NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT WEEK Peace Lc-nms in Franco-Germa Dispute as Result of Recent Events. FRANCE DISAVOWS LAND GRAB Joint Statement of French and Belgian Premie* and New German Movemerit Cianf> n -uation; Brtti& 1 H c d A . More lu. .. . j.. Len.n Rcported Nu Death. <p? . . o F-enrh * * 0 ty "V n - i in t t?v. . . . : I : t i : n . popu atien la htotory, sts taken from tho roc . ord * i ; H ftifilCltlr II ulh l?iosi! r:_ i W- :'r <?f <lgUtmhh _ ?i T '. - the f??n :urati'<n : the 1 n h umt V"-:. winters i im:>? i ?:n huil u> pur; -i their i r.*. rii u?ur>ler v( iw.? i ; WjBgBWWIf; jinryn^aMCT-.niiyn IIIIM- i 11 HI I Will acres- the 1:1 . : :i ment insti;: i b> 'lerr u \n?: t -1 expressing Cer: men: s : .* the ri fixed l?v ti.e V . - . s : far US tier r: Taken " ?: : tl a' :l ! " , T 1 * were t! \ f :i* *. Men t *i. live bti! tin N h? - - > ! in the bead i of the vletii M. M i- ', in n > er f war isi t'..? Fret: li .. i Fn.v e - ^ fHAMBERLAiNv: i u COUGH u| BPt^cnvl RELIEF OP Coughs. Ccids. Croup WHOOPING COUCH. HOARSENESS BROV CHITIS -SOLO LVuRY.VHERE ? PUBLIC bALES We h e pur n*? 22.003 pair of L'. J. Army N un^on l*-t tho^>, ?ii"i 5 1*2 to 12, eh h whs the - ti. ,? au us st ?? one of the .?r ;.*?t L . S. Uornr merit shoe contrii. tors. This Shoe is guarinteH cne hond*-rd per cf* sol'J 1? ath -r. color uorls t.hollows to?v;u. , di.t ?nj wnlsrproof. Tlio ac* * tual value of this ..hoe is $6 00. Owin* to thia tremendous buy we can offer same to the pub : t $2 95. Send correct sixe. Pay Postman on delivery or aend money order. If shoes are not as represented we will cheerfully re 7""1 " " 7 r-* "?r-"7 uc on roqur?t. NATIONAL BAY STATE SHOE COMPANY 2!>6 Brondvay, New York, N. Y. ATTENTION, PUBLIC Wr have leased the Til?on Shoe Shop, located in the Griffith B ?!ding. and ar- prepared to do first-clan* Shoe work. All Work Strictly Guar anteed Y/>ur Patronage Will Be Appreciated ELLIOTT & HANEY i " action when he said. In our attitude 1 ( ward* the population our soldiers have animated sentiments of humanity. hut such m critue cannot remain unpunished and tt is only richt to curry with it ten !e rv;?ri^s?l-? " T!..? Mayor , Buet, lis "j.sist iPt, the chief of j** , r. and ;*vo I'rjcliwiit 'citizens !invt? I'tvn arreted and . ?? j b? nt; h* lit as hosia^vs. Tiie deaths f ?w ; o.' one French * dser and two othc s v.ououed in the i ame d s) tri? t and this latest outbreak lia? pat the trusts In an unpleasant fmme of mind '1 he deaths s.*e laid rt th? do??r of the ex|?elie<l ilermoii p?db*e |?y th,? French but no grounds tin? the> :uay have *. r such a chare have b??a cabled to ties country, j t* unueriybi^ thought in tt.e mind* who are keeping track o.* . . - is to w ?ndcr if the t?< .in* . re .-darting in on the h- .. | u ie-?:seur movement of f >> tat resulted Iti terrible r. -..lis I.v ; e tJeni alt Invaders . EX - . \ n " oitART The murders ;:.e -m siatement ? I Verniers I'o : : and Th unfc .1 n\ ow : , a: ther. ?lits of Their ; v.? : n and Brig utn i - \ i . b inr criai :u-n!l ! el r V. we '?? - i ' ? doe ie ' i ! -et ie ti expected f.-o . ! -? Id .w : ;;the - : i . : > dear I s I" { statement says, catrforlrally. that i r' . iidd ? na' Terr ??ry " he* jran; -i.. " i c% :llf d mcnts are tl .n Ury ' " " = " h> ' r'- tx f! . > ? : r ;>.? *P" .:ii> tli rv t? .? ? wpj the puhli ! it ; vi' : v. ! the ll'tlr f.? the t!el?l of nuti'Mai ; _i?? u t!.-- ht-r^ians a >i? t t'." t iiio'v j.r. l'm. I -.nihility to control tli- \t der i nltuai 'i thai U re: inlei! Iinii ti a t;. ' .ry ihh% 1 i ti I . - ?