Bf .. - M."* 13, IW3 r GET O! } WE Cl I LUMBER I CHER I Factory Town If Local! aimd 1^^= fwoo t?:i?:p? T N Hill and-Mrs. Paul Hy ttt entertained at the homt? of Mrs. II Hyatt Wednesday ufUrr.cor.. Thr house wi- beautifully decorated with ferns and Easter lilies. Two I Contests were held. In the Shakeapetfean contest Mrs. J. W. Pavidion won the prize, a very beautiful unity case. In the other contest, 'Suppotions for a Tea Party," the prize was won by Mrs. L. E. Bay1st, the prize hemp a linen Handikerchief, a detiviouo silsd course was served, the colop scheme of green and white being carried out. Uesdamos Baylesa and Thompson assisted in serving. The guests were Mesdames \V. A. Bryson, J. W. Davidson. W. M Axley, L. E. Bayless, J. W Thompson, Henry Aiken, T. J. Mauney, J. N. Moody. Mills. Raymond Lybrook, W. K. Dickson, M. W. Bel!, James Mallonpe, J l?. Storey. Don NVitherspoon, IV. W. Hyde, J. C. Slocumb, Willard Cooper and J. H. McCall. Mr. Hyatt, of Bryson City, who las been here taking treatment unler the care of the local Chiropraeor. relumed to his hnnie much in>troved a few days ago. KCn! Withersnoon returned rortt northwestern North Carolina Vedrw-d.-u afternoon, where he had I fen on It-gal busines:. M? r?. Jack Herbert and Bruce tistol ?>f Andrews, were here on usinesg Monday. I.ittle Mis* Grace Wills Bell celerat< .1 her sixth birthday last Rat rday by entertaining a number ol er little friends at her home or 'allty River Avenue. A number o! am? were played, after which th< ue?t gathered around the tabic nd enjoyed th.- birthday cake and th?T refreshments. Those presen' fere Mis>es Annie Moorman Can ler, Fannie Deweese, Margaret nn< lary Witherspoon. Sue Beth Lloyd 'ranees Lybrook. Grace Parker, An, I ill and Mrs. L. P. Kinsey. Tkird Gene\ TTn:?? c .to other l.izatire can replace Dr. CalJHf wcli't in the conuJcace el those who ate it 'Pi!!. Ft K arc iho-jMi'iu? ??' SB I healths . robust young men and |H a'otneii w!i?< hu\e ne\er in all S their lin taki-n any other la\an Uvc for coustifKition than l)r. M Caldwell's Svrup H r?P*?n. tlK-ir BB ;irBBk parents were BB i|faf| Rivrn it by their Hi I ' 1ftmMM parent s; the grandparent* K usinK it today. H j It i* the one HB ativn I I 0Ak9p ed to nil tJi?* fain|M v. safe for tlw |H J little ones, effcoI tive in grownups, so compounded [ that elderly pt)[tlr. who an* con1^? JtSSily fcr*"?d to n ln\Ntiv( because the intestinal muscle!1 m? wcalciatii^, iiflil incrt'sH do-iape unnecessary. This wonderful cun--ti|KUU)U remedy has beer used continuously for 30 years and o\er 10 million bottle* on now told annually, the laiyisl selling family fauaUve in the world! The cost averages but i <*nt a dose. Every druggist sell it, and under a guarantee to d< as claimed or your money will b< refolded. Millions of carefully conduct** bomea arc ne\ er w itlaiut a botth of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin uTR LOW JARANTEE THE QUAL FOR ALL B ED CEDAR SHINGLES OKEE MF MURPHY, N.C.? P<er??mal jji ?ONF >o ?30M Miss Lynn Albright spent the week with her parents in Waynes-1 I Miss II. M. Berry, of Greensboro, J A ociate Editor of The Scout, i* j here on business th's week. She ^11 leave Monday for Louisville, Ky.. where she has an engagement to speak to the Good Road? Association ant! Louisv'Pe Chamber of Con-. merce '?n in<? neviiopmeni 01 goou roads in North Carolina. The regular monthly social nv^ting of the Missionary Society of the Methodist church met Tuesday aftj ernoon, March 20th. at two-thirty, at the home of Mrs. J. H. Phaup. After a short busincs session the mission gtudy class took up the lesson of Africa, led by Mrs. J. H. Hampton. At the conclusion of the le;*on, Mrs. Phaup, assisted by her sisters. Mesdnmas Clark and John<?n. and iMts Elizabeth Abemathy. I served a delicious salad course. ! Twenty ladies of the society were oreren* and enjoye) Mrs. I"haup*? i hospitality. I Mr. J. V. Davis of Charlotte was here last week. Mr. Davis was a 1 former resident of Murphy. Mrs. Catherine Campeau. ?ho ha. , hewn employed in Birmingham, Ala., | is spending sometime with her chilj dren and sister, Mrs. McCraqey. i Mr. J. J. Simonds. of Oregon and 1 California, is visiting his cousins, A. M. Simonds, and other relatives j : nthe county. P. Mr. Paul J. Ransom, of the Bu? i ' reau of Rehabilitation of the State rj Department of Education, was here ? the past week observing the men taking training here under the bu| reau'* direction. He was well pleast ed with their progress. 