HBlQ9 I THE SCOUT i I Irs BECAUSE WE DIDN'T ? J KNOW IT The Official Orgai ^^ VOLUME XXXIV. No. 31. mistrial ordered s IN PETERSON C/SE AT ROBBINSVIL^E Jury out 24 Hours with out Reaching Agreement?May 'Come Up for New Trial in June Rohhinsvillc. March 24-. After deliberation for 24 hours without reaching an agreement, the jury in the 5i-cc of A. V. Jenkins and Frnzit-r f-L.?cl!, chsrged with the rrurder (.{ San Peterson. was discharged, a . 1 < ng ordered fcv Judjre ~*~~~ ! cH .1. ! Webb. IN: -son i was killed r nr the , .1,51 *. home Yellow creek in Graham county last October. j Tr trial was begun last Tuesday. According to the state's wit: - Peterson had visited Jenkins* after rrroainirt*" about :n' h got on his horse and rode ;?wa> Shortly after n pistol shot v.,i heard from the direction in whii'i! he had pone. This was ans\\ r(d by a shot fired by someone ^ at Jenkins* home. Peterson came l> . and. it was alleged, was way- ^ laid by Sorrels and Jenkins, who ^ had taken up a hiding place on the hill nenr the house. They called to Peterson and he started toward them. When Peterson got within , Sorrel? and Jenkins fired three shots, two striking the horse and the other hitting Peter so,, In th- right shoulder the bullet ringing ?: wnward under his heart. He fell : >ni his horse, dying almost instantiy. j 1 Wrrt Hiding on Hill Tiic- defendants maintained that "Wh?Il p? tor?i\ii < aid leave without trouble; that j :i\v them on the hill ami charged them, firing several shots at them from his pistol. They fired in selfdefense, they claimed. The defense was represented by r, Jones, of Asheville; J. N". >dv, of Murphy; and K. L. Phillips, of Robbinsville. T. M. Jenkins and T. A. Morphew, of Robbinaville, assisted Solicitor Davis in the prosecution. The arguments were begun Wednesday evening and finished Hhursday. Judge Webb spent considerable time in his charge to the jury, after which the jury was taken out under guard. Friday morning, having failed to agree upon n verdict, ! the jury was discharged with order i |s?f mistrial. The case m iy be up) foe new trial at the June term of court. Jurv Trying Case. The jury was composed of J. H. Moody, Charlie Rogers, John W. ( Thompson, Hardie Sharp, Sam Jones I George Owens, Lowrence Crisp, Alex | Stewart, John Waldrop, K. H. Shep-' riTU Robert Phillips and W*. H. Welti Otber cases disposed of during: the ; term were: Lawrence Griffith and; Owen Jordan, fined $25 and costs fl each for public intoxication; Robert H Williams, fined $50 for carrying concealed weapon. Perason Colvin,! If charged with blockading, pleaded , that his sentence in U. S. district ^ court was sufficient punishment, whereupon the court let him off with the costs. Several cases were nol prossed, and others, because of abaence of witnesses, were continued until the next term. B Tri-County News 1 Resumes Publication The Tri-County News, our An^Hdrews contemporary, resumed publi^Hcation last week after a suspension ^Hof tw0 months while new machin^Hery was being installed. The ini ^Btial number was a very creditable ^Beight-page. all-home-print paper, N^fcnd we bespeak for our brother ed^V?r, Mr. Jones, a great success in ^^^ur si?ter town of Andrews. i of Murphy and Cheri iPECIALIST TO l~ HOLD PRUNING DEMONSTRATIONS L horticulturist ' to Visit Vartin's Creek, Brassi jwn and Owl Creek Sections. II. II. Niswonjcer. K\*.Hor..ulturist ft?r we.-tern North t'urona under the Extension Service of fie State Department ot Ajrriculare. will jjive demonstrations in run:in CheroKce County th? irst three days of next week, ac-1 ordir.g to an n>.-: t nude iiiblic recently by the County Farm S temonttrator. Mr. Ellis has been ttempting for sometime to Ret Mr. liswonger t?? cony? to the county! I ,'Ut as he is busy this season t?f the j ear it ha- been difficult to get an r.gagvnu at. I Mr. fiswonger is a thoroughly onipetent orchardjst. He is a graojate of the Ohio State University md spent >< veral years in extension cork in the state of Kentucky. He las also had practical experience as. x commercial orchardist. He has >een in this -tate only a -hurt tinu ut is thoroughly faimliar with e n- , 1 lions prevailing in the mountain, cction. The apple industry in wester;. ! < rth Carolina is very promising and he state has dor.,, well in placing a nan in this section to help develop t. Mr. N:s\vonger will spent only three days in the county at this time, demon trati:ur methods of pruning; hut all through the season tie will return to the