\Vti a do> re t'? i the i? : rely to a .0111t . . i" ev t: ; inly t' ? .lit'. a : .-it . II, .IlfN ;: Tl 1 11:? N nviet heitl.' : r . ! to Use their I arin> 1- a r?r?v ? h : eto>. 1 vtll tl ! . lar:;t ; y t he two pro fiat they would evacuate the t? : : itor> n> fast as , .\iih'Ct tiii* iio-^lul.iy |j;ut the It ihr would ti! find Itself In the - 0* it as A . I. ? u l-.irt oi 1 : 11 ? .\ if! :i" .< if:,. ; i:i'ni?*nt is it stands ex.iftly upon un l it . us ?>f that ur h ?n? i.\ Frata-e tifty-twb yours a so, lltstuurclc. II r> re-ord* that Ihsnarek. !n ".1>-ni; I'r;.as.>o: u*| he would r?-t;r*? with ! s array as fust as pay. s f).. .U.lonui:t\ VM?ro III: ;o. The French sin try ?:" those days as will o remembered. emptied t hidden ..rn.-rs their cupboards and I inside ??f three pah! hv>t t ? the To a.i~: -rds the enormous < for that period of the world's ry. f tl\e IIions f f ';?ri--s. roughly S1.j ikHMHmuD. u-s. !? ?. territory. | Fr.tni went tJu - ugh the same strait that ny is under*:-?i: a vast port i. <* Its people nb> utely refitted to aid in t ie payment the intbminify a:.?l for two months th? j ; < .ne, the Reds ..f that Time, raced t. rt? i,-' it Par. attacking eons* t > .ihoriry a! the tlertnan array sat : !ly by :.d \< hed t!?e situation ! ?'ar.fy Its. If I > >ry Jlppe-ifM to V.-o. e rope -.ted is It has a habit ?-f doln*;, in the 'T1'" i'r .an dlspuT- <'! -'? ! I1 : . l.i are wot'lilni; t<> see whether' the ne will :?* anions the ; T?- n. p. !es; whether the <*-r- I | u. in -si :.* ,?f the I'ranetl . .- ? i -v '! .ruse. - .< - indb ate I hy the m :r| ders .?f the two Frenrh officials; and | wise:her th.e indemnity will he jab' inady. I ? w - . 11.. ! ! ?vr I ^ .. rrr::n-: ! ..?! in i'*r in: {' ! declaration f Fran ? an I iT.lirinm r:.:r i they W'.uUl retire as ^"-11 a> their v : , !]?- : I a ! been pah!. s not known ;.nd ; it \er be . Itritislt >1 : II its are rev. I* fa'* ikBSrnt win*;: .1:1 | ;jnpert2Ttt mutter of fe.relgn iioli.-v I unes up. It is a prime pr.r of ? king's a?Iv:>ers that Kng'uiml - all, i'e always with the weaker jiowor, jibling it tip until it overshadows Its opponent. whet?. in turn. th?? fir Irish change their sj mpathies. '1 he ItrfTi-' |>ei>rle* h ive not forgot i Tea 1 iniil-teU the Cennan j | ;l"Ij-fcOSU, l-ot &e.ii?oT liiVc iiiCjT *OT | ' ?tten those decades nro-md the open- , ir.g of the Nineteenth ?entury when 1 \ .rwl.M^Ti'^ name was used to frighten ! children to sleep, and when the menace of the Little Corporal, standing oc | French > i and gazing across at the 1 .1- of I?over while he assembled a 1 !host of fishing vessels r-? transport a grant Inv:.?iii.g army. In' ; heavy ?>n nh Kngiand. In spite of tire terrible nature of the war wag 1 by ftermany since 1914 -Ingirind n be relied upon to keep 'Jennany in *':e concert of nations us in t?.V<e* to r' e power of Fran?"?*. Slie has checktniitcd France a'ready in aev ral ays in the present Imbroglio, chiefly 1 > selling coal to the Jierlln authorities to enable them to keep fBTs'oo -j or up at.. T1 r.OKEE SCOUT MURPH WRES~~*.!NG ALLIGA1 KNOW :,Sl;fe:. 1 . A lijrator i-arti.. , is k . vrn - 1 vcr th c -v .. ... "All -.t i"i -i ; t'.n* ln\ region. ..? r .* *1 : . . * it prin< ijile ?>. I" r it. . < iliilicult t-? ? i t ' : i n:mj w !1 n??t - - ?1 ' f i* Hiihr rrl< ?. I .... of ith tunnufai turitnlus:i < >. -pin: ii;i. :i srio.x wu.i. n?>t * a .in i ?*\?' n-? -m [ ;?re pro. . of ?:? ibof* of the "Reput.S-v?n w r?* *A.*t :.< :n ? : ! ?>ok stti?l the lay following i ;r t <<re .u\-v execute*! : *ai> nil u .ming a to* i of n ent ii. - I ? ru. - , . ! - ''.?