Wr^ar. March 30. 113 23 jfljETH CAROLINA ^ I Cherokee County. f In the Superior Court T I Mat Coleman, U I ?. ;jvigp I Lorfie Coletnen. j J > NOTCE The defendant above named will take I notice that af action entitled as >y I #b0Ve has been commenced in the 1 Saperur C urt of Cheroaee County I for ?n absolute divorce on statutory i, I prcun.i : and the said defendant m I will further takP notice that he s ol I to aPPear before the Clerk ' the Superior Cour? of said counee ty ?n or before the 31st day of rf I Jlarch JUiu answer or demur to the u. I tirT,aint l f th(* Plaintiff, or the st I ?PPly the court for la I r?: ef demanded in the comtj, I This t!: 20th day of Feb., 1023. j is I F. K- DAVIS. Clerk m Superior Cjurt. Cherokee Co. j ;; I d ? ?i e NORTH XKOLINA? | a I Cherokee County, s, In the Superior Court ? John W. W alker, J -, Ruth P. W alker. a K/ NOTCE a Th- defendant above named will f take n?t;Ce that an action entitled I I as al \ has been commenced bv the I plaint tf a pa in? t the defendant in J S Court of Cherokee ' Court-, obtain a divorce from the i fcwndl-t fr??n* the bond** of mat- | r;ri :i tul the said defendant will further take notice that she is re- j q-j r i t" appear before the Clerk of the rior Court at his office in j M < at the Court House on the ;:i - f March, 1923. and an-1 ;-a\r r bnitir to the complaint in ! v., mi or the plaintiff will npf, . Court for thf relief dem, 1 in the Complaint. th-.- I t ?T.iy of March. 1923. K. F. DAVIS. Clerk S '* Court ChcroKee County. 1 30-4: -J WW. NOTICE OF SAI.E UNDER DF.tD OF TRUST Ry virtu? of the power of sale ! contained in a Deed of Trust, e* 1 the 29th day of August, 1921.' I V \ rw, Ashe. I t > V.. Waldroup, Trustee, to setur,? the indebtedness therein <lr I. -I to H. M. Carring.*r. II. <\ K nntl W, M. Itimwy, which ? ;: ii deed of tr ?.-t is recorded in the i . . of Register of Ik'ods for CHcr. in Book No. T i at I i l i:i. and default having been j meat ol ? t. 1 by .1 .. of trust, and the h : of aid hid-* '.-dnoss having d Deed T o t. I. The undvr?-gned Trustee, wi t on o'cl ?ck p. m. on Thursday, April the ;?th, 1 U'l'.t, at the court h .1 . r ... the t >wn of Murphy, pu au th e h binder for cash the following d?: r .! e sta *, i duate. lying and! being in the ntj ft !her<' e, on t' ... ,.f l.rttle lira ...-town Creek. ti'e .ruperty of N. Ik Frnnktr \ C. I>. R'cks and others, beiiTideii and described as follows: Regianirg on a red oak, the be. F : : ; comer of said No. 1-11, avid rung north l!?? ? poleh to a Spani h . < on side, corner of N . 1 kS; then v. -t 1I poles t?> a black gum near the top of a ridge; th i . south course with the mean. . d is of the ridge 220 poles t?? a stake; ( then s. "i W. 88 polesh t.? .< stake | I in the lire of ?*id No. 1-11; then ea-t with that line 78 poles to the j place of beginning. Containing 121 J acres, more or less. t I This the 3r<l day of March. 1922. j I C. \V. WALDROUP, Trustee. I 31-4t-CWW. I NORTH CAROLIN \ I Cherokee County. I In the Superior Court I Maggie Henry. I Herman Henry. B The defendant above named will I take notice that an action entitled I as above has been started in the SuI perioj- Court of Cherokee County 1 for rfivorre absolute on statutory I grounds. 1 And tfc^ said defendant will fur^ I ther take notice that he i? required > | to appear, on or before the 31st day : 1 I of March, 1923, before the Clerk of 1 I the Superior Court at his office In t the court house in Murphy, Cherokee < I County, N. C., and answer or demur i 9 to the complaint of the plaintiff or 1 9 taiona |5B5S|?y& the plaintiff will apply t? the Court for the rel'ef demanded. This the 8th day of March, 1923. E. E. DAVIS. Clerk Superior Court, Cherokee County. 3l-4tp. NOTICE OF SALE By virture of the provisions of a deed in tru.-t. executed on March 23. 1922, by Geo. Cooper and Char ley Cooper to L. E. Fiayle s. Trustee lor the Bank t?f Murphy, to secure i note of $290, due in four month* ' after date, with interest at 6 per ent per annum, payable annually,} n which there will be due on sale day the s-um of $157.10, registered March 23. 