HHnEHHMHi I r IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT IT S BECA-T?IE WE DIDN'T KNdw IT THE OFFICIAL VOLUME XXXIV. No. 2C. Rev. Cc-ok Left Wednesday to Assume Duties at Lowell Union Service held Sunday night to Hear Farewell Message Bcv. W. N. Cook left Wednesday morning to assume his new pnotorial work at Lowell where ho has accepted a call to the first Baptist Church. The children remained over this week ir. rder to complete the mid-term fixni nations, whicu are being held the public school. Mr. Cook tenk ?iin-il hi? resignation to the local church several weekg ago. Since the n he has been considering calls to several churches, but finally decided about two weeks ago to ac. eep* the work at Lowell as the op9 portynity seems so great. Lowell is in the heart of the industrial section of the State and the opportunity to | build up a great church there is verj promising/' said Mr. Cook, jj Sunday night the other churches of the town gave up their usual scr vice and met at the Baptist church 1 in token of respect to the retiring) min ster, to hear the farewell serEypor.. The house was well filled, testifying to the high e. teem with which Mr. Cook is held in this community. The text for the message was taken from Revelations 11:10, "I* thou faithful unto death and I v / give you a crown of Life." '/ry earnestly, Mr. Cook exhorted his hearers to remain faithful to thi God and their church at whatever cost and w:n the crown of everlasting life. Mr. Cook came to Murphy two years ag bin Sylva and imnu?, diatcly identified h'mself with the \ of the community and county { i he will bo greatly n^ssed not \ only by his church but by the entire J tvwn. I -h* *********** + .$. + Martin's Creek + *h 4* 4* 4* + + ******* **** + + Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson of roachtree visited Mr. and Mrs Ranee I .Fleming Sunday. Rev. Nohle preached un interesting sermon at Martin's Creek Methodist Church Sunday afternoon. * 9 Mrs. W. S. Rogers is on the sick [ list this week. Tj Mrs. Eliza Ricks was in town shop| ping Friday. 1m Mr. Clifton Forbes and father of I Charlotte have been visiting in our Nnunity for the past few days, f were enroute to Alabama. A Rev. Burton Martin of Chattal nooga, Tenn., was called here Sun> day on account of tk illness of his lather. Miss Margaret Stalcup visited her k aiater, Mrs. Joe Cunninghjam last A T7eek. *j School closes at the Harshaw j Chapel Friday. Miss May Moss, the I teacher, is preparing an interesting I program for Friday night. J Barney Elliott and Aimee Ashe \were recently united in the holy '| yondl of matrimony. if' Kin Margaret Stf.lcup entertd Wd Hies May Keener and Messrs. r Ion Forbes and Dilard Ricks L Vm I and M '. Lon Stalcup are all jT^ ^over their twin babies, Claud i \ \ a 1 . - 'Kate Penland spent last Sat. nraky night with iMss Nettie Dock. * H : , | L It is reported that work on the , highway road will be resumed the | ' first of February. I -A. k - ^ ' 1 ?he J ORGAN OF MURPHY AND CHE 1?Ml!o I>. Ck i 'I of Mlrhlua dent Hardin;:. '1?View of Flensbui Inability to r?-j-iiy t loan mado iu S of tiie tuooi >li'no i'.o. thut has cai . _ (Postmaster Crocks Commended in Letter by Treasury Officials Many Savings Certificates Bought in December?Stamps of 1918 Should be Redeemed. The Murphy Post Office was fir-t among second das? po.t offices in North Carolina in dispo rvr of treasIury savings certificates luring December. Postmaster Crooks h.a$ been congratulated on the showing of his office in n letter from Howard T. Cree, director of the j|>vemniient savings system for this ditirict whicjj ates. "I congratulate yui on youC sal s of $15,875 of guvefeimcnt soi unties; the record re filets credit unon von and your associfltes in the Murphy office; it mean I ni ateriai assistance to the Treasufr Department in its refinancing operations ; of our war debt and, monover, will , prove, to be a most sati factory in i* -sinieni 10 me people of jour community." | j More of thtMo savings certificates were sold in December ihsh in any j I month of the yeari thus dmionstra| ting the increasing popularly of the I government^ savings sysUm. Tito; sales for December were dmtributed as follows: West Virgins^ $807,- j 860; Virginia, $351,-125; N^th Carolina. $305,875; District ol Columj Dia, J}i47,i*25; maryluml, ij7,32o, j1 I South Carolina, $83,025; thai $2,i 174,560, including $378.