ilF IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT s BECAUSE WE DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Orgai HE XXXIV. No. 3J. . dillard s active , e g ! s l a t o f es Resume of More.! >ortant Legislation r.scrcd and Passed ,f r.tJ.t/ve Dillnrd, \vh? ha- y i " ?nod fro RnL-irh. made' j. a. : ve anil able h'Kidatof. part in * -me of th fight i iu t important of state . -lation and fathered ant! ,, the passage of several state II with j. nitmhot* - Ffl ,)f hill strictly county interi-r. Ar the bills pascd may h* I merit: ?:. An act t0 provide for ao a"' . nt\ for jury tax in cim ? na! ? v. hen the dofendent p!. at!* U'jilv. . \ id the law in r gard v. alimy ?o that it will he impos>ib> , f?i . Aoman separated from her !k obtain alimony bef ?r? ^ 10 r? ivea n divoice if it can be ;>r . nat -h< is guilty .if certain :fft mentioned in the art; A aw r z ?n appropriation for the r?tabl.>hii>ent of a monumt nt North ' arolma soldiers who died ^ n th? ' of Vicksburg, at ^ >urtr. Mi-". Among the strictly !oo ral m isures were: An ?ct mak tig t unlawful to sell fir0 work in the j, rojntv, a' law abolishng the m-jr ^ y ! tax: an act abolishing free j, abor the county roads; the pas* ure "f certain road on d?iicn? I to make the county the unit n ' ad building after two y< arx, n ami ndment t ? the county sch?>< 1 >oaid law making the board * uu- S Kwe?! f thr e members instead ot ive and appointing Mrs. \V. Is. ri of Andrew ; T. T. Johnson, ' 11- House, and J. F. Palmer, of I* larM.. on the Hoard; and the ab?- 1, it.on of the Recorder's Court. ! pi .awtcn McDonald , t Claimed by Death Mr. uiwton McDonald, n young j " i well-know n citizen of Chcrokeo , In I aunty, died at hi* homo at Grondpw Thnrslay evening. March 8th. ^ rtor an illness of ahout six weeks. H< leaves a mother, Mrs. T. P. in cDonald; four aistprs, Mrs. B. i*h heart, of Winston-Salem: Mrs. j_. union Mulkey, also of Winstontlcm; Mis es Tanimie and Grace cDonald; four brothers, Estie Mermaid. of Andrews; Elgin McDon- P! d. rf Atlanta; and Clingman and T' oward McDonald, of Murphy and angingdog. besides a goodly num> M of relatives and , friends to i Ti ourn his loss. Funeral services were hi!d in his >me Sunday near noon, and his ni hv wan laid to re?t in the Hane- ! .? RABlog cemetery*. luttin Roof On Jail. , k The brick work on the new jail i ' been practically completed and r F* ^cek the roof is being put on. ^ steel cells were installed last , p. Heck. It should not be'a great while ; H>w before this building can be | H>mpleted. K). B. Berrong Parses p, | Mr. D. B. of M'JT~hy R> w died the latter part of last week Co Hter an illness of about two week?. R< the age of 46 years, I month and op days. He was a member of the H- E. Church for thirteen years. p, !burial services were conducRev. Stedman and Rev. n, and the remains laid to i the Brasstown rem^t^-v. Berrong was a devoted husloving father, and friend, and e greatly missed by all who mJ leaves an aged father, a wife, pr children, three brothers ana asters to mourn his loss. Ms i resting sweetly in that homa ao bright and fair, ^ the atogete he ia waiting for our confer over there.** j mt t of Murphy and Chen IXTH MONTH ll* HONOR ROLL MURPHY SCHOOL L nt A? honor: Edwin Brown, B. lornwull. Geneva Palmer, Ernest kitk-'ry, Mary Jo Davis, Charlie ohnson, H. C. Palmer, Lois Sneed. ! jabel Randall. Clyde Townson, and Robert Weaver. j Leaders, Cecil Matt -\ 98. tti'.i ! .inthicum and Ralph Randall 96 i Pupil Riaki!^' the gnat- *t im- I revt-rr.cnt, II. ( Palmer. ir?t B? Fits" honor: James Parker^ Jerry hividson. and Hat tie Bell : I Second honor: Mary Witherspooh | n?i Marion Swaim. i Leader", Loui-o Walker 98. D:i!?n King 9?>. and Grace Barnett 9H. Pupil making the greatest imrovement. Lewis Loudermilk. .'a nd Grade? First h??T r. Ralph Baker. Hadlcy Williamson, adn .lames Robinson. Second honor: Walter Anderson, lury Rrittain, Boyd Cornwall, Orel! Dockery. M.r?er Fain. Edw.n iensley, Neil John-on. Hohert l*>vigond. Jim McC>mbs. David Mer- ' ne>, Ray Moore. Warren Snoed, ra Carroll. Eutrcna Dewecse. Alice I ockerv. Icey Graves, Ma, Gulley, larcell:| Hampton, and Frances endley. I eaders, James Robinson 9??. Had y William.