j:rijiiv. February 2, 1923 ... ... *********** j j+ Grape Creek ' "5" + X ... -i; -A- -A- -k 'k * -k -k * A ! * keen <1 a< as -urj : id at the arrival . f ' t ... ' ?i a few day- a?;. . h*d Mali and daughter r.r .d from Atlanta a few day ??: i n-.i t:mo \v;ta ; A,-.. I i tontcnre l > r mi 1 l'racora ^ |SApH|" w*" ALCOHOL "J I'KH C US T. j HiflG 4 AVe}olaMc Preparationfjr\s ( j -fiS suniiaCn^Uiclood by EeJuUt^ Thcttlj-lVumoiininivVito S] -'!? Ctii-irfulnc55?n iijfr. neither Opium.Morphih*' n* Jijffv ' MincraLNoTXAH< "II(, W] ' v Ml*' , jiUIjjO | Htf. $????. ? I i |??]|' i t \ Jigfl icor.Mi>iL^^.dl)urVlv?-> / Ots ': tun' IVvrrl.hn.? > I . losh uFM I r i I - jit?1 fcaullint Ui.Ttfrora^"1"-^-- 1 * | - raciiraiu Sik:^^.of ' Hp I - J iU|&| lii? CKI* GCMMSfc j iiS)! w''|;- g Exact Copy i>f Wrapper. ^ i" ' > :\'> r i -\ ti>?- ; . J'rj. r v . . .i.iii . ? ? .t. I ' ! 1 * I ..... I r~ ,s. . *~-jSU//{.j Rafc . h N C ! A^r^v^.7 Imparted VtE .St DISTRIBUTERS OF "OtROETT fi CClJ.^ViaCINW DARE VERMOUTH ? TO ivrmmKt T.n I SPfrin DB-ff ?"?? ?-- - - --? KiLK l? UUART5, I WRITE FOR OUR LATEST CATALOGUE MAILED FP.rr CONTAIN!** SPECIAL OFFLt? XSK ABOUT CUR-VINOBAR- IT IS ORE/. ?MONTREAL BOTTLERS CORP. 9 U? E.SDttuST C .NSW YORK OTY I SI RSt ;I!l*TK?X TRICE NOW K T?.' ' C iu o;:': r ..n?rea?c il I only f r t short ; r??d. Every > p * ?r shin t lr KK1E *0 11 i I* <_'L! V?oth ir every 'ate and city . d Send 73c v. Ith your n".".:r ?n*j ad 'rt j "FOLD" T-,1 A I 21C1 E.\adway, -jn ,i A. ? n Cum|>o?ed by Evert II Mini* \Vb(nvvr you r" you will find the worldV mJi -i's a.e ".Uv:iy divided irto two c!.i: < >, and > i-i!y t. .ay. v u \v I', f ml. I wcriii, l.t ri- on'.y lifter t?. tw?'i.*v who lean. * I. v. \ h ' . - ar. \ \vit >v? -taxi d r who i id v-n ? ? i r a . > "ii ol:-, wh?? iets other bear your on ii i r. w rry and can ? ><-u an- < r.e who i - on thi> r .uU iret your heart rV *. nrd ub-cribe r The Cherokee Scout. H'Mlant Shop, \ i*t tlu^e h<> > a lit* ' flashy? Ace ii alvii.ar. Y?-. n.is. indeed ' . v u? . \:i I -f Cal. .. 1 * ) < ' uJr//w '' v/ / - r r< N. c' ???-fe The Thr.h of Love!!! * p~ WOMKN IOVE Better ? j| i he thrill of the Human touch! Sli?uU a Woman advertise for r Mate? Why shoild a girl be married Before 18 and the man before 21 ? Mrirrinv . Bivov. . Love, Eu Kh vim, . i'Tt, ft ? :< How to Marry Successful and Attain Happiness Tin-f are >>;!% e of the jbjeets ?-\f! j v . :;lt wish 1 n ev. -v :-uc of t ! <1AZIXK. \. i'- h - and 1 : lovkrs* ruBi.r D? voted only to such ti ITOfcicmS. i Send 10c for Sa.m~.lc Copy. ai: ! . : ; \ t ir. f rn it!On ..f.< ;it ??;:r friend -J:*p ; . r: ,b ? ONLY 7* - per vr. y - for $2 "FOLD i v >* ri: r ?.-!;: ) - i I'KF r.v :n?. v.,'.: tho.. ar^SpjE^tin^r/terfl :si to the? I lGAZINE r New Y ?rk City. U. S. A. _ . .. 