NEWS REVIEW OF | CURRENT EVENTS I Sixty-Seventh Congress Comes to an End After Passing Rural Credits BilL FARM BLOC IS VICTORIOUS Ship Subsidy Measure Killed?Strang* Situation Created by Hardi-g's Wor'd Court Proposal?German Nation.V.?t? Prepaid irg to Fig it FrenchDeath of W. Bourke Cockran. By EDWARD W PICKARD I pUTTJNG asi all par san| A ship. c.o you and your , ithe achieven-ents of the Sixtyseventh cor .-V3 during its last session ? ? . ? C tlTITH ft!- : t ?t the ni-.i credits hi the Inst session >?l the Sixty-seventh cmuntn pmctl call}- Closed it^ ItiK.iHsv ad when final adjournment a me thnt measure at 'ixl out ns tl one his inv.-t iplishcient of the 'a 1 inhere during the en ply 1 tills had been put through, and n?of tliem. f the ar* f- r* n .* y Carried the usual pork feoture for ri> era and harbors, despite the eff-? 's of i the administration. Congress th! Una has done little w! : h It iUli p t t'? with pride, and this is * : I w out partisanship for both part s are to blame. The farm Mae. hud. 1 t So Hoover and M allaee. had Its ?mj n the in tier of fann r ' ' le^Slat i for the tripper li a- . ? .n del tlie hnpo- : f I.- :. * tAnder u 1 . I v- ar\ Me a and many :.m hers < : use : :it: ing and eurrei \ con.- Jh! : " like. O: a: tit d hy t! bouse e\t? !s r' of the V? r Flnanre eorpr .nr.I .l.itr.inrv '1. 1924. I?url!-i ??* . ' *e on e S lire Hep sen* ti\e 1 !' ? d Beune - ' ! p* iti ' ?r f f. f In termed ,*e > -? .it h r. - .od t? I fUi'lJPF.Q! Altitf ! " uOUGn REMEDY FOH TNI RELIEF OF Coughs. Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH, HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS -SOLD EVERYWHERE- , FUELiC i.\L?S We have purcrnif . *"2.000 pair of U. - . Arm/ Mumon '*? ?ho?>, sizes 5 1-2 to 12, wh-ch was the enire aurp'u* stock of one of the largest U. S. Gorernmen t shoe contractors. This Shoe is guarantee one hundred per cent sol*J leather, color dark tan, bellows tongue, dirt end waterproof. The actual value of this shoe is $S.OO. A_? . .If ?? -J k... We can offer same to the pub'ic at $2 95. Send correct size. Pay Postman on aviivci y or ~""*7 order. If shoes are not as represented we will cheerfully refund v our monev oromptlv uP on request. national bay state shoe company 296 Broadway, New York, n. Y. ATTENTION, PUBLIC! t*We bare leased the Ttlson Shoe Shor? located ia tl?e Griffith Building, and are prepared to do firat-?lna? Skoe work. All Work Strictly Guar anteed Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated ELLIOTT & HANEY L Gie federal land banks Involving the use of $t4>.00l).000 In government funds as provided In the Leoroot-Anderson part of the composite bill. Too much borrowing ?nd too much credit had been one of the causes of the difficulties of the farmer, he asserted. He said he spoke from experience as a banker during the war jieriotL PRESIDENT HARDING'S pet. the ship subsidy bill, went to Us death Wednesday according to schedule. The senate voted against recommitting It. but cvrrled the motion of Seuator l-add of North Dakota to proceed with the consideration of the house fllled-tullk bill, which effectually disposed of the subsidy measure. Senator Caraway of Arkansas introduced a hi I which provides that the shipp K-.rd shall turn over to star -s .md municipalities any ships hicti the latter are willing to operate, with n view to developing trade from particular ports. He said lie believed that the shipping board planned to punish senators who have heeu hostile to the subsidy bill by withdrawing shl[ - from trade routes In which they . *e especially Inter c^; ed. ? was a:!t!c! !? the SM.; ' ceedings of the last week of ?s?ngress by the de\e ; ent attending the I'res ient - attempt t?? have t!ie I'nited S:: *>* b?v.-:-:e a member of the permanent -ourt of international )u*t?ts 0.-..ii ;-ed under the :i;i<;>ios of ihe 1.-Mgue of Nations. In :? message n-V ing for senate authority to a -t. the i-' Moinred .jilt that the t'aired State* 1.ji1had a conspicuous part t:i the iulnnl conception of the court, n-1 . led that "our deliberate public uplnion today i* overwhetminciy in ' v?>r of our full rurtletpat am nn-1 t*i ut'? nv." I?.i .'.lv rhe old hunch of Irree ?