county and ivork with the county agent in .eachitiK oeitct mCthoua of pruning, i raying, picking, packing, and, in Tact, anything that can he done to ae:p the orchardists nytke more proft from thcir trees. Everyone interi--ted in the fruit industry, even though he may have only a dozen trees, should make arrangements to bo at one of the following places ut the times mentioned in order to witness the pruning demonstrations and acquire any other information ?...kQr,rning. There wi be a well prepared mu-ical program a short address by the pastor suil able to the occasion; after whic th?. sHorement of the Lord's Suppt will be administered. The text for the evening servic will be "The Lord has risen indeed, Luke 24:34. All members and friends of tl church are cordially invited an urged to be present at both se vices. Services at The Baptist Churc j A special Easter program is a | ranged for the Murphy Bapti Church for next Sunday, April Is There ought to be increased a tendance at the Sunday School ai at tne preacning services. | At the eleven o'clock service D I Cochran will deliver a sermon t keeping with the Resurection, ai tht: choir w ?? 3i"'? Sfj Coatv r A them. Miss Pauline Martin w sing "One Sweetly Solemn Though The Junior B. Y. P. U. meets 4:00 p. nv, and the Senior at G: p. m. All the young people are i vited to attend these meetings, the six o'clock hour the Seniors w plan to arrange a get-together me< ing for a later date. At 7 p. m. Dr. Cochran will t liver an evengclistic message or "Tha Power of the Resurrect Christ." The choir wil render 1 j Easter Anthem, "Rejoice! The Lc is risen!" Miss Carrie Payne v sing, "At Calvary's Cross." The public is cordially invited j attend these services. All memtx ; j of the church are urged to be pr ' ent for the morning service, esj > cially. lUff. i Leading Newspaper in L, FRIDAY. MARCH 30, 1023 THE DAY IN ' 'm gi. driven ashore .>u i..m_ a ? .1 . kmI up to tin? uiiuutc. 3?Former Uowrc TRIANGULAR DEBOTES TO BE HELD FRIDAY The schools in North Carolina r IIVfo School Debaters' Union, which ? have been grouped in trianplcs. will ' debate Friday night of this week In ? the first elimination content, on th* - question of empowering the railroad p Labor Hoard to enforce its decision*, t Murphy has been grouped with Cant ton and Waynesville High Schools, p Waynesville wil send two debaters here to upnoid the negative siuv ui - the question. Canton will send t\\< r* to Waynesville to uphold the negate tive and Murphy will send its negar tive team to Canton. The affirmative teams in each case will remair at home. Schools all over the staU have thuj; been grouped. Thr schools winning both sides of the de bate will bt. entitled to send thii representatives to Chapel Hill t< compote for the Aycock Mem>r:a !J Easter Services * At Ogreeta Sundai .e There will he an Easter cnte: .. t iinment at Ogrecta April l-"t. Th | following proper am will he rendei iejf ?l, beginning promptly at te tl i o'clock: ^ Song?"He comes with a happ ; heart." Scripture reading and prayer 1 Mrs. J. W. Odonv Welcome address, by a little bo H and girl. "Story of Easter," by Mrs. Eri r- est Stiles. s; ! "Floral Cross," by four girls, is. Song?"Maitland." l'- "Child's Prayer, by Mozel id Stiles. in,. Dancing Sun." by two girl >r. "Glad Easter Day," by Mrs. B? in Johnson. \d "The Rainbow," by seven litt ill "Faster Bells," by Fannie M t" ! Donald. at | "What Can little Children Do 00 by tw<> little girls. n- Pantomime?"Nearer My God 1 At' Thee." by Mrs. J. W. Odom. 'ill ! "The Blue Violets " bv I/OU Bel et- Scoggins. "The Little Candle Bearers*," I ft- twelve girls. \ "The Old Story," by Alice Odoi ed "Crowns,** by six girls, an "Thirty Days Hath September ?rd by Bonner Martin, rill Pantomime,?"Rock of Age*," Effie Johnson, to Closing address by Bonnie Ha era Song?"God Be With You Till V es- Meet Again." pe- Egg hunt after program ig ov< Everybody come and bring egg*. s>cout this Section of Wester: PICTURES : recent temnc gules that swept the ior Westmoreland Duels of Virginia OPENING OF COURT DELAYED 1 According to telegraphic communications rect ived by the Clerk ? f the Superior Court a few days ago. the ' | superior court of Cherokee County will not opt n until Wednesday of 1) next week. Henry 1'. Lane, the pre ! siding judge, has been detained fot ' I some unknown reason. Instead of I court opening Monday. April 2nd, 1 as planned, it will, therefore, not convene until ?? ?