IF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT B fllT'S BECAUSE WE DIDN'T } ^^KNOW IT THE OFFICIAL VOLUME XXXIV. Nl. 27. Chamber of Commerce Meets in Annual Session On Monday Ni^ht Work of Past Year Reviewed ?All Old Officers Re-elected. E ~~ Tito Chamber of Commerce ho!m here to H He view without any local fur.d? being provided, as \vas the or dinal intent of the commissioner? for th - dis trict; the bringing of an ice plant t" Murphy; and the assurance that one other small factory would soon I > cate here. Not to he overlooked, in enumerating the no luylishtncnt? of the past yeai thought tin l'r? ident, wa | the fact that Murphy had been brought before the country us r.cver before and there is no way of estimating how much this may mean in the future. Following thi j rc ident*s talk, a number of pending propositions were discussed, *r.d then jsfficere ?ski elected for the ensuing year. Ali the old officers were elected a- fouow? D. Witherspoon. l'i> dent. U. M. Fain, Vice-President; W. 1\ town soil, viee-Prcs.dm I; 1- \V. ^ij; . So retary; and .1. I? Storey. Tr.?aiurer. A number of new members joined the orgunizat ? n and a committee Wtl canvass the town for new numbers in u few d. The entire v'frmunitv is eathused over the ! !>'- : ur?th>ng3 during the coming year and every-! body js working as they have nev? r worked befor-. 1 e spu;t ot nation is abroad in t.??* community and everybody :s couudent that much can be a i.j n.*-ia d tor Murphy during the prt.scni year. + + ^ ^ ^ -V -f *: -V } + Regal X + + + * -r -r Our Sunday School at this place will open Sunday, February 11, 1923 Everyone invited; large crowde are expected. i|[ Mr. Tom Watson and Mr. Garrett have accepted positions in Belford, Indiana. Mr. Paul McCiure, of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting parents and friends. I Mr. and Mrs. Jimtnic Howard moved to Fast MurpHy recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts and little daughter, Kathleen, spent Sat- ( urday night with parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McCiure. U* T n..:. D.1..J * r- ?? accepted a position here. Mr. and Mrs. H.?s Hensley spent Saturday night with their brother, - Mr. J. O. Hensley. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard McClure spent Saturday and Sunday here with their parents. Mis Ada Mae Solesbee spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Jessie McClure. The people here are grieved to hear the sat* news of the death of Miss Anna Fawcett. She has left asany friendg to mourn her loss. Mr. Henry Barton and Mont. Sogers left Monday for Ohio. Mr. J. B. Moore and wife returned to Asheville Sunday. Mr. George Barton and son left for Copperhill Sunday. j. fryjfoaifrh-W-r-1*1^.1 I - w)t ORGAN OF MURPHY AND CHE 1.?I?r. Robert Wuttmn ? New Xnt?rn:iti>-ant Reform bureau. 1.? hotlll* i:j::g 200 tons or orf .... . :... hvi n in .ailed and the ore . t. . f, madid anil shipp.il to ill: ..it s in Ti'iini^no ir.J |V.rg;r..a. The local company will . .. - ; .10 nu n and ship three our ia.'!> if washed ore per day. di-poMt wa-i worked some during the war hut has been standing i tr.e past two years until about . ;r mo: las ago when the Vi.l DIHa.lK'U H'ilM' UI1U gun to iii^tud new equipment. It ( :: a it a . . l.ir.d of 1800 acres, the larger part located aln*?si in ...iphy. This tract wag formerly j by Mrs. I'oit, of I'uris, PrM !.?i w.i: acqu.rcd by Di. We. tray J J..tt.e, . N. Girrett, L. M. Bourne, s .1. A. Sinclair and W. S. Wliiti,. of A?heville. It is known loas the Hitchcock property. A vein of ore one quarter of a .n length, 100 fee: wide and he depth undetermined, is known | .? on tk? property and i? part of J this vein that is now being worked. The opening of this valuable ore deposit marks another one of the developments ef nature's products, which is attracting business interests I .o this section. It also means the providing of employn*ent for a num- i -ii?r and the expenditure of a condderablc sum of monov in this coin* knunity. + + + + + Letitia ? .J. + + + + ** ******** + + The sick people of this community are improving after a long illness of the flu. Mr. Harvey Johnson r? planning' to move to L>ucktown, Tenn., in the near future. Mr. Coleman Ricks is erecting a new dwelling on hi- farm. Says he .s going to have a renter. j Mr. S. Garland visited his daugh- ' tor. Mrs. Lon Anderson, Thursday. Mr. Bsrnic Brown and Fred Foster went oppose u:n hunting Fuday night and caught two fine ones. Mr. John Forrester has moved to ihe Louderntilk farm. We are glad to welcome him hack in our con%munity. Mr. Sammie Beavers made a business trip to Ranger Sunday. j Cijcn ROKE E COUNTY. AND THE LE. MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA York, wliu >"u*;eectis in- ial l?r. . German troops ;.r uoetlu,: the French* ie Irish Free Slate utter It was burned FINANCES CF STATE BEING INVESTIGATED ! Morrison Resonts State ] mcnt of Maxwell: Com-: niitice Appointed to Investigate. By Mtswdl Gorman Raleigh, Fcb.6. Interest in tli' I.e^'.ature this week. On the part vf loth the public niid the legislator-*. is largely directed to the work J, of the committee in charge of t j vest'eation into the financial oondi- , tioij of the State, as reeoivunowdetl by *.h,> G vernor in his thrilling and , dramatic add re s at a joint session *-f \ the two branches of the General \ ml y i . t F: day. . M'". Maxwell now state* that he , did not mean to assert or insinuate , that a dollar of North Carolina in fljgfjgj' had been misappropriated or wrongfully spent, hut that, in calling at- , teation to what he claims tt> be dan- , irer in nnn<-nn?i)?rifiuldthrough heavy appropriations demanded by the Educational Depart- ( ir.eilt, f?'r extn^nlc, and o'her calcaulafiors being prc-sed upon the i.? ir >lature. he de nied it wise to make the statement public which appeared in the newspapers last Frtday. ln a later statement Mr. Maxwell "The way \o protect the StateV credit, and the only way. is to keep it sound. The State connot keep $90,000,000 of indebtedness afloat and consistently fail to earn its living expenses. 1 have disclosed ncth ing that a competent bond attorney j or expert accountant could not learn in a few minutes of investigation of the published reports of the Stale Treasurer. If we car.'t set up sink- . ing funds, or retire serial bonds from revenue when due, we must ax lea-t earn our living expenses. And the fiscal policy of this General Assembly must be fixed with a knowledge of th?se facts. r "While eating the bread of the 1 State, I am trying to earn it. and without questioning motives of other t gentlemen. Governor Morrison has a A (TTHol A1 tnnv. -? ~ e,- - ? ? c ui irjmwiuon an,000 mile- from Washington. Us lTvmois continued for more than Ti.'co hour - ,1 hi I he sesimugraph.- iceordcd tecorded i second s-.rie- of shocks estimated to be at another point betymen 3,t>UO milt.- and 3,TOO miles ironi Washington. ot.-n .og. w< o much at var.ancc on their estimates as to the ? i \act location of the major distur' ance. Designations ranged from Alaska, the Aleutian 1-lands and tne Arctic region on the nort^ to ' Northern Argentina on the south. W 1 n the west the range was fron\ the ' t d oi the Pacific Ocean a: .. point C. uvnt.1 cmiiunia, to .< vieii.itj ?>; Marshall Islands, be- ! ' ween Hawaii and the Philippine* did in Japan. Prompt radio coin- IK' aun.catn-n wi* Japan, however, di>??i ..? uc usual disturbance In "* I ftjfi i i inasmuch as telegraphic and cat. communications brought no ine;. gence of an earthquake in Wa?a::, the Phillipincs, Alaska or the 1 ounl.res of South America it is on .dered moo prouabic that the ll" disturbances were submarine shocks ^' . sea quakes which never will be .,-fin.tely located. & b 4* 4- 4Factory town J h + + -. to: Mrs. Frank Coleman is doing j\ licely from an operation performed .... I ast Monday. thi Mr. Barnett McDonald, of Fon- co ana, was a visitor here Saturday ws nd Sunday. At Mrs. John Zimmerman, of Eto- tic rah, Tenn., is visiting her parents, ho Ir. and Mrs. J. E. Howell, this week ga Mr. Alien Davis has been very an ick with the flu, but is slowly im- da roving now. Rf Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carroll were th< *ctorytown visitors Saturday night. ie< Mrs. Marvin Grant is on the sick St ftMrs. W. K. Van diver spent the ay Friday with Mrs. Bill Gillett. W Miss Alberta Warren was the be uest of iMas Edna Vandivcr Friday *e? ight ' sot - ' L <>COUt HON OF WESTERN NORTH O .ocal Attorney Appointed Director Of Rel:ef Campaign red O. Christopher to Raise Quota of $600.00 For Ch erokee County Mr. ! (>. Chr-. t >pher, ?f .4urtiy, has been appointed chairman >: < rerokce t ui.ty of the Near .i.t Rel 1". for the current fiscal a:\ and will handle the campaign i t at great, hufnantai uan organiition here, was announced from a!? : h by Col. Ceo. 11. Bellamy, Late chairman. Cherokee < untvN quota i- $600 h eh wil feed, el the. and educate if ten little children who are mothand fatherlv.