-on Ralph Barker 03. |i Pupil making the greatest im- t lavement, Dougla- Smith. K econd OverflowSecond honor: Gracey Falls, Henf Falls, and Willard Garrett. ^ Leaders. To if. in V Coppenger 08, A 98, and Sne Beth loyd Ob. 1 1 Pupil mak off the greatest inv movement.. Willard Garrett, hird GradeFirst honor: Thomas Williams, dna Patton, Margaret Witherspoon a erlin Hawkins. James Mallonee, ! t ois Hill, Richard Parker, nnd Net-' A p Cornweil. $ W & E Second honor: Arnold Derreher- j ( y, Fannie Deweese, Jack McJunk- 1 , aiul Fletcher Coleman. c Leaders, Thomas Williamson 99, dna 1'attun Margaret Wither- u oon 98. i. Pupil making the greatest Im*o cement. Howard Carroll, hird Overflow? Fir t honor: Mildred Akin, Annie a ae Townson, Mary Weaver. Wayne P ownson and Harry Robinson. V Second honor: Martha Meroney. Leaders, Martha Meroney 98, Anc M. Candler 98, and Mary Weav. " 98 ?1 Pupil making the greatest Im- ^ rovement. Mary Weaver. ? ourth Grade? First honor: Leonard Hall, Lyto J lartin, Harry Sword, Granville atcliff, Vesta Decker, Ruth Malta ee, Martha Moeser, and Edith aimer. Leaders, Martha Moeser 99, Evyn Warren 98, and Vesta Decker i. Pupil making the greatest im- P rovement, Pauline Taylor. -1* Pupils failing to make a passing w ark, Cari Bates, Bart Cope, Nei- in Hensiey, Mf.ynard MilLap*, ^ >nnie Anderson, Hattie Bell Bish- ^ , Blanche Hartness and Nettie e< iae. y? >urth Overflow? First honor: Ruby Sneed ajid w ?ry Nell Williamson. m Second honor: Lueile Bamett and rlojj Lovingood. Leaders, Mary Nell Williamson 96 iby Sneed 96, and Fannie K. Cole- I * 9?- p Pupil making* th? greatest im- ' ovemerrt, Robert McComba. p rth Grade? in First, honor: : Noah H'embree. iry Beweese, and Ella Campeau. m Second honor: Bill Bayless, Sal- 50 Kate Baker, Bessie Graves, Elo- an Ph (CoatiMsj os pags ) set Cfetc okee County, and the L MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, NEWS OF rrr, i-1-?* *?r~" mumma - ?* I SB 1?First photo of Bolshevist tro ing pl^ne which caused death of two with France only through third party. .ADIES' AID PLANS J TO HOLD BAZAR The Ladies' Aid Society of the taptist Church announced today hat they art. planning to hoid an luster Bazar on Friday. .March 30, f icginning at two o'clock. The Baar will be held in the library buildnu. The ladies nre planning to ave many attractive articles for ale and the public if invited to at- ' d to attend. Korm an-Da vidson A wedding of cordial interest to wide circlg of friends nn North 'arolina and Georgia was that of frs. Cynthia Elder Korman and id ward Wells Davidson, in the trace Methodist Church of Atlani Friday. March 2nd, at 8 o'clock. )r. A. J. Shankle performed tho eremony. Mis. Davidson is a woman of ungual personality as well as posesstig a rare heautv, and is the young ?t daughter of the late Dr. and Irs. B. F. Elder. Mr. Davidso^ is the ?on of Mr. nd Mrs. E. A. Davidson, of th:s lace, and of Atlanta. He is a sucessful young business man of At-, mta. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson left Immediately after the ceremony for trip to Florid and Cuba. Upon k?ir return they will be at home to i hpir many friends at 22 Elmwood rive, Atlanta. baptist Church Announcements For C I M.?L 1 S sjunuay f iviai vis *?_r. i All members of this church and le community are invited to the j ?rvices. Dr. Fred Cochran wilt , reach at bot^ morning and evening ervices, 11a. in. and 7 p. m. He ill preach to Christians in til* i and wil deliver an e van ire* t stic message at the ^vening serice. The evening service will be ipecially for young people, and all >ung people are invited. , The Sunday School at the Igiitsr hour, and the people are rein ded that this fine spring season afld large, efficient and enthusias- < the time to begin attendance to i 5u?day School and ? Y P. U.'s i Mr. Noah Lovingood has chargg < the program at the senior B. Y. U., which meets at 3 p. m. Dr. i ichran will talk on some secrets i the succes? of young people's i >rk. The Junior B. Y. P. U. i >ets at 4 p. m- Let all the j ong people attend th^se services ? d get acquainted wit^ the special p ins for the evening preaching t rvices. a iliff ?? .eading Newspaper in ti FRIDAY, MARCH 16. 