^5 sold I' through the Federal Reserve Bank. 1 Mr. Crooks says, "all owners of tSIo War Savings Stamps, wjo hav* not done so, should present ^icm a: j the post office for redemplon or exchange; every day nU*ans a joss of interest to the holder. It is lest to exchange them for treasury livings j certificates which begin to bbr in-: terest the day they are i>su<|, are registered without cost again^ loss or theft and can be cashed ^ any , time for more than you payifor 1 them." I I 1 : Barn Falls Monday Night; Two Cows Ki^edj The large harn just beyond 'the j home of Mrs. Callic Tilson collajUd j : Monday night about one o'clock ^td ' killed two cows and slightly injutd several other animals. Mrs. Tilsti's j cow and one bcl^aging to Mr. Aaifo Seabolt were skilled outright. ' other cows and a horse were 01V slighly injured. There w*as an a\; 1 tomobile in the shed also, but it dn , not suffer any material damage. Ij 1 j The cause of the falling of thl j barn is net known. It is general!^ I supposed that there were weak tim^ ( bers in. the structure, which gavelt way. j Cfjen ROKE E COUNTY, AND THE L MURPHY, NORTH CAROLII , "59PS in, appointed the "dirt fanner" mutiitier < 'g. (ionuim city which lias lnvn obll^'? Uvitzerlund before the v?? *V?ronaj as<?d many deaths- there this leor. I .j. 4. # if. if. jf. .j. .j I* * 4- H J Upper Peachtree j I* + 4 4 Your correspondent here has beei . down with the flu. The names of some of those 01 our sick list art* Mrs. U. E. Kelly Taylor Kelly, Mary Byrd, Mrs. Dav Burrell and Mrs. Will Lunsford. R. M. Moore ofthis place made 1 business trip to Murphy Saturday Messrs. Theibert Calhoun, Sar. Hunnicutt, Glenn and Carl Hendrr. were among the fox hunters here th? past week. Miss Ruth Gregory of Andrew; was the ouost nf \IJ-? f1"- -?> A ? vuiu una 'm Thomasson here Sunday. | y ? o ?T :?* n:iu^ H Griffith and Lewis Wilson have start ed up acid wood work on the bij branch tract of the Truett estat< here. Sheriff Odom was here the pas1 week on legal business. Arthur Lunsford of Maltby i; moving here to Ben Dockery*s farn' formerly known as the M. C. Curtis place. W. A. Boyd of this place has just finished his big overshot wheel and now has an ideal grist mill which is a great benefit tothe whole community. S. Garrish of this place entertained a few friends at his home here .Monday night with sonic splendid "old fashioned" fiddling. ++***********++ T + 4-4j Tomotla % 4* 4- 4* 44 + + 4* We are having some rain here now The new school building at To* motla is very near completion. Carl Keener has purchased a Ford. He says all he needs to keep it up is a pair of tin snips, some bailing wire and a pair of wire stretchers. Mr. B. M. Harbin has accepted a position with the Regal Blue Marble wvniyauy. JH ; Mont. Rogers, who has employment at Youngstown, Ohio, is visiting homefolks this week. The many friends of Miss Ona Fawcett regret to hear of her death on January 25th, at Marietta, Ga. Mis Margie Keener is visiting friends at Marble this week. May Rogers entertained a num-| l>er of young people with a rook! jarty Saturday night. E |KI John Kincaid went hunting last; veek and reported that he combed' he woods over without finding a ingle hare. * E..DING NEWSPAPER IN T HIS SE >JA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1-J23. H yt llie federal reserve board by l*r??si1 to declare its?'lf bankrupt b pools" ??f r's chemist in Chicago analyzing Some ; Chamber of Commerce : Has very Enthusiastic i] Meeting Monday Night ' Several important Mat- 1 ters discussed to meet , | again February 5. 