Ct)t Cfjerofetc S>cout JW OftcUl Orgu of Murphy aa< ftwkli Couaty, Nartk C*roliM. 1KYAN W. SIPE, Editor Manoft MISS H. M. BERRY, AuocUte Ed.t< PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY S?b?cirptioa Rata* Ona Year $1.5 Sight Months l.C Six Months.... .$ Four Months .6 , Pa/abla Strictly in Advanca. - j " ~ . Display advertisements. 25c per co mn inch; legal advertisements, war ads, reading notices, obituaries, care f thanks, etc., 5c a line each inse boo. Contract ratas will be furnisl d immediately upon request. We reserve the rigfft to refus advertisement A a shady or suspi eions character, which are likely t mislead our renders, or any othe advertisements or reading noticei not In keeping with the dignity thi paper maintains. V.ntsrtut in tW? no*toffire at Murphy North Caroltaa, as second class mai matter under the act of M'ch 3, tocifr AJmlMln ITMWIiIH* I THE AMEWCAN PKt.s.* ASSOCIATION BOME THINGS THE SCOUT WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN (MURPHY AND CHER(iWFr CDI'N'TY | I ' ? In Mnrp'ay 1. An active Board of Trade Oj- Chamber of Commerce. 2. More manufacturing industries. 3. New Passenger Stations? A Union Station. 4. Move Improved Streets. 5. Kttgulai I brary Hours. 0. A Ucad r Club. In Chcrokre " 1. A >\ t m of county roads sv; .. citing the Stats i always. J 2. More and better raUb raising and dairyiaut ^niwin^ J(\ I S. : TV r ?%S.| CI 1J Da r I-*.-J uiivuiu a?v wiuptviww Nearly every $tranger online tf Murphy asks what the hand*om< building at the end of Valley Rivet Avenue is. Some haVt been h r< twice since the church was hcgur and when speaking of the chur.-l want to know f it is the one startec over a year ag \Vt? are all prouc of the chute!:. But we cann t poin to it with so mucy, pride as we eouh if it were finished. As it stands i isn't worth much to the Methodis people or to the community; com pletcd. it would h worth more thai Jz^ . can be estimated in dmlars and cent-* Nothing succeeds like suec. I the churc^ prospers, it attracts am holds pco, !e. The nfluencv f ' fine church building in the i-oirmun ity would be trene uiv u It weuh make th< Methodist denominatioi {stronger and when ? no churc^ pr pers. the whole community prosper? Ther fore the whole community i interested in seeing this church com p'.Ood It is n bravo undertaking for th local cHurch. Many sacrifices hav ro doubt b n made to curry i?n th work ae far as it has gone. Coul pot* another f.nal ? f f" rt be made e that work ?u!d be rt^uraed whe the spring weather conns. If th chur. h could not t>e completely fir I ished. perhaps the window^ could t put in and whatever finishing nee< ; ed to make the church usaW. Y f done right away. Th s is a projci ! the whole community Is intereste L- in and it is hoped that -> nv thing ca j be done soon. OLD FOLKS NELL NOT BE FEEbLE ? TF you are "getting along in y ars" I you don't need to sit in a chinrv * corner .and dream of the days hen yoo wen4 full of hfe and vitality. Keep your blood rich and pure and your system buiit up with Gude's Pepto-Mangan. and you will fee4 stronger, younger and livelier than you have for years. Get it today and watch the result. Your druggist has Gude's?liquid or tablets, as you prefer. Gude's Pepto-Mangait Tonic and Blood Enricher | , r???? I THE C * I IT ISN'T the Can, * you when you're that walks with you o >o that counts. 10 o unf Hiawas , afraid t.. g,. to mill for fear th a e meet a girl with a plan book. d Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eller visited o Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ledford and famn ily Sunday. ie i_ Mr. J- ss Column is very sck at this writing. 1 ,e Miss Ethel and Bonnie Ledford t visited M. M. LedfoiM Saturday d l ight r.r.d Sunday at Shoal Creek n J. P. Bryant entertained a large _ crowd with a s-mv.ng Sunday right. Everybody had a nice time. Letter Led ford visited his cousin. Rali h I.edford. at Shoal Creek. Saturday night. The Sunday School at Shearer's school house has revived agai; There was a large crowd present Sunday. Everybody is invited to attend. J. H. Runion and W. M. Burger are doing some nice business with their saw nidi since they have had it fixed. Marion Adams has returned to his job at pucktown. They have received a 24c raise. THE CHKtOKEl SCOUT. MU1 ill iANG! I that walks behind dead: it's the Gang i while you're here, " : i Service Notes 5, County Agent skimming of the separator. Tht , | n\ lk may also be fed warm from a separator. Hood separators cost j from $30 to $100. depending on the | . ki mining capacity. In town* far | from creameries, cream stations and ! c??iS routes sre ??tab!iau?.