1922, in Deed Book No. 7 1. page 203, I will expose to sal" .it 1 o'clock, p. m.. on Saturday, April 7. 1923. at th . court house door in Murphy to th highe-t bidder at public outcry for cash the following town lot, situalP in Murphy, Chi ro:ec County, N. BEGINNING at a stake on Peachtree Bead run- S 2K K. 125 feet to a stake; then N. P.. 150 feet t" a stake; then N. 28 E. 11 1-2 feet to a stnkc on the bank of Peach tree H - 4d; then with a d road as it meanders to the beginning; being the lot conveyed by J. S. .Meroney to A. L. Cooper, by d-ed recorded in Book No. f?8, page 1M. This Mar. ^ t?. 1V23. L. K. BAY l.KSS, Trustee. t-41-LEB. I I NORTH CAROUNA? Cherokee County. In the Superior Court C. \V. McGee, vs. \da MeGce. NOTICE The defendant above named will take notice that an notion entitled as above has been commenced by the plaintiff against the defendant n the Superior Co * t <-f Cherokee County to obtain a divorce from the defendant from the bonds of mntrimony on th ground of adultery; r.d aid defendant will further take notice that she required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, at his of fice in Murphy, at the court house, on the .'t 1 st day of March, 11123. and answer or demur t > the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in tin complaint. E. F H.WTS, Clerk, Superior Court, Cherokee County. State of North t irolina. Cherokee County. n the Superior Court Florence more, T. M. Moore. Defendant. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM-. 1 MONS HY Pv'llLICATION J. M. Mo ,, the defendant, will take notice: That the phi'.rtiff in i the above entitled action has befrun | : :.n again?: k::r. in the Superior' Court of Crieroki. County. N. C..J and the purpo of the anion is to obtain an .V. sold: i v >r< from the , h >::d, of est ; ? -t e % h.-lwwn them on statutory grounds. That he i pnt'fied that he is required to personally appear before the C'urk of il.t. Superior Court j 01* Cherokee County. N. <*.. at hi- of fice in Murphy and answer or demur, to the complaint ? f the plaintiff now on file in the office of the Clerk, by th ? -'-th ii iy f \pril. 1 ! lit". or the plaint:ff wdl apply <?!ie court for the relief prayed for 'n the complaint A? 5Uti day of M r h, E. K. ItAVTStp^w^^ of the Superior Court. *, 31-It-p. (1 STATE OK NORTH (A KG UNA? 1 Cherokee County. In the Superior Court 0. W. Good and A. G. Miller, vs. Colburn I.umber Company and John C. Good. (j NOTICE OF ACTION The defendants, Colburn Lumber e Company and John C. Good, above tl named, will take notice that an ac- ^ tion as above named has been commenced in the Superior Court vv of Cherokee County, N. C., for the c purpose of declaring the plaintiffs, 0. W. Good and A. G. Miller, to be P the owners of thc following described pieces, parcels or tracts of land in Valleytown Township, in Chorocec County, N. C. towit: :y, _ CHEROKEE SCOUT. MUKTHT. KOI SOUTHERN TRAIN | HITS LANDSLIDE 1 Southern Engineer R. I. Brand', w the Fireman George N. Denton experienced narrow escape?? when the.r | locomotive run into a land slide on the Murphy branc^ near Bushnell, several days ago. Denton was flighty bruised when the engine was caught by part of the slide after the I mirin-cr l ad thrown hi 5 brakes up1 -r >v. y of the obstruct: .rt. < Passengers on the train said that had the slide occurred a ft v. seconds later it would have caught the P-- -cng< r coaches and possibly resulted with Ios of life. Sev. :al hour , were required to c -1: the track--, pasr.engvrs aica*;v.iiiie being tran ferred at the- point. Entry 942. Grant 3289, calling to contain 400 acres; Entiy 4-1. Grant 3352, calling to con*ain 50 acres; Entry 2593, Grant 3628, calling to contain 200 acres; Entry 530. Grant 3281, calling to nntiu'n idOiots:^V": _ l)"'. ^ ' i ifl Entry 520, Grant 3280, calling to contain loo acres; Entry 910, Grant 32S8. calling; to 1 