1 THE CHEROKEE SCOUT, M HiiiiiniiiiniiMiiiininiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiu 1 | f Indian | LodgeTales I By E Ford C. Frick Hi 111 u 11111T11111?i I < I < H 11111111111111 ill i [ 11 i:~ THE CREATION OF MAN ^' <\V when the Miult.m had or^ilwl ^ * the ? ' ! > in<1 the beasts :n.d the fishes. and hadtl t-n crented the gri/./.'y to rule ovor them. he returned t-? heaven content with his handiwork. Ue '.eft behind hint ?m J lie avth n huj-i'V kingdom. where the . nUn .'i lived in j tiv : iDd where rl.e j.r.. y. who wu* their king. w > kind ar.ij Jest nud fair to vn ik uud stroll*; alike. An tit e wvnt en there finally raine : si tighter r tie I ' of th?? Manitou in b*;<\-n; and a* -die grew to woiuuuhood she wu* fair to : i: Up"ij . .is L'o. utiih:! us t' dawn and ah stately : ? the ?k. The blue i;iivf uie - Wior It/ her eye*. the !i*i.? * put 11. ; r e\p; v?si> ;. *; itfid goldeu *uiibeuu)R k vc 11 r ln-yuty t? her hair. The *outh wind ?jr- u-<] hi-r blood and i*>ud< .1 ; the ?uov\i? gave ??tT their glow to t : her sL.n. rinding water*, ft and h v. n.m? 11 ^ their tut::'-!-.* in a v.ii?-e for her. An ! *'.. ! wo*. fnir to ! upoU. u> .? hlc*?t?nis in tier h r I he Muidton. who loved her uiurh. Hi. 'or tin* fr? ' en ?>f ?t;?* hmwui m:;J ' e .-teeth t.? g -> un-1 ronie as J 4 p>U* J --V *! ' ? wt'lv the fine I k-;>oi where the grizxly given .v.v-r : ? re-gn IJ-re >! * niu?t nut V- ' r tlier* u-r* evil epirtt. .ud *'i s uads in ?:nv her trny. And ther?- 'he 1 *rr tiie Manitva .1 to uvud. f.?r it w?< the home of the jj:. /!y w!.11 wmti rn or. ii :t 0:1. .1? Wte"?.irij{ at! tb? maiden t'- r^ t the wrirnlnj of h?r father .u'.'l w.?; a*. ? th forbidden \vh?-r?* ! v?-d the grh'.*.\. ind where flowert b'o< ujed Hi d all w u.i b-vnitiful ;iud bright. A4 *h? w.?n 1 :ib- ;t * ho fvre-t the ea,'* .w lior beauty and carrlod w id of her . ' < aly. AaJ the griazly rattle ihwyii the t : and 1" ... 1 upon her - nil re.I li-r, Qe SBBHMHB |irr>M .] with her b?h .ty that he for >; ? the M i. u a,id hi* | wer. and ti? the maiden, ryrrh'd her off ; ... mut her will to hi* hoita- And there he hej>; 1 - hid awuy for tunny l . .'!> he nuin'od her. i.i1! 1:-h ii w. M air.i ' *t h.-r w 'I. and r !"Hi; \ . h.-r } .v ;t> i.r.d tin* Mar tou when- .he hud --r w i > i inaii> u eh;!d ? :>? horn ! tt . -rlr rl\ nd tl?e .i r. 11 \nd this . I Id. w 1 n he I . L, r\. -"I from 1 :s tif<>tl:er's 1.5 the st.>r> . the Ui .. /!>"> < TUehy. lie learned 'o- Imw the t"?l\ had run uway v the hillfl t. r ef Mat'-*'"'! and 1 : ! I.er from let; 1. lie and h I i.er in raptlvlty ; and he was very unary, and prayed night :>n*l day to the Mnnitou I ! o w s t.-s grandfather. a-king tk.it OHBm tn I So th nit u II ?. ! . 1 ..! the gi\.- : . - > ] t i shed ; a <1 so the Mnr .t a de. reed hat the ktf1 v'.y lior.-a-forth :!d .v;:!k "i four like The he! iiul governed. An?l oil Lis b iy in.r .' 1- i: :< trow, and h'.s lav ge . an..* the . : ;nr and the ><|U?*al . an 1 1 ie was made to d g ill the ground w i aid l-.s f" >d and his . yes were. mm J vvutrli ! t- feet and n.? lony. r ro . I ie 1 ; tow.ad en ;.:id 'a of the llanltou. who is good al.vays Red -Man the - u ef the Hi,-, r S; ir t's daughter and the gi ?7.1y t.. rule 1 u> lev * s he h.-re himself .* ?i n bYeiu las mother he Inherited hi- form :nd heauty and w;loin. and from l . 'ather the strength end eon rage and ,?ower?and so he on me to ru' overhe land which The Alan;:nu ; i ?ted. So was the creation the i*h -* :? People who are the tribes: I vf.o | ved for ages under the n. * f he.ivett and m*ci??d with Man .> i i'.d ruled long and well until v. !..t rears ?*\ d ?; .ri?