* iNillstit :? '! ?<?v " > - - * r. ^ t.M-TIV Imts f i i ! mm and (heir fam- j i if \ it a li.u'.? !.-liti-iii'! .>n f .< > wii:<-l|tf\?r - 'N* V - : ?. i>n<?r < It. rv wl'l ! ivp ? !<? I'.lial 1 S" f.' i tllN ill ? ; *11 tliP l 'f .* . I! ? t ! na'i'an go\?-; nmcnl I" allow a n*pr lit? I ? <!:;.Tl Ii from N?-.v \ .?rk -" -:n v.?? t1 < f f lunnl of tlu? ?".r ii* I * - t Uli empire is set a-riinst trcvolu- | j KXIX AMI xi:<itzkv AI:k I:E-| L' j- *rt.-*I r.? ..r tUaih ? .. i'< **r A n- , .i*>u<lor tliarhs K. t*rai:<- ;< i the wi.rlii is woii'lorins what ?\il happen , < pre-, ut It*i<< >ii p * in-- with the ( passing of i*'t!i?'r or <?!h -f these men, who are unquietmnutily great in their i aohievements. no matter I. *.v one j \iews t r :i'*tiv tTin* ilrath of L.emn win.hi put me mjvu'i pai mm-tu j tu It* greatest test and it ?1 !.? will , anmu'er the ?p:e-Tli>n us to the depth to 1 which his l?nl>?he\ k teaching- have! { enotruied to the ti:a?'.s of the people. Coven :ent is seized or perpetuated I by three things: by hereditary. by elec i tli'ti or by u coup d'etat. Lenin will | have no heirs, even If they w.. : d be i re'iignlZP'l by the soviet peoples, nil unthlnkuM thing; while the .umtry lias no election nirn l r.i n..<! . by I the military Is not < insidere-.l likely. Ir 1 s t'ndo-<*' iv 1 thnt t st' coterie ?t Len.n' r " * nten. ve already v..Loned their .?n?t lii \c ev. " rs tl. ' wLl Htic i?! the i'l6* a tor's pav-ir? f r> *tn power hnt .he .vorlil will won.!* whether the etiv.aisrs <ir the ?1- nnrles will be It tin majority when > .at event c. ine? to pas*. Trot.v-y's is said to he slight by other* < h?ue ge?n him this month. n ?"rpri*lng!;.\ Crcnr T* It already bar* uccepted the American terms for the fun ling of t!. war debt, and it is now up to congress to I ass the measure modifying the present law and giving the commit* sh?n broader pov ;s. Tlie haulers In congress !>elieve this can be done at tids session. The proposed settlement is on the basis of o per cent for the tirst ten years. U'.j per cent thereafter, and maturity of the loan in t*J years. There is provision tor a one-nan or 1 per rent sinking fund whereby the principal will he reduce<l annually. The amount due the first year would be 2H7.197. The tirr.;s propose to give Enu'uinti a slightly lower rate of interest than the average rate paid by the government to holders of Liberty bonds, n-bhh difference must b?? paid by American taxpayers. Senator McKei| lar estimates this difference at $T?S.? IX *>,< <*) annually. On tlie other hand. It Is pointed out, that this difference would be offset by the savings on Interest or. Liberty bonds, which would he retired with the proceeds of British payments. PRESIDENT HAKDINO has accepted the role of arbitrator between Rent and Chile in the Tacna-Arica dispute, and the rest of the world hopes, with the Vatican, that this will put an end to t%e uge-long enmity betrset! *bo??o two countries. WI'ii n IY. NORTH CAROLINA ORS SIMPLE IF YOU f HOW S&L Vr , - <j v ^ 1 L "n : ? *! a:. handle any a1i?r.?lof up to his w _ t anyw'xre. lit- is no ih m? t daring and skillful t r i tht.-o rc. tiles in this counIWiPPPtiWMI M 'T'1: v.\. >i\ts ?f i i: t.Eok A l.: ' ?. t ? ;. -u y-, an a\?i km _ 'u, at his home in l-Uli "ore a. li.i. r?'' r?ed t ti<* v.. . <i ?if an Ji.i: e 1T w.:-. t! ' ||'l bit I rt, t radical in ihoajhl v } a . .*nl ! hat: 1-trii tly t?? itm or? %. j.r his prof.--*;. n It r . ? *!??K*t??r I.. i? vh?? Mrs? attracted ? ! by *-.a nans Imitation <?? 4 ? a I. . :r.i ' ? !