-u. T!i?-s?i give a market right at the door or the nearest town for the cream at a cash price and one can get the can back sooner. They work on the principle that it is cheaper to ship by express. However, if there i* no station near you. you can ship small quantities by express at a profit. It ' docs not matter if tht. cream is sour * so lone as it i* not too oM rf ' bad flavor. In winter it is not nec- 1 essary to ship but once a week if ' kept in a co1^ place. In summer it will be necessary tc ship two or three times a week and keep the cream in a good cool spring. This is in no way aimed to induce anyone to put in dairy stock that does not live where they can sell the whole nulk. In the production of beef calves, if good milking strain^ of beef cattle an ' u.-ed. there will be a surplus of milk and cream at flme- and this is the most profitable way of disposing of it. I hope that we may be able to start some cream routes this sum- 1 mer and if any one iK interested I would be glad to give further in ronmitioi! at any una n SUFFERING? . i Most of the pain we suffer is i unnecessary. Why continue to ensure it?to sacrifice your I, youth, beauty, and enjoyment" to it? i The combination of simple ) j harmless medicines found in C.. Mi!*' Anti-Pain PiDs is ejpeceffective in re/ lieving pain without bad aftereffects. | For more than thirty-five I vears sufferers from headache, neuralgia, backache, toothj I ache, sciatica and pains irom other causes have found relief by taking these pills. w ny aor. i yens ny mem. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Free Flower Seeds You will be glad to know that Has t*Sg5*. "The Svutu'a Seedsman. ?iii give awav about 2,000.000 packets ol seed of the South s most popular flow ers this spring. TherA :? nothing in the home that can coi#pare wi.h rich colored flowers. They bfTfehmn us all up and make an? house attractive You can't pl.int too many flowers and this opportunity tc g?M ahirley Poppies. Ev rhtsiing Flowers, Zinnias. C&sincs and Mexican Burn , ing Bush afwolu'oly free, is certainly to be welcomed by ail readers of this paper You can get th^m* Just write to I Hastings* for the new 1923 Catalog. It telle you how to get flower :-eeds free I It has 100 pages of b?a^tlfhl pbotoj graphic pictures and correct descrlp Itions of gar.c*n flower and field seeds bul^s and plants, and also Is full of helpful Information that la needed 1 almost daily in every Southern hone. It's the moet valuable seed look ever published and you will be mighty glad you're got It. Just write and ask tor the,new Catalog. M. G. HASTINGS CO, Atlanta, Ga. ?SUBSCRIBE TO Tup SCOUT . ?PHY. WORTH CAROLINA Commander of American Army of Occupation Comes Home '. . | ! I MAJOR GENKRAL HENRY T. AI.LFN arrived home recently on :ht? S. S. Georgre Wa hinjrton. General Allen proved hi? pleasure at arriving home after hi? flw year* aer. 1 rice with the Army of Occupat ion in ! iler. ..iy by "wearing** hi.- best mile. b -Jj. j: Culberson XI l- -} 4* i Miwes Hazel and Maud Nichols. ?f Culberson, spent Sunday with Misg Elzia Owen by. Mr. Worth Rich, of Mineral Bluff, pent Sunday wit^ his brother-inaw. Mr. William Smith. Mr. Birt Shields, of Akron. Ohio, s visiting home folks this week. \t;.? P.nn.p u-.?? rf'j Jr. and Mrs. W. C. Mason, who is ittendincr school at Blue Rdjre. Ga.. s visiting home folks this wn k. Mrs. Cora Keith, of Blue Ridge, la., is visiting Culberson this \v? ?k. Mr". Ball, mother of Mrs. G. E. Mickey, has been very sick for a Vw days. Hope she will soon re over. Quite a number of Culberson ;onts seemed to enjoy Sunday lmthng in the d?w of the morning and he sweet odor of the corn tassels. f + ^ ^ ^ Jf. ^ X ^ ,X ? X + + 4- a. J. 4 Postelle i + + + + -r +******* ***** ! Mrs. Andrew Thonv>son and children spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mr.;. John Mason. E. H. Allen made a business trip f n Suit ThiiwHor Miss Glenn Taylor spent the pa-t ueek with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen. Mrs. R. P. Allen ha? been very ill for the past week but is some better at iiiis writing. Mrs. Mill Freeman was a pleasant visitor at Postell Thur-day. John Mason kilted a line hop one day last week. Wonder who will he 'he next of our people on Shoal Creek to go to Gastonia? Mr. Jim Swans a has cahe hack from Gastonia ar.d brought his family?all sick. They have only been pone about a month. Jim says no lore Gastonia for him. He, his wife and -ix children are all at his fatherin-law's, John Mason. Mr. Arthur Swanson and sister. Mis Ethel, of Farner. Tenn., visited their grand parent*, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason; also their sister, Mr.