| TOASTING' The New North State t)nce it was the Old North State? a sweet memory, a pathetic lament | i ?the Rip Van Winkle state, asleep for two full centuries. Now it is the New Nort^ State 1 ^ - awake at last, wide i* jko?r"v. for all the w?rld like Atlanta. Chicago. GALLEY the Atlanta of the West, was the headline wh- ., Cleveland reached the Wind;. City in h * Swine around !tho Circle in the days of his pre iAtlanta h is bion the butt of many a tnerry jest. She's shnnw leas in her boast ir e. Henry Crady began it and the very kid* keen it up. It i* the spirit of indest i t Me youth, and youth wins. Atlanta proves it. California proves it. And :n particular Los Angeles. I.os Angeles bonds herself a hur.. dred dollars per inhabitant, spends Shirty million?! on a water-supply system, and twelve millions more or a man made harbor twelve miles away. She stands right up and blows about it. pictures it in the magazine the world anoifnd. and she doubles her population and quadrup'os her wealtb in a ingle Je.-a.i North Carolina multiples hex public school fund twenty times in over twenty years, spends forty-two million dollars in two years on public school buildir .s. equipments. and support, one hundred and twentytwo millions of ' leral. state and ?jfl|||rf;*. i-.comes, profits. e t , and th k.. in a single w TURKISH L VIRGINIA f BURLEY | tm AMERICAN T3MCC0 THE IMPROVED . VfM-IRi.. TABLET &??&* lAX? AiPtRiN ; Aspirin 13 pr ' 1 * ' " . sir.ana r.vrr ? :???-. ,- ,? -r I fs& JUJrjgSA^.-K ; . i '? . r, '. i MILK'S LAN i!.... | is the r.i w s.-:-. .-. t. . . I; is ntly laxative. . ! I iv- *: crieu t..c ca^? ot P-l!? 1 *"* > I t or; : - | ti.-n as v . - i " " i, : i ?cn: ana rrliv, yt i;1-, =- | rheumu tva. r.?--.:ri: .l bap?. J- -'? - : " "r ' I In f in i - i-' :-"-4 r.? I I Ask v.. 1r-:cCiSt 'OT *"*!N : 1 LAXO-As! :r.!N in ihe -1- J point v m.if! . . : oratories. WastLm'.E., O O 1 Catarrh Cannot Be Cured i With LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as th? P cannot reach the ieat cf ir.e i:seas Catarrh is a local disease. pr^a'ty ii flue need by constitutional .-on ions, a? In order to cure it you must take : interna* remedy. Hall s Catar.h Met "ine is taken inter or ! acts thi the blood on the r. -.*? of tl I' C. " *4- nc ores Tibed by or? < '~*st pvysic.a: !n this COM?:- * --- ] .s Oi po*e i of s?": r- ~ * know combined u - s--~. ' J-** do I'lirfiT?. TV" je * ti'd"" on llu? ingrcf" - 'arr M?? Cine is W leri.lts !r t Icttr-onia's F^J. CTlI-'Nv -- "o'tMfo. Keener Monument Cc J, s. KL^NER, Manager TwiiL'ua, N. C. Can or Write if Yon need a i Monument ^ ^ THE CI rHE NEW NOR K-syear. 90 But sh-h-h! Nobody must mention ct it! It's immodest to say a word ri about it! North Carolina begins? ra barely begins-to casa-in the immense asets that lie in her soils ul and seasons, forests and water-falls in mines and factories; and just as d> he begins, her ferv??r is chilled ti | by the charge that she is immoderate and unabashed in he boasting. v It was a CaLforn.an who said s, Long Beach in 1921, North Caroi lina has got California beat a mile i ..nd doesn't know it. * But Nortj, Carolina does know it . in 192.1 and she mem*, to let the world knew it. It has taken her two centuries j * to develop gumption, grace and p 1 gnt enough to lay down the tour.