1 Mrs. Z. Y. Brown, who has beer , living hare with her mother, Mrs. R , V. Wells, this winter, i.* .-pending the week in Asheville. ration is tyrup Pepsin ANY FAMILY MAY TRY IT FREE Thntuam?* f parents r.rr lutinj llifmirit. i " 11 iirrr ;. /? / ft -/a <ruif ?rttrlhy laraiirr that ar.vone in f/u; / urpr > .xi /<. /.-v .S'vrun I'rptin. I trill g! i./fv ;?# V a /itff r .' tantplr batllr. s^iiirirnl f?r un ?i< >?w<r It'riY* ?nr ti sn.J -1 JJtrtt l*r. H. it. ?'tahltfrl!. f>t:\ W iithtngl.m HI., M.ntwlL'. lllinuit. 1 Ifo it n?tr ' Mr. J. B. Bolk of Shaw. Miss., n-liis on it entirely to keep his children in hwlln. nnd Mrs. Catherine Connolly of J? r-ev City, J.. declares that not ??nfy h r- I self but nil her neighbors and friends use it and tell others al*?ut ' it. There is scarry!y a dav that f someone ?n n family does not need it for const iputien, flatulency, [ nuto-intoxication. biliousness, in! ""isnninj. hniidndns. [ colic an.l cramps, and to break ' up fewrs urn! cSSE. 1 Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in a acient it foully-balanced com" pound of I'atvptiuu senna wilh * fM'psin nnd pleasant-tasting 1 aM&atics. The formula is on the 1 package. As the popularity of 1 this natural vegi-table laxative * increases, the public discards tJio 3 harsher pliysirs like calomel, coalt?r in cOndy form, salt w aters and 1 powders. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup s Pepsin empties the bowels more cleanly raid without any danger. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. MUI PRICES '1TY UILDING G. CO. I P hone 95 a BBBBKmnH 3IB2X3 "TONS! LITIS Apply :hicKl7 over throat? J r cover with hot tlannsl? { VICKS T7 V AFO KUB Oucr / 7 Million Jan Used Yearly | , I Mrs. Warner Smith, of Reliance. \ Ter.n., was here several days the ! p:. t week on business. Mis Loucine Wells, who is teach1 ing in the Proctor Public Schools, : spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. R. V. Wells. She had as her ffuest while here her friend. Miss Ruby Wilsons, of l'roctor. Mr*. Z. Y. Brown give a delightful rook party at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. V. Wells, Saturday evening in honor of her -ister. Mi >. Loucine Wells, and her guest, Miss Ruby Wilsons. Tho^ pi. nt were Mises Eva Nell Mauney, M i . Norvtll, Carcie Ferguson, Lyni \ ' 'ght Alma Manning. Mrs. R. T. C > ell, Mr. and Mm. H. G. Elk 1 Mesrs. W. E. Studstill, W. W. <1ger, Neil Sneed, Ralph Moody, and L. E. Nichols. Miss Mary N . v 'i j and Mr. W. F.. Studstill won h gh sciycg and were jgiven a beautiful ; bunch of sweet peas and a handkerchief, respectively. At the conclusion of the cards, delicious re, j freshments v/ore served. Hugh Brittain was given a surprise party Saturday evening by a number of his school mates and I friends. Many games were enjoyed, following which Misses Carrie and Gertrude Brittain served refreshments. The guests were Misses i Elizabeth Ford. Annie Margaret and Emogene Axloy, Grace Lybrook, I Maurine Fain, Mary Akin, Blanche Teajruc, Elizabeth Maneval, Lena McJunkin, Margaret aMneval, and i Messrs. Garrison Maneval, Lidel Cough, Henry Barnett, Herbert MiCall, Arthur and Charles Beal, Clyde .MO.umKin, II. .uanux una laui i J. Hanson, of Raleigh. ,1 Mr. T. \\ . Porter, of Andrews, is here on busincs this week. : Mr. and r.Ms. Arthur Fisher and t Little chihl. of Haye.sville, .