* came from the .. tnd fought and wrestled with tk? *lu.sen People and took aw ay th? r lower and their strength. T! :t ! he Maniton^inuxrw.e w zzt ire ins . liiblron. those things whi.-h ire ours by riiiht. lint that. .u:.!n. .s in>>th?-r story, un?l too n.anv >t--r ,tt no time are not t?>t for lirle < Note- -Hnro aim in \w lirtvf a 1 l|pt?m the nomadic tribes ?;* the : . ;;n a[n tlJstrl.-l -The ft. s. T 1 ? " . s tn.l :tll flirt trll'.-s of tlie aroat >1 > ;inme family. Tills b'^t-ri*!. >:; ti i>i. t;:rvs. i* oi :Y. of be trhal home in llie .real I'to r. -? r ntion at Col... Litt'e Pitchers. Teddy?You haven't any wh -liers ?r very much hair. Sister's lb r. Well, w! at it? "Ob. I was only won j J... v j>? r;o ^oilis to manage .t." Manage what?" "He said he was jolng To ? j? the loor with \on"- London Answers. Shut Off. Mr-. I've- She is enlly tl v?-?r*t ssip .ti the r.e Kl horh l. Why. I leard tills morning t! at she? llxe- Come. : -w. my dear, don't trj -I t 9 bent her at her own -^rae. I ? IURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA Jess Willard Starts Training " ' "Y' a : L???* !? :.!;, .,- v, ry Kr^ht. he a ). .! ua whether ' ?"?r?h?r, that \va > caus: v: a I h0 i .uh!.', v. . MippuoJ PHAMBERlaWI D1ARJRHCEA REMXPTFOR TMt RCL11F OF* 5 p2in the Stomach and Bov-t .3. Intestinal Cramp Couc, Diarrhoea - Oil EVERYWHERE Mtnv jc& ? ? i ??mi? ? ?i It know. IV.n't forget| >!:? ?? . .lam;:.:;, ti'.h t? 1.1th. I TH K I.MI'UOVr.l) j ASi'lillN TAKl.l.I l/WMtwe Lax? Aspirin la fs i r 11% l*%y hySTTl <' t C 1 . - ! . C t j . TIN'::!. ? I, :: . 1.,-w s. . .1 , : ; I l. : n't'-y ' - { I -1. J . Via ; .. : .* v. : .it ? I ".en tt.e, o v i . i ? i - . .: ? r I ?. ak* no a M?r - : : A ..nd cf t . .1 tv.. L* . , I . vil . - . ' I , . : LA> i . - '. 1 ' three i t*.t box, ..r mailed postpakl r . * ' Ruea | . s*. W^bUins'^a. fr Wanted \ FIFTY ""FN FOR I.IM- I BFR CAMP. - MIL!. CREW MV.i U< CREW GRADE CREW Fl.UMJNG CREW r * t 25 to OO per d*v- No Itibor trouhlr?, good camp* and board a? "Scent* per day. Noyes Land & Lumber Co. >LP FORT N ">RTM r\i?OI !NA 1 How To Use Kub For De S First, It Is Very Importa efacient or. Counter-Ii ed on the Surface Of Lungs. This Draws the B'ood From the Congested Lungs and Lessens the Danger of Pneumonia. THEN TREAT WITH VICKS Hit].. 1-1 !; !'>' > oi.lt. frn|Uin'iy ..linir i pneumonia, have ? unliilly pr>-\.ik-r.t t?, - v.V-r. In onto >fr!.i.n< \h?y railed inf.t.| t.??t M.ont fi- the I nfUi? . .1 ?:?- - ?i ? inv' *l f:; t ?k mio, lh?? th< y :.r?- .mL i:.' licht a''j *:?t *. ?f \ nks )? not : The Danerr i% from Pntumnni*. What 1? d ther. * i ?inc I . ,( (I, ; i i - i " ') < > f 1 th lun.: . K? r 'r. purpose there t | v .thing li*:.- a rubefacient or < .'UT'" ' t :tan*. x- the use J ? H ; ^ f r irritat'nn of the skin causes ( : ' r.-i.- .u..,, : th. v . a, * ' . r at ion of ivarirth and the i> si-1 l'ii. y of i ru un . grout y W -- * ,.\ "Qyick" Rubefacient Needed produced quickly* Nearly wry 1 family has its favorite method onion j>ou Hi.. turpentine stupes, | mustard pla ter and poultices of h ] vari.ni.s kinds are all good. How to produ ? t''i? Effect Our M vi intent h ;% ? ?wn thnt 1 ' a,, ordinary mustard pla ter very , ? . :\ U-o one part of mual-afa. *' t.. two part, of fl.u- or flax-.-. ! 