- j * dation of a great commonwealth . . J *? ?a hiah ' y \n puonc euu?wuu, ??u ...... waj And --he has the courage of i her convictions. Sihe does not mean tQ n.ue hex J * ; l.ght under a bushel measure but to 1 c ct it on a candlestick right out in , the open for ali thc world to see. I The people of Notth Carolina know?at least they have been told often enough to know?that we are i building; good road.; faster than I any other sua* in the Union, Penn- , syivania alone excepted; but also | ( that our improved h'ffhways do no: , yeat reach the total mileage of good , oads in Massachusetts, Connecticut Now York. New Jersey. Pcnncsyl\.ma. or California. t And they know. too. that the j a r*.tv nv lion dollars we are spending on public chools thi> year is * ur times the sum we were spend ' it for this purpose ten v ar. ago; ' vt also that we are still far behind * 1 ' Middle We t< rn states in public ' hoo ' * support And that in legisapnronriations for college ' ilt*.; re thirty-five state- malv better showing than North C.aro i The Un vers ty News Letter 1 **.. f-? t-. awav back yon" 1 *r ;r July 1922. Tb -if.-it has not lost her ser.se f rspective. She is not swash' k'e'n r. but she is doing great - . f late and ?he*s proud of them She can display her wares, but sh<* , oil - do it like S -non < f Mother far o She- * o ,1 v o. b0 prov.r.;?! and parochial?which are polite . rms for gr.oranoe of whn. is i Hi?r v.-.d world be * ne her borders. B. B J S- her.<'^ to the New North State rho 1 !d-apr* so:', of Savajj the barren l'he f d boy brought bv '!?.rl- i I Sweet Clover arid Hone ! S\ ,-oi Co wr . od and pure honey v- nib and extracted) dire t front' i -mincing point at lowest Quality Guaranteed. 'V ivtices and circulars. John A. Sheehan P. F> W. 4. FALMOUTH. ICY. Sale-Army Shoes-Sale! We have just bought a trcnirndout stock of army Mun?on last shoes. to be sold to the P;b!i: direct Price $2.75. ?Ko?e are ICO ??r cent ~ciid lealhcr with heavy dou^ b!e ?o!c.i sewed and nailed. The uppers ore of heavy tan chrome leather with be.lows tongue, thereby making them waterproof. ^ These shoes are selling fast and we advise you to order at once n~ to insure your order being fill. "> i ed. The sizes are 6 to 11, all ^ widths; pay postman on receipt of goods or -end money order. Money refunded if shoes are not I satisfactory. the u. s. stores company i?I New York CitJ 29 1 i " at vf: lEROKt ^Oirr. MURPHY, NOR" rh j f ate i" m! Who is now as a hpdegrootn uning uut of his chamber and Voicing as a strong man to run a ice. May he forever be rich in purse id?poor in spirit! Always abound ig in wealth and in willingness to evoto it to the common weal and it* commonwealth!?News Letter. Suit % Rev. C. F. Martin filled his reguir appointment here Saturday and junday. The following; young men have, rithin the last week, left our con.nunity for Akron, Ohio: Gay and '!yde jra:fmn:fryi H.irley and Joe! ohnson, Lonnie Wood. Benjamin iVeaver, and H. Burton McNabb. Mr. J. T. Decker's folks have all >een real dick for the last several lays. Messrs. J. M. Patterson. J. J. lose and J. W. Keenum Spent the u-.?>nd with their families, retumng to Ducktown the first of the veek. Bro. Joe Beaver and family pa? ?d throug^ our village Sunday. Joe iay* he doesn't mind th? muddy oads as he doesn't run a "Ford." Mr. O. P. Taylor and family spent die week-end with Mr . Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen. Miss Leo: a Hickey spent the wee!: ?nd with home folks, returning c-> Blue Bidge Monday, where she is attending school. Mr. M. M. Burger's new telephone .vorks ail right. His boys hive tried it out and they says that it "talks fine." Mi s Edna Cuurtiss has returned ^ u home ~t AthAna Tenn. She, ivas called home on account of th. ulness of her sister, Wyvetta. Mr. Ferdinando Ferguson, of Hyutt. Ten1.., is lure for a short tin*? ?1?' ?mf? hie t'urmini' interests in this part. Our Sunday School Dear friends, i fear Ly some .'tis said. That our Sunday School at Friendship's dead. Hut. believe it or not. for it ha* only slept. While God. Our Father, our record's kept. Of course, there are many who are staying away. * nd they may regret it on that great .' Ig.ntent Day. V"hen v , a.! come before th? judg .era eat .-r. ; - e an account of our journe, complc to. ?is wrong to -t.