k - . r""4 Clje !)etobee ?>cout 1W OBcial Oi|U of Murphy ?? tck?mk?? County, North Curoliuu. BRYAN W. S1PF., Ed.tor-Muuu(Ur. MISS H. M. BERRY. Auociatu Editor PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Subicirptioa Rttat ?na Year $1.50 Eight Months 1.00 Six Months .80 Four Months ..... .SO Pa/abl? Strictly in Advaaca. Display advertisements, 25c per colamn inch; legal advertisements, want ads, reading notices, obituaries, cards f thanks, etc., 5c a line each insertion. Contract rates will be furnish d immediately upon request. We reserve the rigrtt to refuse advertisements of s shady or suspicious character, which are likely to axislead our readers, or any other advertisement? or reading notices sot in keeping with the dignity this yMper maintains. Entered in the po&toffioe at Murphy, North Carolina, as second class mail asattsr under the act of M'eh 3, 1870. Fomin A ill BlilMI Hcj*r+*w*m*rrt THE AMFKA VN PRESS ASSOCIATION I SOME THINGS THE SCOUT WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN iiL'KPHY AN" CHEROKEE COUNTY. In Murphy 1. An active Board of Trade cr Chamber of Commerce. 2. More manufacturing: industries. 3. New Passenger Stations? A Union Station. 4. More Improved Streets. {>. Regular I i vary How*. 0. A Reading Club. In CIirrokc? >.'wir^ 4 S< nii0uii i v r? *h?4|. I | EDITORIAL The Road Meeting At the road meeting in Andrews Saturday the Patriot tommUaioner decided that it was the best tor an [ we t?tn N.rth Carolina to tempotaril\ dear- the building of the Franklin-Aquone-Andrew* section of | route X". and instead, construct i the road from Franklin to Hayervilli Leaving off the local important f the: e two roads. anyone in this sect. r. must readily see that the hang: . which will make possible i t or.structu'n of the road from here . th. Ten - ee 1 ne. will be > greatc he? fit to*this action thai : t a;i:- c other read it ha> This v vi;: western N'arth Car :ta with ;h? !>i\ c Highway and Kin v H.gr.w... a: 1. therefore.' brir rami": :.nd tourist travelers from > j t h c r n state- t hu jrh western North Car na. This will help a.I of the State, especially that portioi we t if Asheville. And then thi - section w ! be benefited I in another way ;>r having an outit t into the entire South. Those wno 1 may ha\\ he.n loc. .;?* benefited by, ih? Frs;?k5???-A miAne-Andrews road! should take a broad v ow of the mat-j Pici ana i ' -iw/. if..4ience of the Neatest number of peopl* r.ust N considered in building: a M?ie system of rcads. Th* counties car. . Id the local roads and the feeder into the state system. GET RID OF THAT i "TIRED FEELING" j DO you feci run down and halfsick ail the time? Are you thin, pale, easily tired?no energy, no j ambition, no "pep"? Now is the time V take Cudc's w Pepto-Mangan. It will brace you up, give you a delightful feeling of vigor and ambition, enrich your blood, build finn. solid flesh. and bring the healthy color back to your skin. Your druggist has Gude's?Liquid Or solid, as you prefer. Gude's Pesio~Mandan i'l ^?*^^n^Bloo^Emriche^ I ? Letters From the I * People ? A A BUSTER WANTS A MOTHER.' Greensboro, H C. Dear Mr. Editor: I am a little habv boy two months j old, and they call me "Buster". A kind providence sent me to the Chil-1 dren's Home Society, and 1 am | growing everv day and will *oon be j a hip bouncing boy. I want some good woman to write the ruperintendent of the Children's Home Society of North Carolina. I Greensboro. N. C.. and ask him to j give ny* t0 her. I am sure he will j do so, as hi- ha=? so many mother- j less babies and mor,. want t come to the Home. Write him today and i I will bring joy and happiness t* some childless home. With love. A HOMELESS BABY BOY. > * Ebeneezer > good advice. Our Sunday School here opened up ??d we hope to have good success. Miss Ruth Cornwell and Prela Jahnson visited their grandmother and home folks recently. Mr. George Hembree passed thru, our section the other day. Little Miss Maude Fricks and , others, returned home from Murphy I where they havt. been attending. school. Miss Fdith Young visited Miss Nellie White Sunday afternoon. Mr. Alvin Pockery was a visitor at Mr .1. E. Grages Sunday afternoon. Mr Charlie Killian and Mr. Arthur Stephens have gone to Gas- , tenia. ! I Mr. Frank Graves wm a pleasant vis i to r at Ebeneezcr Sunday. Re\ Mull failed to fill his ap P'.i.mjv .. a::? mi- ,? nvrv ncre wi-rc disappointed Sunday. Mr and Mrs Luther Adanv and 'dr n. Mr and Mrv Ivwoy! StU? * i :td tw children, all left las: Tuesday morning for Gastonia. Mr. K1 Allen made a bu- nesa trip to Murphy Friday., Mr. and Mrs. Jim Swanson and \ little ehi'.drer spent the pa t voek with Mr. and Mrs. And aThompson. Mr. l.ou Fr. :nar made r : trip to Suit last Thurrd. The i.ttle son of Mr. and Mr- Jim Swanson is on the sick li- thi> w. k. Ai.?o Mrs. Swan-on is very >! ! Padgett and Henry Fickle simer speni me wrtK-ena w.m .?ir. Andrew Thompson They verp up from Ducktown on a hunting trip. They returned together with Mr. Thompson to Ducktown Sunday after a jolly hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Filbert Allen and vo child "en. of Ducktown. were visnjr relative-: on Shoal Creek Sun ?3FM ^es Bird St 'es ar.d Ida Ss-c r. visits? . n M' n Su-c ' noon. 1 >!E CHEROKEE SCOUT, MU Mr. and Mrs. Shiram Jones and little daughter, Willie Su, passed throufrh our section Sunday. Born to Mr. and Willie | Crowder on March 20^ a little dauphter. Rev. PassQiore failed to fill his j appointment 'at Shoal Creek Sunday. Mrs. Chatman. of Shady Lane. ! i visited her father, Mr. Bill Brendls. j | on Shoal Creek Saturday night. I V.. H. Allen and little son visited. Mr. Alien's mother, Mrs. R. P. Al- j Ion, Sunday afternoon. I The Sunday schol will start at Shoal Creek next Sunday. Jim Swanson and Mari^ Thompson made a busines trip to Ducktown Thursday returning: Friday. ?- ? Mr. ^*harli4? Marrow, from Hunter Switch, visited Jim Swanson Saturday. sirs, jane Mason and prandson. , Dee Swanson. made a business trip to Suit Saturday afternoon. Clyde Stiles and l*akes Quinn 1 were out joy ridinp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Brown attcndthe sinpinp Sunday morninp. ? BoUing Springs * > A :-c?x?:~x-o-c^-o-c?x~:Everybody is plant np par dens these days. Mr. Ira Snei d and Alfred P iyno returned to Snowbird Cap to their Work Sunday. Mr. Jasper Rhodes is str!| haulinp lumber for Mr. C. C. Mills. Mis? Eulalia Davis visited her sister. Mrs. W. L. Mundv Thursday. Miss Mae Ahemathv visited Mis: ? . narti .uuncy bmmhm| Mrv. Ira .Mundy. from Pennsylvania. and hi* brothers. Lather. Garfield. Stanton and Ed. of West Virginia, are visitine tht :r parents. I Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mundy. this -. 'el . Mr. Joe Abernathy and family have moved to the Mack Lunsford 1 farm where he is expecting to do farming this year. Master Dee McDonald is -irk this week with the flu. Master Wayne Abernathy visited ihirgnn McDonald Saturday. Mrs. I.ou Patterson and Lena "h :mbe* visited Mr . W. L. Mundy ?; -day. M . 1 C. V is doing -ofe good v (v at his saw mill these days. Sundav school has opened again " for the first refreshings of spring Everybody is invited to come and take part. If w?. don't fight the boll weevil - will. Let** si! ??* nts write items to the Cherokee Scout. I Hastings' Seeds 1023 Catalog Free Write today for Hastings' new 1923 catalog You will reed the information It give? alir.oat daily?the rr.oet valuable and useful s-ed book ever publisnj ed. 1: contu.ns l(>"i pages, picturing I and correctly describing the best and ! most popular vegetables, flowers and j farm crops for th Soii'h How and what to plant in your yard, j H-a Held for every purpose. Hn*? to b a; the be!! weevil. bean beetleytnd other petta Fdll natural color pictures of the bert Hoaea, Gladioli and other flowers How to get 5 packet.* of seed of beautiful flower* free How much seed is required lo plart a row or acre, when and how to plant and cultivate. Why it pays to plar.t good seed# and how to get them as cheap or cheaper than common or ordinary seeds. Just write for this handsome new 1923 Se?d Book It's a beautiful book and you'll be mighty glad to have it In your home. It is absolutely free. Write for tt today. H. G. HASTINGS CO, Atlanta. Ga. -SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT? ' ItFHY. NORTH CAROLINA We are having some nice spring weather now. We hapc our superintendent will b?? out uext Sunday. I?0 I g Tm si-k people of this commun ity are aSowly improving. Mr. Ed Mundv, 0f Culberson, -and Fred and Farfield, and Stanton Mundv, of West Virginia, and Mrs. Tom Curtiss, of Culberson, arc spending a few days with their p-.enta. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Munri . of this plac.e, who are very i. with the flu. M;sses Anr.n Lou nnd Myrtle Dockery spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sneed. Mr. I.uther Mundy returned last week f. .' West Virginia where he" has Ih<.