'I meal for adults, and me ? l> oolus, Th" t. .ie- ;,nd e pe K the I. k f houhl he treated. F-?r adults, a ; ,, ml fo .t-harh ore tahle- fi sp of mustard f a ?'! ?>t :r ,ater . ven at ' tnge of the tr. vmi nt. will aui in draw ing the fi . ! .1 from the ? d parts. rhen Masafje with \ 'ilo \fter the skin s thoroughly red j ? 1 UV1.,|| auou.u ct? ant i r.i?nuy and t." . . : . . nt h0 " v* a hr:-k n - - u -*h \ k all ? v? r the : ar: t v.nue this f w ;" %? ti'.Miifi. Tl:' :nor< n.s?'-? the ante-irritar.: "? . -7T V . ,V| \" thickly over ?11 the part?; that! v. . , -t'l-. ati it < :i 1 ih? y?>u WtwiUl a i >>'. Br-i'tic-' atM'Ut OTH--t?f H,; j I, thick or more- end cover with | it e th:iknc?c> of h??t f'anr.ei cleths. j j ' V,.ke Attn Ltkr ? \ ..per 1-acip T tivnntt. jo " > : V? 1 th t> < \'y over the body is this V kk j Ki.ly r< the r . .. - . p"i The n'e'Te \ th \ , k< th- stronger will be j V :.p,.r - I I. r > v tf.. ... *pS The tit h. ' tr.f _:id HlWay- *e.looe around the 1 I neck and the bad ddfca arranged | cc n f< in t 1'ir Th I f. ' ' - ' < ... r air ri-i? Up ' ti >:u - 'ht?t and, if the bed > 1 >rh- | to i ;>r nv \ a:v.?: .i, ) :.<- by thc 1 r o and mo; th and are thus inhaled j ?.th -oh breath. carry. ? the mod;- :y rSF.ND US JOB PR1> I r.p 3 Vicks Vapocp Orippy ds nt that a Thorough Rub* rritant Effect be ProducThe Skin Around The , mi- ?ir passages ' ? A*. i >-s m? time aU'.t the skin. Repent the Entire Treatment wi . . .# heir st mjrJi. fr.-h VWk. should ; ' ! > ' r part, . This t?> i? up the iontin.U" is supply of W"r - ?}),. , ,.f the ' ! t . ?i on-., all the Yules ma.- h?'ii]d he wij>? : off ami ' '? ire:-.;isi j : repeated. That . h-.t wetJ t'>\v ; Op mustard ' 1 i'-i i.?- 'i-.-! until the skin th A ly reddened, than h . ' "? id on thickly -T irrih iot J''r,nnc--s as wo, .<>u*dy ; un the unter-irrlaT:1 1 -r two -V 4 'Mr li'Uirs". SO h-i* : >v 1 - . ustan! plus.1 hav. '. he u ?1 -u frea to pi v ::t the patient ti ' Use In a Tra-Ket'lr S . w n the patient is i i: \ ,! a j \ ai.or? from the m la n t> . .f t are not sufTiT : > pi-ike tl \ f thing t a-.er i1 ' dr. > a tahlospoonful Yi nl' ttie of b ling ; .!U?w the pati. r.t to inhale warm camXnl vapors comi f j- . ut 10 nutes. Do this ral ?ja " 1 i Keep water I'Mitif anil put ill ad" Y c". v e\. r the vapors IV i \ . > >v? r the pamaking Jt Hirui . a ' ut. > a onfinc the A rdi'ia; nam vapor* a-k. ttic. >canty Application* U*ele*s Tl a \ ' *1 -atment, but . ? } .? k -tare 1 requires vigor\ k. be used 1 ! ' v Th?- -t oC I it :i nt it :*! .fiv-ant c?Wth * result- which arc mr.tly .-Stain* <1. [)ork Not Tak? the Place of the Ph sic ian '! ; are to? aii'i ha\ < many i-mpli. t> .?n any home .?t; . Y . h -wever, does wi i-atment that HMaWBstiMM addir? f Vicks Is k'oci* tv * . roa. v ' : ihi object to \\ fat' that : few , i' to use any.4-lvi-rti;-i d directly W public. \ Pharm?c?*t*? D'scovery N.-vtb ? .iT-.a pharmacist.' Front tb back oom of a lit1. drujr store v. v.-.- v. v say liter* Iv ten. of millions of families are vi with it tbv fa.m: > blue jar. It * a :' y . v :"orr. of .i tv. and. in is u.-oil f . the mr.uv n r > ailments of h It pa: t ... rly a b--on pv>th? rs with kmaB children, be use it i oxtornaU;' applied. (k : T v a-.- used yur. '".e.?A