-?-j-? ******** +-jt Marble Ft***********-!-* Mr. and Mrs. Earley Pipes have returned from a pleasant trip to ! Athens. Tenn.. where they traded ; land with Mr. Tni!!. Mr. Stoner. of Asheville, is the guest of J. M. Kilpatrick. ' y C. F. Owen filled his regular appointment herc Saturday and Sunday. Mi>? Mao Barton has returned from Wolf Cn ok. where she has. been teaching. Mr. \. r V'- n a f'virp Hi Bfl SB trip to Hay it : Mr '>'hu T; :>*.< ' Ilavvr >od County we? k tk Mr. John V * ' ' ed from the h - -?t:?1 Atlanta. Mr. Tally Tn T? : ' M'C. is i;k<\ irt tr Kuk ' "1 "h C . ,,r:a Mr. Hud ?1 * -nm A - he\ . . w ^1 treatment. 1 Porter Fain w:.- \ . i t " in tow: M ?nday. Mr. , 1 Mr l'; !? ? .! to Murphy Sunday l A ? *C- 1 ry witj a t> TS?-r > i eon much 'Titer I.-.m . K. - h.:i? rot ur roc r .rtu: . N. C 1 . v T. " v'-ii* i hiHHUHHHHHHIH srnsi JITI'K ) THE S? SALE T?. r. & : ? ? | ft T-m It ? _i5 ^ p )M 10* TO &5t B 'if.x-/. WHILE THEY LAST >' K i many of our customer ing another sale of higf )pen at 9 a. m. Be he piece of this wonderfi iny pieces in this sale tl -et nothing but sicknes T( NOTHING Wk THE CHEKOKXE SCOUT. Ml t Boiling Springs + *" + + **** **.**** *+ + tl? [ Mr. Ira Sneed. Clifford Hall and : j Alfred Payne returned home Friday to spend a few days with home folks. HMiss lona McDonald has bee? on " m< the sick list, but is improving now. . ri Mrs. Artie Stephenson is sick with j flu at this writing. | ^ 1 Miss Mae Abernathy spent Thursday night with Mis. A. J. Davis. j au 1 da Mrs. Ruth Dockery visited her j mother, Mrs. Lena Davis Thursday. D? Mi sea Hazel and I* 11 Abernathy \ sited Miss !\>rs M r.race Dav s visited Mrs. L. F. Mun"I ,!u?* ' vi W. J. Welch and family spent v. t r?k.I \.nn K?T I : IIH'I . >lr<. .1. r>:ivis. 1 Mr. C. C. M'!!s i- lining omp gnnti "V r ^ ,rk :it his -:iw yy 11 the n d ivs. \ M.i lor Jack and Jo, Welch vis - i 1 = ted their aunt. Mrs. II. L. Aberaathv I G Thursday. M J Ik I a\i> has erected a :ti ' nici wood hed. IAT MEAN; ^^gS^UARAi ??iWARE BI tffiyo)tu7 ngs ?tur o< *" UWD aMWWkwa ?T" v>*. HE^^^QUALTTY. V/MA s and friends not getting to 1 grade alumiun to be held :re when they open, we wi jl ware is guaranteed don lat were not shown on M s keep you away from this 3WNSON <5 APPED-NOTHING ( i> rfffiitfffcifayiffld f ' I . 1RPHY, NORTH CAROLINA Miss Beatrice Davis visited her undmother Wednesday. Mr. Thomas Stephenson and Ht son. Taylor, took dinner with Mr. j C. Mills Wednesday. Mm. S. F. Ahernathv celebrated r ?t?th birthday Che 12th of th:s >rth ard bad ereen beans and ft** atoes fop her birthday dinner, rch her son. J. B. Abernathy. had nt her from Atlanta. Ga. Miss Mae Abernathy visited her int. Mrs. Blanche Welch. Thurs> Miss Hazel Mundy visited Miss U Abernathy Sunday. R . C. IT. !h jnbr - fi'le ! bis ar appointment here Saturday and inday. Mr. Roy I.ovimr.'od and Ch '* cDonali, of Grindv'pw. visited r . A. ?. Davis Sunday. Mr. Vrrrcr ; -? Grattdcw, and Homer Lovintrood were tors here Sunday. Mr. and Mtr. !!. L. AN nnthy vis ed the former's parent . Mr. and A. J. Davis Sunday. M Prank M il an ' r *ni!v spent Sunday with hi- sister, Mrs. W. . Davii at this place. . >!PA*5 ?^ T^^.,.^J d>&^ 1J our great be rgain sale March 31 st. 1! have the biggest lint t miss this sale the m( arch 1 Oth. We have most wonderful sale. fc ANDER :harged-not nights, trying to run it from W.G.'s Sn to D. S. Davis*. Su Mr. Jot- Abernathy had the mis| fortune of tripling one of his fine fr' j horses. v'? ! j Rev.A.C.Hembrco filled his regular j appointment here Saturday nad Sun. i w? ' . S. !>av - \vh.? i- v. .?rk">u; s Vl. - 1 ; , - i J > -i O ] Ma lilj *s farm. i 11 V *,V;TV i :i(] to h:!> M' -I. W. I ' Pr!,:v r. of Cv ! Cr?-I;. 'w u -y iit Sunday. M . liomv !.<> . irr-??id ar.d Char' 1?. '.n'tj. and K V ami Vt-rr I ' Lovingood, of Grandvipw. wen . mant visit >rs here Sunday. ^ Mi. KNi-.-r T,av . th bass man. of I R3 TO YO t? fl MW'l >'l II WWII i SEl I U fWFvvr.iss /VX?tw wmu # ' , *K"" ^^A.HS f Ly g-t 5'xe-ir^ otfil. 8 ?hr' - an?l du.?:- his cctfl ton, B] Vhen ke should he in his bed. h" 1 the weevil comes to eat it, 1$ tut is soon among the dead.? C.SjH 5 J! 1 \1 p - r*A^otf VkW ?T*Af*?i.S M K fCLAJfPtHS V j?5^/ I ' tr; 1 ^mijttmc san. ^ m RAS.N3 TJT5^ V/r THZYlASr.'f M jEanSi led to give each of thefl 1 ~ er s'lown in v. esten uy the more money yo lis Counter j ou wi 11 lirxfl ighbors.