-.y at homo and pou : Or else go i a: u r. ai d gosslppin about. Things that .. c past and forevermore gne. Why not be broader and pas? thea >,.mc day we'd awake, h ?pe. to find I Schools, roads, ar.d elections off 01 linn maybe for our Lord we'll work. 'instead of trying our duty to shir ? ABOUT TIME 1U SPRAY APPLE. Raleigh. Mar. 21.?When the pi I of the unfolded apple blossoms i beginning to how and just befc the blossoms have opened is the til ! to spray for "apple scab." sugge G. W. Far.!, extension worker 1 the State College and Departm* of Agriculture in the control of pli diseases. Mr. Fant states that th< appla orchards in which the scab i been bao in previous years shc.i receive a cluster bud spray means of keeping this disease check during the coming season, spray given at this time is the m f* important that could be given in f / TH CAROLINA Plane* Touch Eight r Time* in Mid-Air Tag ; Game I || A remarkable view of two r.ir planes which participated in a flight at Mitchell Field. Long Island, travelincr at a speed of CO miles an hour, to demonstrate how mes. iges and f? ' could be transfer* c! in midair. I;.v\rence B. Spcrry. prevden^ of th> Lawrence Sperry Aircraft im\. the winter spray ?. too strong for unfolding leaf buus and blossoms buds. When usinp I liuid lime sulphur, apply at the rate ( of .*> quarts to 50 gallons of water plus one pound of dry arsenate ol lead or two pounds of arsenate ol lead. If aphid were s> vere la-1 year, add one-halt' pint -f Blael Leaf 40 to ever fifty gallons of water. If snrav material other thar liquid lime sulphur is used apply a summer strenpth according to rec cinmendations furnished by th< | tT :^u The new . sseel bo< k' J Tim ken 1 [ i> ate k fvr h i I 4 .TK, lm ' ? ? Llld ' i A in A DRIVE AN OV l?st | the : nanufacturer." th Spray calendars giving all these N nstructions may be obtained from R Children Cry 1 Tbe Kind Yott Have Always in use for over thirty yea vxiiT j?n8e; All Counterfeits, Imitations Experiments that trifle wit Infants and Children?Exper; Never attempt to reli remedy that you w < What is C Castcrla is a harmless subsi Drops and Soothing Syrups neither Opium, Morphine no age is its guarantee. For i l>een in constant use for the r Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; therefrom, and by regulating the assimilation of Food; g The Children's Comfort?Th? GENUINE CAS" Bears the In Use For C The Kind You Ha Mt CtNTAUR COM! rrr?ir vn a nil n i I ^ ? ( r?D0DL>C!r Mnur\ fF- ? nunc TENNESSEE ALBANY " ; HIGH GRADE AC : F. D. Dick< . [2 Tennesi 1 | MURPHY III Public E Overland leaps rn the front bi No other car at or near its pr: iy, with baked enamel finish for greater riding comfort ? xarings. Order now to insure < 'illys-G?erland Advertisements im The Sn:u Afcfr'? sf RoaJirtr SS25 Cfft lift All p, E. C 30RE ERLAND ANT> REALIZE " ? ? " Friday. March 30, lojj ic Plant Pathology Departme^ f orth Carolina Experiment Station] ^ alcigh. q For Fletcher's Bought, and which has been irs, has borne the signature of he wrapper all these year*! *" to protect the coming' " ations. Do not be deceived,' liM and "Just-as-good" are but *> h and endanger the health of ience against Experiment. eve your baby witlTg fjr ould use for yourself ASTORIA So litute for Castor Oil, Paregoric' i. It is pleasant. It contains r other narcouc substance. Its me ian 'Miry years it has *" el f of C n.-tipation, Flatulency, ft Jla"'".g Fevcrishness arising of re .-.iiiniach and Bowels, aids Ivt.ig healthy and natural sleep. / ; Mother's Friend. rORIA always ta )vep 30 Years ive Always Bought aHArxuaBasm^ !?|j | 7Ti^t(?HG ViELDs | CK?M! JALCO. I VNTA ;iD AND GUANOS I 5?.!e by Q ty Feed Co. 8 ree Street B N. CAR.B I 1 mm a giving more ice has an all- [ ?or Triplex or so many I ;arly delivery. j r Jay Evtmimg Pott 25 ices 1. 9. b. T9I0H j N M THE DIFFERENCE