1 e The Chamber of Commerce held i a very interesting nueting Monday night in the Asst mWy roam of the 1 Library, some forty or fifty men be' 1 ing present. A number of very ur] gent question.- wer discuscsd a?nd mp r?ry plans laid for handling ; c ertain public matters that the body e has impending. Although this was I the first full meeting the organization < I has hold in several months, the coms mittei.i have been al work. i i According to reports made, some ] good results have been accomplish- I ed and it is expected that still greatCf th*M25 wj" k? nrpumnlishcd in the i I - near future. r It was the sense of th(> meeting ? that the Chamber of Commerce should make this the most active year in its life. It is generally cont cceded that the country is on the . eve of another period of geni i:4 j prosperity and many of the indus1' trial p.i ', . -.re expanding and many 1 n> .. rulertakings begun. ' j r :: Murphy is to be benefited by]} any -vnansion she must not . av. anything undone to bring advantages to the attention of ] 1 . the public, accord ng to opinions ex- 3 ij pressed at the meeting. In line with | [this tnougnt, scvctrtl J j were added " the membership roll x ; of the Chamber and it is expected j that next Monday night, February j 5th, when the annual meeting is held, that many moie members will ' be added. At the meeting February t 5th new officers will be elected and ^ other important matters now pending, will be disscused further. It is important that everybody who is a interested in the gTowtjj and welfare of the town be present at the meeting Monday night. The S!ogan is, Q "Come and bring three people with l>ou- jr County Teachers To ' Meet February 10th j r. The teachers of Cherokee County p will have their next meeting: at the tl ! Murphy Graded School Building Sat- d , urday. February 10th, and discuss j the following topics. "The Importance of Pictures in u : School," Mrs. D. H. Tillett of An- fi drews Graded School, and Mrs. V. I) L. Hemdon, Murphy Graded School.1 "The Value of Reading Circle j Work," Superintendent Nye, of An- cl j drews Graded Schools, j?r.d Mr. B. hi W. Sipe, Murphy Graded School. "Importance of Play," Prof. L. C. Nichols, of Andrews Graded Schools, 01 and Mrs. L. G. Waters, of Murphy Si Graded School. j fi CHAS. F. OWEN, Supt. g? CTION OF WESTERN NORTH C Commissioners Employ Demonstration Agent For Cherokee County H. H. Ellis, Practical. Farmer and Trained Agriculturist, Assumed Duties February 1. The County Commissioners at a lU'C.a! nn-.'tim' '1 WHft ployed Mr. 11. 1!. Eliis a* farm demonstrator for Cherokee County. Mr. Eli.-- ! a trained agriculturist and las had considerable experience- as i county dcSjmstrator. He grew up on the farm and just previous ,o coming here, did truck and garden fai'ining in Buncombe County. j He look hi< scientific training at the University of Kentucky. The new farm demonstration' igent is a native of Pendleton. Ky., t?ut has been in western North Carolina several years and is familiar .vith e-'iiditions here. His scientific raining, hi- practical experit nci as i farmer and as county agent, both n Kentucky and North aCrolim., together with iris affable nature make lim especially well fitted for hi- new lutics. Mr. Ellis assumed his official duties Thurs?fcy. February 1st. An >ffice has been opened in the grand jury room of the court house, where u? plans to be every Saturday when the farmers come to town, so that le .can confer with them regarding their farm problems and make appointments wit them to vi it their farms. The other five days in each week will he spent in the country advising with farmers. Mr. Ellis can he of tremendous help to the farmers und to the entirc county ami the far. luei.s should be quick to avail Uitriiiselves of this opportunity for ex , ??n u' ua in?'ir iarm pr^nicmsJi Mr. Kllis has rented a house in Beal Town, the one formerly occupied by Mr. Hampton, and will shortly move his family here. ************* * + ->;-B??saEaFT5!5iB5DaH?B?a?H i Suit t r d* *h f i* !