I fjj-f M*rck 23, !tS3 I IfOBTH CAROLINA? m Cktrekee County. M In the Superior Court I Km Coleman, I TS* I L^lie Cole men. E- t I NOTCE a I fb? defendant above n wed will take f I notice that an action entitled as n I above h*-^ been commenced in the f I Superior Court of Cherokee County r I for *n absolute divorce on statutory j v I iftcunds: and the said defendant r w{>! further take notice that he ia t required to appear before the Clerk < #( the Superior Court of said coun- 1 j ty on or before the 31st day of , March and answer or demur to the 1 i complaint of the plaintiff, or the , I plaintiff will apply t0 the court for, M the relief demanded in the com- ! plaint 5 This the 20th day of Feb.. 1923. j I E. E. DAVIS. Clerk Superior Court, Cherokee Co. j" W-4t-p. ( I TRUSTEES SALE I By virtue of the authority ' tested in me by a deed of trust ex. |[ J. W. Braaowii and wife, j registered in Cherokee County in Book N... SO. at page 127, conveying to me the lands hereinafter describ- i Ifd to secure the payment of certain note--. default having becn made , in the payment of said notes, and the owner thereof having demanded foreclosure, I will, on Monday the 8f Murphy, sail, at . public auction to the highest bidder for cash, thc following described land?, lying and being in Unaka, Cherokee County, North Carolina, id - r g the lands of McNab Clark, and others and bounded as follows: Boginnig on a stake on thc public ai d runs east 8f> fret to a ?tak? : thence north with McNabb's * f( et t'? a stake; thence a With Clark's line 82 feet to a stake; ith with Clark lini I r'f' the beginning, conta about one-half acre, being thc lands conveyed to J. W. Brannon and wife by l S. (I. Phillips and wife l y a deed recorded in Cherokee County. This the 10th day of Feb., 1923. JOHN II. WLLARl\ Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS .V'Riii CAROLINA? Clay County. In the Superior Court F, I'. Cover dc Sons, Inc., vs. W H Reno, Ella Reno, Mrs. Harriet Smathers, J. N. Mease, Mrs. Ona O *1 T>1 .L O. T 1 Bowden Smathers, I.ura J. Milier, Glenn Miller. Ralph R. Mease, Joseph N. Mease, Jr., Frank B. Mease, Hugh Mease, Mrs. Johnnie Bell, H. S. Bell, Tina Vinson. W. L. Vinson, W. E. Howell, John Howell, 'l'had Howell, Joseph Howell. Jr., Bonnie Green and! husband Green, Fay Hyatt. A. K. Hyatt, Annie Russell, Arrh Russell, Bessie Ballard, TV j C. Bailard, Bonnie Conley. Kate j Conley, Lorn Jenkins. John Jen-, k John Mann. Bucombe Mann, j and unknown heirj at law of John i Reno, deceased. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendants will take notice that an action entitled * as above has been cuumicuvcJ izi the ^Sut erior Court of Clay County, j Korth Carolina, for the foreclosure I ot cetaln tax sales cetificates held; by plaintiff against the lands descibed in thU action, in which defendants have or claim an interest,, and that defendants arc necessary parties to said foreclosure proceednd the ?aid above named defendants will further take lutiCC j that they are required to appear be- j fore *he Clerk of the Superior Court j of Clay County . at his office in j Hayesville, N. C.. on the 20th day j r\f 1I...L iaab ?- I Maitu, ana answer *?*" ue-^ mor to the complaint in said action, i This the 19th day of Bebruary, ! 