- fo several months. i Everybo. .. come to Sunday school good work. Mr. William M.ntz and Frid Lovingocd, of Owl Creek, spent a little while in our midst Sunday. Mrs. Monroe Garrett and two little sons visited Mrs. Joe Abernathy Sunday. M Mack Lunsford has moved w' family near Grandview to Mrs. John j McDonald's place. Miss Eva Abtrnathy went to j Grand view Saturday. Mr-*. En llie Abernathy is improv- ' injr after u long illness* Mr. Tom Curtiss, of Culberson,! : pent Sunday night at this place. Marble * Mrs. Delia Cowans, of Woodstock. Ga., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lance. School closed Friday with a very j Miss Julio. McComi - was an Andrews shopper Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. I). S. Russell, of An* j drews. were shopping in town M< m| d?y Rev. (.*. F. Owen preached at Marble Sunday. i Mr. Arthur I'almer has ln> new Paint fori ~ --? It IZ r com. .end Certain-teed pa >;.* becatise it free: c:tr customers mure Jor their money. Our experience is th.it Certain-teed has more / and ' j. -ars knger crdmary point. Cherol Murpl i f 1 * , residence most ready to move into. 1 Mr. Ernest Palmer is moving to Coalville. y? I Mr. A. D. Evans, one of tlie Marble teachers, returned t^ his home at Hnyesville Sturday. Mr. H. N. Moore moved 7?is faml* ly back to Hnyesville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, of Upper Peachtrce. were visitors al Marble Monday. Mr. Commodore Davis, of Almond was a pleasant visitor at Mr. Jack Barton's the past week. Mess.-. Willard. If .k and Ah" Sudderth were week-end visitors at Marble. Mr. Kiihard Lee, of Marble, is working at Hcwett, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. R )binson are visiting at Mr. Lance's this week. Mr. Tom Hcnson and Mr?. R. L. Gibson visited at the home of J. J. Trull the past week. Mis4 Julia McCombs returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Abernathy and Miss Julia McCombs spent Su;. day with Mr. and Mr . J. mer. Mis Laura Crisenbcrry is visitinp j in Murphy this week. J A V Iff "T HAVE TAKEN Carcii .t t, * condition, nervousness weak too." says Mrs. Silvu ^3 "Cardui did me just lots ot jj5 it to my daughter. She con ?? sides and back. She took her condition was much bet Eg] "We have lived here, neat 5* now we have our own hon , |pij work pretty hard, as this c> made it hard on us. HBm "I WISH I could tell w medicine that helped give i do my work." This card fi m A E I In ^^Thc Worn ^house^ VOl" need only S} j <^allo ~ White to paint a spacious ! That means less than ;sl for i'KT m r r?? ortif'o tl.^n n nl. in., ix a i! in ks setting of green luwn takes so little paint to keep j :'."J new, it i- a pity to pui the color let us show jou th had in Wmrtain-teeJ outside p;: Certaii tee Hardw ly Hardwa Murphv. N. jf? FrU.,. ?U?h Wi ltB | , i MRS. A. Z. HARRELL GAINS 24 POUNDS Declare Tanlac Rest ored Her After 5 Yean Of Suffering From Stomach Tremble. "I was almost a nervous wreck but Tanlac has built me up twenty. four pound \ and I never felt better in my life." declared Mrs. A. ? Harr 309 W. Graham. St.. Shel^ X. C. sr.ffeivd from stomach troobfc five years. and was in a te.nbly nervous, run-down condition. aj. ] most everything I ate refn cd to ] digest, but soured on my stomach I and kept in? in misery. My app*. tite left me entirely, and I simply | dreaded to eat, because I '..new r ! would suffer so badly afterward. | I was ?o unstrung the least little ?.;n.? tt-mild iin set n>o?? *"*" ? K *?*! night's sleep was impossible, and 1 nothing seemed to do me any po<>^ i until osi: T.tnlac bo4 of Trr.lac niade u? a . .11 :i i.,:y wo ma i. My v. -1 . gone. I >1 "op .jr?dl| and f... f .i headaches tV;.t used lfl nearly drive nie frantic have never bothered me since. My stamach trouble ha- been completely over, come, I have a splendid appetite, and I think Tanlac simply grand.* Taniac is sola by nil Kwd arm j r : . Over 33-millton bottles sold. B ^sh 1 ui for run-down, worn-out BB and sleeplessness, and I was Rji e F-stcs, of Jennngs, Okla. Mj good?so much that 1 gave H iplained of a soreness in her PJ tliree bottles of Cardui and Ha Jennings, for 26 years, ar.-f HI le in town. I have had to Hi lunlry wasn't built up, and it H( H eak women of Cardui ? the me the strength to go on ana K n IIfils her wish. 31H >DUl| an's Tonic HR _ iHj lomelikc thisTw'xSi1)- | the paint. There is noth- n cly painted, white house H and shrubbery. When it S ; five home like this fresh H : <41 painting. Whatever M e choice rich shades to be D are Co. I ire Co. I n