>. hi- osptrl n. -n ? r f firs. -Mowing ; *'v --Ttivl. ;i<; n result 1 li- 1 "'at nh.tid trntis "'i !??1 " t?Mii|M?rary re..f ?iM i--.- It . ??f hi- that the r I my month* and 1 . 11<>?? . -r.. i? 1.; - ?! ti , ci-iudti- <; ' r ?'t. ept In * M i-- ' * a p . cox :m??M3 " i 1 *r ! -i nut*, "n n?.in> of nliii;u he - ' i'y . jvrated. At: :tr . : t in t of 1 i \v?? >?? : a t rial r at In m - . ! - ei ?r the op. at hot c\t?' t the f- r > ne % f the !.< ! - a ! eti ' v !i!?l r v ' h ' ' v . .. - .?n? t\vnt strl t^nn ..i.l \vc.V> tt h?ok f :. tiv.u. m??v.:m3:\v itt on ro<?T A . \ *1 ir- . . . . ! i- ;i.e. c;t?re t?? he -irunn.cil with ^ ... In ?s . - thereby tie .t re structure of .nan :ry will he placed in puvn t ? foreign 3... ;i?U"? a- the basis ??:' un iutcrtsa' i-nal loon which is to he used to 1'ii.v ; art i.f tii** uuntr? > in-ity. Underground reports from Switzerland say that the move:- ?*nl has i?r? led to the evtont *ft;.t n leader ..f the equivalent of ten i ll!ions 1 of dollars in gold was made to a I r. noli emissary. This offer Is the largest | that lias ev.-r been made :;nd is c-?n1 si durably higher than <*h : *rl!r?r I Cddo'b tender at Prrls. the rejection | of wld- h v as si^nal:/.ed hy tin' o, < uJ patlo'i of the Ruhr. Ac.ej < . the j o'.Yer will uuquesti.nuhly result in the \ Immediate retirement of the French rroni the lnvuded district. as soon as satisfactory guarantees have been made. As tl;e Fren h have tni-en one leaf out of Bismarck's hook by occupying territory, they will not net hastily In consenting to a reduction of the occupying forces. In fact another 100,* 000 -i?Miers were teported either In he it Vr or on the way. tighte* wg their a11 ly powerful strnngle-hoh! -n BS|SS5S^SSS SENATOR BORAH renewed his \ rrv posal for an international conference on world economics, and told his colleagues he thought the administration was drifting aimlessly although another European war threatens. The senator, more than usually pessimistic, asserts tne French invasion or tne ituhr is likely to result in a triple alliance of Germany. Itussin and Turkey; that fids comb Inn: on could bring on another general European conflict, and thai the Unites! States would he drawn Into the row inevitably, lit? suggests the United States can call the conference (! participate in its ,ii?!!b<>ei> < tlons and leave to the European pow ers the responsibility of carrying out ; Its agreements, as was done in the ruse of the Aigeciras conference in 2004 Tints he replies to the objections of the Irreconcilable* as voiced by Senator Johnson of California. RKPIIESKNTATIVE IMIUTKU of Pennsylvania. chnlrin?.n of the bouse foreign affairs committee, has Introduced a resolution requesting , I'resident Harding to urge a world- ' wide limitation of the production of narcotics and habit-forming drug*, and to report to congress within six mouths [ the results of his efforts. It Is left to the discretion of the President whether j or not be shall call nn international ! conference on the subject. retort* BILL BOOSTER SAYS |j OOVJDT. FOLKS* MV NAMES B1U. BOOSTEQ AMD I'VE COME HERE TO LWE BECAUSE V t LIKE THE LOOKS OF THE TOYJW AMD THE PEOPLE \ SEE OH THE STREETS! VM FOR THIS TOVJM STB.OUG AMD VIA BOOSTVMQ VT HEAVT*. MAT BE V CAVA DO SOME GOOD \ TOUR EDITOR. SATS, "GO TO VT, BILL!" tr* VRMY EXAM. FOR APPOINTMENT IS ANNOUNCED A f ox i* : i?f candidates < ar annointnu -it in. of i fi vond I'tut*" vt R- r ' >r Army, r ill 1 c H' M d*. mr the week com- f rr .Tune 2.", 192". -j T11 exam "nation is pen t ? all ?e male Anv . ? " : hotw? > S >e : r: s of 21 :.rtd 30 \?ars. to fill a pprox'maloty S."