contain 150 acres; Entry 2T.t?0. Um.it 3630. cil'in- 1 to cont.n:n 109 a res; Entry 939, Grant 32 <7, cal.ir.R to contain 150 acres; Entry 7785. Grant 3>65t call::;* , to contain 200 acres; Also the land embraced in preenition or ocnt . ' tract N 532, calling to ontain 1 ' J acres; and for the purpose of ndrtj any claim or t tie or int e that may ' be ijv?'le 1 y the defen ta ' *olhtir:, Luiiiber Company and \ i C. Go ?!. in and to said lands, and ca 'heir claim of title in and to a ids as a cloud upon the title ? ; ' ( plaintiffs; and the defendant-. Co*.burn Lumber Company ami John C. G "d. will further take nftiiv 'hat they are required to appear bet- the Clerk of the Superior Court <>; Cherokee County. N. C? on or before the 10th day of April. 1923, and anwer or <1 mur t?? the complaint in said action to be filed by the plaintiffs on or before that date, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court f ? the relief demanded in said com piaint. This the 13th day of 7:arch, A. r> 1923. K. E. DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court of Cherokee County, N. C. QILLAR1) iV HILL, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, O. W. Good ami A W. Miller. 32-4t-OWG. NOTIf E OF SALE OF LAND By virtue - f the provisions r,f a :i i.r: : ve I.ieed, dated October 1921. f '-nn J. L. P u t >n to Charley L'voss, registered in Cheiokee Coir ly on .January SO, 1922, in D" It ?ok No. 70, r-ape SCO, 1 will off * for sale !0 the hijrh r-t : r at ptt' outcry for ca<h, at ti c cor *' '.! ? *do.<r n Murphy, ('her? A*. C.. at ! Vcloc!., p. ;n. <v :'atu ' i i? 21, the f..', owir.y : artel of land, to satisfy a balance of $75.30, with n.-ts of ad/t rti ejv.ent and sale to bv. added.' ;is: In Hothouse Township, said State ind County. BEGINNING on a made, corner of tract No. ???; and uns West 134 poles to a Locust, hen North 44 -38 poles t a Chest jut Oak; then North 75 tVcst 50 >oies i? BJrttrk Gum: then S. F. 150 poles to a Hickory Bush on an i ild corner; thenot. North 13 Ea-t 1* ; roles to the beginning. containing 1 15 acres. This Mam. 14. 1921 CHARLEY CROSS, MortpjtPc. l2-5t.CC. _______ Having: qualified a - administrator f the e into of Joseph Strathman. ecensed. late of Cherokee County Torth C.-.rolina, this is to notify all croons having: claims against the state ?f said deceased iu exhibit Item to the , -idc-.ngned at Murphy, iorth Carolina, vi o?* ? efor the 1-l'h ? ay of Mare1 *A , r this not ice rill be plead ?1 in bar of their recov- r ry. All i c : <>ns indebted to said :l statc will en?e nv.ike immediate. 0 aynunt. . j * This the 1 th day of March, 102.1. i F. G RISTOPHER, n Admini t* f Joseph St i< m* r ?jc ewl ;ed. ' 2-6t-FO( c rrH c a not in a iectrTcity has" farmer's J tandy Motor Saws Wood. Grinds Feed, Runs Water Pump and Brightens Life. WEANS REAL WATER SYSTEM >ld Fa'hionsd Kercs?ne Lamp, Tallow Oip and Even the Lantern C.j- j appear When Electric Lights I Arrive. teaglso a hit 1 oco who oold wtotk for n cent na b or; require no] joard or lodg-t ; ar. 1 tb Y.z nothing >f patting in fro*..: ton to ;lft~en or ttt.r.tv Hour:, a 1 >. if d?-. ired? II<*?t farmers would 1j t tb- ir own par - if tboy hoard ah*.? ; sui . a human marvel. V> tber? is a niarT?-t of that sort. that will do al! th. above? >n!y it isn't hum r. S :n?- m. h: snv It's more than human. which it really la. It's a fairly familiar object, this luper-hlred man. It's a typical electric motor of ore-olc'ith horsepower, whirl, is the equivalent of oat -man power. t'ntil farmers in ?anuua auctions nf Ihe t'nltod States begSn adopting elocr cal methods, few realized how valuable electricity can be to those who follow agriculture as an occupation A motor of the size mention i-i wibr hunn tifj ; ed. u!i:r!i r,..-s 5JO to pur--has.- am! u.os - v. t :> at *be rat;- of 1 > than one cent an hoar, has been compart-'! to a horse. w:.i(h migut cost any where from $!"?.) t- ami wouhl be an oxpt-n equivalent to 10 cent an hour a? r beln- purchased. The motor un<b r con- .1- ration. of course, would only do or.