\ Eller White, last week. Mrs. Charlie Haris and three chllj dren, of Flax Creek, visited Mrs, ' U.11 - 1 rTutt's Pills?i j v EneMe Dyspeptics to oat whatever <1 they wish. Cause food to assimilate. Nourish the body, fttve appetite. DEVELOP FLESH I | L Ed Alien made a business trip to Oak Park Saturday. ( Rev. Tom Crowdcr made a house t covering Friday and it rained so hard he just made it over Saturday. Mr. Andrew Thompson cum? u;? S from Ducktown to v vt his family e last week. John Ma or.. Mell Frcanan, and < I'U.'ii Stile* ..ver on th.- t j ship side on road business Saturday Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Taylor and lit i tic son. Jewel, of Suit visited Mrs. || "Strong a lfi "T WISH you could know how ' I |i JL much I am improved since 1 11 Uk;r.g aw Caria!.M writes , T J Mrs. Nannie Brown, of Black B Ar* "You wouldn't know jgli me for the same weak invalid I , II was before 1 took it. At my ... I * * had to keep oft rnjr feet or I would (fall. 1 couldn't do my housework, and Just got where I'd most as lief | be dead as living. Some one told my husband of Cardui. He got [car " The Worn; Southern Syst ANNUAL F United Conlede NEW ORLE April 10-! A . ?? >U? ?U II U1 IIIC <* uu \ * em Railway will sell rot Orleans at the following For Members of th Veterans ard immediat families accompanying mile distance traveled it For sons of Confec federated Southern M United Daughters of th I Sponsors, Matrons and first class one-way fare All tickets to read each direction. DATES O Tickets will be said froi olina Points April FINAL Final Limit of all Ticl All tickest will be so certificate plan, certific. by proper authorities o! erans' Association to v< i lies which entitles them rmie, miles traveled, an rates from Son? of V? Southern Memorial Daughters of the Conf< trons and maids of hon< ard fare for the round t Through car arran^ rates will be announccc J. H. 1 | DIVISION PASS |l 42 Haywood St. I Friday, March U, aytor's parents, Mr. ami K,, - H . Allen. Saturday night ud ?Jl 5 Mire F.liia Allen visited her hn4.ll r, Ed Allen. Saturdaj t'.rni ' B| Miss Glenn Taylo^pent Saturd^BI ,-ith her uncle and family. I Guy Montgomery Is at home f?>BI 'hattanooga. visiting friend* andll Relatives on Shoal Creek. 11 Mr. Riley Kilpalrick nrd dangh.ll . r. Miss Ethel, went to ''ilbtnall .t-irday to visit the former', hrotkBl r and s:-tcr at that place. Ha Mr. and Mrs. Kd All. n and cfa^flL Iren spent Sunday with Mr. A!Ie*vfl -r,n" |f *rs. Mcl| Freeman was otrt S*Q.B]!i '. y afternoon on the hunt of " > J V i:d 'VJell" Ml? Jtlp: It for me and I took three bottle || I b before 1 stopped?then off and on II lor the lest three years Jui;? - .I,?kci tonic. I saw a decided improve- T v.l ment after mjr first bottle. I used the three, and wes able to do my II jHy, work with ease, and now I sew l|'Hr< for my family and for others. 1 * * Hv. am feeling fine, and strong and \m HidHi Take Cardul! It may oe lust |l Hthe medicine you need f s IDUIyl an's Tonic f\ I Railway II em 1 REUNION I rate Veterans ] B ANS, LA., H 13, 1923 I ; occasion, the South- I fl ind trip tickets to New I B r fares: I fl e United Confederate I fl e members, of. their I fl them, one cent per Ifl "i each direction. j I lerate Veterans, Con- I fl lemoi ial Association, I I p Pnnfprtprarv and I I r l f iviaias or rronor, one an for the round trip. I 9 via the same route in | J F SALE: m Western North Car6, 7, 8, and 9th. LIMIT: kets to Be April 30th id on the identification ites having been issued F the Confederate Vet'terans and their famito rate of one cent per id also separate cevtifirterans. Confederated Association. United sderacy, sponsors, ma- I or at rate sf one stand rip. | gemantc and positive i later. Wood I ENGER AGENT AakMnU* N. C. 1 3