1923. W. L. MATHESON, Clerk Superior Court, Ciay County, N. C. North Carolina? Cherokee County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Before the Clerk 8. W. Lot in good. Administrator of D. W. Loudermilk, deceased, vs. Jehn L. Loudermilk, Vannie Bojrjr*, Grady Bor^s, Seyn*>ur Loudermilk , Homer Loudermilk, Charles Loudermilk, Walter Loudermilk, Ed- ! ward Loudermilk, Nettie Rymer, Bill Rymer, Zettie Voylea, Henry HH^IH Voyles, Minnie Simmonda, Elbert i Simmonds, and Mrs. Hattie Loud- i arm ilk. NOTICE i Thc defendantsabove named will ' ake notice that an actionentitled 1 , a above has been commenced be- I ore the Clerk of the Superior Court ?f Cherokee County, North Carolina, or the purpose of selling lands to nake assets; and the said defendant* rill further take notice that they ar* cquired to appear before the Clerk if the Superior Court of Cherokee bounty, in his office at the court! lou e in said county, on or beforw , .he 20th day of March, 1023, and mswer of demur to the petition ot he plaintiff. This the 10th day of February, j 1923. E. E. DAVIS. Clerk Superior Court Cherokee County j !8-it-JDM. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS j SALE OF LAND By virtue of an order and decree | ?f the Clerk of the Superior Court j( Cherokee County, North Carolina,! Jatcd February 12th, 1923, in the! proceeding of James Palmer, Administrator, and James Palmer vs. ?eb Palmer, Avery Palmer, Billie Palmer, Gaston K'nvtey. Annie Kim sty, ct nls heirs at law of Thomas! Palmer, deceased, the undersigned -ommiwsioncr will on the 10th day of March 1923. sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises: Situate in the county of Chen> kee, in Murphy Township on Valley River, and bounded and particularly described as follows: Beginning on a large rock in the edge of Valley River a short distance below what is known as the Craig Field and runs in an easterly direction about one hundred yards to a Black Pine on top of this ridge to the top of the dividing ridge between Hinwasscc and Valley Rivera to E. R. Ferguson's line; thence with the,, top of said dividing ridge and said Ferguson's lin?> in an easterly direction to said Ferguson northeast corner of No. 8 in District No. I; thence west to a Black Oak on the bank of Valley River in a smaill field then down Valley River with it" meanders to the Beginning. ContS ing 100 acres, nu>re or less. The above lands and premi es being the home place of Thomas Palmer, deceased, and will be sold with all buildings of whatsoever kind situate thereon, at the court hous?> door in Murphy on the above-mentioned date at public auction. This the 13th day of February, 1923. RALPH MOODY, 28-4t-RM Commissioner. NORTH CAROLINA? Cherokee County. In the Superior Court lohn W. Walker. VS. Ruth P. Walker. NOTCE The defendant above named will take notiec that an action entitled as above been commenced by the plaintiff ag::inst the defendant in the Superio:* Court of Cherokee County to obtain a divorce from the defendant from the bonds ox mat- rimony; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in Murphy at the Court House on the 30th day of March. 1923, and answer or demur to the complaint in! said action or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. This the lfct day of March, 1923. f P. DAVIS. Clerk Superior Court, ( hcroKee County. 30-4t-J WW. TRUSTtE-S SALE. The following: property was sold on the 23rd day of February, 1923, and brought ?551.00 Th?< h?d raised 10 per cent by the County Commissioners, so that any subsequent bid must start at $006.10. Therefor*, by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed to "the undersigned by Luther Walker and wife, Lena Walker, conveying: the lands hereinafter described to secure the payment of certain indebtedness therein described, and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness and the holder thereof having demanded the f- enclosure of said deed of tru^t : CHEROKEE SCOUT. MUKPMV. WOK according to the terms thereof the da; undersigned trustee will sell on t*1? Ma 24th day of March. 