-?iiivnn^, ?r"ili LrIL- 1 ' Attorneys and court officials are anxious that this information be given wide publicity so that jurors ' witneses and others interested ma5 1 not be disappointed by coming before court convene*. Services at The r > Presbyterian Churct 'I I The Presbyterian Church of 011 town are fortunate in that Rev. C L. Sentelle. of Farner. Tenn., ha / pormised to preach for them 01 I next Sabbath. Easter, morning an -1 evening. Mr. Sentell has labore e for several years near Appalachil - in this county, and at Farner. wher n he has heen connected with the fan! ou.s Lynn Rachnvtn School. Th y public are cordially invited to com out an?l hear this strong man. ry They were likewise fortunate having had with them on last Sal y bath Rev. E. G. Clarey, of Wilsoi , X. C., who delivered two splendi r?-i sermons to fine congregations in tl I morning on the casting out of tl | dumb spirit from the young man t ' the Savior, after his deciples hr le ; failed; and in the evening, on "T1 lD,r of Small Things." Mr Clan a young man of pleasing pcrsoi >b nlity, a vetcran of the world war. graduate of Davidson and of Unic le Seminary, with a splendid deliver ' nnd ? erarefiil ?nd fluent cpeake c- The membership were delighted hear once more real PiVsbyterii preaching, from a trained and ed catad pulpiteer. All who heard M To ?. latey hope to have the pleasure hearii.gr him afrain. lie | >y Miss Berry Returns m. To Greensboi Mi.-* H. M. Berry returned fr( by Louisville Wednesday nifrht, whe she had been to speak before t ill. Good Roads Association of K? Ve tucky and the Louisville Chamt of Commerce. She left Thursd er. morning for Asheville, Charlotte a Greensboro. ; | ADVERTISE IN | X THE SC O U T | t "IT WILL MAKE T ;!; YOU R I C H ' ; ;-8-8-8-C-C-C-0HI?CO???OOO ? > ? ??* jj n North Carolina 51-60 A YEAR l.N ADVANCE ROAD HEARING AT ANDREWS ON SATURDAY Several Hundred Present?Cimmissioner Decides on Franklin and 1 layesville Road. At the conclusion vf a two-hour hearing in Andrew* last Saturdsy, Commissions St keleath r of the '.h Nort^ Carolina road district decided to temporarily abandon the Franklin-Aquonc-Andrews road and build the road from Franklin to ITayesville and there connect with the highway leading into Murphy. There were several hundred people at the meeting, chiefly from Cherokee. Macon and Clay Counties. For sometime there has been an ;igitation befor, the State Highway Commission to chary the State road as laid down on the map from Franklin by way of Aquone to Andrews,and build one from Franklin to Hayesvilie instead. A hearing was had a Raleigh, attended by quiio a number of the interested citizens of Macon and Clay Counties, but at the request of the citizens of Andrew . none "f whom were present .n adjourned hearing was set to be had at Andrews on Saturday, March 24th. before th?- State Commissioner. .1. I* St keleather. Considerable interest was manifested in this meeting. ?s is evidenced by the fact that there was a large attendance from all the interested sections. Tho Commissioner announced that he was there to settle the matter that day, and that he meant to give all parties interested every moment of ' time that he could spare, allotting to the proponents of the change in 1 ?.- right to cptn -r.d ccnThe Macon and Clav County peo pi,, wort* almost a unit for the change " the only opposition to it coming from the citizens of Nantahala Township, !in Macon, through which the road sought to he taken off the map I would run ; from a citizen of Clay | County who lives on Tusquitte * I and who tnought the state road should traverse that valley, instead of running down Shooting Creek; r from Mr. Slaughter, of Graham ; County vdio-e citizens would not ho affected in the least and who based 11 ! his position upon the ground that | Andrews was Graham County's neighbor, and from a divided citls'* enship of Andrews, though those of ? the latter who did not object to the '* ! change gave no public expression to lf travel, flowing from Florida hack i toward the Great I?akes, as the sum. ! mer comes, on through by Chattanooga and Knoxville, to which the i Kimsey Highway leads, and through ! Cherokee and other western North *o Carolina Counties. All admit the overshadowing importance of this connection, which >Tn I is not a local, but a state-wide matr* ter. It is well known that, on account of the topography of the conntry and other physical difficulties, >er the road from Franklin, at best, lit? tic more than a local convenience, nd _ __ (.Continued oa page 8)