- v-thlli as much work as the h r ?. but motors come In various sir.--. Th-> can be .secured in sizes that will do fully as much work as a he- <>. others will perform p;r**; ?%?%*?? work than a hcrsc could do. A five horsepower motor has I ? n found busily operating a v.-ood s.?w ami a feed grinder. A on?- half horsa power motor l as given great sa:i- faction in run:.tag a farm pump. The Etid of Water Lugging On many (arm - the installation of an electric light ami power system Would nillkl* nru5<i:h'.- r conveniences. such as most folk would associate with trolley cars, street lights. tolrRraph service and otheJ metropolitan elements. An Uctric motor hitched up to op. rate ? pump would make it feasible on irany f rm; to have a regular res den. .* water sup ply Installed in the farm hoi . with plpir ; and faucets, a** up to date as the home of any city dwell r. The day that this s v.-tern w.nt rfn operation would be a date w.. tief i to wife would rem* :: her for .< time Not to be compelled to draw -a ! carry heavy pails of w ater many a day would b. a magical event in her li? The first time that she went ver to her kitchen sink, turned the f <uc?*t and Yaw the water flow out, wi'hout any further effort whatever, would be a moment of breathless delight. Along with this boon, which electricity nas already carried to some PRETTY DRESS-UP FROCK X^t.. X f m This dr?**s-up I for the 'llhpieivtte" suit !.?r s!<*P?ter figure ind early ; ?m i exactly. It is made f duvetine . i . rimmed with petals f the same '? ?I? ?lred with crepe de hlne tn a Vi ' t contrasting color, rhe petals are set about the round ieck. which Is t*r i. hod with a corded ipinc. and t' nnono pnethened t? the elbow l?y puffs of L?; c Oe '-hlne drawn up into a hand I i BECOME I BEST HIREO MAN; farina, and might take to every farm, i la the possibility of electric lights. Usually these will be put In even before a motor-driven pump and the resulting water system. Almost always the electric hghts a: 2 the first - ---- .j> L.octric Water Gyb.crn . Motor Is Inclosed in thins for wh -h elect r: i;y I . n the farm Many f : ;n< ?* . | trie power I ; ; r the sa.-.- ' f the lights, a'thi .?- . t ! - i.. ..at they do not ? ft- :: >p with th. . Other electrical Improve::." n; follow Old-Time Lsnps and C-noics Go The time-honored kero-.ne lamp, the talli w dtp. with its ever-present I j*rv port!. the almost inevisr. hie lantern, are nil apt to xamsh anrl never r? ? :rn when t'.e lig!.:?? arrive.. Those v._hr> have liv-wi n farms. especially f >lk of the present generation *6o w:e brour~: up on i Oru n 'i.tresntr at . ^.... ' farms. wh .-< y v.'.rkful period orerrred at a time vhen '. .c light* were as yet unknown ay whore, can r* all the monotony of taking care of the k? ro.-iT.e lamp < Kvery few days they had to be reft!!' !; ar.d almost as frequently tho glass chimneys had to he washed. This latter re.piircd care, for lamp chimneys are tr.ig.l- . and are apt to be slippery after coming out of warm, soapy water. And every night tho same laborious operation was necessary to iight up." It would take two : or iuicc u'.mU!?: ?n?*-tlmeg to ligbt . Otic lu:?p. Hut times have changed mightily on onii' Xmericun fnrmt so much so ? it the men and women who were boy* and girls en the old farm and since h ive gone forth to city life .veuId find a fascinating conipar.'sra possible if they should now return. They w- t:i.| find the old folks spendj ing their years as comfortably as city ; dweller.*. None of the old routine of lighting the lamps would be oh. erved. Instead of that. "Pa" and "Ma wo;: d cnmplneehily step over to the wall, twitch a witch -aud the rooms would instantly shine with light! Electric light! , \Vh n "Tor:" K !! on invented the firs: if t.. . loctrlc many years a.*... M- nlo Park. X. J., nod ? n XV. P t.'oolidge increa-d th ' brilliancy of the electric light by hia experim ?nts at the research laboratory of the General Electra t"oa.;any, at Seller..' idy. N. Y . a hr.