>a'Ua ia the ae.ate declared theic opposition to the p'nr th-entmlnr a filibuster. Senator I*>dce summonH the foreign relations committee to en hlef It. and the *o:m:r ! *% Instead ol lotlajc mlilreiwl to th President n series of questions framed by Mr iCorwh. These were embodied lu thlfl restitution: "That the President he requested t?i advise The ronintlttee whether he favors an ucreeiuent obligating all powers .?r government*. who are signer* of the prot?* 1 creatine the court, t submit all questions t ut which ther?- I* a d!s; ite and which Call not l?e settled by : i :<>tnatlc effor's relative t?? " The Interpretation of trestle*. "(b) Any quest 1 *n ?t Ictematl law. *'(c) The ex's? en re of any fact which. If stat'!ls!ied, wo i!<1 .istPnte h breach of an lntenint!??r??l obligation, "( !? The nature or extent >f r.-, i sUon to be made for the breach of ar international oblUat ? n "Secondly, if the President fnvnu such an agree:. ei.t. tloes he deciu .( ad* isable to o . ; iii'cn!e with th* other powers to a- *?tava whether tt>?-" are willing to obligate themselves u? uftuvsnhl? Or arc ?he> t?. insist thai such Questions s!i.i I be suhm.'te'1 in cn??* both, or all pr.-ries interes?.** ?gr??w to the submission ufter the con i roveray arises?" Thereui^ It was announced nt tlw White House that the . Jministratio" would wait until the next - oncrtmet before pressing for net on ,?n tin President's request. The i?emocmts meanwhthp, were In high glee ovei the affulr and ! listened to take al ; iltical advantage of It. They de elared they would endeavsr to forci a vote on the matter before adjourn xnent in order to put the senators oi record. A T THT3 writing It seems probabli that the senate will refuse to coil I rirtn several appointments made by tlv President, the ro<*st important beini that of James G. McNary to be coo , tro'ler of the currency. There was m , apparent opposition to the appoint j iu?rm w o. ..yentitts ?*e " member f the war finan ce oorporatloi :inf that of Towner of Iowa to be go\ erf.or of Porto Rico. An.onjr other hji pointmentt of the week by the Presl dent were those of Rrlg. Gen. Frank 1 Hlnes as director of the veterans' hi reau and Richard M. Tobin of Sa Frnnoisco as minister to fhe Nethei lands. Mr. Hnrillug on Tuesday made til expected changes In his cabinet. Pos master General Work was made seen tary of the Interior to succeed M Fall, and was himself succeeded b Harry S. New of Indiana. These non inn t ions the senate promptly coi tinned. * 1 j Chancellor cuito of ofrmm finds himself between the De\ and the deep sea. On one side tl Socialists are pressing him to che? forcible opposition to the French the Ruhr and to do all in his pow to induce the French to JS'liMrt fearing that long continued occur . tion will lead to another Europei ! war. On the other side the Natic alists. nw Including the Monarch Is1 are not oniy deissr.dlng that the opt sit Son continue, but are organizing t nucleus of a national army and a stirring up all kinds of trouble for t French in the Ruhr. Cuno told ! cabinet that If Germany let up in t resistance to the French there pr* - ably would be a revolution and that was irapo^lhle to start overtures t x sett lenient now. It was believed fterlin that the government was s? gusly consider ng the idea of ask the United States to intervene. There is no doubt that the Natl aMsts. neacci b> Lu.I. u.Frf an'* *??? : y vol. Hindenburg. are creating a d serous situation. Tlie field marshal -ino&d as having said to a meeting THE CHEKOKEE SCOUT MURPI CONTESTANT PRE3EI C p ? W**1""1 rn I 5$ v. 1 tyr*':"' 1? , uR IEa M.'s i.vda Hutchin, in presenting? "Smoky" Ga. t n. winner ? f tho American I'-1*: Deri y, wfth a purse of $??00 and n c ]vc- levic? run. ; Mir., MBfch:n>on i- herself ore of ?*? Hanover Agrlt-ultu .ii league: "N? will nes ?-r for- '- " ' : ?? a'l *T I rams ami must :sseUl?rf by tho i French who said they found on him , do.*u: \ -nfs showing that he Is a member of a secret organisation In the Kuhr whose n:!^ ?n 5? to former ' trouble with the '"ices of occupation. In the pr? .vss of disarming the greea d Va the French hare deported larga id ahars of them and have placed --d ij of the officers under arrest. They wltji the stubhornest oi?t?os!tlo:i a Bochum. Itoth the French and the Belgians have seized large sum* of German money in ttie occupies! regions a the ground that It vm* sent to help n the fomenting of trouble General Pegoutte announced measures for collectins tho Oil ????r fiKit In* mi Ruhr coal un?l said refusal to meet this obll' cation \aoul?l r*?sult in the urt martial of the offenders and the seizure cf coal at the mines. Shipments of eoa* t?