1923. between 74 the legal hours of sale the lands con- at veyed in said deed of trust at the Ay court house door in Murphy, Chero- in kee County, to the last and highest pu bidder for cash to satisfy the pur- to^ chose money note for the same. fce Said piece of land more particular described and defined as follows: tr< Part of Tract No. 10 in district No.' ^ 6 and part of what is known a.; the a Cooper farm, beg'nning on a stake *,0 formerly H. II. Sj. cod's corner on P.. Valley River Road a^d runs with' ?i? Valley River Road north 38 East 3*2 poles to 1! H. Cooper's line to the tit top of a r dge then with the ton of N< the ridge in outhwost direction 3t? ro'es to U. II. Saeed's northwrrt c-.? nvr t'.er. o;:th 17 east w:th P. 11. h! 5rc ii G ! p iles to the bog nr.ing. containing .\0 acres m -re or len.-? and being the same land conveyed to I.enna II. Walker by A. R. lleil and wife by deed of even date of the j 1 notes herein referred to reference of .o wni'.'a is aereDy Trade. o* Said trust deed was executed on pi the 30th day of September, 1920, w! and was . April the 5th, 1923, at the court 1 sa house door in the town of Murphy, p] sell at public auction totho highest m bidder for cash the following de-1 scribed real estate, istuate, lying and! being in the county of Cherokee, on | the wattera of Little Braastown1 " Creek, adjoining the property of N. | ~ E. Frankum. G. L). Ricks and others, N uuuiiucu ana aescriDed as follows: Beginning on a red oak, the be* ginning corner of said No. 141, and 1 runs north 200 poleh to a Spanish ^ Oak on a mountain side, corner of ^ No. 128; then west 154 poles to a black gum near the top of a ridge; then a south course with the mean* . dors of the ridge 220 poles to a stake; i\ then S. 5 \V. 38 polesh to a stake in the line of said No. 141; then ?' east with that line 78 poles to the " place of beginning. Containing 121 acres, more or lesr. This the 3rd day of March. :?22. ' C. W. WALDROUP, Trustee. 31-4t-CWW. NORTH CAROLINA? Cherokei County. In the Superior Court Maggie Henry, EB^^^^B^BB B Herman Henry. The defendant above r.araid will | take notice that a,, action entitled 1 as above has been started in the Su- ;j nerior Court of Cherokee County for divorce absolute on statutory grounds. And the said defendant will fur, ' ther take notice that he is reouired to appear, on or before the 31st day ^ of March, 1923, before the Clerk of j the Superior Cou.'t 2t h?? office In .y the court house in Murphy, Cherokee il County. X. C.. and answer or demu to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply t? the Court ;t] for the relief demanded- ' nj This th0 8th day of March. 1!>23. | E. E. DAVIS. Clerk Superior Court, Cherokee County. 31-4tp. I * I hi NOTICE OF SALE I Ic By virtu re of tl. provisions of * a deed in trust, ex- -uteri March ,r 23, -1922, by Geo. Cooper and Char* . ? ley Cooper to L. E. Bayle s. Trustea j for the Bank of Murphy, to s-<*ure ' a note of $290, due in four months after date, with interest at 6 p r ?r v *nt per annum, payable annually, J On which there will be due on sale wi *h-- . _ , J TM CAIOUWA 1r the guru of (157.10, rejfistered 11 *rch 23, 1922. in Deed Book No. : c< , page 203, 1 will expose to sale pi 1 o'clock, m., on Saturday, hi >ril 7, 1923, M ih court house door Murphy to the V~V- t b:ddor at a b'ic outcry for rash th? following ra lot, sit':-v in irphy, Qieto*. e County, N. C.: ^ BEGINNING a' a * >n Peach- ,, *e Road rue S. ' '5 fret to st'.ke; then N. "* ' ? fret to ? stake; then * ' 1-2 fo<, t 0j a st;.ke on ,h \?t h*rve fi ad; Ir. a : I mean- f-> the ! ir ; the lot I v1 . ?yed v J. : i to V. L. j 1 r. ' ,{ .i n Book *'? ' ,,J!- i, T! ? M r,h ! . \. R. i .'ru 'o. -i>1>"5- u I O.I SALE I " or r.y ik.kan. > N. C. C j'nr .sale cn lc death. ' Joscrh 5>katb;.i of the yners. Any one a com- ^ ete outfit in a -.u I location j a appiy io P. (). CHRI.vn CHER. Administrator of J >. ; h Slrathman. 