M.rch 16. '?? 50 GOOD 1 CIGARETTES ioc as# w : fsL?ss Sweet Clover and Honey Sweet Clover need and pure honey (contb and extracted) direct front || producing point nt lowest possible j prior Quality Guaranteed. Write ; for prices and circulars. ; 1 John A. Sheehan R D No. 1. FALMOUTH, KY. ii Pay your! Now and i The Books at dall and Coope Sneed's old Sta your receipt. L. A. R A Tax C( I Special i For the next few 9 SOUTHERN A Hj ly FREE with e\ H okee Scout at tf H you can get youi (arm paper for I B Obviously we cai B in order to stimi B advance agricull B Agriculture is tl B should be stimu n missioners have V onstrator to hel| B Even though h? B farmers, still ev< H Also, every fam I what is happen in is by reading y< I ^ Bfl Kill two birds % Si a good farm pa I ; FOR ONI I THE CI 8 m I COUNCIL ENGLISH TEACHERS MEET AT GREENSBORO Discuss Problems of the High Schools; Noted Lecturer Heard Greensboro, March 14.?The N. C. 'ouncil of English Teachers met at he North Carolina College for we?en on Friday and Saturday, the th and 10th. This council is conerned with the problems of English aching in the state, and Is endeav ? to assist in the organization >f es in English in the high h \ also concerned with the -ships of high school a"- l ? >* and its membership i- made u ? >f the leading English teachers in r?oth high school and college. \. th?meeting hote many practical talks j illU UiM WITV pivcr? * JvH J topics were considered as measuring achievements in Ejmlish teaching, i the problems of college entrance re-{ rti?rua*ions Saturday . morning of . t on. and there were round table r own T ax save Cost e now at Rank's Store (Dick nd) call and get LNDALL Elector 1 Subscript* r weeks a full year*3 subs GRICULTURIST will b ery subscription or rene le regular price of $1.50. r Home Paper and a goo the price of The Cheroke mot hold open this offer ilate interest in your Ho tural progress in the Cou i j chief source of wealth 1 ited and encouraged. T recently employed a Co > the farmers with their 1 s will give his entire time ery farmer should have e lily in the county should i ng in the county. _ The I our County Paper? Cherokee vith one stone?get you: per for the price of one )RGET, THIS OFFER 11 -Y A LIMITED TIME iEROKEE YOUR HOME COUN1 MURPHY, N. < &? 23?.... i; m - b THE CHEROKEE SCOlTf. MO discussion Saturday morning ol f many hi^h schol problems. Profes- . sor Howeil, of the University of 1 North Carolina, Department of English. presented the report of the committee which has been studying conditions of English teaching in over a hundred schools of the state. Miss Maude Royden, the famous English woman preacher and lecturer spoke at the North Carolina College on March 13. Miss Royden Is regarded as one ?f the greatest wo men speaxers living, ana nor coming was eagerly looked forward to. She is ss5!?t*f>t rector of the city temple in London, and has an international reputation as a pulpit orator. Myra Hess, noted pianist will appear at tvh college on April 19, av the tiime of th high school music contest here. The high school students dnd teachers who will comtto (ircai boro for this musical conteat on'April 19 and 20 will be entertained by teh college at M'ss Hess'r. concert. She will be assisted I v Dmitry Dobkin, Russian teno-. The musical contest this year Is open to all the high school1? of the . state, and each high school i spriv.l- | tged to send a representative to Greensboro for the state-wide cor.t*t in April. . A V CASTORIA i For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years J Always bears ~ Signature of a D?B85g?5| FOR TXt RCLItr OF Pain in the Stomach and Bowels. Intestinal Cramp Colic. Diarrhcea - SOLD EVERYWHERE - | i ??1 J I i Dn Offer |, 1 criptior.< to THE e given absolutewal to The Cher- ij In other words, I >d semi-monthly I e Scout. I long. It it made I me Paper and to in this section. It | 'he County Com- | puniy Farm Dem- jj :arm problems. J . i..:.: : !. B ; iv cuvuuig mui i good farm paper. - ' ' be interested , in test way to do this 1 ' Scout r Home Paper and 3 MADE SCOUT rY PAPER n c. rphy. north Carolina 'reparing Royal Couch of Tutankhamen Native Egyptians under th*? .?uprviadon of Howard Carter, prenarig the royal couch of King Tutnk-Amen from the tomb in the alley of Kings. - + -t- dGrape Creek 1 + + + Born to Mr. am! Mrs. T >m Graves , fine girl. The p oplo nr n ol he nave T?" ouiing crosrtics and gone to fori.rg. Mrs. Tom MeClure and littV !aeght? r. Virginia pent th? week 'nil with her fath er ar.d mother, Mr. ind Mrs. A. N. Lovingood. The wheat is look ng fine in th*> section. Next week will !?? a busy tiny* for Lhe girh as they are contemplating lowing their flower seeds. The Sunday School in progressing nicely under the management of S. A. Carroll. Itav. L. A. Carroll failed to fill his regular appointment hi re Saturday and Sunday. Mr. W. R. Martin was a pleasant visitor at Ogreeta last wi ek. Mr. Char do Doekery ha* moved his sa wmill on the head of Grape Creek and we hope it will do good sawing. Mrs. Marv Taylor, of Ogreeta, was a pleasant visitor here last week Elisha Lovingood is 0 ntht. sick list this week. Mises Nellie and Moliie Lovingood were in town las week. The aSunday school at orapa Creek is about dead, but 1 think it will come to life soon. Mr. Charlie Doekery is progressing fine with his ?aw mill. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Graves ? fine giil. Mr. M. R. Graves visited his son Sunday. Little Fay Poindexter .little daugTi ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bluffton Poln dexter, is gorwinR fat and saucy. M s Annie Hunsucker spent Sun day afternoon with Miss Kate Hurt' sucker. Mr. Allen Hembree, who has I>e?i going to school at Murphy, is visit ing home folks now. A large crowd was out fox hunt ing here Thursday night. Yob Can Gat Well Through CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS DR. E. E. SMITH CHIROPRACTOR Daridson ....... Building Murphy, N. C. W 4- + *********** + + 4- 4* T 4* ? Factory town $'* r *J* *4* 4*'n h-b ************* Mr. and Mrs- Price were viisting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fleming last Sun-'4' i 't dav ev^nmjr. to Mrs. Robinson has been very ill rar the last few days, but he is itrv*1 proving slowly. Mrs. J. M. Young was called t?> Peachtree on account of the illness .>f her mother. *? Mr. John Seabolt voting the v tisopital. as his cousin is there for tn operation. FOR S House, mill and six o. .. mile 1 <. m L-naka r sured for 0500; mill ale asked, which is on y $1. if desired. For further W. D. 31 OAK CREEK, < WE ARt DISTRIBUTERS OF "GARRETT C, COaw.VIRGINIA DARE VERMOUTH. RHISSSaiTW? WMWOAiawumMK SPrriM OBier ?i ?? urn miinv* WRITE FOR OUR LATEST CATALOGUE HAILED FREE COittAJMNG SPECIAL OFFERS ASK ABOUT OUR-VINOBAR.- IT IS GR.EA 4 -MONTREAL BOTTLERS CORP. I29E.SSMwSTC NEW YORK CITTf \ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE NCP , This special offer to increase only for a short period. Every si borship to our FRIENDSHIP CLI (both sexes) in every state and ci I Send 75c with your name and ad< "FOLD" MA 1151 Broadway, , _ lllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll SFND u: JOB PRI llllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllillltllilillllll TRY OUR for A1LM 1 ' ' If you have a cc ' j any ailment not r< Prescription, use o treat it. It won't g j If your condition must consult a Doc scription to us anc will be carefully cc pure drugs. If it is drugs, toil merchandise, get it of the best. I R. S. PARKER [ i ' i " - - r?n ? Miss Dora Lefevera, of Culber*OKr visitirifr Mr. and Mrs. Ben F!e?*r and Mrs. Robinson. Miss Hattie Lawrence spent Tue?- 1 iv nipht with Mr. and Mrs. FloatU*. They are on their way to Ga?- ' . nia. 1 AH th? section men of teh Souliin were called to Bryson City this eek. * Mr. Frank Williamson's father baa *en very ill but is slowly improv,(C' _ i-!? EADACllEriirwl In'JI minutes <>y fir. *?s I'ilx*. 'OuBciuiiiU'w " At ilruKKljMa. -SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT? SSOKBEBV^' 9 * ALE ty-five acres, quarter ? jostoffice. House ln>ne worth the price ,000. Terms on half particulars address? | uvcnw i 1\ I COLORADO The Thrill of Love!!! Do WOMEN LOVE Better? The thrill of the Human touch! Should a Woman advertise for a Mate? Why should a girl be married S Before 18 and the man before r 21? M arriage, Divorce, Love, Eugenics. Birth control, Sex Hy- IE glen, etc.. etc. How to Marry Successful and ? Attain Happiness These are only some of the subjects exclusively dealt with , in every issue of the 4*FOLD" .MAGAZINE, America'.* big and highclass LOVERS' PUBLICation. Devoted only to such problems. Send 10c for Sample Copy. and complete information about our friendship Club A" ONLY 75c per yr. 3 yrs for $2 the circulation of the "FOLD is ibscription includes FREE memL'B. with thousands of members ty. ires* to the? GAZINE New York City, U. S. A. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiio 3 YOUR NTING iiiiiiiiiiHuiHiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiinniiup REMEDIES i all f MM?n?M?MWM?1^? ENTS M >ld, rheumatism, or :quiring a Doctor's ur remedies and jet well by itself. i is such that you tor, bring your pre1 be assured that it impounded of fresh et articles, and allied here and be assured >RUG COMPANY ftm by, N. C. ; i HaHBu^nBnnnBn