-lopped I over here Wednesday night on their . way U Mrs. F;sher*s h ;me in West Virginia. I |iiP? on the streets was J ( completed Wednesday morning when | the little triangular space at the intersection of Tennessee and Depot Streets was poured with concrete. It will be about fifteen days before the streets can be opened to traffic. School, which has been suspended for the week on acount of the development of a case <>c two of a continuous disease, will in all probability be resumed again Monday, according to unofficial unnuunceiucttl made by members of the school board today. 'The Little Clodhopper' .Next Thursday Evening TU? rinjk..?.u>. tk.. ?;?v. 4 ?"" VIVUIIUI'I-V* '"V ??V of a comical play to he jriven next Thursday evening:, March 21?th. at the school auditorium by Circle No. I 2 of the Woman's Missionary Socie| ty of th* Metholist Church. There ane seven characters in the play, all | local talent. The play is unusually comical nd the public i? assured a j delightful evening:. There will be i an admission charge of 25c for all 1 the proceeds from which will be uaed for the benefit of the church. The I r iblic is urged to hear the dat? m I ind ard attend. RPHY, NORTH CAROLINA mW Nose stopped up?^k IMENTHOLATUM 1 x^ ouickly clears ^5?1Z3? *~ WANT ADS . Ti:<- ideal Hosiery Hills, Maryville, xnn., will always furnish steady m: Iy . at to women and g rls of ;ocd character who are 1C year of I l ie-hod od men can fin ! steady . niployment within one-half mile I om the ho ery mill in furnace' ooin of alumnae Company of Amcr- ! ca, Alcoa, Tcnn. 22tf. 1 IVL PAY $36.00 weekly full t'me. ?Cc an hour spare time selling 1 losiery, guaranteed to wear tour i 9 nonths or replaced free. 36 tyle o Pre# samples to workers. Salary or a JO per cent commission. Good r.o?- ' I ierv is an absolute necessity. you ] J n sell it eui.ii>. experience unry. K.1 JLE KNITTING *. Darby, I x. STRAIGHT ?ALAI*T CSS per week and expenses to man or woman 1 with t.g to intioduce POULTRY MIXTURE. I .i ek3 Ffg Co. F.a t S Louis. III. 11 WANTKIi Men or women to take | orders for genuine guaranteed ho. 1 iery for men women and children, j ' Eliminates darning. Salary $7.r? per week full time, $1.."0 an hour spare ; time. Beautiful sp ing line. Inter- 1 national Stocking Mills, Norrj.-town, 1 I'a. 29-10t-p AGENTS VVANTCI) I ! . J. R. Watl. ns Company will employ a , lady or g. neleman agent in Murphy. Wat kins Products are known every here, and our salespeople make big^ incom-.s. Invest gate this opportunity! Full particulars and valuable samples sent free to hustlers who mean husines. Write today. THE J. R. WAT KINS, CO. Dept. SS, New ' WANTED? I Sltidder man. Circular mill sawer and loggers; only fir?t-c!??? men need apply. HIAWASSEE RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Knoxville, Te:-* . FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Varieties: Jersey Wakefield. -VI Head. Winstead. Copenhagen. Ma: ki t and Charleston; shiptvd par-el post delivered; 25c per 100; >'1 | pi-.- iju; 5u.oo per i.uuu; ny ox. : >1 r?0 per 1,000. HKii! KNOI.l. ITH'CK FARM, E. B. Harreld. Pro. r i -r, Kcm-r ville, N. C.. Route 4. ISc.x 11. 2t-p. I nnrl For SaIa 22 5 -acre farm land for sale. 70 acre* cor- \ ton land, no ditches; pood timber and buildings, freestone water, in Gilmer County; bargain in this farm as T am going into other business. Write r see W. H. GARNKR, Ellijay, Ga.. Route 1, Box 50. "* 1 ? WANTED?Five men. S3.00 per day. Board $0.00 per week; aeid wood cutting.. .1. F. ROGERS, Old Fort. vN. C. 31-2t-p. SALESMAN WANTED?To sol . t orders for lubricating oils, greases ! and paints. Salary or commission. A.I.I^ Tlir IMDt'l'V nil I'M I Cleveland Ohio. NOTICE ? LOCUST POSTS FOR A SALE HERE IN MURPHY. SEE II. N. WELLS. 