1 ' r. ' ! t OUT!! (WROUNA I Cherokee County. ! ^ In the Superior Court ( W. Mctlee, .. ? NOTICE j. The defendant above named will ,ke n ?t;ee that :.n action entitled c above ha. been comm. 11 ed by e jl:iint"lf ag-iiu. t the ?i '."ondant . the Superior Court ef Cherokee ounty to obtain a divo oo from the 0 fc dant from the of nvi trior, y on the ?r ?ui; of adultery; 0 id said defendant w. 1 further take1 t ee that -he is requir d to appear t :forc the Clerk c; t' e Superior | curt of Cherokee C -n.i at his o-- t ce in Murphy, at the rnrt house,1 l tfct?-31?t day of March, 11)23, and . rr.xvcr or demur to the complaint In lid act on, or the p'aintiff will ap-, , y to the court for the relief do- j anded in the complaint. t E. E. DAVIS, Ci.rk, Super?or Court, Cherokee County. < t-p. 9&W 1 t, tate of North Carolina, Cherokee County. ? the Superior Court lo ence more, plaintiff, vs. M. Moore, Defendant. 1 0 ICE OF SERVICE OF SI M-. ! MONS BY PUBLICATION 1 J. M. More, the defendant, will t ike notice: That the plu.ntitf in ' | le above entitled act it n has begun 1 :i a *tion against hini in the Su. <:ior i unit of Cherokee County, N. C.. , :sd the purpose of the action > to bta n an absolute divorce from the pnds of matrimony ex sting between , tent on statutory grounds. 1 That ho is hereby notified that he r 'quired to personally appear he the Clerk of th?. Superior Court J' f *'hcrokee County. N. C.. at hi- of-, in Murphy and answer Or demur he complaint of the plaintiff now n file in the office of the Clerk, by 4th day of April. or the i.intiff will apply tothe court for to relief prayed for in the complaint This the 5th day of March. 192:*. E. E. DAVIS, Clerk of the S>.;>? ior C urt. 1-lt-p. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE By virtue of the power of ni<* con- . lined in a deed of tru.-t executed to undersigned trustee by R. C.. [oore and wife conveying the lands i 1 reinafter described to secure J payment oi I it-r.'jn overmen, wntcii >*.?; deed or U--1. is recorded ir* fho office of) egister of deeds f->r Cherokee | ounty, in Book No. 74. at page 188.! pd default haying been made in the] ayirontof ?aid indehtedn and thv. older thereof having demanded >reclosure. and I have adv. ed nd 1 n-'n Peacbtree Street;! rvn*;. with Peachtree Street N. 4u , ?*. 52 feet to the beginning, h.s March the hth. 1923. J. L?. Mallon-* Tr-U. 2 2t-T. J. Ii. TATE OF NORTH . V.HOLINW C;.'..o2:ce County. In thw* Superior Court >. \V. Good and A. C. Miller, vs. .oiourji mmbor Company and John C. Good. NOTICE OF ACTION The defendant?, ^'olhurn Lumber Company and John C. Good. above nmed. will take notice that an ac on as above named has beer, ommer.ced in th?. Superior Court f Cherokee County, N. C.. fo: the urpose of declaring the plaint'ffs. ). W. Good and A. G. Miller, to be he owners of the following doscribd piece*, parcels or tracts of land a V;!!"*'tnwn Township, in Cliero;ce County, N. C. towit: Entry 942, Grant 32l'9. calling tc ot tain 400 acres; Entry 45G1, Grant 3352, calling o conta:,, 50 aire: ; Entry 2593, Grant 3G2S, calling t ontain 200 acres; Entry 530. Grant 32S1, calling to ontain 100 acre.; Entry 529, Grant 32k0. calling t<> ntain 100 acres; Entry 940, Grant 328E, calling t<> ontain 150 acres; Entry 2590, Grant 3G30, calling' o contain 100 acres; Entry 939, Grant 32S7, calling to J ontain 150 acres; Ertry 7735, Grant 3 ??5y calling ,o contain 200 acres; AI.o the land embraced in premtion or old occupant tract No. >32, calling to contain 100 acres; and for the purpose of excluding ?1?y i daim or title or interest that may ^ e nv>de by the defendants, Colburn Lumber Company and John C. Good, n and to said lands, anil cancel their laim of title in and to said -ands is a cloud upon the title of the plaintiffs; and the defendants, Co! jurn Cumber Company ami John C. Good, will further take notice that they are required to appear before he Cle. k of the Superior Court of Cherokee C -unty N'. >n ?.r before the 10th day of April, 11*23, and anwcr or demur to the complaint in ;aid action to he. filed by the plaintiff on or before that date, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court fat the relit f demanded in said camplaint. Th:s the 13th day of March, A. t>. 