> Holland and Switzerland are not auhjcct to the assessment. . nnLAN'D and Lithuania a creed on a * truce in their tuiuuhbie over tlie neutral tone, hut It was not very ( strictly observed durine the week. The ( Tides elaiiu to he trying to avoid any . clashes and assert that tiernuin oth?-ers , ere leudinc their opponents. There ure reports tliut the Hermans in East p Truss! n are urnilng t" retake Memel. . and other reports tl at the Toles are planning to seize East I'ruKita. The j chances for serious trouble in that region are still excellent. i Elliott wapswortii is in Parti for the American treasury trying B to collect tlie $230,000,000 due th? United States for tlie upkeep of out army on the, and reparation! j commissioners of tlie ailies. as flnnn r . al experts, ure examining the qoea u r'ion. Really there doesn't seem mud to examine, for it was agreed after tht H nnnlstlce that (Jermnny should pa; n t tie expenses ?>i ii.? f*?rccs cf orctip* t ion before anything elj.e in the wa: h of reparations. ami the allies nlread; i have collectetl these cost*. i- /"CZECHOSLOVAKIA come? forwar n ?' as the fits; of the eontl r?- nental European nations to plan def nltely tor iiie of its w ax deb i? to tlie United States. In its budge t. f??r 1023 is an Item of nearly $4,000 f. 000 to apply on that debt, which is e? r. tlaiated at about $1'- ' * .<>00. Forefg ,y Minister Bene? *a - i nmission wi a- come to Washing!' ' ?u for the poi a- punv of set'lir.c ?n?l ths ; his country hop*-* to get as good tern I as any iillled debtor to America, ly That Finland also Intends to pay tl il United States is shown by the fa< le that Pr. Axel Leonard, the Flnnla *k minister In Washington, has begun pr In llmlr.ary conversations with Secretai er of the Treasury Mellon on the matt' Lr^Pnf refunding Finland's ' eht. whl< a- amounts to nmre than $*M""?.UUUi wit *n $1,150,000 of accrued Interest, a- ____ f> Y AN order of the federal rallra t> labor board Issued Wednesda wage Increases of two cents an ho were awarded to 05.000 railway frelg * handlers and laborers and the elgl f>la hour day was restored to all of t ^ .>21.000 members of the Brotlierhood Uallvcay and Steamship Clerks. Frelg Handlers. Express and St.'tion E ,,r ployees. The decision disposed of t n last of a batch of wage cases tt i * had been pending for months, a * follows one of several weeks ago, which the boord restored the sltf un" hour day to 15,000 railway signalmi ' 7T.c nrsge !??* ??? amounts to half n"' the decrease la pay ordered bj I 1 1J board last July. I HY. NORTH CAROLINA NTS WINNER WITH UP r 1 m ! c each " ! 'a t year s* e dr ve for';*' ' v:'-'- winner. The rare is an j r.nrua! aff r at Ashton, I aha, and r is ore of the j?*catest everts in j ^ :n the Northwre *e-n State?. j ft oYKItNOlt Itl.X'Ni: "f ttlsronsln 1 >-7 h. \v I the st:.te*s National Guurd , t'rotn bein,: ul?oI!;.I:ed, sending to the \ ieirtslnture a B|>eclal nu-ssaw prn'.s'nc j the elVwieno of too organization and 1ur?rt:?jc its oontlnuauce at a stre:i?rth to meet national requirements. It Is interest nc to n!'r.!\E rot'KIl.XN ' onmes.'* > ' man from New York, lied sud! denly Thursday as he result of n str? \e of up ?;.le\v Tin* pre\ lous evening he hnd \ r i- pato?l in a lively de i late ?vi the tnrm credits hill. He relocated his s \T\-n nth birthday Wednev da;. Mr. <*nrkron was a famous orator . f the old srht>?l in 1 the I*euiO'Tat plietod hint to ?*ov.rress several time*. ( lie wa? prominent In the party eonnells attd was a familiar and popular fltnire in natlo: al contention*. In re- j eent yc-rs lie ffnve the Irish |M?ople j valuable help In their Ktrurcle for In dependence. , T1IE Turks have definitely rejected the Luus;.nne treaty and wilt de* i muml the negotiation of new terms. It is evident that Kemal i'asl'.u and i his follow era feel they have the whip I.unil- of the allies la that there la dieaenslon in the allied ranks not only regarding the settlement with Turkey, hut over the French action in Germany, tiuunciiil settlements and other things. The Turks propose to make the of their opportunity, and are Insisting ! that the terms of any treaty signed shall conform with the provisions of the Turkish national pact, j An effort is being made between England. France and Italy to get to: get her on a definite line of policy In ; ' i the future handling of the Near East > | ; situation