* k * * * * k k k k k k t Mr. J. Luther MeNabb and wife ind little daughter, Catherine, vi-ted Mr. McXabb's parents Sunday. Mr. Ferdinando Ferguson of Cop-; perhill spent Saturday night with iV. A. Curtis. Miss Edna Curtiss of Athens, ) Tenn., is visiting her grandparents dr. and Mrs. W. A. Curtis. -7-7? .. I xue pcujne ui iuw HTC ! >roud to have another store in our it tie village. Mr. Manuel Burger s the proprietor of it. 9 H? japa Bam MembilMfe entered j he M. P. \V. School at Blue Ridge, la. | Mr. J. P. Decker has been ill for 1 few days but is convalescing now. I | There has been quite a number f cases of flu 11 this community. ! Messrs. N H. VA.M. ' ? n-~.il >ug Ghorley, and Cor bin Ghorley ook a great hur.t Saturday night, oing to th,? far side of the Payne fountains, some S or 10 miles away j eturning with c.i:c poor little opossum and a report to the effect lat they were pursued for some istance by a panther. Mr. M. M. Patterson spent Satrday night and Sunday with his *mily returning to his work at ucktown Monday. Mr. M. M. Burger, our new mer lant, is making things 3hine in! us new store. Come out, folks, next Sunday.? le and all and let's organize our unday school and select new ofeers and teachers aijd not let this >od work drag. . i i / ' 4 ADVERTISE IN THE SC O U T "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH'' AROL1NA " $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Carolina-Tennessee Power Company Now Under Fire t Recorder's C ?- N^V/Ul I X Ul Cherokee to be Abolished. Raleigh, .Tan. 31.?Otherwise dull committee hearings were livened up omewhat last Friday afternoon when the bill for the repeal of the act incorporating the Carolina-Tennessee Power Company' came up for consideration. Representative Dillard and Senator Walker of Cherokee presed the committee for a repeal while former Lieu ie nun v Governor Max O. Gardner, of Shelby, Attorney Julius Martin, of Asheville, and others appeared in behalf of the power company. After several hours argument, a sub-committee waa appointed to draft a bill to limit the I owers of the power company and to require it to begin the development of the Hiawassee River within a given time. The hill repealing the act establishing the Recorder's Court of Cherokee County passed its third and last reading in the House last Friday and is now a law. It takes effect . The act appropriating fifteen million more dollars for highway construct in in North Carolina during the m \* two years has passed the lower house and will probably be called up i? the Senate this week. It is not anticipated that there will be any serious objection to the bill in the upper bouse of the Legislature. ^K^_Many_important bills arc scheduled to get under way this wedL -i. .1. + + Culberson % -! + + + h ****** ******** We arc very glad to sec the post mister, J. W. llyatt, back on duty again after a sever? attack of influenza. The Bantis Sunday School at Cul^ herson is asleep. 4 Mr. Kain Satterfineld and Miss Julia Loudermilk were happily married af few days ago. Mr. J. F. Patterson visited Culberson Sunday. The many friendsof Mr. Horace XCvvr.c; fwiTiicr'.y of ~ now of Carrollto, Ga., will be sorry to hear of his death. ____ Misses Sally and Pauline Kisselburg visited home folks. Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. B. Hawkins has his new residence almost completed. The school began agai,, Monday' after being stopped three weeks on account of the flu. Mr. G. E. Dickey has been very ill fo rthe past few days. Hope he will soon recover. They have elected a new pastor at the Methodist Church and are having preaching every fourth Sunday. Mrs. Hall, the mother of Mu G. E. Dickey, has been very ill for sonic time. y Mr. L. M. Shields is doing & lot of business here of late, '1 T-n Mr. Ross Ellis. Arthur Collins and Frank Silvey were colled to attend thP funeral of Mr. Horace Turner, at Ball Ground, Ga. Mr. George Townson of Murphy was a visitor at Culberson Sunday '^mm v

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