? v.oaneie* in the ml ata::t branch ?. { .. . t rmasti t r;??. On' : I?rti t nt. her..: al Warfar St rv ..-I I uni-c 1>. artm * t. i -i didatc obtain the neccs -1 * i . <! .? -n and a:- 1 1 "".ta?n Man!: f m\ from the n nr- " ? Am:. ;i . or deta h?j offa-.*. ? t the." m .y to th<* Command : ^ * It . .-. I. 'i Con A- o. V M ; I , her.'on. (ia. Preliminary t. xara'nati . consist r ineuir; nt > the phy oal, Southern Syst ANNUALF United Ccntcdei NEW ORLE A r*?i i n_i m 12 JL V" J A Account of the abov< ern Railway will sell roc Orleans at the following, Fcr Members of th Veterans ar.d immediat families accompanying I MURPHY For sons of Confec federated Southern M United Daughters of th sponsors, matrons ard i MURPHY All tickets to read each direction. DATES 0 ticketi will be sold froi olina Points April FINAL Final Limit of all Ticl All tickest will be sol certificate, ccrtificc by proper authorities ol erans' Association to v< lies which entitles them mile, miles traveled, an caces from Sons of Ve Southern Memorial ra l. _r ,> ^ r jL-^rtuyiiLcrrs ui . .ie trons and maids of hon< ara rare for the round ti Through sleeping < will leave Asheviile on m.. Eastern 1 ime, Mon J. H. 1 DIVISION PASS 42 Havwood St. Friday, March JO. ,,jj J Iniversity Prepares for Flocd From Schools ' 'ill Build Additional > Dormitories With the Funds Approbated by ' Last Legislature. Chapel Hill. ? The University is tunic ready to provide more room r the new flood of high school udents. Two dormitories, pehraps three ill he built out of the money provide 1 by the legislature. The dt rmirie? put up a year ago haw just irely taken care of the increase la .tendance ince then. The r.un.ber of g aduates i: \ rth ar-'lti a h . h sch?> >ls next ' - j, mated between 5.000 n:.?l 6,. , A greater and greater p. CPTlt them are going to collet . and i niversity, of course, has to take lire ?'f th largest share. it is ? i i >;it task to find enough . rrvs. >i hm <nr.g* talked ox most are 0 f..r * r?lo -y and ? h nd th0 wontcn'j buildtng .VI . an As b hccau* there i* noj - ting money to put up all of hem. 'i applicants, to determine whether r not they have the requisite qualiiulion? L. justify proc edir y w6m final examination will be held ,11 till ' to time at the ne.iresf . tary ; t or station wher. -here ffu < : t personnel for a 1. ;rd. ?uch preliminary examina*; : will void inconveniencics and urnecesary exj r to loth the aplicant .ml tl. <i verrm nt in rx 'y rosea \] : >h uldt therefore, be . in ited a- early as possible. \Vi 11 balanced rations tor the . help produce hoys and girli coo.l bi'T-.e, good teeth, mu>clet .i, .' ! of being de\ 'oped, and a ? > lear head. say home demon* . t . n workers. < ?untv agents in North Carulind i irted LVt. 1 r,r? crop demon tr?? i 70.1)73 a ti s last yea-. Railway em IEUNION rate Veterans ANS, LA., 13, 1923 ? occasion, the Southind trip tickets to New ; fares: e United Confederate e members _ cf. their them: $15.34 lerate Veterans, Conemorial Association, e Confederacy, and naids of honor: $31.03 via the same route in F SALE: n Western iVorth Car 6, 7, 8, and 9th. LIMIT: cets to Be April 30th Id on the identification lies having been issueu f the Confederate Vet :terans and their faniito rate of one cent per d also separate cevtifi terans. Confederated Association., V'n ted ? .racy, sponsors, maor at rate of one start Jrip. cars for New Orleans Train No. 10, 3: JO p. day April 9th. Wood ENGER AGENT Asheville, N. C. _ HL_: J

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