-l.i possibility far farm *- k of tbi Uni* 1 States, as well as for the city folk, at once bhtreij forth. Today the eloci trlfying of the farm, although it te' quires an outlay of capital to start ! with, is cons.dered worth all it costs by those who have, nlceady accomI plished it on their own farms. * En?!ewccd We are h.iv <?:v. ? ' . ifh 1 hi re. A e\. 1 v. nt through some parts of T nn v -e - la Th. sday niclit and killed sever: 1 pet>p!? jj FREE TO When you hoeooeo * b-cril you arc entitled to an almost ur and advice absolutely without el l Brinj? the problems of y ur community to us and they wi.l n iters and specialists who tbro?, come expert in their solution. 1 400000 farm families a If you do not. 50 cents a yeai Entitle you to this unpurchasable 1 i uiih*-atahie paper twice a month (SOUTHERN A< the ciant c Nashville wavm-ttrhqqe I L P.?* T WHAT EARLY BROILERS WILL MEAN TO YOU THE QUESTION IS. ARE YOl? PREPARED TO GROW THEM? By Guy R. Sipr. Extension PooltrjrMan for Missi sippi. Every spring, from Febtv ry ? through Apr:!, there a : trxm/z <? manrl for broiler ehi< -t a frney price. The weight of th _ kroi!'?? should he from :)-4 1 1-2 pounds. Th<? oultry producer \ takes artvantage of this der.iard w;'.i realize enough profit from . pay the feed bills of the ' : ' ~ -the growing pull?' - t" .t to i>r.cxfc ; r*: layers. H Now in " a.; the chicks that ate to ?;.i a;hroilers if th?* high . nr! t4? b oouiinea. i no at niu ' people are not :n a po ; t- r 1 ? these profits due > . !*::< hens are relied upon to do tin h tirv. jr. and v-.-v v. i> : r dearly enouph in the . pr:;v to produce -r^nrr en ifly" ; : b-- - jpi!?i~ Theerefore. it is almost imperativefqr the producer who wishes to secure this source of income to use an incubator. The most desirable size for the avers producer is a machine that holds 210 eptr*. The . arc a number of manufacturer?-No one can make a n tahe if* x in*: a "Standard Reliable.*" "Buckeye," "Cypher "Prune State** incubatoi. Thi re art other standard makes. Itil the ? pivc y ?u a ch to of the bet ones. Along with the incu: ator yuci n 1 a broader hou.'v in hich the ' rs < be comfortably hous?ci < . d the jrrcftte:} per - rr, of tJ'cm . d. Vi h-it that ha:? given lid rc at small ? .? t i ; ort 1: ' ed roof . . 12 feet wide and , 1 *. 24, or a- to my length tfec'-ch tioj, a 12 by 1 '',10h ;i:" a ' - ' -arc h f ti. -cti : will care f >r ? ' i \ rat p .of ctmcrcu ?!' i* 1 c> Pl?ce < * on. 1. floor is mad-.' of a '.vo ,j lajcr "f gravel or cinders, a in inch layer of dirt and a thive . ^ lar or of iirt on top. Pine lumber in the rough i. suitable material. of tl o f?vi? ' p_? i?unt**nj v.':nc tn bo u ? ! in the .south side and all th. material*. and destroyed a number i-f build ".rgs. ^.. rn t<? and Mrs. .lohn K" Harris, a fine haby boy. The farmers of ihi section a *r* jjettir.;: behind with th-ir farming card of mi3eh rainy weathCioovfna .Johnson, <>f O^roeii, has l-.vfriends and ' ' ' tor t ... Hhc- \vi! r turn hotr.e soon. y.:<. Ha : Taylor : o two little daughter; spent the w ek-rnd with vi .11 . Mrs. Mar' aivt Whitner. f this place. ( ?rj:k: Toh; a ; d 1" h Wkit visiit-d friend, and r? iniiv- at 1' iwah the pa.-t week. . Jack V.'l ' r'?ip-Iy ill, s expect.' p ' u'-.i r :? an oner .* . soon. lb. th". sons or-.? <\ i heme fr.-::! Kentucky . . ? f th-> ill:si - f t1 i? - .'.her. It - trcnerall < ? .: ced< 1 h ;t v - e is r > ; muc^ h.npe fOj- her v> . over' . but ui- hope there i> still .. .hai,. ^5 FARMERS |i to the Southern ' jricultvri 1 M ;1 n-ited service of informatl.?. B targe. S 1m:uc, your bin in ess or your B vi .ve sympathetic study of ed- B :ch years of experience have be- B 'heir advut is yours for askloj*. B ilv take the "Giant of the South"- B fj: ' B or $1.00 for three years wm m Free service in addition to an ^ jRICULTURIST, | >F THE SOUTH ^ Tennessee I SY^ggiMW IIWI1I I I ?l

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