1923 THE DAY IN ? ?P E '> / '* [immp W mm* *5 /?\ ops epterirg Vladivostok after evacuatio army officers. 3?Chancellor Cuno dci LEGION POST ] PLANS SOCIAL MEETING FOR 31st . i At its regular meeting Monday 1 night, the Joe Miller Eikins Post < of the American Legion made plans < for staging a social meeting on the- < t 31st of this mont^ and stimulating c interest in the rnn-e of the c>: *er-! I vice men in this county. A pre. > gram of unusual interest is prom- i ised hy the committee in charge and 1 , r..a?,.w~ .? ?>? Is .. the fact that every ex-service man f has the privilege of bringing his * wife, sweetheart or sister, or moth- l' or. Every soldier, sailor, or marinx j v in the World War in the county > ' invited to be presept this meet* ing, and those living in this part of the county are especially urged to ! be present. Detail* of the meeting w?U be announced later. Tht. committee in charge of arrangements I t has announced that refreshment* f will be provided and that it is ex ? pected that the meeting will be held Y in the library building. r The permanent charter for the ? local post haa been received. The h organization of this post was cf- c fected last fall and a charter np- t? plied for but it was only received I a few days ago. Lt is expected that p the membership of the post can be e greatly increased in the near future I rVi?? rhurtor hn? K?o? r??Aiyo^ a and regular meeting can be held, c It is said that there are many ex- tl service men in the county who have v not yet alligned themselves with any C post and many of them are expected I to come into the ona here. This E organization is to further the inter n est" and to maintain the rights of V the men who served in the late wax E and itf is. therefore, to the advan- s( tage of all to affiliate themselves Ji with one of the. post* of the Logio ai r, ANDREWS H?GH ? SCHOOL TO GIVE .. PLAY HERE ? M ! T? A company 01 taientea nigh scnool girls will (five a play, "A Southern 1 Cinderella"; in the school auditorium here Friday night. This com- * pany rave this play in Andrews several weeks ago, and it received very favorable comment in the paperr, en ind is highly praised by Andrew* wi >enple. One-third of the proceeds Di rill go to the Murphy school libra-j la: y fund. It i8 expected that Mur- gT >hy people wil give their neighbors an i fine audience Friday night. The all day wil start at seven-thirty and ro ha admission charge will be 25c su: nd 35c. # th< _ . _ U v ?cout lis Section of Westeri PICTURES HUjl ? > fl n by Japanese. 2?Wreck of bombglares Germany will make peace NEW FIRE ALARM PROVIDED BY CITY An electric siren has been purchased by the to\vn counei| t . be ised as an alarm in the ca-e of 'ire The- iron has beer: placed at the top >f two high poles on the back of Thcrokee Scout lot and so cotineced that the central telephone office an jrive the alarm. A system for nd?ciit!*ST v- *ke to\ru !ii vhich the fire occurs is beinjr worked out and will soon he announced. The plan contemplates that in case if fire, some resident will telephone entral the part of town the fire s located, ami a method of indi ating this by sound of the siren . ill be worked out and made pubic soon. D:_iL J D??? uiriiiuay rariy Miss Annie Moorman Candler ?*r-ertnined a number of her little riends with a birthday party last Saturday afternoon at the home of icr parents on Valley Riv^r Avciue. As it was raining only indoor ramea could he played, but thes* ier little guests enjoyed. A bird or.test for the little one" proved iner^sting. In this contest, Virginia )eweese and Marshall Bell won the rizes. Following the panics a"d ontest the fortune cake with nine ittle candles was cut. lce cream nd mint* wpr^ served with th* ake. The guests present were Litle Misses Mildred Akin. Mary WVaer, Annie May Townson, Nellie "ornwell, Woodfin Posey, Virginia >eweese, Mary Dewoesc. Fannie >eweese, Edna Patton, Grace Bar-1 ett, Margaret \\ ithcrspoon, Mary fitherspoon, Lois Hill, Polly Davis, dith Palmar, Mary Nell William>n, Sue Beth Lloyd. Ella Campeau, ?ne Cover and Frances Pendleton, nd Ruth Mallonee. and John David>n, Mercer Fain. Charles Hann?