- and a signed 1 " - e iii!' v ('or supp'-rt S<> efe:ent ts the work of the Near East lief overseas. that iiuli child can taken care of and given ar, < tu; her w,!l 1. the arv "J era" and a -.sturic,. of number of leading m n and wo r of Ckorokf County in th eat work. II i lat will be an>unced at an e arly date. Iti making the announcement. Coi. idlariiy pointed outthat although e i ?ed has I eon' doubled in the i ken Bible land-, as a result of recent massacre at Smyrna, the untry's minimum quota has not it'll increased over last year. More ar. SdO.OOO refugees were driven to Th ace. and suddenly thrown , the hands of tin- Near E*?? P.e f as a result of the horrible mas-' ere of 1 .">0.00 Christians in SiuyrCtl.?. hundreds of MOw?ands e now leaving Anatolia to escape :nilnr fate. < i 11 ? regular quota of Cherokee >.:nty will take care l(f its ten chii?n which is pa'amount i- the feeds' f th?' refugees. All funds r? . .1 over and above this legular a wil be used to f? ed the-e smv. and Anatolia refugees, thou* > ! \vi>om ii.4\ . already starved death. The fathers of many of these chilen, who are now in the North irolina orphanag. > at Trebixond, port on the lllack Sea far removed am the danger of a Turkish raid, re k.'.led :n the Croat War, dendmg the oil fields of liaku. The ii..r? ?*? ?.- Ccrn^r.i to j ecious oil supply caused their audn collapse, in the opinion of miliry experts. North Carolina rea!owe a debt of gratitude to the thirs of *he-c children. Col. Bel ' my scat North Carolina is raising S200.0 th.s year to take care of the 134 children assigned to it. Jo-' ;hu? l>aniels of Kaleigh is Horary State Chairman and CoL Geo. j Bellamy, of Wilmington, is State' ia:rman in charge of this work. IURPHY BOY LOSES LIFE IN AUTO ACCIDENT John W s,. 1 st hi 1 fe in an a i . ,.i.m....... .. c c* ' IIIOIMit - -> | lursday February 1st. and hi- com-': nion was seriously injured when p car in which they were riding J i Hided with a wagon. . Mr. Wise i * is 3 soldier in the United State* J my at the time of his death, sta-\ nod at Camp Braec. X. C. Hi* J dy was brought to Murphy late | turday night by a military escort | d funeral services were held Sun y afternoon at the Baptist Chtprch. 1 v. M B Clegg having charge of'I p ceremony. The body was bur- 1 1 in the uniform of the United j ate- Army and a large American 1 ik was draped over the casket. 1 Mr. Wise was the son of Mr. Irvin ise of Murphy and leaves a num- 1 r of relatives and friends in this 1 -tion. who sympathize witfe his < rowing family. 1 LA ADVERTISE IN THE SC O U T \ "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH*' t _ - , iROLINA *1-0 A VfcAK IN ADVANCE LEGISLATURE REFUSES TO ALTER CHARTER RcDresentati ve Dillarrl Loses in l ight Against Power Company 1- I. The Jinn > Judl nry Committee No. 1. and the Senat. committer' on corporations, meet. ;i-ii jointly, U'o last Friday afternoon d is: .1 ?u report unfavrnh'y tin- hill of Fi pre -entative I? i.ard and Senator Walker of Chero. ' . *, repeal the charter of th t'aro : ia Ti'isir --ii' Cover Com; any of that county. The matter w i - thoroughly d:-cussed before the i -.:mitt< - un the '22nd and 23rd <>f January and at that time a sub nnnrttee wa- appointed to consider a In: an^n.hng the charter of the potter company hut the bill and all proposed amendment* were killed today, and thus an end was put to what promised to be a hard fought battle on the f ior of the House of Representative . Kept mutative Dillard and Senator Wallker made a hard fight for tin ir hi ! The sentiment of the leg-lator> against it. In wever, increased with time and the oddu were granty against the Cherokee repre tativt when the final hearing tt held. The feeling among legiait c circ. was that this was a matter lor th0 courts to settle and si : l .'ive matter. As a result they refused to take any action. i Me i n?I bond issue of fifteen ar- \v:i- uhorizrd by r day tuid is now a lav on the statute hooky of North ' inn. the Rous,, havinj passed the bill some days previous. The appointment of a committee l-f the In' -lature to investigate the finances of the Stat,- at the request ' ' \ rn uv ; a!! Raleigh the a-- T! - actio-i was pre1 t att i hj a -t.iteio r?t i-sued by the cor; ration colon,> ion, A. J. Maxwell. M- ?***********.? J X Culberson J We sure are having plenty of lain. The has about all died out in this part of the county. |m jd Messrs. \V. O. Rogers and Albert \V:tt>. n are j-running on 1. aving for Y 'ungstowr, Ohio. Tuesday. W*?. ?s5 *r\M -pert Hrr. Ss?, ; fcr this week. ^ Mr. W. A. Niche - has his new store completed, and will soon move .: to ;t where he will carry a 3ix?e of general merchandise. ? Mr. and Mrs Ross Ellis spent : .y with Mrs. Pat Cearley. Mr. George To\vnm>n was a vial ?ai a visitor at Culberson Sun:ay. - * ???rr. Pat Cearlcy and daughter iri planning on leaving rood for VVo?t Virginia to join her husband, "to he ha?. been for the past few norths. ^ Mrs. Dollia Voyles returned home rroni Ohio last week. ? While visiting the hen house of Mrs. Ross Ellis. Uncle Billy Possum lad the misfortune of getting his Toot caught in a steel trap the other tight. Miss Edith Mason has returned lome after a three-weeks visit Patrick, N. C. v The remains of lfr. Frank Wei bourne, of Texas, were Drought to Culberson last Friday and arried to Blairsville, Ga., for erment . , rum