*.rcktri?23 J50 I If GOOD lldGAftETTES J ioc 8 GENUINE iC KEm "Bull" llT^rV DURHAM I* ]J . .>Ju- TOBACCO ft wee t Clover and Hone;, i f Sweet C'.orcr Aeed and pure honey| comb and extracted) direct from S reducing point at lowest possible ^Lire. Quality Guaranteed. Write r prices and circulars. i, S John A, Siicthan M. D. No 4. FALMOUTH. KY. Pay your! Now and 5 The Books r dall and Coope Sneed's old Star your receipt. L. A. RA Tax Co 'I I'll IIB??P?W I Special i For the next few SOUTHERN A( ly FREE with eve okee Scout at the you can get your farm paper for tl Obviously we can: in order to stimu! advance agriculti Agriculture is the should be stimuli missioners have 1 f onstrator to help Even though he farmers, still evei Also, every famil what is happenii is by reading yoi The ( Kill two birds wi a good farm papi DON T FOl FOR ONL THE Ch r* [ V Persimmon Creek {***********^ Hain is very plentiful in our se on. People are getting very badly b ehind with their work. Mr. Jack Simonds, of Ogrceta, isiting relatives on Persimmt reek. Mrs. Bessie Hogsed visited Mi lora Crisp Sunday. The Sabbath School at this pla w i large crowd Sunda )vcr>l>ody come. Mr. J. H. Crisp was out ridii >unday afternoon. Mr. John Stiles, of Murphy, w ^ our section the latter part of la .eck looking after hia home work. I?orn to Mr. and Mrs. Thad Stil ine girl. "own T ax Save Cost e now at Ranr's Store Dick id) call and get .NDALL dlector MinQrrinti weeks a full year's sul jRICULTURIST will ;ry subscription or rer ; regular price of $1.51 Home Paper and a *0 ie price of The Cherok lot hold open this off* ate interest in your H iral progress in the Co ; chief source of wealtl ited and encouraged, ecently employed a C the farmers with their will give his entire tirr ry farmer should have ly in the county shoulc ig in the county. _ The ir County Paper? Cherokee ith one stone?get yo* sr for the price of on RGET, THIS OFFER 1 Y A LIMITED TIM1 rrnni^rr LLRUIiLE rOUR HOME COUN IURPHY, N. 4 L-:V-,W-^k^ I ~ THE CHESOKEE SCOUT. I + Latest In Millinery ' Creations t 1 - Jr--' V. % ^ A dinner hat with the new double p ?rim oi lace. B The revenue officer- passed thru H here th?- other night, and captured a : till on Hearpaw. 8 Mr. J. II. Crisp is planning i>> build on k!? lots nt Mnrnh.. soon. |C???S RBMEDilfFOR THE RELIEF OF Pain in the Stomach and 1 Bowels. Intestinal Cramp Colic. Diarrhoea EJ ~ SOLD EVERYWHERE ? : ion Offer sscription to THE be given absolutelewal to The Cher3. In ether words, od semi-monthly ;ee Scout. ;r long. It is made I [ome Paper ar.d to " iunty. 2 l in this section. It j The County Com- I lounty Farm Dem- | farm proW?m?. | le to advising with a good farm paper. 1 be interested / in best way to do this t Scout ir Home Paper and e. S MADE : scout TY PAPER c. -."N \ mjfcPHV. NORTH CAWOLIHA FARM DRUDGERY LESS 300,000 Farms Lightening Work by Electrical Means. On Others Women Carry an Average of Forty-five Tone of Water ?very Year. Old fashioned drudgery without any social compensation Is decreasing among the farms of America. This can be positively stated after examining a eurvey of farms made by elec TV.? -Kl?? of that survey was that one-tenth of all the farms of the United States are equipped for electrical operation. It sounds significant to say that ; 300.000 farms are now "doing It elec| trically " But it sounds eveu more i significant to state that there are 2.700.000 other farms where electricity Is unknown. On these latter the old burdens are borne In the old way. The women feel them probably more than the men. Any farm woman who has reached middle life and who has never had an electrical appliance in her house knows how drudgery can kiii uie The investigation mentioned brought out certain information. It was found11 that 61 per cent of the farm women on unelectrlfied farms carry water from the well every day and average about forty-five tons of water a year. Often the women assist In the dairy work of the farm, and 88 per cent of them wash the milk pails, while 65 per cent clean the cream separators. In their daily housework?the same rcr? work that city housewives per form?94 per cent of the women do tbeir own baking and 95 per cent of them do their own sewing. They cannot fall back upon the convenient corner bakery or grocery for a loaf of bread or a dozen or so of rolls. Neither can they readily call in a dressmaker when they want to have new clothes. And on most farms the noonday meal Is the big meal of the day. representing an appalling amount of labor. Then, if ever, they need a power aside from their own hands If black drudgery is to be