- | il Hyatt, J. W. Davidson, dr.. Bill aylcss, William Thompson, Rich- I rd Parker, James Mallonee. Mai ilm McCranie, Wayne Townson, ' arshal Bell. Billy Miller, and Guy rittain. Misses Lula Fain. Ida M. ihnson. Annie Moorman's teacher* | gTe also present. VORK BEGUN ON | GEORGIA ItOAD Wor was begun on the Georgia id of the Murphy to Atlanta highly Monday of this week by the iinn Contracting Company. A rge force of men were set to work ading the link between Belleview d Blairsville. The same company 10 has the contract to surface this ad and it is understood that the rface will be put on right behind e grading. L\ "5 * _____________ ADVERTISE IN THE SCOUT "IT WILL MAKE YOU RICH" ? North Carolina SI.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE HIGH SCHOOL SELECTS SPEAKERS FOR DEBATERS Murphy to Meet Canton and Waynesville in Forensic on 30th. ? Last Friday afternoon at tha school auditorium the preliminary de Late for the nui nose of selecting two debating team* to meet Canton and Waynesvill High Schools on the night of March 30th. was held. There were six students far th?? contest. Clyde McJunkin, Norcne Campeau and Bertha Mae Cope upholding the affirmative of the question: "Resolved, that Congress h??uld make provision for the enforcement of the decisions of the | Railroad Labor Board," and Maurine Fain, Charles CI egg and Lucius Cope defending the negative. All six speakers dd splendidly, however, only four can be in the triangular debate with Canton and Waynesville. Those* selected by the judges. Messrs. J. 11. McCall and Ralph Moody, were Maurine Fain. Norene Campeau, Lucius Cope and Charles Clegg. Maurine Fain and Lucius Cope will go to Canton and debate against Canton's AffirmaK^ tive team, and Wayncsville's negative team will conie to Murpfiy and debate against Norene Campeau and Charlies Clegg. upholding the arfirmative of the question stated above. The triangular debates. which will be held all over the state on the 30th. is the first preliminary in the annual state-wide high school debate? which are conducted by the University of North Carolina. All high schols joining the High school Dcbators Union are grouped in triangles. The school winning both sides of the debate over the other two schools in the triangle with ; them are entitled to send their repl rosentatives to t'hopel Hill to comIpete for the Ay cock Memorial Cup. About 2o0 high school enter thts j content every year and from seven tv-five to one hundred of these ?iend represeuMtives to the Vniversity for further preliminaries and for the final debate. This is the first time Murphy ; High School has entered the dcbat| ers union hut our school has two j very good teams and a good debate is assured for the 30th. ! AMENDMENTS TO ' BE SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE The Legislature, before adjourning last week, voted to submit four measures to the people as follows! A constitutional amendment limit| mg the indebtedness the CSS contract to seven and one half percent of its taxable property; second. a constitutional amendment pro riding that a{tier onr Legislature establishes a ainking fund to retire a - bond issue that no future legislature can repeal it; the third pro pojwd *iiicriut??nt strike? from the constitution the pmvision exempting a mortgage from taxation up to $3,000 on a home, and inserts In lieu thereof a stipulation that on mortgage* not exceeding $8,000 given for the purchase, bunding or repair of a home, one half the mortgage and the property to the extent of one-half the mortgage shall be exempt from taxation,, provided that both property owner and the mortgage holder reside and pay taxes in the same county. The fourth proposal of th* General Assembly that the voters wil have to decide is % the issuanoe of $2,.*>00,000 to be lent on long terms to veterans of 'h0 World War for the purchase of homes, the maximum of any one loan to be $3,000.00. - y