32-H-p SALESMEN WANTED?Fruit Tree SsJwwmb, profitable. pleasant, steady work! Good side lint for farmers, toac1 ers and other?. Permanent job f??r pood workers. Write for terms. Concord Nurseries. Pept 33."i, Coneord. Ga. <33-12t-p> ' R SALE?Fifteen or twenty full blood Khode I: land hens. E. B. J XORVELL, Murphy, N. C. fc -,w J r rfm pH "i'm Going to He P 1 _ O * ? Tk 1 v^uriee ouus next The other evening ->ur Mr jtore about 9 o'clock to g heard the followl ng rcma who was locking in our w "Nice Clothes. Fred - and dark gray Norfolk made b next payday. ' l?ntidrt?ds of :iloo? in?idf>_ Our clothe in the window they do on the damniies. Curlee Value Fi J. W. D Stcre ol FOUNI)?One m"Jley heifer about two years old. under bit in ear. 3c-en keeping her since January. Same can be had by paying for this id and her feed. J. M. Howard. Re. gal. N. C. (lt-p> NOTICE?Have some stable manure for sale. Average wagon loads. ?2.">0 per load, you haul same, we io not deliver. F. D. DICKEY FEEI) COMPANY. Services At The Methodist Church The people of Murphy are invited to worship at the Methodist Church next Sunday morning and evening. At the morning service there will be a discussion on the "Character of Pilate." and at the evening hour the subject will be "Judas Iseariot." Good music; and a warm welcome to all. + + ********** * + + a. + J. + Ogreeta ? J* + .i. .1. .i. J* i Mr. Effard Seoggins has been very busy hauling this week. M". Tommic Floyd made a business trip to Murphy the past week. Mr. John nnd Buck Burp - were visitors at Mr. McDonald's Sunday Mr. Hob I'b-mmons is \. r.g hh cousin, I'M S, i.rrns at thig place Mr. Sam 1 bmmons Ed Scop trins made a busim > > trip to Ogrcett Sunday. Mr. Fha !: Klovd is planning t> help L. IV i'arr.i I make a crop th year, but th*- weather has ben si bad they haven't had much sueces? " Mr. Edd Scoggins killed tge tines . bird Thursday that has becii see: around Ogveeta in many years. Miss Dorothy Jaws vi:;item M's Gladys Hall Saturday nifrlit and Sun lay UouaefJT, . v i, i \~'i Moral" use 'jSP 2in] P. P. D*Unr Company Inc. r?m A I \f-11 . . - 1 ;? .v.* ^ eion .vppvu in wi<r i, et a forgotten a k'igC and rk made by a young man indow: nice people, too?see that y Curlce?that will be m:ne ?hut. the hicr irten -* thi*J|55 will look better on y:>u .na.j ? / rst Suits, ? ? ? - $22.50 to $35.00 Davidson f Quality DOWNWARD COURSE Fa*t Eeini; Realized By Murphy People A !rtt!v back i h" at first. Da ly increasing t i' tin back is lame and weak. ITrinary disorders my quickly follow ; Dropyy and often lit ght's disease. Th s frequently downward course of kidney ill Don't take this rse. Murphy residents should pr??f the following experience: Mrs. .!. F. Davis Floyd Ave., Waynesvillo, N. C- "I vis down sick with kldre - 'rouble. MS back was in poor cot ? on and ach. d and pained terribly. When I tried t0 bend sharp pair..- went through me like a knife. It wis impossible for me to sweep. 1 felt tired and when I was on my feet the pni:1 aln\ st drove me wild. Hearing of Dean's Kidney Tills. I -r r supply and began taking tlv-m. They relievcd nie in a short ;w- and soon rid me entirely of the trouble." Price 60c. at all <\ ale. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy? pet Dean's Kidney Pills- 'be Same that Mrs. Davij. had. F i-r Mil burn Co Mfrs.. Buffalo, X. Y.- Vdv. ~ Mr. Jake Taylor visited his parent Saturday night and Sunday, rc turning t Mural.y M- . . \ornMr. Wa.ter TivntV. .m w:ir. a visl? v at Unaka Sunday. Mi.- Daisy Hall returned home from Hawknob. where she had been - visiting her uncle, Sam Plcmmons. i V: and Mrs. Kffard Seogg;r.s and little sun. M .rt : . vi-in the latter' parents Sunday, a M'\ s'lyde . ouirncu - hum. recently aftt r having spent a o *V?v wi . with fr ::d> and relatives . at Oir?-? eta. ( Mi lloi.ort Kicll n.:.a? a l.u-1n?* ??i t j trip to Mr. uurjres- i-.uuiay. r? Mv. Jake Rurgvss \ isited M'. T. . , H? > .1 last xv. ek. K v. Charlie Floyd will fill hi? ?'appoint iii'.': i at OgTceta the second !- Sunday in April, if not hindered in any way. Everybody come. |I Shoe Polish Kfffp'Your Shoes Neat Bufl.k.. N. Y. -: J

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