overcome. On farms where electric power has been put to work the story is not what it us? d to be. And the spread of the electrical idea among farmers is brightening the future for young farm wives just "setting up" with their husbands. so that these young women may avoid the bowed backs and un timely traces of advancing age which their mothers and their grandmothers suffered. The new emancipation, most observ } ?... -4.!1 ?v is colnc to come among those 2.700.000 farms where electricity has not yet taken up Its abode. PROVERBS OF ITALY Tis u hail house thut has not an old ram li. It. A had agreement la better than a good lawsuit. A man's hat In his hand uever (lid him uny harm. Never show the bottom of your purse to your mind. He who gives fair words feeds with an empty spoou. The best watching la that which en rues from heaven. "fell a woman she la beautiful, and she will soon turn fool. l'alnt and patches give offense to a husband but hope to a lover. Keep company with good men and you'll tncreuse their number. When your neighbor's house la or I lire, curry water j?u. I ? He who would have not trouble lx | this world must not he boru in It. I Once In every ten years every roar (needs his neighbor.?Chicago Herald Rata miner. WISPS OF WISDOM A uiuu or a woiuau In love la a #u.f< bet. Leaves and Illusions have their sea son. Energy In resignation brln^ se renily. A suie way to popularity Is to at tend not to ths needs but to the deslrei of others. Who Judges others hnstfly con tfeinns himself. Reware of little expenses. A little leak will sink a great ship. It Is s long way frorn the wigwam to the congressional library. We forget to strive and aspire, to do better even than Is expected of us. He wbo owns an acre of land owns to the center of the earth and up to heaven. I ? ~~ In America a coat of arms counti Ian than * pair of strong arms In fl coat. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years pSrd&tfBX | You Cad Got Well Through I CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS DR. E. E. SMITH CHIROPRACTOR i | Davidson ------- Building j Murohv. N. C. I " ' FORS House, mill and si: or mile f \ rri Unaka sured for $500; mill al asked, which is only $1 if desired. For further W. D. B OAK CREEK, wo WE ARE DISTRIBUTERS or "CARRETT C COr.k?.VIACINIA DARE VERMOUTH -J n nrtm?*ci T?i, 1 ri -r?H| rr-^m,i.L ?IIU PER IZ QUARTS. WRITE TOR OUR LATEST CATALOGUE HAILED TREE COKUUKMC SPECIAL OFFERS, A5AAOJUI OUR-VIHOBAR- IT IS GREA ^ONTR-EAL BOTTLERS CORP.I2? E.53IA. ST. ? . NEW YORX CUT SUBSCRIPTION PRICE NO' This special offer to increase only for a short period. Every si bership to our FRIENDSHIP CU (both sexes) in every state and ci Send 75c with your name and adi "FOLD" M A 1151 Broadway, IIIHillllllllllillllllllllilllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SF.ND u: JOB PRI] t iiiiiniiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii TRY OUR ! for AILM 1 If you have a co any ailment not re Prescription, use o> . . i. treat it. It won t g ' If your condition I must consult a Doct scription to us and will be carefully co pure drugs. 1 If it is drugs, toile merchandise, get it I of the best. R. S. PARKER D! l S Murph i : n "T 3 | Thedford's | [Iblack-Ii r draught | II Liver fl ; 1 j Medicine J j ^ B (Vegetable) 8 Ci'iTrTiTi'TTTi' iv i rr 1 i v rd >ALE | tty-five acres, quarter I postoffice. Hou?e in- I one worth the price I ,000. Terms on half ? particulars address? | RYSON I COLORADO 1 The Thrili of Love!!! Do WOMEN LOVE Better? Should u Woman advertise for j a Mate? Why should a girl be married Before 18 and the man before ) 2l? Marriage, Divorce, Love, Eugenics, Birth control. Sex HyKicn, etc., etc. * How to Marry Successful and Attain Happiness These are only some of the subjects exclusively dealt with .j in every i-^sue of the 4*FOLD" MAGAZINE, America's bijr and H*hi!ass LOVERS' P'JBLICation. Devoted only to such ? problem*. Send 10c for Sample Copy. j ( and rnmnlatc information t about our friendship Club W ONLY 75c per yr. 3 yrs for $2 the circulation of the "FOLD is jbscription includes FREE memL'B, with thousands of members ty. Ircu to the? GAZINE N>w York City. U. S. A. iimniiiim?ummiiini?iiHHnnap?i 3 YOUR NTING llllilliliillllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID [REMEDIES 9 all ENTS Id, rheumatism, or quiring a Doctor's ur remedies and et well bv itself. vj is such that you /~vr- ivvin/w ??a.. ? ujiiig jyuuf pre- | be assured that it | mpounded of fresh I t articles, and allied 1 here and be assured RUG COMPANY I ait Um I ?,N.C. I

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