Among these may . mentioned one peeking to have ] the state furnish text-books for public school.1, and another providing for the abolition of capital punishiil, highway legislation and legi l.iilon looking to the establishment 1 t state-owned shipping line may expected at any time. v Several bills of special interest to C.'. \)kec (bounty have . intra- (' ducod by {senator Wa:k.r and Rep- 0; mutative Diliard. Among these .iio bills as follows: An act to restore and amend Chapter (53 of the iV .. -lie laws relating to salaries of- u ."hoots in Cherokee County; An act to rcpial a part oi' sev?.ion 10, 110 of nubile laws and abolish Keoorder's court of Cherokee county; y Provide Australian ballot for Cherokee; and An act to repeal Chapter n 70 of 1909 laws incorporating the y Carolir.a-Tenne.-sce Power Company. Mary Pickfoiti c To Appear On Local Screen Ton!;- , y 12, Mary Pick- , rord will play the lending ro!e in Li veilgHt/ a very charming pic ure h .h will be shown at the Bonita ^Theitro under the auspices of the TV >:ia:;V Cub for C.benefit of the Carnegie Libra!*.'. This picture is S be the most entertaining one . try i-icKionl an ciui.juCC< . pc.sns.ed'by few other stars . I^Sht - . ten. This, together with t to fact that the proceeds ar0 to be .< ii buy*:.lit books f-ir thw library, \ ] . d draw a -i pat or.age. The i : adv*Tss?on cl . o. it is : a 1. be , 1 only 25 cents. C. Y. P.- U. Elects Qffic-a Sunday The Ycv.:;t Per; :1c* JUr.c'... tfci? regular ' - afU -en at three ' o'ck ci . those elect d are &s fol- 1 lo\vs: W-.h Lovingtnd, President; ! P. F. Y:c-- " idem; 11'. C . -v. , . According: See1 diary: 1 v . * P vr . : y; P:utHr.e ' Martin. T :i . r: C. \Y. Br. ley, ] J ', ouizx leader; Misi : Norene Cam- i peau, .'.J : ?P:u Xoah . ci, ar . *J? . . CI up ' riON OF WESTERN NORTH CJ -i /estern North Carolina linisters Conference to !p Held on 16th - 17th lew Testament Church Is General Subject for, Waynesville Meeting. According: to an announcement ado here today by Rev. "W. N. Cook, e Western North Carolina Minister;* inference will be held at Wayneslie* on the 16th and 17th of this [onth. A New Testament Church tnc topic tor general, discussion id a number of other topics have en announced. According to the ogram committee, which i? com?scd of Alfred J. Smith, Franklin, oderator, W. X. Cook, Secretary id R. 11. Herring, Waynesvilie, the Rowing program wil be carried out: Tuesday morning ):00 Devotional?M. M. Barnett. 10:15 The origin of th.? N. T. hurch.?1'. L. Elliott, Cullowhce. 10:45 The organization of a X, T. hurch?R. L. RandolIB Prison j ity. 11:15 The ordinances of the Xew ostamcnt Church.?K. D. Stukcn>ke, Bryson City. iuesday Afl:rnoon 2:20 Devotional?T. F. Diet:-., Bry n City. 2:15 Finances of a Xew Testament h ; 1;?J. T. Henderson, Knoxville cn?. j la rai.' :. on of a Xew Te.-aaent. church: How carried out? (a) The Sunday school (25 minutes)?.i. J. Jentry, Abbeville. {1.) Ihe B. Y. P. U. (25 miuntcs) It. C. Campbell, Canton, (c) The W. M. S. (25 minutes) ? Ross Yolcely, Sylva. B Tuesday Evening 10 Deyot.onai: The ?J. \V. .'oodard, Almond. . Address: The situation in isina; the Progress and Pro -peel t f our Missionary work?D. W. Herng?China. 8:45 Finances of e New Testalent Church-?J. i. Hciuleivo:., noxviUc, Tenn. Wednesday Morning 1):15 Devotional?M. L. Lewis, fay nosvillo. 10:00 Finances of a New Testament Church, J. T. Henderson, Knoxille, Tenn. T* 11:00 A New Testament Church; t's Evangelism? A. C. Hamby, Raligh. Wednesday After no?n 2:30 Devotional?Ben West, Whltscr. 