ns all three governments he- ; . \ lleve that any resumption of the Near Eastern confereuce would be likely to | prove fruitless unless there were a i preliminary accord among the great powers. While Ix>rd Curzon. the British forIclgn secretary, has repeatedly de -la red that the Lausanne document I repreaenia tiie irrrumiuic in!n?iii?iri'i vf ' j the allied terms. It Is believed In J quarters familiar with the exigencies of the Near East situation and with | Great Britain's pressing economic need ^ of retiring from Constantinople, that the allies are prepared to accept a reasonable compromise on disputed | points. SOME Interesting sidelights developed In the speeches made In the ^ Wisconsin senate on the bill to disband the National Guard of tha state. r" Timothy Burke of Green Bay. one of 1 tLe old timers st the stntehonse. d*13 clared that since Civil war days no lefisiuiun* ui uiij biuic nan ??? lng "so near sedition." "The militia,** be said, "lu part of the national force*. If Wisconsin should attempt to nullify the national defence act by abolishing ^ Its guard It would be defiance of an er act of congress, and the government ^ would probably be warranted in stepla ping in and taking over the state as a military district, on the ground that It was no longer maintaining a repubid llcan form of government, as guary, anteed by the Constitution." ur Sponsored and supported by the 3obt clalists the bill to abolish the state It- troops passed the bouse some days be ago. and It was expected that It would of command a considerable vote In the tit senate, but was defeated by 26 to 4. m h# pv tCSPITE the ftict that the aomlna iat tion of James O. McNary to b? ad coniroller of the currency received tb< ,n approval of the senate 'banking an- was not confirmed by the senate and did not corns to a vote. The President offered him a secern appointment, but ; be declined IL ) N ~ BILL BOOSTER SAYS + " ! AlO NOU tvee wcmcs MOW ' L/ POLK'S WHO WAVE MOVEO < AMAV ROM WEttE FREQUCNTIM oecioe -Tweet's no place' LIKE TMC OLD HOME -TOWN v AND MOVE BACK* THERE AAV 3S B'GrOER TtJHIHS TWRM TWV BUT Tweet A?wr AWN BETTER ones \ ? s IK" '^42W~ | - -^ .. | ?SUESCRIBE TO THE SCOUT? I ST ! ll'IWIMI??? MARCF ; ?Will close the seed those who plan to groi The Dixie Growers ai All those who plan to s SEEDS should have t that time. This is the tunily for those who w sociation to secure th teed instructions, etc. the maturing of plant I date?March 20th. L Cut Out and i | oooooouc . O Dixie Growers ar ' i O Murphy N. C. O O Dear Sirs: O 1 hereby apply O White Burley To O also aid in plannir O Tobacco Crop, an O grow any specifi O bacco. O O Name O O Address O O Route O O How much land O you expect to pi O oo o o o o o < The Green Daily New; Is recognized as the It gives a news servic torial page is always < inc. Independent in 1 and views from ever On its rapidly ? are the names of the ward-looking citizens without this newspaj subscription. ; Six months, Daily ai | Six months, Daily wi i ;, Greensbor GREEN J : ::JsJ ? F'^'r. MHA 23, in, HI j; Grape Cr?ek + +| * Little Annie Mae Davis has beta ^ ery ill. is better n??r. m ?1 & Mi?s Pardee Umphries "went to the f( tore at A. N. Lovingood's on busi- IP jess one day last week. % r Miss Bessie Worley visited Mr. and # Urs. John Graves one day recently. c Wake up. Ebeneezer; it is corn p planting time. t P Mr. l^wson Graves visiteu Ojrre*. i Sunday. \ Mr. John and Nancy Graves via. t.?i Mr. Town Graves Sundav after. - ? noon. miss.Al'bU and Berth* Dcckc? were pleasant visitors at Grape ( reek Sunday morning. Mr. Frank Hembrec, who has been I working in Tennessee, is at h >m? now. I 20TH sowing season for all iv a tobacco crop with id Shippers Associaicn in orders for FREE heir orders in before last notice and oppor ant to get into the Aseir seeds and guaranlTf . ....... \\e CrtHIUJL uaoui vs sown later than this send at Once! DOOOOOOO O id Shippers Asso., O O O O for Free Large O bacco S^eds and O ig and growing my O id 1 do not have to O ed amount of To- O O O O o o o Box No O O O it in G mm ? rfl ooooooooll jl SDoro | " s I state s best newspaper. I :e unexcelled and its edi- 9 clean, broad and interest- I politics, it presents news fl v anole. 5 growing subscription lists || state's best and most for-1jjj s. Can You afford to be In aer? Forward your trial ad Sunday $4.50 11 ithout Sunday, $3.50 II o Daily News j J SBORO, N. C. IB