1023. K. n. DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court of Cherokee County. N. C. DII.LARD HILI., Attorneys for Plaintiffs, O. \Y. Good and A. W. Miller. 32-It-OWC. ?SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT? I FREE TO When you hecorr.o a sub'-cr y*>u are entitled to an almost u and advice absolutely without i Brint: the problems of youi community to us and they will itors c.nd specialists who thrc come expert in their solution. 400,000 farm families aire; If you do not, 50 cant* a yes Entitle you to this unpuvchasahle unbeatable pspcr a mont SOUTHERN A the giant Nashville 1' T? t -j $ Hiawame iTg tt***********t+ We have organized our Sun4*7 School and everybody is invited to come and take part in it. Rev. E. A. Beavers filled lib reg lar appointment here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Wiley Ramsey is bo?y baciH> ir.jj crosstiea. Rev. S. C. Mingus wrnt to O^rceta .Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Burnett, of Peachtree. visited Mr. and Mrs. John T imp.-on Sunday. Miases Sallio Kute ami Fannie Mingus and Mr-. Ethel Lovingood made a bu tin. trio to Murphy one day '.ast week. Mr. John M.ngus is talking ofrurch&sing a bicycle. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Ramsey made a business i,rip to Murphy nn# da/r laet w??k. There we a large crowd visited Mr. John Tim. . on Sunday afternoon M ? Sallie Kate Mingus is planting to attend th?. summer school at Murphy, and we wish her much ce e. Mr. R. G. Mingus is planning on pla; ting a !arg?* crop of Iri h potatoes and we wish him success. Mr. J. C. Ramsey mnde a t-ip to Murj hy Monday. NOTICE OF SALE Or * AND Ily virtue of the provision* of a mortgage Deed, dated ' ?:r 25, 1921. from J. L. l'arton to Charley Cross, registered in Cherokee County on January MO, It-? in Deed II k No. 70, page 560. I will offer tor sale to the high-st bidder at public outcry for cash, at the comt hou e door in Murphy, Cherokee County. N. C., at 1 'ocloclc, p. m. on Saturday, April 21, 1923, the following parcel of hand, to satisfy a balance of *75.30. with costs of advert; eir.ei.t and ;ale to bt? added, vix: In Hothoufi- T '\vnship, said State and County. BEGINNING on a ma! pie, corner of tract No. ; and | runs West 134 poles to a Locust*, then North 4-1 -AS noles t a Chestnut Oak; then North 7.r? West 5ft pole to a Black Gum; then S. EL 150 poles to a Hickory Bu i, ?si an old corner; thenct, North 13 Eas IS rol< t*> the h -rinnng, con". lining 1 15 acre?. f Thi: Vurch I t. 1023. CHARLEY CROSS, Mortgagee. 1 Ilav.ng qualified as administrator 'of the estate of Joseph Si rath man, dee.-a ed, late of Cherokee County, ! North Carolina, thi? is to notify all ?E ons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un\ -s'-.rre.j at Murphy, North Carolina, on or before the 14th 1 day of March. 1924; or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery*. All perrons indebted to said I estate will please n> .he immediate ; payment. This the 14th day of March, 1927. P. O. CHRISTOPHER. Atlmini tr; * .r of Joseph Strath-* I . i..... ,i : :i2-f>t-FOC. | SL'BSCHIli!-: TO HIE SCOUT? farmers jj ir. ibcr to the Southern Agricj'tu.v( Q inlimited service of inrormattoi ^ :harRe. r home, your business or your receive sympathetic study of cd? ?ugh years of experience have beTheir advice is yours for asking. ady take the "Giant of the South'* ir or $1.00 for three years will free service in addition to an GRICULTURIST, OF THE SOUTH T onnessee 1 ' 1