2:45 The Expository Sermon?Aired J. Smith, Franklin. 3:30 Business session. 3:15 Time for continued disunion of subjects. Wednesday Evening 7:20 Devotional -LSfismftli, AnIrews. nf ^a Acw Testa rent Church?J. T. Henderson, of vnoxville, Tehn. :": ? r, Adcre . : The relation beween the Pastors and Ch h;s :i* I and the Foivnyin Missionaries ?D. W. Herring, China? We are v.-.-y fortunr.i - in securing T. l-'cr'1 : on, o.. v.- of tiv lithe* r. B " * -i T.ry rvu I). W To* r'r.jr. Iv!:. .-**y to China, and A, Hani I .rcln.m Ma'fstment Sec v. L t of West Xorth Carolina ::vail inomselvcthe unusual o-o;>rumity that this -r-yr -m affords. . rs. M. Tl. C'-.r.i*. H. G. Ha upn, Leila E. "Park .J une,. Lubank e Watkins, C. 15. 11 : fazel\. D. W " vann, L R. I : M. H. Ze:sder i>. H. Tilk'vt. D. S. Ru> V.. .7. H i: or. 15. R. ; , ; .Hi \\ ., hnve been amonjr the Andrew: risrtors in ?.Iv.rphv tfafo week. k i fv-IT :WlLlrol6A||CI^3.r^ Y p U RICH" ^ ' ' V.aroLTna* iROLINA , .LiJ^aijd Condemnatu - . Land Londemaauon ( SuU's 1 Specia i^?m doStj j Status o F ' dontes^eif I P r o p e r m X' pp e ? D Am Site Basin tooe' Settled" | | ' ' I rt*t.T > ., AUG a^icviui term o1 J" v The . pct^. Vv/ie ,J)t.r\hs .Cherokee cennty fV^eMori ,Moni <iay v'!',h .<W!:''W>(5#'^. ajroy of }*& tnlcnt. or: uii;-4 $e. rjjfht?,<? , water V?Wf{*.. ile.v'e lyj1 rjiv n tajonfc 'he 1 Iliarva'. {tiyp- ^y,nk h few,] m0?? j below .'Iuyyliy, t^v 'hv1.. .T^nneaaee -State fine. jliot 1(, *.'1, c,. A.wcr CtyriijajD^^ayrl the" Jfiawassee Cyjyerj jjtyr^tur^r hold property re^uI^A^ yieeruml neither f - rV.V;^" tV. 'he otKer. The Tot oipr ^o^inny^ brought suit more "tluiir, ft.jSfW gjt? bajfc the holJuOg-'j $C, %. Jayw . conjjetpned "-ait these pi^fhi'vy-.t-ee^', postponed -l ?^5%\<1'i^...J.vrp?;,,o^,eo?rt.. . At the nrtylgft 9-t-f^gf;, lpcpj_tb?r and , court eff'icial^. li^t -Xoyeniher Qoyr ! erneir Mnvtir,yn oru-t'ed this special term of e^uct .jto, fjlyrr pjr .thy conI - >?'iaiSpn !"-"H . V- :. tU , .^^jy.c^je^MonI .? inns .-j iaslatfc, .afflffaffft be I . in r.s to, .V^HSjf.j^e. y<Wf* ,?Sho?14. ! be rettanit^Ja $?{&,>% I phould bfClt jer^ aiivl vjh^hpr, they -h ruW.hc, ,toiy<!(.)mf<.re ,.J wvaS anp'ir.i-nKt^v,n I *mp- yf'?therml* >a P* in. m ^fc%4 .H-i" "r'ffi? tfur" ' . ,'. i.ii.'V.l-. ^ ..V".; ,'^.'4'"^ dam ; ,-ita. v.ith^uil^^c.l^jroy hpnrintr the . . i-vWw.Sl? , immo; diatoly ^KSoJr.^MHFII* ,<&?/??' e9" ; tablifhir.jr -lwu- claims to property I TV. >*%.?. : "^V.VW^ef.^ ?5 "gxk ,sido '* reprv..t wyJ,A IvkV-WUiM tiftA aW,'st lawyers of^al^. W* I Tillett, tg t^rloUi;. $^5^ Brown of A^v^i'^u^^Cr^Ojrd $$m.anJ I Moody, 4hfi*tJHBKPn8f W F- ?" I I Chtirtniih,WurfjJ., lufljJ %t.,arc J counsel f\>xv ^fhe.14,,pj*f?\ya?5ee River A y.,Is rcr- J : ent.aj ^iar^..^ ...^ips & fl?| Writflu jf &$g)Stete ?' -rs- -a ij. c. Min- "f i tho tobcJgkinSn?c#&sPftrtltr.a the _ ,>| I ease. E?#' D* -H , ; Withcrsptffg Sh-P" Nor' 1 jf j the.loc.-jl b^f. H j.' Var.dc " --id Mr. hV:-'n<te??ltcp. p. .Ment ,.i| pnliy "lnj(ili>a "igav.' st. Prt1sjH >f : 1 .native far.o conn?i)i?H^H | "w PWM>-"1.. Jeh*-H?u"-4 . .v ao>? r.ytc- l'? e.. U-pe-^ii, VxWytktiij; fcfjflff. F'rerL *. tcvVi.lz ClmrcK'' "Utn^ - :ry. *i]* -l -Yr'H *mr Prm vh*:? hn* 1 ?y,.. m o ruin gr }^3 .. ' I- |l a: , tr^C, c.ssity must be M y\ then. : M?a.R" I SnaViTtfef^i " I rattJc ;.m - I >' RYta-WTv'TfiiyCf^itxw/ * ?! I ^TfrJp'tediAS Sk ' I T&ftr^nHjft Wtml I ? -it1 e?? f^B

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